DDAL07-01 A City on the Edge (Inactive)

Game Master Dave Chua

Adventures in Chult for Tier 1 D&D Adventurers League.

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male v. human warlock (fae-pact) 4 | AC 15 | hp 8/31 | Init +2 |Saves: S +0 D +2 C +2 I +1 W +1 Ch +6 | Spell slots/rest 2 (used 2) | Pass Per 14 | Pass Inv 18 | Inspiration (No)

Dang it, my alias was showing... it's like finding out that my fly was open... :p

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0

technically Nanbu is your alias and is always showing, but I know what you meant hehe.

Oooh! A traveler’s guide to Chult. I could have used this a few days ago. the halfling laments while leafing through some of the pamphlets.

As the conversation is taking place with the proprietor, Saph moves over to Sashah and tells the wizard that she had followed Narrisa trying to figure out who she worked for. ...too bad I lost her in the crowd. I think she knows more about this necklace than she was telling us.

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

"I hope this mission you have for us is exciting. The last one was really fun!"

Half-Elf Wizard 4 / Cleric 2 | HP 26/26 | AC 10 | Saves: S+0, D+0, C+0, I+3, W+5, Ch+3 | Init +0 | Spell DC 13 | Spells: 1st: 2/4, 2nd: 2/3, 3rd: 1/3 |Pass Perc 15 | Status: Norm | Insp: Yes | Channel 1/1

Sashah kneels down slowly and pats Saph on a shoulder. "Good thought young one," he whispers quietly, "It vould have nice to know more, but zere vas no magic on casing. I suspect if she involve in any vay, eizer help or harm, ve vill see again. Ve have three of four parts. Her path vill lead to ours"

"Very well. I'll get right to it. I have heard rumors from some of my local merchant contacts about a recent bout of illegal and stolen merchandise being smuggled through the Harbor District. The amount of thefts and black market goods has increased over the past few tendays, noticeably affecting the prosperity of many of the tradesfolk within the city.

"Word from one of my contacts is that there is some sort of dangerous artifact being smuggled into the city. The smugglers are using a secret passage that leads from the docks in Tiryki Anchorage to somewhere near the dock area of the Harbor District. The contact provided me with the location of where the passage exits on the smuggler’s side.

"Since the docks outside the city are largely unpatrolled, I ask that you investigate, discover the nature of this artifact, and shut down this smuggling operation.

"I'm afraid things are tight right now. I can only offer you 50 gp for this task," he says.

male v. human warlock (fae-pact) 4 | AC 15 | hp 8/31 | Init +2 |Saves: S +0 D +2 C +2 I +1 W +1 Ch +6 | Spell slots/rest 2 (used 2) | Pass Per 14 | Pass Inv 18 | Inspiration (No)

Is this the next day or same day? Are we able to get a short or long rest?

If it is destabilizing the economy of Port Nyanzaru, and endangering its people, Nanbu will do this for you, Nanbu smiles and looks to his friends expectantly.

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

"Hunting pirates sounds like fun!"

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0

Smugglers and secret passages? Heck yeah! Count me in. This place is just full of exiting things to get into. The halfling s face is just full of excitement.

Saphina looks to her wizard d friend with a “what do ya think?” wink.

Chaotic Good Half-Elf Paladin (Noble) 1; AC: 16; HP: 11; Perception +0; Initiative: +0; Spell Slots Remaining: LV1 - 0/0; Inspiration: 0

I will gladly assist with this endeavor.

"Thank you! The city is in need of heroes like you," he says.
He tells you the location of the smugglers.

The Tyriki Anchorage lies just outside of the city’s east walls. Narrow dirt paths wind around gatherings of buildings made from weatherworn stone and wood. At the north end, a small group of docks branch out into the bay. Unlike the main harbor, there is no lighthouse and no guard patrols.

Klevin’s directions lead the party to a dark alley at the west end of the docks near the city walls. You look in and spy three men, dressed like thugs, playing a dice game. There is a locked grate in the floor at the dead end; the entrance to the smugglers' hideout.

Half-Elf Wizard 4 / Cleric 2 | HP 26/26 | AC 10 | Saves: S+0, D+0, C+0, I+3, W+5, Ch+3 | Init +0 | Spell DC 13 | Spells: 1st: 2/4, 2nd: 2/3, 3rd: 1/3 |Pass Perc 15 | Status: Norm | Insp: Yes | Channel 1/1

Sashah grumbles once more at the thought of more "field work".

male v. human warlock (fae-pact) 4 | AC 15 | hp 8/31 | Init +2 |Saves: S +0 D +2 C +2 I +1 W +1 Ch +6 | Spell slots/rest 2 (used 2) | Pass Per 14 | Pass Inv 18 | Inspiration (No)

Was waiting to see if anyone else wanted to take the charge...

Nanbu is here to see your boss. Go and get him, Nanbu marches right up to the bunch playing dice.

