[D&D 5e] Princes of the Apocalypse DM Asmodeus (Inactive)

Game Master bwatford

Current Location: Bargewright Inn in the Dessarin Valley

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Here you go

I made the corrections to both mine and the the mule's inventory.

Updated with Trinkets from EE and appearance.


Trinket: 1d100 ⇒ 59
Hope to post everything tonight

Trinket: 1d100 ⇒ 83
A yellow gemstone that glows dimly when a storm is nearby.

Kenna Icemane wrote:
I made the corrections to both mine and the the mule's inventory.

Your application score has been updated. Click Here!

Ragar "Two-Fisted" Coughlin wrote:
Updated with Trinkets from EE and appearance.


Narnel Falerathon wrote:


Seth86 wrote:
Hope to post everything tonight



It has all come down to this week, recruitment will close Saturday, August 8th at 11:59pm. We have nine applications so far. I will be choosing the six characters/applications with the highest scores for the campaign.

If you want a shot at one of these six slots please submit your application following the criteria in the first post of this thread.

Final selection will be made by me and announced Sunday evening, August 9th. Play will begin the evening of Monday, August 10th.

Good luck to everyone! This is gonna be a fun ride.

Here is the profile still editing it

there is progress

Maybe an initial rating might help see where i am lacking?

Will need help with the carrying slots though... that i know is wrong :P

Nox the Black wrote:

Here is the profile still editing it

there is progress

Maybe an initial rating might help see where i am lacking?

Will need help with the carrying slots though... that i know is wrong :P

Question, did you take the starting equipment for your class and background? It looks like you did. You do not start with any equipment, you start with the max gold for your class and buy equipment you want from there.

Missed that. Will redo it tomorrow. My bad.

GM you might have skipped me. I am still very interested in the campaign.

Zatqualmie Burrwaddle wrote:
GM you might have skipped me. I am still very interested in the campaign.

I'll get you all squared away shortly. Let me take a look.

Zatqualmie Burrwaddle wrote:
GM you might have skipped me. I am still very interested in the campaign.

I have rejudged your application. You can find your new score by Clicking Here!

I'm no longer interested in the campaign.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That was a fast turnaround.

Zatqualmie Burrwaddle wrote:
I'm no longer interested in the campaign.

Noted, I will remove your score and application/interest on the next update.

For everyone's reference:
I often have players ask me this question over this type of recruitment process:
"While the judging criteria is certainly interesting, isn't it best to keep the "points" to yourself, and just pick the 5 ones you like most? To prevent folks from feeling judged or feeling animosity towards a DM?"

The answer is simple.

I use the points system as a way to provide feedback to applicants who ultimately aren't or don't end up getting accepted into the game. My intent is to help members who aren't accepted improve so that in the next game they apply for, they can do better. I've used it in several games before this one and based on the feedback I've received about the grading system, it's a good tool that people can use to improve their writing and characters. Isn't it better to know why one did not make it than just simply being told that you didn't make it?

If someone is unhappy with my judgment, well, ultimately it comes down to it being my opinion and they're welcome to disagree with me. My intent is not to insult or demean, but to help improve. If someone doesn't want my feedback or doesn't want to see their score, they're welcome to tell me so. I hope that my feedback and scoring isn't offensive, but if someone has a problem with the feedback they're welcome to take it up with me privately so I can address their concerns and hopefully come to an understanding with them. Again, my intent isn't to make people upset - only to help.

Also, I publicize the criteria because without informing everyone of how their character is being evaluated there's a very good chance that someone will leave out an important section that I'm looking for. For the sake of transparency, I tell people how I will evaluate their character so that they aren't automatically disqualified for not including something that they didn't know was required.

So what does a perfect score look like?
Here are applications below that have scored perfectly using the same criteria.

Therion Woodcutter
Flynn Amberglow
Shandra Seaheart
Orsik Ironfist

The above characters and applications should give everyone a good idea on what I am looking for and what a perfect score looks like as far as appearance, personality and background goes.

Thank you for the feedback. I have two questions about the encumbrance system though:
- Let's say I'm unencubred at 12 Slots. I am carrying 14 Slots, 4 of which are stored items. So normally, I'm encumbered. Is it possible to drop my backpack at the beginning of a combat (as part of a move action for example) and thus fight unencumbered?

