Esmeranda |

To answer some questions real quick- Profiles are not required at this time, just concepts. I will try to assemble a good team of people for this. It looks like I might get a lot of submissions for this and I am considering running two tables. That way if people leave both games I could potentially consolidate them into one. R0B0GESHIA has offered to run one of these if something unforeseen happens to me. I would really like to see this game through and am putting a good amount of effort towards that end and trying to prevent pitfalls many of us might have experienced in PbP.
I will be back on in an hour or two to address the recent applicants and any other questions.

Esmeranda |

You don’t have to give me a full profile, but if you do I will do my best to look over it. I am compiling a list of submissions and concepts.
Submissions so farGarran Fain Human Fighter- Looks good, solid submission
Danni Shriikirri Shoanti Tattooed Sorceror- The parts that are finished look good. The concept seems a nice fit for this AP. Finish up gear/money/weight when can.
Alistair Wellington Human Swashbuckler- I like the concept. The backstory is extensive which his fine, but I didn’t read it all yet just skimmed it for the moment. I know you said you are working on updating the character since this one is already lvl and that is fine.
Lahrehn Azheron Human Paladin- I wasn’t sure about Apsu at first, but after reading your reasoning it became clearer. It might work, I will look into it further as I have only read the first two chapters of the AP so far though I will be caught up by next week.
Roberto Corvus Human (Chelaxian) Rogue- Other than weight the mechanics look right. Going for broke on dex eh? Fair enough. Looking forward to the backstory.
Luca Tismaneanu Human Troubadour- I will have to look into the 3pp material you presented I am not familiar with it. You need to change one of your traits to a campaign trait and I do not see your connection to Gaedren in the backstory. In general I like to concept, but the devil is in the details and I will get back to you about the material you asked about.
The Nine Halfling order of the paw – Could work. Don’t get too obnoxious about where your mount can go and should be fine. In a dungeon-sure. Inside the Queen’s court-no. Not an accusation mind you, just experience talking.
Elhona Felar and Grandlounge Siblings of some sort- This might work well in this AP. The stronger the connection between yourselves and the community...
New Submissions
Montana James –Human Bard(Archaeologist) I like the concept. Not familiar with archetype will have to look into it. Good to have an academic type.Kane Callahan – Human Magus(Card Caster) A very thematic entry I can appreciate that. Not familiar with Card Caster archetype I will look into that one.
Quinn – Human Inquisitor of Abadar(Urban Infiltrator, Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter) Not familiar with Ravener Hunter will have to look into that one. I like the work you put into the background.
Ancrym Wilds-Tamer –Human Hunter I like the concept look forward to background. To your question- No, there will not be much downtime. Two weapon fighting and weapon focus is useless?
Nicoleta Radacan – Dhampir Monk Is this a regular monk or unchained? I like the idea of a Dhampir monk that indulges in vice. Interested to see more of the background.
Deadly Secret “Are you willing to recruit someone without a character/background and will build after the party is selected. I like to build with and around other players. “- You do not have to have a full profile, but at least a concept and background. I am trying to keep a list of applicants that can assist you in making your own.

Darkwing_DM |

I would like to dot however I do have a few questions because I have three concepts
1- I am currently dming CoCT , does that matter ? I know how to serperate chars knowledge from player.
2- because I am dming ( see 1) it I was wondering if I could play Garu (at 1st though) I’m not going to spoil anything and I do have a good hook for him to be after Lamn. I would be happy to PM you my basic idea if this is something your interested in. (And prod the story forward with some of his knowledge)
3- a drunken skald that worships caylien who is a bartender
4- a monk assassin, based of game of throne worshiper of the many faced god in this case it would be pharisma , scarred monk prestige class , there is only one caviate that the face collector faces don’t deteriorate after I harvest. I don’t think it’s game breaking it’s just for the flavor. ( I would be willing to carry with me only up to 5-10) so the assasin when first introduced would really just be in his first “face” that he will keep secret til 5th level.
I would be willing to play which ever feels best to you.

Nicoleta Radacan |

Nicoleta's basic background is finished and she's geared up.
Esmeranda, Nicoleta has lost her mother for the Lost Love campaign trait. Would it be possible to take the All Alone sub category instead of Orphaned? The bonus to Intimidate fits a lot better with the character then the bonus to Survival.

