DM Barcas - Kingmaker: Rivers Run Red

Game Master Isaac Duplechain

As Newhaven rises, threats besiege it from all directions. To the north, the news of the last heir of House Rogarvia threatens the start of a new war. To the south, an empire of trolls and monsters grows.

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Okay! Chapter 2! Trolls and civil war in Brevoy! Let's do this!

Huzzzah! (Not that I've ever served in any sort of armed forces, no armies in Iceland...)

Who's going to invade? Seals?

Your Humble Narrator


lol. The English have made some half-hearted attempts in the past, actually conquered us once in the past. It took a single man (Jörundur hundadagakonungur) who just showed up and told us we were now part of the English Empire after some shrugging on behalf of Icelanders, who threw parties for a few weeks, the English crown ordered him to get the hell home and leave Iceland to the Danish.

But seriously, think about what will happen if/when the shipping routes open up through the north pole. China might want a shipping base in the north Atlantic and if they can't buy us up (we just said no to a huge deal by a 'former' member of the communist party who wanted to buy up large amounts of land in our northern territories for building a resort that had no way of ever turning a profit.) they might consider other methods... I know I sound paranoid but the Chinese have a history of buying cheap property with a set of proclaimed goals that sound great, but have little to no chances of succeeding, and then 'suddenly' getting a better idea for something that turns a huge profit and is conveniently helpful to the party (a dry-dock or supply base f.ex.).

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

The Russians invaded in Red Storm Rising. They wanted to disrupt the sonar buoy network that Iceland anchors and use it as an airbase to disrupt shipping in the Atlantic.

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Here is the loot sheet that the original Zander had prepared.

Original Loot Sheet

Well, that's one of the reasons I simply had everyone set their item value to 6,000, plus the pool from Verik's crafting to be distributed per the party's wishes.

Dotting the new OOC thread and continuing our discussion.

Since he's blind (although we're never discussed exactly how blind he is - are we doing the 30ft. thing?), a longbow isn't going to be of much use. And he currently lacks a 24 strength with no way to attain that.

Okay, so 6000 gold. Here's the shopping list.

Leather Armour +1 (If you guys have his original set, he'll take that)
A weapon (Greatsword, if you please)
Wasn't there a ring? I seem to recall a snatch of dialogue that Nikolai said someone was wearing his birthright. Or am I just dreaming? But that could be a Ring of Protection +1.

EDIT: One idea I had for gear backstory is that Nikolai leads them to a stash he had hidden away on their way to face the trolls. It could also prove to give plots reasons for the new gear that Jemini gains. Just a thought.

The ring was a child sized signet ring bearing the insignia of house Rogarvia. Secret stash sounds cool though.

Berrin Myrdal wrote:
The ring was a child sized signet ring bearing the insignia of house Rogarvia.

Ah! That's what it was. Well it could be that he puts it on a chain around his neck, and it functions as a Amulet of Natural Armor +1.

EDIT #1: Who has the ring at present?

EDIT #2: This is how he looks in my head.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Well I think the last stated post on it was that it was shown to Lord Lebeda by Berrin during a gala that was held in Sanctuary - I would think there's some poetic license available that the ring stayed in a secure stash and can be retrieved for him. That's a neat idea in how it could be used as an amulet - makes sense that he didn't use it that way before since he had the 'other' amulet.

I'd say the vote is that the Leather Armor +1 is there for Nikolai if he wants it, and the Longbow goes up in the Great Hall near the Newhaven Banner :)

EDIT: Hehe yeah your pic there with some armor and the Stag Helm is pretty much how I envisioned him while he was tearing up the party at the Battle of Stagfall...

He's semi-blind. Can't see anything past 30 feet. Kind of like the oracle's blindness. Nikolai had a Amulet of Natural Armor at one point (which was re-appropriated from Corwin, I believe?). The ring was non-magical (as best as anyone could tell).

I don't know who has the ring. Probably Verik.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Yeah exactly Barcas -- Berrin's suggestion that Corwin really shouldn't own the Amulet since he's a full NPC means Jemini gets the Amulet (Natural Armor +2). If everyone is fine with Verik being in possession of the Rogarvia Signet Ring during this past year, I'll RP the giving of it to Nikolai here in the first part of the journey along with a few things for the others. Should I pick up on the fact that there would be a slight magical abjuration dweomer on it then?

