DM Carbide's Through a Cracked Mirror: The Dark Road (Inactive)

Game Master John Woodford

As the myriad potential Golarions collide, a small group of heroes is charged with setting things right.

baldwin the merciful

Dashel de Penderwon

Male H Cleric 7, AC19/22, T 10, FF19, HP 26 /63. Int +2, P +10, F+9, R +3, W+9, CMB +8 (+10) ; (Tripping); CMD 19(19 vs. Trip);
Ongoing Spells:
divine favor +2 att/dam, shield of faith+3

(601 posts)
baldwin the merciful


Conner Hawthorne

Human Fighter (Soldier)/2; HP: 16/21; AC: 16 (17 Dual Wielding);Init:+2; Passive Perception 12; SW 1/1; AS 0/1
(840 posts)

STR Ranger

Duncan Redhammer

Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
(2,021 posts)
White Dragon

Adventure Buddy! AC 20/14/18, Saves 4/5/4, Perception +6, Blindsense/Darkvision 60ft, Immune Sleep,Paralysis
(10 posts)
Warden Rogard Hammerfell

Dwarf Warpriest 6 Int+2, F8, R5, W9, +5 vs Spells/PoisonAC21/T12/FF19, HP55/55
(16 posts)
STR RangerCalainXavier Longsaddle


Madame Ivanja
Scarab Sages Lyekeli Veran

Female Human Sorceress 6
(43 posts)
TareEretria Whitethorne

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