Berbas Huber
CN Half Orc Bard (Archeologist) 5
AC: 18 (FF: 16 Touch: 12) HP: 38 CMD: 19 CMB: +7
Wil: +5 Ref: +6 Fort: +5
Attack: +1 Whip +9(1d4+5/x2) MW Longsword +8 (1d8+4/19-20/x2)
Str 18 (7 +2 racial level 4 increase)
Dex 14 (5)
Con 14 (5)
Wis 8 (-2)
Int 10
Cha 14 (5)
Skills (30 in sum)
Acrobatics (1 rank) +6
Stealth (1 rank) +6
Perception (5 ranks) +14
Disable Device (5 ranks) +15
Knowledge (Local) (1 rank) +8
Knowledge (Engineering) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Arcana) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Nature) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Religion) (1rank) +6
Knowledge (Nobility) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (History) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Geography) (1 rank) +6
Intimidate (5 ranks) +12
Disguise (1 rank) +6
Bluff (1 rank) +6
Climb (1 rank) +8
Swim (1 rank) +8
0- 6
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
Read Magic
Mage Hand
Acid Splash
1- 5 known 5 per day
Disguise Self
Ear Piercing Scream
Feather Fall
Solid Note
2- 4 known 3 per day
Gallant Inspiration
Blistering Invective
Arcane Strike (1st)
Enforcer (3rd)
Weapon Focus (Whip) (Rogue Talent)
Whip Mastery (5th)
Vagabond Child
Fate’s Favored
Racial Abilities:
Racial Favored Class Bonus +5 rounds of Bardic Performance
Darkvision: out to 60 feet
Intimidating: +2 racial bonus to intimidate
City raised: Proficient with whip and Longsword, +2 bonus to knowledge Local
Sacred Tattoo: +1 (+2 thanks to fortunes favored) luck bonus to all saving throws
Class Abilities:
Archeologist’s Luck: 11 rounds per day get +2 (+3 thanks to fortunes favored) luck bonus on skill rolls, attack and damage rolls as a swift action, can be maintained as a free action.
Bardic Knowledge: +half class level on all knowledge skills, can attempt knowledge checks untrained
Clever Explorer: +1 to perception and Disable Device per ½ class level
Uncanny Dodge
Trap Sense
Rogue talent: Weapon Focus (Whip)
Lore Master: Take 10 on Knowledge Checks, once per day take 20 on any knowledge check
Feather Step Slippers (2k)
Eyes of the Eagle (2.5k)
+1 Chainshirt (1k)
Buckler +1 (1k)
Whip +1 (2k)
MW Longsword (320)
Dagger (5)
2 Springloaded bracers (left holds wand of CLW right holds dagger) (10)
MW Thieves tools (100)
Ranger’s Kit (9 GP)
Wand (CLW) 20 charges 300
Wand (Tongues) 10 charges 150
Scroll (Obscure Object) 25
Scroll (Detect Secret doors) 25