DM Barcas |

I've decided to run a Kingmaker game. I'll have between four and six players. The game will be 20 to 23 point buy (more on that later). My games are a mix of both combat and roleplaying, with a more or less equal emphasis on both. For those who have played Kingmaker already, I plan on changing a few things around to keep them exciting and to tailor it to my tastes and the tastes of the players.
For an example of my DM style (and the style I expect from players), see my Star Wars game.
In order to submit for consideration, I don't necessarily need a full character sheet (although it may help). I just need your character concept and some history. I'll leave recruitment open for a week to get a good mix of applicants, until 1/18/2011 at 2300 CST.
I will make the decisions based on having a decent diversity in party design, as well as posting style and history. (If you are new to the boards, we can come up with something so I can see if your style is compatible with mine.) Players who I have had good experiences with will obviously have an edge.

sunshadow21 |

What sources beyond the core rulebook are you allowing? I'm thinking either a dwarven ranger (crossbow combat style, infiltrator and skirmisher variations) or inquisitor of Torag with the defense subdomain; background: born in a human city, he seeks to establish a new home for himself and other dwarves born into similar circumstances and destroy dwarven foes wherever he may find them. Only other source beyond core & APG I could see using for him is Dwarves of Golarion.
Edit: I'm still new to the pbp scene here, but I do have a character made up for a game that hopefully will start up soon.

sunshadow21 |

The only thing outside of core and apg I would be considering for the concept would be the potential use of some of the traits and the weapon (with related feats) from Dwarves of Golarion. The dwarven dorn-derger, combined with the two feats for it, is one way I would consider adding a distinct flavor to the character. The eldritch smith, battle caster, and guardian of the forge traits would all work well with the concept of a dwarven smith who seeks a permanent home for himself and other dwarven drifters. He would definitely take craft (weaponsmith) and/or craft (armorsmith) with the craftsman racial trait replacing the greed racial trait and either the master craftsman or craft magic arms and armor feat down the line. He would have a starting charisma of 12 or 13 with the potential of increasing that and taking the leadership feat down the road. Beyond that, I would have to see what the other party members are and what the different leadership roles are before determining anything else about him.
Edit: I would also probably find a way to give him knowledge (engineering).

sunshadow21 |

Now that I have the actual books in front of me, here is the character concept:
A dwarven ranger/weaponsmith drawn to the region by tales of unclaimed mines that would make a good place to establish a new clan, Edrukk Igmar focuses on the crossbow in combat, and has a dwarven dorn-dergar and dwarven war axe for when in melee combat.
Stats(assuming 20 pb): STR 12, DEX 13, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 13
Skills - craft (weaponsmith), diplomacy, knowledge (engineering), knowledge (dungereoneering), perception, sense motive, survival
Feat - Cosmopolitan (diplomacy, sense motive); Traits - armor expert, guardian of the forge (knowledge (engineering) for the class skill)
Probable leadership roles: councilor, marshal, warden