- Can I stack unequal items like small objects like a soap, parfume and a mirror? Each is worth 1/5 Slot. So it would be 3/5 Slots, which is rounded up to 1 Slot. Or do they count as 3 Slots?

I'll update my calculations accordingly as soon as you reply.

About your last post: I also didn't really like the application system at first. But in fact it is better to know where my own charakter description is a bit thin, than to put in much work and then only be told I'm not in. Also this process creates an investment into the game before it even starts.

I see Nox is also creating a Warlock. Are you going for a Blastlock (Eldritch Blast and Spells) or Bladelock (melee-focused build)? I'm currently building a Blastlock, but I would shift my focus to the Blade, so if we were both accepted into the game, we wouldn't step on each others toes.

Vaneros Anteri wrote:

Thank you for the feedback. I have two questions about the encumbrance system though:

- Let's say I'm unencubred at 12 Slots. I am carrying 14 Slots, 4 of which are stored items. So normally, I'm encumbered. Is it possible to drop my backpack at the beginning of a combat (as part of a move action for example) and thus fight unencumbered?

- Can I stack unequal items like small objects like a soap, parfume and a mirror? Each is worth 1/5 Slot. So it would be 3/5 Slots, which is rounded up to 1 Slot. Or do they count as 3 Slots?

I'll update my calculations accordingly as soon as you reply.

About your last post: I also didn't really like the application system at first. But in fact it is better to know where my own charakter description is a bit thin, than to put in much work and then only be told I'm not in. Also this process creates an investment into the game before it even starts.

- Backpacks are an assumed item, you can put a * by six slots worth of items in the stored section and you can drop them as a free action as part of your turn.

- Soap has no weight. But yes you can stack 1/5 items with other 1/5 items in the same slots. You also can stack 1/20 items with other 1/20 items. However you can not stack items in different locations. Like in your stored gear you could stack a tinderbox, 3 torches and a mirror as (1) slot. But you could not stack 2 daggers from readied weapon with 3 torches that are in the stored section. etc.

The entire reason behind the application process is to build a team of strong character builders and role-players. It gives the applicant a chance to understand who their character is from the start as well as it gives me something to build around as far as him/her goes. To many fast recruitment games fall apart very easy because there is no investment from the player.

Sometimes I get applications submitted that are little more than numbers on paper and there is simply no "character" there. Only stats. Also it is likely in this case that this is a character they have been shopping around and it has not been built for this particular game and has been built with little or no thought behind it.

If I wanted that I could just pass out pre-gens. I want a character with a history, a story, a personality. I want to be able to look at his/her background and pick it for information that I can weave into a story to both motivate the character and to bring it to life.

It is really hard to do that when the sheet just says. I stole from people all my life, my parents died, I wandered the world and now I have arrived in Red Larch.

Just not much to work with there.

At the very least the scoring lets you know where to expend your effort on improving your character.

And I try to never be offended for not being selected, given the average of about 30 characters per game started (thinking more PF here, the numbers for other games are short).

As much as I like building characters, it is time consuming. And it is always disappointing to not be picked. With this application system, I at least have the chance to improve my application and if I don't, I at least know why I have not been picked. As DM Asmodeus said, it's about forming a strong group with investment in the game, so it doesn't fall apart after two weeks.

I like the method some Pathfinder GMs employ: start the same campaign 2 or 3 times, so most of the applicants can get a slot. Then start playing for a few weeks. Some players drop out and even one of the games might die down. The weakest game(s) gets cancelled and the best players are put into the other group(s). That's kind of a flying start with the first few weeks as a probation.
I saw that work really well with large numbers of applicants.

Thank you for the explanation! I'll put in the changes as soon as I get to it. I'll let you know once Vaneros is ready for re-evaluation.

Looks good. Unfortunately i dont know how to improve on my fluff parts any further. If you have any constructive input id love to hear it.

I am in the same position with fluff, and I have determined to leave it as is. I feel that it is absolutely a judgment call on fluff, and that is just fine with me - it should be.

Kenna Icemane wrote:
Looks good. Unfortunately i don't know how to improve on my fluff parts any further. If you have any constructive input id love to hear it.

