Loris Raknian

Berbas Huber's page

17 posts. Alias of Alex Mack.

Full Name

Berbas Huber




Bard (Archeologist) 5










Common, Orc


Semi-retired Explorer

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 14

About Berbas Huber


Berbas grew up in the slums of Absalomon and got involved in criminal affairs at an early age, after careers in drug dealing and breaking and entering during his teens he moved on to join the Sczarni Syndicate where his massive size and strength was very welcomed as an enforcer. A latent magical talent which he seemingly inherited from his father, who supposedly was a magician of ill repute, as well as a good dose of luck helped him along the way in solidifying his criminal career. Whoever at some point his luck dried up or better he got too greedy and found himself locked up in prison for the better part of three years. Deciding that a life in prison was nothing for him Berbas decided it was time to move on in life. His allegiance to the Sczarni offered him the opportunity to join the ranks of the Pathfinder Society. Having further honed his innate magical talents through study and building up a rather broad general knowledge for a man of his intellect and lowly upbringing he has rissen in the ranks of the organization and become a respected member of the Society. After working for the Society for over a decade Berabas has made a pretty penny and can now lead a fairly comfortable life and only pursues lucrative jobs.


Standing at 6’ 5’’ with broad shoulders and muscled tattooed arms it his is size more than anything else about him that gives away Berbas racial heritage.
The man’s face is marred with a number of vicious scars most of which he acquired during his time in prison.
He prefers to wear dark tones of fine make symbolizing his elevated standing in society.


Berbas is a crook, plain and simple. While he lacks any penchant for cruelty he sees in people and opportunities primarily means to personal or material gain. However beyond that Berbas is also a businessman and a very professional one at that. While he pays little heed to rules he is a man of his word and has an odd sense of honor, perhaps one of the main reasons why he had a hard time in the world of true crime where murder, deceit and doubletalk are common fare.
While the man possesses Charisma his mannerism is rather consuming and his swagger can be rather stressful to those around him, as his supreme self-confidence and disregard for social norms leads him to boss around others in the oddest of situations.


Berbas Huber
CN Half Orc Bard (Archeologist) 5
AC: 18 (FF: 16 Touch: 12) HP: 38 CMD: 19 CMB: +7
Wil: +5 Ref: +6 Fort: +5
Attack: +1 Whip +9(1d4+5/x2) MW Longsword +8 (1d8+4/19-20/x2)

Str 18 (7 +2 racial level 4 increase)
Dex 14 (5)
Con 14 (5)
Wis 8 (-2)
Int 10
Cha 14 (5)

Skills (30 in sum)
Acrobatics (1 rank) +6
Stealth (1 rank) +6
Perception (5 ranks) +14
Disable Device (5 ranks) +15
Knowledge (Local) (1 rank) +8
Knowledge (Engineering) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Arcana) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Nature) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Religion) (1rank) +6
Knowledge (Nobility) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (History) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge (Geography) (1 rank) +6
Intimidate (5 ranks) +12
Disguise (1 rank) +6
Bluff (1 rank) +6
Climb (1 rank) +8
Swim (1 rank) +8

0- 6
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
Read Magic
Mage Hand
Acid Splash

1- 5 known 5 per day
Disguise Self
Ear Piercing Scream
Feather Fall
Solid Note

2- 4 known 3 per day
Gallant Inspiration
Blistering Invective

Arcane Strike (1st)
Enforcer (3rd)
Weapon Focus (Whip) (Rogue Talent)
Whip Mastery (5th)

Vagabond Child
Fate’s Favored

Racial Abilities:
Racial Favored Class Bonus +5 rounds of Bardic Performance
Darkvision: out to 60 feet
Intimidating: +2 racial bonus to intimidate
City raised: Proficient with whip and Longsword, +2 bonus to knowledge Local
Sacred Tattoo: +1 (+2 thanks to fortunes favored) luck bonus to all saving throws

Class Abilities:
Archeologist’s Luck: 11 rounds per day get +2 (+3 thanks to fortunes favored) luck bonus on skill rolls, attack and damage rolls as a swift action, can be maintained as a free action.
Bardic Knowledge: +half class level on all knowledge skills, can attempt knowledge checks untrained
Clever Explorer: +1 to perception and Disable Device per ½ class level
Uncanny Dodge
Trap Sense
Rogue talent: Weapon Focus (Whip)
Lore Master: Take 10 on Knowledge Checks, once per day take 20 on any knowledge check


Feather Step Slippers (2k)
Eyes of the Eagle (2.5k)
+1 Chainshirt (1k)
Buckler +1 (1k)
Whip +1 (2k)

MW Longsword (320)
Dagger (5)
2 Springloaded bracers (left holds wand of CLW right holds dagger) (10)
MW Thieves tools (100)
Ranger’s Kit (9 GP)
Wand (CLW) 20 charges 300
Wand (Tongues) 10 charges 150
Scroll (Obscure Object) 25
Scroll (Detect Secret doors) 25