Esmeranda |

@Nicoleta- Regular Monk is fine, nice to see a regular monk get some love. Using that trait variant is fine.
@Darkwing_DM- Being familiar is fine, I answered that for someone else already. No to using a NPC for your character. Develop one concept and submit one please.
@Deadly secret- Understood, happy trails.
@Ancrym Wilds-Tamer- Understood, decent background perhaps add a bit of Ancrym's long term goals even if its just to return to his tribe.
@Red Summer Rose- No Drawbacks

Litejedi |

So, I noticed that someone else was interested in an inquisitor of Abadar before I was, so to avoid duplicity, I've rethought a character. Let me know if you're interested!
Female half-elf (Half Drow) investigator (lamplighter) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street 17, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 30)
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3; +2 racial bonus vs. necromancy and curse spells and spell like abilities and to remove negative levels, +2 bonus vs. traps and hazards while underground
Speed 30 ft.
Melee lantern staff +2 (1d6+3) or
. . longspear +2 (1d8+3/×3)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +2)
. . 1/day—lter self alter self (specific human, drow, or elf form)
Investigator (Lamplighter) Extracts Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st—heightened awareness[ACG], urban grace[ARG]
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Combat Reflexes, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana])
Traits accelerated drinker, personal addiction
Skills Bluff +5 (+7 to pass as full drow, elf, or human), Craft (alchemy) +7 (+8 to create alchemical items), Disable Device +6, Disguise +5 (+7 to pass as full drow, elf, or human), Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Perception +5, Stealth +5
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven, Goblin, Sakvroth
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +1), blightborn, darklands guide, elf blood, hidden half-breed, inspiration (3/day), lamplighter, trapfinding +1
Combat Gear acid (2), oil (3); Other Gear studded leather, mwk buckler, lantern staff, light crossbow, longspear, canteen[UE], chalk (10), inkpen, investigator starting formula book, masterwork backpack[APG], paper (10), powder[APG] (2), sunrod, thieves' tools, 56 gp, 4 sp, 8 cp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Blightborn +2 to save vs. necromancy, curses, and temp negative levels.
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Darklands Guide +2 to saves vs. traps and hazards while underground.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Hidden Half-Breed +2 to bluff and disguise to pass as full drow, elf, or human.
Inspiration (+1d6, 3/day) (Ex) Use 1 point, +1d6 to trained skill or ability check. Use 2 points, to add to attack or save.
Lamplighter (Su) As a move action, light a held flammable item.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Answers to Questions:
Why are you in Korvosa? Muriel lives in Korvosa, and was once employed as a city guard. She now works as a lamplighter.
How has Gaedren wronged you? Muriel is a former drug addict, and she almost died from a Shiver overdose.
What major goal does your character have? Muriel would like to get revenge, and blames Gaedren for her brush with death. She would like to stop or arrest the drug trade into Korvosa in the long term, as she guesses Gaedren doesn't get all of his drugs locally. She would like to redeem herself in Cressida's eyes, as well.
Wanting to avoid a similar fate after becoming traumatized, he moved to a small town outside of Korvosa, where he serves as a extract maker and alchemist. He is far enough away from Miereni forest, but close enough to civilization to be comfortable.
Muriel is tall and pretty, with typically pointed half-elven ears, dark brown skin, black hair with myriad braids, and violet eyes. Her appearance does not specifically give her away as a half-drow, and she takes pains to disguise herself each day as a "typical" half-elf. She tries to be friendly with everyone she meets, smiling easily, and with a particular soft spot for other outcasts, such as half-orcs. She is very anxious when in dark and confined places, and he can withdraw and become anxious subject to these conditions, but she usually manages to suppress these feelings. When she can't suppress them, she can become irritable and becomes angry when pushed or questioned.
She was drawn to the tenets of Sarenrae, finding comfort in the idea of ever-present light, and appreciating Sarenrae's inclination towards forgiveness. She knows that there is a certain type of darkness within her, and hopes that this darkness will be kept at bay through Sarenrae's light.
Muriel became a member of the city guard, and was an competent (if atypical) guardswoman. But Muriel was also traumatized by her experience, in a few significant ways. this trauma led her to attempt to calm her nerves through the use of shiver and a handful of other narcotics. This usage escalated once, and she overdosed and nearly died. She lost her job, but has stayed away from narcotics, having a great deal of enmity for the dealer involved, Gaedren. Realizing that other people have not been as lucky as she has, she is investigating a way to shut down his operation, while she works as a poorly-paid lamplighter in the city (Cressida Kroft took pity on her and was able to get her a new job, albeit at a much smaller pay).