You scored really high. 21.5 is the highest anyone has gotten so far so you are in very good standing. You scored a 4.5 on your backstory. While the backstory is excellent it doesn't flow very well and the presentation of it needs to be cleaned up to read more like a story. I only docked you a half a point on it from being perfect.

Your appearance, description and personality are good that is why they scored 4 points each. However again they are missing the flow and the *Umph* that brings them from good to excellent. This is a personal opinion of course. They read like key points instead of a description as a whole. Still very good however.

If the recruitment ended today you would be the first one picked.

Rager "Two-Fisted" Coughlin wrote:
I am in the same position with fluff, and I have determined to leave it as is. I feel that it is absolutely a judgment call on fluff, and that is just fine with me - it should be.

As above you also scored well, it did fall short in some areas. Your backstory scored good with a 4 of 5. It gives me plenty to work with as far as character development and a tie in with the story. It was just missing a few more details from being excellent. I think you needed another paragraph or so to really flesh it out a little more.

On the appearance, description and personality goes it was just a average result 3 of 5 in both categories. It was standard faire and nothing that really popped out as making the character unique or recognizable. It also read like key points and not a description. Some of the things you could think about as far as the description and personality goes is what would be someones first impression of you when they saw your character? What drives him to anger? What is his demeanor like? What does he like or dislike and why? Is he racist toward other races? How does he feel about other orcs? etc.

I think im going to withdraw. Im still too unfamiliar with everything so my concept is still lacking in a few areas.
Enjoy the game =^^=

Hello everyone.

I would like to submit Keaton to be judged.

Submitting an application to be judged. I'll be submitting Cade Ravenhill- Bard.

By the way I have really enjoyed reading everyone's backgrounds and characters, they are great! I was a little intimidated to apply after reading them but it sounds like it is going to be a great campaign, good luck!

About Me:
I've been gaming for to many years to count and have been playing pathfinder since 2011 and PFS for the past year. I manly play in a weeekly home brew with an occasional foray into PFS. Any way I am a little tired of the min/maxing and bonus stacking of 3.5 and am excited at the prospect of this campaign. I have to boy tha i am try pass the roll-playing mantle to, the eight year old i usually let play my animal companion. Anyway, This my firs post so forgive me if I break and etiquette.

Keaton Larroquette wrote:

Hello everyone.

I would like to submit Keaton to be judged.

Well first off thank you for the application, I need to help you understand the encumbrance system so it is correct. In the system we do not track containers, we also do not need to purchase them as they are assumed. Readied items are assumed to be in pouches, stored items are assumed to be in backpacks or sacks. Just because an item is in a container it does not make the item weigh less. Your encumbrance should be as follows:

Total Inventory Slots: 12 Slots Used
Unencumbered: Strength (10) x 1.5 (Round Down) = 15 max.
Encumbered: Strength (10) x 3 (Round Down) = 30 max.
Heavily Encumbered: Strength (10) x 4.5 (Round Down) = 45 max.
Slots Used:
Status: Unencumbered
Penalty: --

Coins & Gems: 1 Slots Used
Coins and Gems List
89 gp
8 sp
0 cp

Armor Slots: 0 Slots Used
Armor List

Weapon Slots: 4 Slots Used
(Maximum of 6)
Dagger (1/5) (1) * This defaults to (1) since there are no other 1/5 stackables in this section here.
Club (1)
Handcrossbow (1)
20 Crossbow Bolts (1)

Readied Item Slots: 1 Slots Used
(Maximum of four.)
Readied Items List
Spell component Pouch (1)
Lucky Charm (A frost-covered silver locket that's frozen shut) (0)

Stored Item Slots: 6 Slots Used
Stored Items List
Spellbook (1) *
Book of Lore (1) *
Bottle of Ink -- (0) *
Inkpen -- (0) *
10 Sheets of Parchment -- (0) *
Little Bag of Sand -- (0) *
Small Knife – (0) *
50 feet of silk rope (1) *
Water Skin (1) *
5 days rations (1) *
Tinder Box -- 1/5 (1) * This defaults to (1) since there are no other 1/5 stackables in this section here.

* items in the stored item slots are in your backpack. You can hold up to six slots worth of items in your backpack and drop your backpack as a free action on your turn if needed to lighten your load. Anything not with the * in this section are considered to be in sacks.

If you would please make these corrections and adjust any gold spent and then let me know I will re-look at your application for judging.

