Cutting the Razor: A Razor Coast Gameplay Thread

Game Master Divinitus

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Dark Archive

When are we starting? Because right now we're just messing around.

Sal you need more languages thats not nearly enough. lol. Even Groots Sylvan is subpar. Almost childish, he was lost to his people at a young age and common is very hard for him to form with his mouth. So he only has 'I am groot' down.

Either that or someone needs to learn GROOOOTTTT ... lol

Surgeon, Tattoo artist, and Linguist, those were my goals. I'd say I'm pretty good at all of them. lol!

One more for Sylvan here : )

It's a very easy language to learn with only 3 words but those words have alot of meaning attached to them. So understanding can be hard. lol

As a wizard, I normally play something of a linguist. It gives me something to do with all the skillpoints I get.

*plays violin throughout the entire charade. Marching tune to suit the mood.*

Dark Archive

*stairs at the Groot and begins to wonder if it's actually wood, then relates him to a treent

That'll be great when I start to say things for groot that he's not really saying. LOL! "He said 'he thinks your mother walks bow-legged!"... "No, what he said, was 'Sal'Hara put a venomous snake under your bedsheets." LOL!

Am i the only one who thinks of Sylvan like how the Ents talking in LotR? A lot of wood groaning and windblown leaves?

Anybody know when BW is getting up? He said he'd give us the results 12 hours ago...

Seeing that Tobias has lost Sunny, he looks at Groot, "Well shiver me masts, it be ye walkin ey speakin's ship's mast!"

Booze and exhaustion are known to cause a time dilating effect... He's still at the party last night. Haha!

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I knew he wasn't going to post the results until much later, lots of people + booze + hang over = much later selection posting.

Groot pauses in his search and looks at Tobias, "I am groot." He says sounding maybe slightly hurt you think of him as such. Then keeps searching for Sunny.

Yes will i am made of wood.

Not understanding Groot, he takes a closer look at him "Ye may come in handy if we lose our masts to thee Kraken, Quell's fury, that Pee Pee ... Pele lass, or from Chain Shot." Tobias takes another swig.

I expected a post at midnight saying when he'd be able to post the results.

Looks at groot with his hurt feelings,

"The mast is the most important part of the ship, Groot. You can't build a ship without putting it n first, and if it breaks, the ship is worthless. Take it as a compliment."

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I'll be taking language "Groot".

Yes. 1am was a silly post. The man was half drunk! More like 1 pm Saturday when he awakens!

Groot nots to Sal'Hara, seeming satisfied by his interpritation.

He then pats Tobias on the should hard, "I am groot."

He'd better not make us wait 'till Saturday!

You know, Groot reminds me of a ninja I once played with. Because he was a ninja, he didn't talk (he'd taken a vow of silence as part of his ninja training), so he had to mime everythiing he wanted to say. That extended to the player- he never once uttered a word. He always mimed it out. Eventually we bought both the character and the player a chalkboard, but he still preferred to mime his actions out.

Groot Kin wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks of Sylvan like how the Ents talking in LotR? A lot of wood groaning and windblown leaves?

*Skips over and says*

"Hello! It's been ages since I've met some one else who shares a language!"

Dark Archive

y'all are crazy!

"No, I'm not. Just a little bit hard to understand when I'm trying to talk to people in a way I haven't quite mastered yet. Give it time. I'll get the hang of it."
She replies to William.

*Simply begins to purrr under Nini's ministrations...* (^_^)

Dark Archive

...*shakes head and poseedes to pull out a book from his pack. Reads two pages, slams it shut, then spouts a curse using various different languages*

"Oh! I know some of them words!" (^_^)

"Wait... I dun' think that word should be goin' with that other word... Nor some of them t'other words be goin' t'gether like that, neither..."

Dark Archive

*laughs at sunny insidiously, then draws out a wand of diminish person on sunny, can bring him to the size of a toad*

William Nightwing wrote:
*laughs at sunny insidiously, then draws out a wand of diminish person on sunny, can bring him to the size of a toad*

*Looks at William, poor pointy ear feller knows nothin' 'bout thee plumbin' ov lasses.*

Sal'Hara shakes his head in disapproval. "That's such a waste of a useful spell"

Tobias nods in agreement, "Aye me white haired pointy ear feller!"

*Looks down at tiny Sunny*

"Squeee! She's adorable!"

"I am groot." Groot nods in agreement with Nini.

Tobias looks at Sunny's diminutive state, then looks at Nini, while winking his eyebrows at her, "Hmmm?!"

I apologize for not posting last night. Goblins and rum were very much the main topics up for discourse. Here are my selections!

1. Ruul Spiritskin, Minotaur Brawler/Racial Paragon

2. Meherio 'The Water Ghost', Tulita Oracle/Swashbuckler

3. Tatienne Talbot, Shaman

4. Nini, Summoner

5. Orsal Hort, Bard/Swashbuckler

6. Rodriguez Lapaz, Wizard (My buddy who has been keeping me informed of his decision. He was going to post yesterday, but I told him not to worry about it because I knew his character pretty well.)

Again, as with my first recruitment, there were several exceptional characters! I am liking the quality of posters here on Paizo!

Thank you for the opportunity. Tobias packs up his gear to go see if the Razor needs a sharpshooter in the crows nest and landing parties.

You're welcome Tobias! You have a great character, so I'm sure he will find a home in someone's iteration of the Razor Coast!

Ahoy! Thanks GM. =)

Best of luck guys.

William Nightwing wrote:
*laughs at sunny insidiously, then draws out a wand of diminish person on sunny, can bring him to the size of a toad*

"Eeek!" *scampers away to hide behind Groot*

Ah well.. better luck next time/

Keep people in mind should others 'fall behind'...



*Looks at all the cools ones not picked*

"Aww ..."

Glad to be selected, especially in this competition : )

It is always a shame when there are so many cool people, maybe Bloodied Water should run 3 groups instead ... :P

Nini wrote:
It is always a shame when there are so many cool people, maybe Bloodied Water should run 3 groups instead ... :P

I second that but never-the-less, I am grateful for the opportunity. Congratulations to the selected!

"I am groot." Groot says as he hugs Sunny.

Have fun guys. I would have loved to play. If GM Bloodied Waters wants to do another group he has plenty to pick from :)

The Exchange

Thanks for the selection. There were many great players. Glad you chose me.

Good luck to the rest of you.

Congratulations to those selected!

congratulations to those selected

congrats and have fun, you guys. Dont let the weresharks eat you!

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