Esmeranda |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Gaedren, a local would be crime lord has wronged you. Unlike everyone else he has done this to in the past, you will do something about it. As you are plotting your revenge you find a Harrow Card. There is a message written on it that reads:
I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate. and justice must be done. When you read the message you get a flash of a young woman's face. Her hair is pulled back and held by a bandanna.
Hi all, welcome to my recruitment for Curse of the Crimson Throne. I bought the new hardcover about a year ago, but never got a chance to play it yet. With the next edition of Pathfinder approaching, I wanted to revisit one of the original great APs.This will be Theater of the Mind game style (No combat maps) and I plan on using a lot of concepts from Ultimate Intrigue
Basic expectations- Post once a day excluding weekends. If you do not post within 48 hours I will narrate something appropriate for your character to be doing ( I will not bot them). Please give me more than a one sentence post. Tell me what your character is doing, saying, thinking. Push the story forward with choices you are making. If I tell you there is a door in front of you tell me if you are going through it, checking it for traps, or if you are waiting what are you waiting for. If you need to discuss things OOC extensively, that is what the discussion tab is for. I have no problem with a little "table talk" in the discussion tab, there are players of all levels of experience so be patient and respectful.
I will choose players in a week, 5 slots. That is July 18th @ midnight MST. You will not have to make a profile yet, just a concept and background at this time if you want. Once I have chosen players I will ask the chosen to post in discussion with a profile and do last min audits of the characters before I post the gameplay. Ask any questions you might have.

Esmeranda |

I have tried this AP three times now. Twice just after the end of the Lamm and the other time the dm up and vanished. I would really like to see what happens after the first part. I will adjust the character soon.
Sounds good. PbP can be hit or miss with that. I have had some that lasted a year, some only a few weeks. I am not sure of a remedy for that. One precaution I am doing is adding a 5th person to this group in case one does drop out we are not immediately hurting. Perhaps if one applicant also signed up willing to take over as GM should something unforeseen happen to me.

Esmeranda |

EDIT: I should add that, if selected, I'd be willing to serve as a back-up GM.
Thanks R0B0GEISHA. I do not plan on quitting of course, but things happen. A few years ago I was in the hospital for one week and that is all it took for a game to collapse so I understand such concerns.

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I was thing about an infiltrator inquisitor focused on returning balance to the city. True neutral. Knowing that eradicating evil may be beyond his capability but a nudge toward balance may be possible from the shadows. The struggle becomes, if he makes too many exceptions to his personal code he maybe adding to the imbalance instead of correcting it.
Personality-wise I want to a void the sulky sullen rogue trope so he will be a affable courtly fellow who has learned to bend into most social situations. Will skulk in the shadows when necessary.

Esmeranda |

Dotting my interest as well. I was in a game that ended shortly after the first part (with Alistair, in fact), and would like to try again.
Hi, Alistair!
EDIT: Garran should be finished modifying to your character creation guidelines.
Looks good for most part, only thing I don't see is your encumbrance level.

Esmeranda |

You don’t have to give me a full profile, but if you do I will do my best to look over it. I am compiling a list of submissions and concepts.
Submissions so far
Garran Fain Human Fighter- Looks good, solid submission
Danni Shriikirri Shoanti Tattooed Sorceror- The parts that are finished look good. The concept seems a nice fit for this AP. Finish up gear/money/weight when can.
Alistair Wellington Human Swashbuckler- I like the concept. The backstory is extensive which his fine, but I didn’t read it all yet just skimmed it for the moment. I know you said you are working on updating the character since this one is already lvl and that is fine.
Lahrehn Azheron Human Paladin- I wasn’t sure about Apsu at first, but after reading your reasoning it became clearer. It might work, I will look into it further as I have only read the first two chapters of the AP so far though I will be caught up by next week.
Roberto Corvus Human (Chelaxian) Rogue- Other than weight the mechanics look right. Going for broke on dex eh? Fair enough. Looking forward to the backstory.
Luca Tismaneanu Human Troubadour- I will have to look into the 3pp material you presented I am not familiar with it. You need to change one of your traits to a campaign trait and I do not see your connection to Gaedren in the backstory. In general I like to concept, but the devil is in the details and I will get back to you about the material you asked about.
The Nine Halfling order of the paw – Could work. Don’t get too obnoxious about where your mount can go and should be fine. In a dungeon-sure. Inside the Queen’s court-no. Not an accusation mind you, just experience talking.
Elhona Felar and Grandlounge Siblings of some sort- This might work well in this AP. The stronger the connection between yourselves and the community the better.
Spheres of Power/Spheres of Might 3pp I will look into those tonight. If I do allow them, expect to see NPCs using some of it too.
Litejedi-“What’s your opinin about applicants that are familiar with the AP?” That is fine and should go without saying not to spoil anything. In instances where there party needs to make a choice perhaps take a backseat or be very good at roleplaying your character’s position and not our own.