Cade Ravenhill wrote:

Submitting an application to be judged. I'll be submitting Cade Ravenhill- Bard.

By the way I have really enjoyed reading everyone's backgrounds and characters, they are great! I was a little intimidated to apply after reading them but it sounds like it is going to be a great campaign, good luck!

** spoiler omitted **

I absolutely love this application. However before I judge it I need you to go through it and make some story corrections. No characters will start having been in Red Larch. All players will arrive by caravan at the beginning of the game so you need to adjust places in your backstory, etc. To reflect another town etc. Maybe he is from Waterdeep which is only about a week away, or any town in between. He could be from Phandalin or any other place but Red Larch.

Let me know when these corrections have been made. Everything else looks good.

Great job with the encumbrance system. It is obvious this submission took you some time.

I'll judge it officially after corrections have been made. Thanks for applying.

DM Asmodeus wrote:
Cade Ravenhill wrote:

Submitting an application to be judged. I'll be submitting Cade Ravenhill- Bard.

By the way I have really enjoyed reading everyone's backgrounds and characters, they are great! I was a little intimidated to apply after reading them but it sounds like it is going to be a great campaign, good luck!

** spoiler omitted **

I absolutely love this application. However before I judge it I need you to go through it and make some story corrections. No characters will start having been in Red Larch. All players will arrive by caravan at the beginning of the game so you need to adjust places in your backstory, etc. To reflect another town etc. Maybe he is from Waterdeep which is only about a week away, or any town in between. He could be from Phandalin or any other place but Red Larch.

Let me know when these corrections have been made. Everything else looks good.

Great job with the encumbrance system. It is obvious this submission took you some time.

I'll judge it officially after corrections have been made. Thanks for applying.

Changes made. Thanks.

Corrected the encumbrance spoiler. Added the containers at the bottom so I could track available space. Posted it here just to make sure it is correct before I ask you to rejudge my application.

Also nice to meet everyone! I guess I was too tired after writing this guy up last night to make a proper first impression. Quick about me, been gaming 15+ years, and have run and played in games on the forums here. Easy going non rules lawyer player that agrees story first then hard stats. I also enjoy this hard application process, it prevents the game from flaking apart two weeks in.


Total Inventory Slots:
Unencumbered: Strength (11) x 1.5 (Round Down) = 16 max.
Encumbered: Strength (11) x 3 (Round Down) = 33 max.
Heavily Encumbered: Strength (11) x 4.5 (Round Down) = 49 max.

Slots Used: 11
Status: Unencumbered
Penalty: --

Coins & Gems: 1 Slots Used (in Belt Pouch)
Coins and Gems List
89 gp
8 sp
0 cp

Armor Slots: 0 Slots Used
Armor List

Weapon Slots: 3
(Maximum of 6)
Dagger (1)
Handcrossbow (1)
20 Crossbow Bolts (1)

Readied Item Slots: 1 Slots Used
(Maximum of four.)
Readied Items List
Spell component Pouch (1)
Lucky Charm (A frost-covered silver locket that's frozen shut) --

Stored Item Slots: 6
Stored Items List
Spellbook (1)*
Book of Lore (1)*
Bottle of Ink --*
Inkpen --*
10 Sheets of Parchment --*
Little Bag of Sand --*
Small Knife –*
50 feet of silk rope (1)*
Water Skin (1)*
5 days rations (1)*
Tinder Box (1)*

Backpack -- (Has 6/6 slots Used)(contains * items)
Belt Pouch (Has 1/2 Slots Used)

Cade Ravenhill wrote:
Changes made. Thanks.

Gaming Ranger, your character Cade Ravenhill, has been scored and judged. Thanks for your application.

You can check the status of your score by Clicking Here!

Keaton Larroquette wrote:

Corrected the encumbrance spoiler. Added the containers at the bottom so I could track available space. Posted it here just to make sure it is correct before I ask you to rejudge my application.

Also nice to meet everyone! I guess I was too tired after writing this guy up last night to make a proper first impression. Quick about me, been gaming 15+ years, and have run and played in games on the forums here. Easy going non rules lawyer player that agrees story first then hard stats. I also enjoy this hard application process, it prevents the game from flaking apart two weeks in.