Perhaps the aura only manifests in Nikolai's presence? Just a thought.

It is a simple, non-magical ring. He did use to wear it on a necklace.

So I can't use it as an excuse to have an Amulet of Natural Armor?

Okay, so I'm going to run with the idea that Nikolai has a hidden stash of goodies located on their way. Perhaps some consumable items (like the odd potion), along with his 'backup' +1 Greatsword, a +1 Ring of Protection, and some mundane gear (backpack, bedroll, rope, etc). Sound good?

Nikolai's sheet already lists the magical gear, but perhaps we should assume that the gang have equipped him with their old mundane items (bow and greatsword, in particular)?

Nobody likes me, everyone hates me, better go eat some worms...

For descriptive purposes, Nikolai is riding a massive Destrier - since not many horses can carry a six-foot-seven man. I'll wait for Jemini to post before leaping in with Nikolai, but he's pretty close to her. He's currently unarmed/armored at the moment (since I'm assuming we can avoid combat until we reach his stash. All his gear (mundane and magical) is hidden away in his stash. Jemini, if you want, Nikolas could give you a new item or two that you've chosen after the wealth boost from that hidden stash. But only if you want.

DMB: Do you want me to just make up how far away it is/how its hidden?

It can be two hexes southeast.

They should still have his horse that he rode into battle, unless they sold it or turned it into glue or something.

Nikolai has no idea that he can cast spells at this point. Should be interesting as he discovers his abilities. (Also, as hr comes to grip with their source: Coral's cruel experiments.)

Nikolai Rogarvia wrote:
For descriptive purposes, Nikolai is riding a massive Destrier - since not many horses can carry a six-foot-seven man. I'll wait for Jemini to post before leaping in with Nikolai, but he's pretty close to her. He's currently unarmed/armored at the moment (since I'm assuming we can avoid combat until we reach his stash.

IC it man, IC... If you want to wait on Jemini's lead just post a description and some internal dialogue or something..

Sorry, I'm just exited about heading out again...

PS; Welcome aboard PS ;)

IC it is! ANYONE would laugh at that exchange, so it gave me the perfect excuse to react.

Tough crowd...

Yeah, I expected that. But it's not my fault Berrin is twelve kinds of insecure. Okay, one kind. :P

Didn't your mother ever tell you it's not the size but how you use it? No? Just me? Huh.

Well, TSL did nearly kill all of them in a titanic brawl, which does make a strong impression.

In Berrin's defense though the intimidate rules state that the target treats the user as unfriendly after the effect expires... Just playing man, Berrin will come around.

I'm sure he will.

But Nikolai might need to save his ass a time or three.

If it was going to be easy, he wouldn't be as easy to play.

Taisper Stozs wrote:


Berrin Myrdal wrote:
Taisper Stozs wrote:


*Scratches his chin in a puzzled manner, hesitates before asking* "Dot?"

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14
Berrin Myrdal wrote:
*Scratches his chin in a puzzled manner, hesitates before asking* "Dot?"

Ahh yes the literary power of the '.' has been used throughout the great works of the ages - Melville, Dostoevsky, Dickens. I got all emotional in interpreting the '.' from Taisper late last night...


Someone will have to fill me in on the etiquette of dotting a new thread when it comes out, other than to refresh it hehe. I'm hoping the '.' doesn't mean he had a whole creative response and hit the backspace key or something like that when he submitted it.

To be fair he has admitted to being drained after posting as Taisper... The character freaks him out as well as us.

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

LOL! Sorry for the confusion. I was just dotting the thread. Literally.

Berrin is right, though; posting as Taisper tends to take a lot out of me, not just due to trying to accurately portray a mental illness I don't have any firsthand understanding of, but also due to trying desperately to keep from veering into batman territory, you know what I mean? I loathe posts that are all like "I sit in the dark and brood darkly on my dark tortured soul in the dark. I look out at the people, in the dark, who can't understand my darkness. Darkly." Hate that crap. So I try to make sure I keep an eye on TS's motivations so I can keep my portrayals true to him while simultaneously avoiding falling into those particularly odious gamer stereotypes.