Esmeranda |

You mentioned running 3PP by you, thoughts on Spheres of Power/Spheres of Might?
After looking into these 3pp I am sorry to say I am not a fan. Its these kind of 3pp material that give the others a bad name in my opinion. Power and Might is accurate descriptors I'd say. Nothing conceptually gained from being a troubadour that could not be gained by using the bard+Ultimate Intrigue so I would suggest that route for this game.

Litejedi |

Thanks Esmeranda, I think I can do that. Out of curiosity, would you be interested in using the “background skills” system that was introduced in the unchained book?
My idea for a character is Garus, a Lawful Good Abadarian half-orc (my favorite race) that grew up as an orphan and was enslaved by Gaedren Lamm for many years. He escaped through guile and luck and works for the church in Korvosa now. He will have a few ranks of profession (barrister) over time, as well. He’s nursed a grudge against Lamm for years but did not see a way to get the justice that he believes Lamm deserves until he receives the harrow card.
How has Gaedren wronged you? Gaedren found Garus abandoned as a baby and “adopted” him.
And, what major goal does your character have? To get fair justice against Gaedren and bring order and safety to the people of Korvosa. He is worried about how crime is increasing in Korvosa and for the safety of the citizens, as he knows firsthand how terrible the underworld is. He would like to see criminals reformed as he believes this is the only long term solution to the chaos of crime, and would like to “check-in” with any character he arrests to work with them on the path of redemption.
Beyond that, I have two possible characters - an inquisitor (sacred huntmaster) or warpriest (possibly with an archetype). I’d prefer the sacred huntmaster as I’ve wanted to play one for some time, but I know animal companions can sometimes be difficult to run in a pbp. I can post statblocks for both characters tonight if you’d like. The characters are pretty similar but the inquisitor has more social skills and utility (from what I can tell) and the warpriest has a little more combat ability.

Esmeranda |

No background skills. I did put that in the character creation tab, but it is easy to miss smashed in middle of a sentence.
Garus sounds good, nice to have a non-human, though having a lot of humans is representative of the area. Animal companions are fine, just realize they are not allowed at court and other social functions- at least not without pushback. Expand a little on what occured when you were adopted by Gaedren, but otherwise that is fine.
Roberto Corvus Looks good Roberto.
A lot of good choices so far.

Esmeranda |

Aipaca wrote:You mentioned running 3PP by you, thoughts on Spheres of Power/Spheres of Might?After looking into these 3pp I am sorry to say I am not a fan. Its these kind of 3pp material that give the others a bad name in my opinion. Power and Might is accurate descriptors I'd say. Nothing conceptually gained from being a troubadour that could not be gained by using the bard+Ultimate Intrigue so I would suggest that route for this game.
After rereading this I feel I might have come off a bit harsh. I certainly do not fault you for finding something interesting in this third party material, but for me third party material should only be brought in if its to introduce something that is missing from the current system . For example when Dreamscarred Press did the Psionics or when Louis Porter did the Machinesmith. These things were unique and at the time missing from the current system. That is where I stand on third party material I hope that seems reasonable.

Montana James |

My submission: Montana James, the Archaeologist Bard.
I plan on taking the Hero Point feats down the road and really trying to utilize that subsystem.
Why are you in Korvosa?
Landed a job teaching History and helping students avoid substance abuse.
How has Gaedren wronged you?
Was formerly a Shiver addict, and Gaedren is making new addicts every day.
What major goal does your character have?
To become the kind of Hero people tell stories about.
(full Background and Stats in the Profile.)