vagrant-poet |

I would love to play in this!
My most recent PBP is DM Downrightamazed Seer's Jounrey, where I play Tanel Eppun. I'm Irish so I keep some strange hours, but I'm in college so I get alot of internet access. I check several times a day.
I'd like to play a female elven druid called Tandlara.
She's over over two hundred years old, and when she was young she was told that she was an embodiment of a heroic ancestor, and like her ancestor on her third ascent she would meet death. She grew up in love with nature, and the energy therein and became a druid, bound to element of fire. She became an adventurer and fought a mad necromancer in Druma. After this she went into something of a torpor, and lost much of her power.
Ten years after Aroden's death she was called to the Verduran by an ancient druid and tasked with aiding a group of adventurers in reclaiming and anceint artifact. She made friends and ahd adventures yet again, but it all ended in sorrow as a human man she had fallen in love with died permanently attaining the artifact. In her sorrow she withdrew from the world once more.
Now however, she has seen a vision of something rising in the Stolen Lands and on her own volition she set out to the northern frontier. Arriving in Restov the call for adventurers to explore that land seemed a fateful turn and she signed up.
Tandlara is gentle out of battle, she is possessed with the sad calm of someone who has seen alot of life and death, who has become resigned to the mayfly existence of her human friends, and always smiles in the attempt to enjoy what time she does have. She doesn't tend to think deeply about things, preferring to rely on her intuition and experiences. Her melancholy is always tempered by her optimism and she beleives humans in particular have a great capability for compassion and good.
In battle she is ferocious and effective, more than willing to fight dirty and vicious, she fights like a cornered beast rather than a soldier. Calling green flame or the creatures of the land to her side.
Tandlara is a tall slender woman, her calm elven face is surrounded by golden hair and seems a frame for her vibrant green eyes that display the fire in her heart. She is quite tanned for an elf, and wheres simply travel clothes in greens and browns over leather armor and carries a number of charred bone fetishes jangling from her belt.
Stat Stuff!
With 20 point pb:
Str 13, Dex 12+2=14, Con 14-2=12, Int 8+2=10, Wis 16, Cha 12
Nature Bond: Fire Domain
Feat: Spell Focus (evocation)
Skills: Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Survival
Leadership Roles: Councilor, High Priest, Marshal
I should have a full character sheet up this evening!

downrightamazed |

I can vouch for the fact that @Vagrant-Poet is terrific to have in a game. :-)
Would love to throw my hat in for this, if I could. Had a game I was playing in die for unknown reasons, but the character build was really fun. I can adjust it as needed for your point-buy, the original was 25.
Character is Taisper Stosz, a Human Cleric of Abadar from Alkenstar. Family man, upstanding member of the community, looking for a chance to spread civilization and all its benefits across the world.

Taisper Stozs |

GM Wulfson |

For your consideration:
Orin Ro: Half elf Ranger
Long story, short.
Orin was orphaned at an early age when slavers raided his village. Rescued by a woodsman who was alerted by the rising smoke. The woodsman raised him as his son until he was killed by bandits. After setting a funereal pyre for his dead 'father' Orin took his father's bow and spent the next year hunting down those responsible. After conversing with some passing merchants Orin decided that the stolen lands would provide the perfect place for him to settle down. Once in Brevoy Orin heard about the Swordlord's charter and felt his hatred of bandits flame anew and decided to join this expedition to stamp out the rampant lawlessness and make a new life for himself in the process.

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I would be interested in playing a Cleric, probably of Abadar seeking to bring civilization, etc. I'm a very active poster, as both DM and player on EnWorld - under Aldern Foxglove - been looking to play Kingmaker for a long time.
Cullam Jarrow
Str 14 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 18 Cha 12 (20 point Buy)
Domains: Inevitable Subdomain, Travel Domain

Sigz |

I'm interrested!
Started pbp aprox 9 months ago in a Kingmaker campaign that died after a month of posting. Been waiting on a chance to join another one since.
I'd be interested in working from the Brigand campaign trait. Preferably an inquisitor or rogue. Filling the role of spymaster or royal assassin.
I'll post more with a fuller concept later.

Dirge Alexite Wintrish |

Background already included, as are stats (depending on pt buy).
I'm DMing two PBPs (which people seem to like and am VERY active :-)
Would love to join a PBP as a player myself.
'Barry! Is that you? Get back over to the Heart of Darkness. You are supposed to get me to the Great Falls you lazy slip!' Pulling out his whip, Alexite shakes his head saying, 'It's always the stick and never the carrot with you, isn't it...'

sunshadow21 |

Now that I have the actual books in front of me, here is the character concept:
A dwarven ranger/weaponsmith drawn to the region by tales of unclaimed mines that would make a good place to establish a new clan, Edrukk Igmar focuses on the crossbow in combat, and has a dwarven dorn-dergar and dwarven war axe for when in melee combat.
Stats(assuming 23 pb): STR 13, DEX 14, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 13
Skills - craft (weaponsmith), diplomacy, knowledge (engineering), knowledge (dungereoneering), perception, sense motive, survival
Feat - Cosmopolitan (diplomacy, sense motive); Traits - armor expert, guardian of the forge (knowledge (engineering) for the class skill)
Probable leadership roles: councilor, marshal, warden
Updated stats to reflect a lawful good alignment.