** spoiler omitted **

keith goudreau, your character Keaton Larroquette, has been scored and judged. Thanks for your application.

You can check the status of your score by Clicking Here!

DM Asmodeus wrote:
Keaton Larroquette wrote:

Corrected the encumbrance spoiler. Added the containers at the bottom so I could track available space. Posted it here just to make sure it is correct before I ask you to rejudge my application.

Also nice to meet everyone! I guess I was too tired after writing this guy up last night to make a proper first impression. Quick about me, been gaming 15+ years, and have run and played in games on the forums here. Easy going non rules lawyer player that agrees story first then hard stats. I also enjoy this hard application process, it prevents the game from flaking apart two weeks in.

** spoiler omitted **

keith goudreau, your character Keaton Larroquette, has been scored and judged. Thanks for your application.

You can check the status of your score by Clicking Here!

Thanks again! Really enjoyed making him, the guidelines and criteria really helped me focus. Also, I love the slot encumbrance system.

Still watching, and I've expanded my Appearance and Backstory a little.


Been peeping about, lots of great back stories.

Laial wrote:
Still watching, and I've expanded my Appearance and Backstory a little.

I have rejudged your application. You can find your new score by Clicking Here!

I have taken your advice and updated the backstory and personality of Ragar with additional details.

Ragar "Two-Fisted" Coughlin wrote:
I have taken your advice and updated the backstory and personality of Ragar with additional details.

I have rejudged your application. You can find your new score by Clicking Here!

You may have to refresh the page to get the latest score.

I have also updated the Background and Personality references of Narnel with some additional detail for another look.

Thank you for the feedback. While at the time I was highest scoring, I still like to get some help improving my writing skills, and now that there are actually three applicants with better scores, I might actually end up needing it too.

So I updated my personality and physical description.

I don't think I will find a time to improve the back story as well. I've been spending most of this week outdoors, and will tomorrow as well.

Narnel Falerathon wrote:

I have also updated the Background and Personality references of Narnel with some additional detail for another look.

I have rejudged your application. You can find your new score by Clicking Here!

You may have to refresh the page to get the latest score.

Kenna Icemane wrote:

Thank you for the feedback. While at the time I was highest scoring, I still like to get some help improving my writing skills, and now that there are actually three applicants with better scores, I might actually end up needing it too.

So I updated my personality and physical description.

I don't think I will find a time to improve the back story as well. I've been spending most of this week outdoors, and will tomorrow as well.

I have rejudged your application. You can find your new score by Clicking Here!

You may have to refresh the page to get the latest score.

The improved appearance and personality gave enough synergy with the background to pull the background up the .5 points.

Great job, perfect score.

While still interested, I don't think I can or even want to make it into the top 6. The current top-placing applications are delightful to read and I think they really earned their spots. Since I have a busy weekend, I won't be able to put in the effort needed to reach 22 or more points.

I hope you all enjoy the game! I hereby withdraw my application.

(If anyone plans on starting another 5e game, let me know! I sort of have a character ready.)

Vaneros Anteri wrote:

While still interested, I don't think I can or even want to make it into the top 6. The current top-placing applications are delightful to read and I think they really earned their spots. Since I have a busy weekend, I won't be able to put in the effort needed to reach 22 or more points.

I hope you all enjoy the game! I hereby withdraw my application.

(If anyone plans on starting another 5e game, let me know! I sort of have a character ready.)

Sorry to see you go. Your background was great and made me laugh! Thank you for the kind words, and good luck!

I am in the same boat as you Vaneros, in that I would still love to play, but I am not sure where to improve, or exactly what you would want to see to get a higher score. With work being rather tight as well, I am not too sure I will have time to update my submission...but I will try with any feedback you (or anyone) might be willing to give me! Thanks!
Oh, and he was also right that these submissions are all fantastic!!!

Throwing my hat in the Ring with Brocken.
I still have some things to do... but Real life took a stressful turn with my boss sick. But he is back on monday, so my life is normal again.

Calling the dice gods for a defining trinket...
1d100 ⇒ 86
A faceless doll made of driftwood.
Totally workable

Helikon wrote:

Throwing my hat in the Ring with Brocken.

I still have some things to do... but Real life took a stressful turn with my boss sick. But he is back on monday, so my life is normal again.

Let me know when he is all done and I will look over him Helikon.

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