Litejedi |

Sorry for missing that, and thanks for the interest. I agree that animal companions wouldn’t make sense in courtly settings. Would you like me to send you a pair of statblocks via PM or in this thread tonight? I noticed that you said you don’t necessarily want an alias to be made for every submission.

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Throwing this alias in the ring for submission. Not as detailed as I usually like, and still need to work on equipment and encumbrance... but I wanted to try a fortune teller this time around!
"Never forget to smile."
NG Small Humanoid (Human)
Deity: Desna Homeland: Korvosa, Varisia
Init +3; Senses Perception +5
AC 16 Touch 13 Flat-footed 13
HP 11/11
Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +3
Favored Class Magus (+1 HP)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Throwing Axe +2 (1d6+2)
Ranged Cards +4 (1d4+3/x2) 20' or Throwing Axe +4 (1d6+2/x2) 10'
Special Arcane Pool 3/3
0th - Light, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost
1st - Chill Touch, Returning Weapon
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Arcane Strike, Point Blank Shot, Deadly Dealer,
Traits All Alone (Orphaned), Vagabond Child (Sleight of Hand)
(1) Kn. Arcana +6
(1) Perception +2
(1) Sleight of Hand +8
(1) Survival +6
(1) Spellcraft +6
(1) Use Magic Device +4
Languages Common, Elven, Dwarven, Undercommon
Combat Gear Studded Leather, Quarterstaff
SQ Arcane Pool (3 points), Spell Combat
Working extra jobs and saving up his money, Kane and his mother finally earned enough money to afford the entrance exam to the Theumanexus College. Not quite as prestigious as the Academae, but certainly enough to teach him the foundations of magic, casting and the like. Kane swore that with his education, he would earn his fortune, take care of his family, and neither his mom nor his sisters would want for anything.
Sadly, Kane's plans were cut short, along with his mother's life. On a walk home from the market one night, Kane's mother was murdered in an alleyway, leaving him and his sisters orphaned. Kane pulled out of school to work full time as a fortune teller, street performer, and, on occasion, a dealer in the tavern of a friend of his mom's. Although he has been working to support and care for his little sisters, Kane has been searching relentlessly for his mother's killer. The ring their father gave her turned up in a pawn shop recently, and although he can't afford to buy it back, he has a name: Gaedren Lamm. A crime lord and snake in the grass, as far as Kane is concerned. And as if killing his mother wasn't enough, the rumors that he kidnapped children to do his dirty work made him seethe with anger and fear for the well-being of his sisters.
In between his work as a fortune teller, Kane has been doing his best to track down his mom's murderer. As long as he walks the night, the city is too dangerous for his sisters. Kane will either bring him to justice, or see him dead. He will take on every criminal Korvosa has to offer, if it means keeping his sisters out of harm's way. Starting with Lamm.

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Deadly secret |

I am interested in this campaign. I find it a process to develop a character and then never make it into the game. Are you willing to recruit someone without a character/background and will build after the party is selected. I like to build with and around other players. Let me know!
I like to play all kinds of classes with more rare races. I am an active game master and plan to run this game at my future tables and would like a chance to play it before I go and read it.
If that is not an option, disregard this application.
Thank you,

Captain collateral damage |

Dotting, thinking a two-weapon ranger working towards the Thunder and Fang feat.
I'll be back with a character outline in a bit.

Ancrym Wilds-Tamer |

This is Captain Collateral Damage's Character. Given the high ratio of martial character to divine ones, I've gone with the hunter instead.
Working on my background currently.
Question: Is there much downtime/opportunities to retrain in this AP? Asking because most of the feats required for Thunder and Fang are useless until I have the feat itself.

Nicoleta Radacan |

Presenting for your consideration, Nicoleta Radacan.
She's a Dhampir monk. Her appearance reflects her mother's Varisian heritage.
She's not the typical ascetic monk; she has no issues at all indulging in life's pleasures. Although not all the way to a drunken master.
The nature of her discipline has been inculcated from an early age by her mother to keep restrained the darkness and bloodlust of her father.
She's taking the Love Lost: Orphaned campaign trait.
I'm still working on a full background write-up, but you can see a little of her personality in the Appearance/Personality spoiler of her profile.
I also haven't fully equipped her.