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DM Barcas, are those points cumulative? For example would a Lawful Good character get 3 extra points?
I was intending to edit my earlier post with background, etc., but since the site does not seem to want to let me...
Name: Verik Jarrow
Race: Human
Age: 23
Class: Cleric
Deity: Abadar
Alignment: Lawful Good
Str 14 Dex 10 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 18 Cha 14 (23 point Buy)
Domains: Inevitable Subdomain, Travel Domain
Feats: Selective Channeling, Extra Channeling
Appearance: A boxy short fellow with curly short cropped sandy brown hair. Verik is handsome with broad freckled features and stocky, but muscular rather than stout.
Personality: An orderly, often pedantic, perfectionist, with a strong sense of duty and a kind heart. Verik loves lists, and is a great organizer, though he can be infuriatingly inflexible at times. He is never flashy, but always solid and dependable.
Background: The Jarrows are a family of Absalom based Lawyers and have been for generations, but as the fifth son Verik was not encouraged to follow the family profession. Instead after exhibiting an interest in Abadar, the families god of choice, he was encouraged to explore his faith and join the Church.
At fifteen he petitioned to join the Church and was accepted as an acolyte. He spent five years learning the trade, and working in the First Lady of Laws offices as a clerk and later magistrate.
At twenty he was offered the chance to travel as a cohort to the famed diplomat and negotiator Benervan Knesh, a greatly respected priest of Abadar. With Knesh Verik traveled to all of the great cities of the Inner Sea, and many more besides, as well as venturing further afield to Korvosa. It was on the return passage from Korvosa that their ship was attacked by pirates - The Red Reavers. Verik was injured early on and fled bellow decks, while Knesh's magics secured victory for the sailors, but cost the aging priest his life.
Thoroughly ashamed of himself Verik vowed that he would not be found wanting again and returned to the Temple of Abadar in Absalom to train for combat. After some months he was ready to set out into the world seeking to bring civilization, order, and law to those lawless lands where it is most needed.
My games...
A Soul Indiscretion. DM - just started.
Buyer's Remorse. DM - just concluded.
Bats in the Belfry Player.
One Night in the Palazzo Dannato Player

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I don't suppose there is still room for another player? Would love to PBP this one. This would be my first PBP.
EDIT: Saw that there was already a cleric. Not that there couldn't have been two clerics, but I can switch.
I am definitely interested if I can still get in. Let me know. I'll keep checking this thread to see.
Also, will you be allowing traits?
Obard Falconsflight
Rogue (Scout)
STR 12 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 13 WIS 8 CHA 16
Improved Initiative
Orphaned at an early age, Obard has learned the hard way how to take care of himself and live. Obard has been on the road for years, traveling from country to country. Constantly staying one, lucky, step ahead of the law.
He now finds himself in need of another lucky break to keep from being jailed.