Still waiting for Zander and Jemini to get their initial impressions in. Then we can get a-movin'!

TS is an amazing, twisted character to watch unfold. DRA should get major props for playing a character who is so messed up and straddling that line between "well-meaning extremist" and "functional psychopath".

All the characters are well-written and well-developed. I reiterate my stance that this is the best PBP on the boards, with the best characters and the best writing. It's always a joy to be part of it. I've re-read the battle between TSL and the party literally dozens of times, and I never fail to be utterly impressed by the quality of collaborative work. So here's to you all, and may Chapter 2 be even better.

Taisper Stozs wrote:
"I sit in the dark and brood darkly on my dark tortured soul in the dark. I look out at the people, in the dark, who can't understand my darkness. Darkly."

"Wherever there are masks, wherever there's tomfoolery and joy, I'm there. But sometimes I'm not cause I'm out in the night, staying vigilant. Watching. Lurking. Running. Jumping. Hurtling. Sleeping. No, I can't sleep. You sleep. I'm awake. I don't sleep. I don't blink. Am I bird? No. I'm a bat.

I am Batman."

Community. How I love that show!

But seriously, Sociopathy is a pretty difficult condition to display with tact and without falling into an 'archetype'. Taisper does fulfill the Batman archetype due to being a damaged character.

To be honest, I looked at the previous five-man setup through this filter.

Jemini is "The Hero".
Taisper is "The Lancer".
Berrin is, without a doubt, "The Big Guy".
I'd say Zander is "The Smart Guy".
Which leaves Verik to be "The Chick".

Having not read the entire thread, there's a chance that Verik and Zander could swap places, mainly because I've seen Verik played for more humor than Zander (which is the traditional role of the Smart Guy).

Thanks to Nikolai's previous status as "The Dragon" and his subsequent Heel Face Turn, he now exemplifies "The Sixth Ranger".

I'd like to play my missus for introducing me to this particular website. It has ruined fiction for me!*

So there you have it, the gang as written by speculative fiction for centuries.

All Tropeishness aside, the story you guys have developed together leaves me in awe, and I can't wait to see how it pans out.

*Not really, I just wanted to make a big statement.

Ah, tvtropes... Pretty apt comparisons.

Link to Abed's speech.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Question on the Medium Light Infantry Army we're raising. Will the hp of this army be 10, or is it 5 because it is a recruit army? I was looking at the rules today and just trying to figure out the stats. Also, it looks to me that even though we have a stables in Olegsgrav, we would need a Tannery there in order to build a second army of light cavalry - in other words the necessary buildings need to be in the same city correct?

And... in...!


And you make an excellent point Jemini. Nikolai and Jemini have quite possibly spent more chronological time together than the rest of the group has. That's rather interesting for the whole dynamic.

A side note, if I understand it correctly, the following items fall to Jemini:

1. Cloak of resistance +1 (crafted by Verik)
2. Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (crafted by Verik)
3. Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (Stagfall loot)

If she really gets all that, then I think I'll have her donate her remaining earnings (about 2500gp) to a suitable cause.

Jemini of Lebeda wrote: a suitable cause.

To your close personal friend, Nikolai? :P

But more seriously, just 'spend' the last gold by having the stuff you want be in Nikolai's stash of goodies.

nah - with all the loot on her, Jemini will be well above the recommended wealth for her level; and I always think of a paladin as being comparatively magical-gear independent. She really doesn't need more right now.

Jemini will probably invest the gold in starting up a paladin order of some sorts.

Fair enough. Just a thought. :)

Come to think of it - I wager the last 4 months of RPing should just about take us to level 5! ;)


Except, as a newly-arrived NPC-come-PC, I'm probably NOT close to level 5. But that WOULD be awesome.

IC excuse for an OOC stuff up? Booyah!

Nikolai Rogarvia wrote:
IC excuse for an OOC stuff up? Booyah!


Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Sorry, busy weekend. Post up presently.

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Weird. I can't see this thread in the directory. I can see the game thread, the past ooc thread, but not this one. I get to it from the tab on the game thread.

edit: I checked after posting this message and it still doesn't show up.

Strange. You may have hidden it? Click the "Show Hidden Threads" option and see if that helps.

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