Esmeranda |

Esmeranda wrote:...You don’t have to give me a full profile, but if you do I will do my best to look over it. I am compiling a list of submissions and concepts.
Submissions so farGarran Fain Human Fighter- Looks good, solid submission
Danni Shriikirri Shoanti Tattooed Sorceror- The parts that are finished look good. The concept seems a nice fit for this AP. Finish up gear/money/weight when can.
Alistair Wellington Human Swashbuckler- I like the concept. The backstory is extensive which his fine, but I didn’t read it all yet just skimmed it for the moment. I know you said you are working on updating the character since this one is already lvl and that is fine.
Lahrehn Azheron Human Paladin- I wasn’t sure about Apsu at first, but after reading your reasoning it became clearer. It might work, I will look into it further as I have only read the first two chapters of the AP so far though I will be caught up by next week.
Roberto Corvus Human (Chelaxian) Rogue- Other than weight the mechanics look right. Going for broke on dex eh? Fair enough. Looking forward to the backstory.
Luca Tismaneanu Human Troubadour- I will have to look into the 3pp material you presented I am not familiar with it. You need to change one of your traits to a campaign trait and I do not see your connection to Gaedren in the backstory. In general I like to concept, but the devil is in the details and I will get back to you about the material you asked about.
The Nine Halfling order of the paw – Could work. Don’t get too obnoxious about where your mount can go and should be fine. In a dungeon-sure. Inside the Queen’s court-no. Not an accusation mind you, just experience talking.
Elhona Felar and Grandlounge Siblings of some sort- This might work well in this AP. The stronger the connection between
Muriel Jacoby Half-Drow Investigator (Lamplighter) I like the stat spread and concept. At first glance only mechanical thing I see missing is encumbrance. A minor detail that can wait until final audit if you are selected.

theasl |

I've got an oread-dwarf cleric of Torag, divine strategist archetype (replaces channel energy with some int-based stuff) with Framed (family honor) campaign trait. Still trying to flesh out the backstory (basically, following the trait, he's part of a dwarven merchant family from Janderhoff and a member was framed for murder in the city, so he came to Korvosa to investigate and stayed afterwards), not sure if I'll get it in before the deadline though. We'll see.

Vedika Bhatia |

I previously played this character in a CotC game that folded. Would be happy to try again!
Vedika is a bit of an oddball: She is just trying to keep her head down and survive in the big city, unnoticed among all the people. One of her goals is to care for her younger sister, Sita.
Vedika originally comes from Goka, in the far east. Her family relocated to Korvosa when she was 19. At the time she had been indoctrinated enough into typical vishkanya propaganda that she expected this was probably to work as agents in a foreign capital... but her parents didn't tell her why. Perhaps they were fleeing the vishkanya elite, or perhaps they were assigned to a sleeper mission. Vedika doesn't know.
As part of her preparation for the journey, Vedika learned to fight, and she helped in defense of the family occasionally during dangerous parts of the overland trip.
Once the family arrived in Korvosa, Vedika took on mercenary jobs to make ends meet.
Now that her sister has been kidnapped, she is diligently hunting for the criminals responsible, and she will scythe her way through the underworld if necessary!