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I'd also love to get in on this, since I've yet to successfully play Kingmaker on these boards, and would really like to give this a shot.
I'll be aiming to play a magus if you permit the playtest - otherwise, I will be doing a Charisma-based Eldritch-Knight as my aim.
(EDIT - I'd actually like to play a dwarven cleric, focused on combat to be more martial [I promised myself no more divine, but I cannae help it!])
As for most recent PbP, I'd argue either Shadow Ronin's Shadows of Aris, or Downrightamazed's Legacy of [Tiramisu], but you knew that already, seeing as we're both in it.
EDIT: Initial post was mainly for a dot - background is light, but follows as such - and changing concept.
Strom Runehammer had been a spot on his family's name for a very, very long time. When they had him and his brother scolded at first for their amazing cooking achievements, instead of combat skill, they laughed.
"Look a'that! They choose to wield a frying pan against the creatures outside our home! Mayhaps they'd be able to offer them a quick meal?"
They didn't laugh long.
Strom and Baiden Runehammer had it in their blood to cook, and serve the people, but they had another, higher calling - defending their kind and people, and seeing the land. So it had been they took a small wagon and a secondary cart behind, and began to sell their products, from a cart called 'Gud Eets'. (Dwarven didn't translate properly, you know how it is). They'd been doing this for years, when Strom received a message from his holy deity, Torag.
Regardless, to him his pride was paramount - and he bid his brother the best in wishes, and told him of his dream. It was here he set out for Restov, and found a notice about some kind of charter...

Jemini of Lebeda |

I play in a couple of pbps - the most fruitful of which is Navior's Serpent Skull where I play Mahjik the Flink
Xaoon's Curse of the Crimson Throne as Panish Valimer
Megan's Curse of the Crimson Throne as Shakhan
Megan's Legacy of Fire as Hale Caress
Jemini of House Lebeda
23pt buy (Lawful Good); a touch of paladin; and mostly fighter
Str 14
Dex 7
Con 12
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 18 + 2 (racial)
Jemini of Lebeda radiates an intense presence and conviction. She has held, even as a child, the firm belief that her destiny is one of greatness - that her fate is to rise to and oppose the forces of darkness. Much of her early life has led her to the rising adventure in the Stolen Lands.
Born a lesser scion to nobility, House Lebeda that holds estates along Lake Reykal, she has experienced little need throughout her life. Eclipsed in the line of succession by several brothers and a few sisters her father requires little of his "sunshine" other than to be pleasing. Her mother, a somewhat more deliberate and shrewd lady, however, had her instructed and trained by a variety of teachers - some invited from distant lands - to raise her skill in noble arts such as fencing and polite discourse, as well as presence and mindfulness to the wisdom and diversities of foreign cultures.
Most of her martial instructors agree that Jemini carries tremendous untapped potential - that in her rests a master swordlord the likes of which is rarely seen. Unforetunately that potential is usually obscured by merely adequate martial prowess; but then on just a few occasions a visible aura takes hold of her and she shines with palpable grace of combat and lethal efficiency.
She looks up to and reveres several deities with equal severity: Sarenrae, Iomedae and Irori. Sarenrae who she identifies with her passions. Iomedae who she embraces as the strength of her valor. And finally Irori who embodies her drive to self-perfection. I would leave it to the GM to decide if Jemini effectively follows an ideal (perhaps Good, or Destiny) or whether she truly draws her divinely given powers from a triumverate of deities.
Jemini is not overly cheerful, but still holds a peaceful and pleasant disposition. She embraces new experiences, holding that these are the key to a fulfilling life and a vital ingredient to improving and developing the self. She has relatively little need - or desire - for cold facts and dry knowledge, things she considers of passing relevance: she prefers to gain an intuitive insight and understanding of people and situations.

Rhidian |

just to get my foot in the door here.
I am interested in joining. I have never done pbp before and i would realy like to give it a go. I have been interested in playing kingmaker for a while too so this would be a win win on my part.
I'm thinking of playing a human (with the Heart of the Wilderness alternate racial trait) ranger (Guide and Skirmisher Archetypes) from the southern border of the Rostland Plains.
I can work on a background and put all the stats together in the near future for you.