Bear in mind that Nanbu has no idea what he is doing. Just using his pure force of personality.

Charisma: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8


CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

"Man, Dinosaur riding and then pirate hunting. I will have the best vacation stories in the world when I get back home!"

The men stare up at Nanbu. One of them scoops up the dice and looks up at the warlock.

"Of course we could... if he wasn't a HER!" They draw their weapons and attack.

Adrian: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Fenri: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Nanbu: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Rakdon: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Saphina: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Sashah: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Enemy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Init order:
Adrian, Sashah

The three enemies are 20' away from the rest of you while Nanbu is right next to all of them. Rakdon/Nanbu/Saphina/Fenri may act.

Envoy's Alliance

Male Rite of Knowing Conrasu Fighter 7: HP:108/108, Spd:25, AC:25, Fort:14, Ref:14, Will:13, Perc:13, 1/1 Focus Points

if none of them look elvish or undead, Rakdon will sleep as many as possible, without getting Nanbu of course. sleep: 5d8 ⇒ (1, 5, 8, 6, 3) = 23

male v. human warlock (fae-pact) 4 | AC 15 | hp 8/31 | Init +2 |Saves: S +0 D +2 C +2 I +1 W +1 Ch +6 | Spell slots/rest 2 (used 2) | Pass Per 14 | Pass Inv 18 | Inspiration (No)

Steaming piles of behemoth snot, Nanbu curses as he casts a couple of spells, summoning the power of Nanny Pu'pu!

Cast armor of Agathys as my action, and shillelagh as a bonus action.

Nanbu rimes over with frost and his eyes glow a crystalline blue, Come at me, ruffian!

Two of the bandits roll their eyes to the sky and fall to the ground after Rakdon casts his spell. The remaining bandit has a worried look on his face.

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

As the remaining bandit begins to get worried, Fenri will cross the room and wreck his happy day, driving her fist into his stomach. She gets a wild look in her eyes as she crosses the room.

Raging and then attacking him with an unarmed attack.

Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 Damage would be 5 if she hit, but she doesn't.

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0

Well that escalated quickly. Surrender and this can go alot less painfully for you. Saphina positions herself to the side and rests her hand comfortably on the hilt of her sword. She seems confident of the outcome of this fight.

Persuade: 1d20 ⇒ 7

oh well, I tried

The brigand swings his short sword at Nanbu.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

The blow strikes against Nanbu's armour and the brigand finds himself suffering damage instead!

Behind the bandit, a similarly attired individual steps out and fires two arrows, all aiming at Nanbu.

Target: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4 (Using top 4 in init order)
Attack 1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Attack 2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 6, 4) + 3 = 19

Both the arrows strike Nanbu, but the ruffian is shocked that the warlock does not go down.
25 hp damage on Nanu, of which only 15 made it through.
Adrian and Sashah, and then everyone may act.
Brigand 1: -10 hp Ruffian: Undamaged; 30' away from Nanbu's group, 50' away from Adrian and Sashah

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0


Chaotic Good Half-Elf Paladin (Noble) 1; AC: 16; HP: 11; Perception +0; Initiative: +0; Spell Slots Remaining: LV1 - 0/0; Inspiration: 0

Round 1, GWF

Sir Adrian steps forward to finish the wounded foe.

GS Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
GS Dam: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 4) + 3 = 10

Adrian slices the brigand in two. You think he lets out a whimper as he's cut down.

Just the ruffian left.

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0

Take em out Sashah! Hehe

Envoy's Alliance

Male Rite of Knowing Conrasu Fighter 7: HP:108/108, Spd:25, AC:25, Fort:14, Ref:14, Will:13, Perc:13, 1/1 Focus Points

If Sashah does get him, here is a firebolt hit: 5 + 1d20 ⇒ 5 + (8) = 13
dmg: 1d10 ⇒ 3 But that probably bounces off his armor, and if that is a hit, it is because Rakdon aimed low figuring the legs were less protected, thus less damage.

Half-Elf Wizard 4 / Cleric 2 | HP 26/26 | AC 10 | Saves: S+0, D+0, C+0, I+3, W+5, Ch+3 | Init +0 | Spell DC 13 | Spells: 1st: 2/4, 2nd: 2/3, 3rd: 1/3 |Pass Perc 15 | Status: Norm | Insp: Yes | Channel 1/1

Sashah sighs a pretty heavy sigh, walks forward and says a quick prayer while touching Nanbu's shoulder.

Cure 2: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (4, 2) + 3 = 9

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0

waiting on February and Nanbu to act befor I declare my action.

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

You mean Fenri?

Fenri will draw her axe, move up, and smash the ruffian in the face with it.

Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Damage Roll: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

male v. human warlock (fae-pact) 4 | AC 15 | hp 8/31 | Init +2 |Saves: S +0 D +2 C +2 I +1 W +1 Ch +6 | Spell slots/rest 2 (used 2) | Pass Per 14 | Pass Inv 18 | Inspiration (No)

Nanbu grunts at the hits, and smiles, You have failed to kill Nanbu.

Yeeouch! If the ruffian is not down by the time it is Nanbu's turn again, he will cast armor of Agathys again and walk slowly toward the man, staring with his icy blue eyes.

Will update hp when it comes to Sashah's turn. :)

Rakdon and Fenri's attacks send the ruffian reeling. He falls to his knees, dropping his weapons.
"Stop! Stop! Please spare me! What do you want to know?" he says.

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

"Where is your lady boss?"

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0

We will also need to know the whereabouts of a particular package that you guys are smuggling. Saphina walks over to the smuggler and begins to relieve him of his weapons. You won’t be needing these. and whatever coin he was carrying as well.

male v. human warlock (fae-pact) 4 | AC 15 | hp 8/31 | Init +2 |Saves: S +0 D +2 C +2 I +1 W +1 Ch +6 | Spell slots/rest 2 (used 2) | Pass Per 14 | Pass Inv 18 | Inspiration (No)

Nanbu nods to Sashah, silently thanking him for the healing.

EDIT: Will still cast armor of Agathys duration, 1 hour.

"The boss is within. Just go straight down and through the tunnels. She's in there somewhere. I just keep watch up here! What package? There's just been some things.. I just see boxes go in!" he says.

Insight 13:

It doesn't seem like he's lying.

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

Insight: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

"Okay mister pirate. Good choice not to lie to us."

Chaotic Good Half-Elf Paladin (Noble) 1; AC: 16; HP: 11; Perception +0; Initiative: +0; Spell Slots Remaining: LV1 - 0/0; Inspiration: 0

Enough of this talk with the underlings. Let us get down there and discuss this with someone of the proper station.

"S-so I can leave? Here's the k-key," the ruffian says, tossing you a small key. He runs off, trying to drag the other two sleeping bandits before you guys change your mind.

With the key, you open the locked grate at the end of the alleyway.

Beyond the grate a ladder descends about 20 feet straight down into a dimly lit winding passage. A platform attached to a rope pulley runs next to the ladder. The air down here is stale and cool. The walls are crafted of roughly hewn stone and dirt. The ground is somewhat uneven, with occasional slight dips and slopes. Various makeshift sconces line the walls, providing a dim light source.

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

As the bandit flees and tries to take his friends' bodies away, Fenri will growl and say "Tut tut, those are ours now. You run along."

Looking down the open shaft, Fenri would climb down first and take a look around.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0

Are we going in quietly or announced? If we aren’t sneaking in maybe Sashah has some way of brightening up our way?

Half-Elf Wizard 4 / Cleric 2 | HP 26/26 | AC 10 | Saves: S+0, D+0, C+0, I+3, W+5, Ch+3 | Init +0 | Spell DC 13 | Spells: 1st: 2/4, 2nd: 2/3, 3rd: 1/3 |Pass Perc 15 | Status: Norm | Insp: Yes | Channel 1/1

The old half-elf silently nods.

You head down the corridor and find yourself in a room littered with various crates, boxes, and barrels. A small desk sits in the corner of the room.

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

Anyone else in the room?

Envoy's Alliance

Male Rite of Knowing Conrasu Fighter 7: HP:108/108, Spd:25, AC:25, Fort:14, Ref:14, Will:13, Perc:13, 1/1 Focus Points

Rakdon taps you on the shoulder to let you know he is behind you.

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2

Sorry, I meant besides us.

Nope. No one else in the room. There's a passage continuing south.


You're in room A... obviously...

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0

Saphina creeps into the room behind the other two. Cautiously peering into the dim light as to not set the fire any traps.

Stealth Dex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
rocked it

The desk doesn't seem to notice Saphina's approach.

male v. human warlock (fae-pact) 4 | AC 15 | hp 8/31 | Init +2 |Saves: S +0 D +2 C +2 I +1 W +1 Ch +6 | Spell slots/rest 2 (used 2) | Pass Per 14 | Pass Inv 18 | Inspiration (No)

Nanbu looks around. Passive Perception is 14, Investigation 18. If you'd like a roll, Investigation: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Anything of note on the desk? In the crates? Nanbu is looking for something that might fall into the category of our mission...

Nanbu finds a ledger. As he studies it, he learns that it is a record of smuggled goods coming in and out of the room, much of them illegal weapons, poisons, and dangerous flora. He also finds a letter which reads:
It has come to my attention that our operation may have been discovered. If the princes or the Ytepka learn of our existence, destroy everything. Leave no trace!

Nanbu learns that a large number of goods has been moving in and out of the room.
He also notices a small key hanging from a hook in the back corner of the desk.

The crates contain common clothing and foodstuff.

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