theasl |

Alright, I did a quick build on the oreadwarf cleric (I don't have a forum-friendly version yet, but here's a Mythweavers link) and wrote up a short background. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
It was 3 months ago that the news reached Janderhoff. The Deepforge had a few representatives in Korvosa, selling various goods that the dwarves brought over regularly to the city. One such merchant, Hasso, had been missing for a few days, and was found dead by the docks, apparently murdered. Plenty of circumstantial evidence pointed to his partner, Orta, but she naturally claimed to have no knowledge of the matter. Helm was sent to Korvosa to investigate, and quickly uncovered problems with the evidence. Questioning the main witness, a fisherman, Helm discovered serious discrepancies in his version of the events. When confronted with the truth, he admitted to lying, saying that he'd been forced to by one Gaedren Lamm, the actual killer.
After this revelation, Orta was freed, though she was forced to return to Janderhoff, and the Deepforge clan withdrew their merchants from the city soon after. Since then, Helm has stayed in Korvosa, vowing to not leave until Gaedren is caught and the honor of the Deepforge clan restored. From his base in the Midland, he's been putting out feelers, but he's not quite familiar with the city yet, and he hasn't had any real leads yet - until now.

Esmeranda |

Ok couple of last min submissions. I will look over them and make my decision in about an hour. At this time no more submissions will be considered. I had thought about running two games, but I do not want to burn myself out and really would like to finish one so instead if you are not invited to this game tonight, stay tuned in case someone drops I will PM you to join . Thank you all.

Esmeranda |

I am happy to have such a strong response to this game. I really like how Paizo set things up for this on this site and think we will have a good game.
The following players please post in Discussion with a completed profile. I will do a last min detailed audit before posting gameplay. If you are not chosen please allow me to contact you via PM if someone should have to drop. I will try to maintain party integrity, so if a fighter drops I will be seeking a fighter and so on.
Garran Fain
Alistair Wellington
Your ex GM Ken Marable PMed me and expressed how good of players you two were and how he wished he could continue. I thought that was nice.
Aryah Wraithscare
No one else offered to GM if something unforeseen happened to me, I appreciate that. There was stiff competition in the divine category, this tipped it in your favor.
Danni Shriikirri
So many good arcane submissions. I actually rolled for this one. I think the Tattooed Sorcerer will go nicely in this campaign .
Nicoleta Radacan
The fifth slot was hardest. It could have been anyone really, but I wanted someone that was a bit of a contrast to the rest of the party. You also have been pretty enthusiastic and posting a lot even if just to be sure I had you on the list, ha! So that tipped it into your favor .
I wish I had the time and energy to GM for all of you that submitted, you all did a lot of work even on basic concepts. I am sure I will run into you all again, possibly even in this game should someone leave. Thank you all!

Esmeranda |

I can’t say that I’m not disappointed, this one looked fun.
But most of the characters I like are “fifth wheel” types with trapfinding, otherwise uncategorizable support abilities, and level 6 spellcasting, so it has to be hard to fit them into a party, so I understand!
I hope I can PM you if someone drops. Investigator is a cool class.

Litejedi |

Thanks, I hope everyone sticks around and has fun with their dudes and there’s no reason for them to drop.
In the best of cases it can be frustrating when people aren’t as engaged as the GM (I know from personal experience) so I wouldn’t want you to have to deal with that. It can also throw a wrench in your plans if you have to figure out a way to introduce someone after the fact!
I’m available if something does happen, though I hope it won’t.
That said, if you ever decide on a lark to push the number of PCs to 6, I’d be happy to join as well. I had to rebalance everything a bit for my 6-person IRL PCs (Skald, Mesmerist, Investigator, Swashbuckler, Shaman, Fighter) so I know that isn’t always an ideal option.

Esmeranda |

Thanks for the consideration. I was explicitly not posting much trying to keep the thread clear. Next time I will try to hit a better balance of expressing enthusiasm and not trying to bog down the thread.
Thanks again. If something opens up the Quinn is ready to jump in.
That is also respectful too Quinn. It's a fine line showing interest and being obnoxious. I am sincere when I say I wish I could GM for all of you, this is a good community at paizo!

Ken Marable |

Gah! I was also in the game with DM Ken Marable! Noooo, my companions!
Have fun folks!
I messaged Emeranda a few days ago about the other two and I'm sorry I didn't check back to see your interest as well. :(
But I heartily recommend Vedika as well for any replacement spots or for any other games submitting for. (So, Vedika/Jesse, if you apply for any other games in the future, Crimson Throne or not, PM me and/or point the GM to this post.) They were all a good party and it sucks that I didn't have the time and let the game fall apart.