Obard Falconsflight |

Was unable to edit, so here are some changes/corrections/additons.
Obard Falconsflight
Rogue (Scout)
STR 12 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 13 WIS 8 CHA 16 (23 pt buy)
Improved InitiativeOrphaned at an early age, Obard has learned the hard way how to take care of himself and live. Obard has been on the road for years, traveling from country to country. Constantly staying one, lucky, step ahead of the law.
He now finds himself in need of another lucky break to keep from being jailed.
Background: Obard was born on the road in Varisia, of that he has learned. But was soon alone in the world, when bandits destroyed the caravan with which his family was traveling. Luckily for him, some gypsies were traveling through the area and found him. Growing up was difficult, but his "family" was always there for him. Desiring to learn more of his origin and experience more life, Obard set out to venture throughout the world. Not everyone was happy that Obard set out, especially shop owners and merchants.
Personality: With a constant gaze to the horizon, Obard is always looking for new adventures and experiences. Curious and Inquisitive would be the first thing that comes to mind when you initially meet him. Obard has been known to talk his way out of tight situations, and sometimes he just disappears altogether. With most just glad he is nowhere to be seen or heard. Praying that they don't have to put up with him and that he has moved on to bother someone else.

downrightamazed |

As for most recent PbP, I'd argue either Shadow Ronin's Shadows of Aris, or Downrightamazed's Legacy of [Tiramisu], but you knew that already, seeing as we're both in it.
Bahahahaa! Oh man that would be a very different -- but tasty! -- adventure.

Zander Orlovsky |

Alright, smashthedean here with a character in tow.
Meet Zander Orlavsky. He's a Human Fighter with the Archer archetype out of the APG. My character concept when putting him together was to make some sort of cross between the Phatnom of the Opera and Robin Hood. Here's his backstory out of his profile here:
Until the fire.
No one knows how it started, but one evening a great blaze caught in a small village on his family's lands. Zander, a youth of 14 years at the time, was on a hunting expedition with his father and saw the inferno on the horizon. At the boy's insistence, his father turned the hunting party towards the village to investigate. When they arrived, half the town was already ablaze and the crowd was in a panic. Lord Orlovsky attempted to marshall a water brigade, but it was no use. Zander looked on in horror as men burned to death before him and there was nothing he could do. Suddenly, he heard a scream from a nearby Inn and spotted a little girl in an upper story window. Without a second thought, Zander broke away from his father's men and ran into the Inn to save the girl. The heat was intense and the flames licked at Zander's cloak as he ran up the stairs to the room with the window. He found the girl and made his way to escape, but on his way down, the stairs collapsed and he fell onto a broken off plank that impaled his leg. Having taken the force of the fall himself, he stood the girl up and instructed her to run and get help. She fetched his father who was able to rush in and save his life, but not before the flames had their way with him. His face was charred unrecognizably on one side and heavily burned on the other as well and all men who saw his father exit the Inn with the boy in his arms thought him dead.
But he lived. Through some miracle, despite the horrible burns he had sustained, the boy survived. The Orlovsky family spent a fortune on the best healers in the lands to restore their son's face, but none were able to accomplish the task. He lay unconcious for weeks in his room while his parents decided what to do. Ultimately a grim decision was made that rather than let their son's hideous visage be shown in court, they would spirit the boy away to a monastery and give the public word that he had died in the fire.
And so it was. When Zander awoke from his long sleep, he found himself to be in an unfamiliar place and when he heard what had been decided for him and what he had become, he sunk into a deep depression. The years passed and he only grew more withdrawn. The hard work at the monastery toned his body and the books in the library sharpened his mind, but he was still miserable. When he was 18, he gathered up his meager posessions and ran away. The training his fathers' woodsmen had given him was still fresh in his mind and he lived off the land. What he needed to eat, he hunted. What he needed for shelter, he built. What supplies he did need, he traded for in villages and hamlets he passed through, always wearing a heavy cloak and a leather mask to conceal his face and always on the move. When he does speak with others, he is always to the point and only refers to himself as Zander, never letting on the secret of his heritage.
As for me, my name's Kacy and I'm relatively new to PbP, but am currently playing in one game and GMing two others (one of which I just took over from someone else and is still coming together). I've been gaming for something like 10 years now starting with 3rd Edition D&D and now having graduated to Pathfinder. I work as a loan officer in a local credit union and have quite a bit of free time to post during the workday.
Here are links to the other campaigns I'm in for review:
SdF's Crypt of the Everflame (as Helios)
My Savage Tide Campaign (as GM)
Noone's Rise of the Runelords Campign (just took over GMing)
Also a question: Are we doing traits? If so I'd probably take the Noble Born trait out of the Kingmaker Players Guide and the Exile trait out of the APG.
Thanks for the recommendation drayen and thanks for your consideration DM Barcas! :)
EDIT: spoilered the background for length :)

Chris Banks |

Quite interested. I'll give some thought to a character later on. Like a couple of the others, I'm involved in The Seer's Journey where I'm playing as Kelne. I've also been involved in a couple of other games which kind of fell apart.

Meowzebub |

I would like to propose Betony Arilia, a Chaotic Good Gnome Cavalier with her white wolf mount Thistledown. She is a Rider of the Shield, drawn to the strife of the River Kingdoms and the Stolen Lands. She seeks to protect the innocents (be they animal, magical creature, fey, or humanoid) that are getting harmed and displaced by these activities. Talk of war has led her out of Brevoy's Gronzi Forest, she seeks to do what she can to ease the strife and deflect the war away from her homeland. Her family is on good relations with House Medvyed and have helped them maintain peaceful relations with the Gronzi Forest inhabitants (the Medvyed Campaign Trait).
A fully developed character sheet to follow.

sunshadow21 |

sunshadow21: I'm Aldern Foxglove running Izzik Deeks Summoner extraordinaire, love the Izzik Aressa double act, it amuses me greatly if nobody else, lol.
I haven't seen more than one or two posts of it, so I'm not yet the best judge of that, but Ausk and his pet weasel are proving to be fun. It's like Minsc without the knocks to the head that scrambled his brain.

DM Barcas |

Okay, we've got a pretty good response so far at 17 players expressing some level of interest. (There were 15 when I started this post.) Here they are, in order of appearance in the thread, along with some questions I have. The questions are only spoilered for space.
1. sunshadow21 - Erdukk Igmar, LG Dwarf Male Ranger
2. LoreKeeper - Jemini of Lebeda, LG Human Female Paladin
3. randall793 - Waiting on details
4. vagrant-poet - Tandlara, NG Elf Female Druid
5. downrightamazed - Taisper Stozs, LN Human Male Cleric of Abadar
6. Vanulf Wulfson - Orin Ro, CG Half-Elf Male Ranger
7. Rellen - Verik Jarrow, LG Human Male Cleric of Abadar
8. Sigz - Berrin Myrdal, CG Human Male Fighter, waiting for details
9. Zyren Zemeris - Gendriggle "Bubbleblast" Bobo, CG Dwarf Male Alchemist
10. smashthedean - Zander Orlovsky, CG Human Male Fighter (Archer)
11. Shieldknight - Obard Falconsflight, CG Halfling Male Rogue
12. Khaladon - Waiting on details
13. Rizzym Jadernai - Strom Runehammer, Dwarf Male Alchemist, waiting on details
14. Rhidian - Human Ranger, waiting on details
15. Chris Banks - Waiting on details
16. Meowzebub - Betony Arilia, CG Gnome Female Cavalier
17. Camris - Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg, Human Male Cavalier, waiting on details
Well that's a lot of Chaotic Good. We also have 3 rangers (all skirmishers, interestingly), 2 dwarf alchemists, and 2 human clerics of Abadar. No one has submitted any arcane casters (other than the alchemists). I've already chosen one person that will definitely be in, although I won't say who. I doubt I'll allow for much overlap, so if anyone wants to change their concept, that would be fine.

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I need to apologize to you - I made my decisions on my way out the door to college for my midterm. I'll come up with something more solid by tomorrow evening, and post the entire thing (and I mean the ENTIRE thing) by then. Speaking of which, I need to get some sleep! Evening!
(Basically, I need to redo my concept, and resubmit it. Probably Elven Magus - LG.)

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Not so much cowardice as a lack of bravery, or perhaps a lack of rashness. Its no so much his actions he regrets, he thinks they were fairly sensible, its more the fact that his lack of martial prowess left him unable to help more that he is ashamed of.
I imagine he made more of it than it was to the other clerics and sought punishment which was not forthcoming - he's very lawful and rather hard on himself. I think Verik probably believes he could have prevented Knesh's death, had he been a trained warrior, but in my mind Knesh was about 7th level or so - with Verik being sort of level 1/2 -so its very unlikely he could have been of any help. Knesh was virtually surrounded when Verik fled, but in the chaos it was difficult to ascertain if he was injured - he was probably pouring out channeled energy - though it would have been clear he was in trouble.

DM Barcas |

I'm big into charts, so I've got a big Excel sheet with everyone's information.
Just to make my chart more complete, make sure you include the following:
-Combat Role (i.e. Melee, Full Caster, Hybrid Caster, Ranged, etc)
-Social Role
-Personality (if possible, sum it up in one word, such as stoic, inquisitive, angry, etc)
I'm adding up story rating (1-10), posting history (1-5), and compatible writing style (1-10), which gives a score. It won't be based entirely on score to see who gets in, but it might act as a winnowing or a tiebreaker.

Edrukk Igmar |

Human is his favored enemy for 2 reasons. 1) Other than dwarves, they are the ones he is most familiar with, and the one he has most learned to work around, which makes the infiltrator ability at level 3 make the most sense. 2) His biggest concern in this region enemy wise is bandits, most of which are likely to be human. Growing up in a human city was important to give him a slightly different perspective. His dwarven heritage did not become important to him until later in life, and thus he is intensely curious and eager to learn about it; at the same time, he can be at times sharply critical of certain aspects that other dwarves take for granted, and sometimes may not like to be reminded of. This is why he is seeking out his own home and wanting to provide a place for others like him who don't quite fit into established clans, but still want to learn, practice, and honor dwarven culture.

vagrant-poet |

Okay, we've got a pretty good response so far at 17 players expressing some level of interest. (There were 15 when I started this post.) Here they are, in order of appearance in the thread, along with some questions I have. The questions are only spoilered for space.
4. vagrant-poet - Tandlara, NG Elf Female Druid
** spoiler omitted **
Yes, I think she is a perfect canditate for being Forlorn, I'm going to change her traits to reflect this.
I also am going to make her a witch, she suits caster far more, and is a little divided in stat terms as a druid. I think a witch with the animal patron would be more suitable. Druid wasn't built into her story so much as a tie to nature, and posession of magic. So I think this is a better fit.
And her green flame is going to be representative of the fact that I wanted to take Acolyte of the Green Faith, which stops spells from hurting plants. But it requires 2nd level divine spells, unless you make an exception of my witch and let her take it at 3rd level, it's not happening.

Edrukk Igmar |

Edrukk's biggest philosophical difference with the traditional clan elders is probably how he views the other PC races. While he recognizes them as a potential threat, especially humans with their energy and drive, he does not think that stone walls, crossbows, and axes are going to be sufficient defenses against them. He thinks that some intermingling with them, learning from them, and identifying allies within their ranks is going to be critical to recovering the glory of the olden days. Thus the infiltrator variant to replace the favored terrain. His "terrain" of concern is the peoples around him.

DM Barcas |

I still need a basic background/personality from:
Rizzym Jaderanai,
Chris Banks,
I need some sort of writing style sample from:
For the writing style sample, respond (in character) to the following scenario. Include an attack, if you would. (I typically trust the players enough with the AC of the target, so they can write their own hit or miss narrative.)
The chupacabra has AC 16 (14 touch, 13 FF) and 30 hit points.
We're still accepting submissions all the way up to the deadline!