Courts of the Shadow Fey - Brainstorming Thread (Inactive)

Game Master Grimmy

Some say the world is white and blank. Others say the world is a black abyss.
Half black, half white. Half sorrow, half joy. Half living, half a ghost.

The Realm of Shadows is neither one thing nor another; it is a place of halves. One may think of it as half regret, half done, half dead. But it is just as fair to say half rich, half cured, half won.

The shadows are a place of neither pure evil nor pure good but only that muddle where true balance lies, where lives are rich and sad and complicated. Half villains and half heroes who strive but never win. But who never quite lose.

Artwork 1 | Artwork 2 | Artwork 3 | Artwork 4

Major Races:


Caelmarans: The descendants of the nine magocracies—Allain, Andarre, Barsella, Caelmarath, Carnessa, Cassilon, Molovosch, Uxloon, and Vael Turog—are a pasty lot, with hair from rust-red to moss-green as common as black or brown. Some claim that the Caelmarans are all tainted by association with demons and devils, pointing to the high prevalence of tieflings among the shattered towns and deserts of the West. Caelmarans speak the Trade Tongue, though many also speak the Northern Tongue.

Dornigfolk: The Dornigfolk of the Great Duchy are numerous and strong in their numbers. They have skin ranging from pink-white to a watery brown, and hair from brown to blond, though red hair is largely unknown. The Dornigfolk pride themselves on their hard work and their elven empress, and consider themselves the last bastion of the true Empire of Thorn. Those pretenders in Valera arouse only their pity and scorn. Dornigfolk speak Elvish and the Trade Tongue.

Kushites and Nurians: The people of the great Southern bastion of Nuria Natal are the best known of the Kushites, but hardly the only ones: the desert folk, the Mharoti humans, and many of the Southern reaches are Kushites. Both have mahogany skin, but their rulers and customs are quite different. Kushites take great pride in their status as the first and greatest of the human kingdoms. They speak Nurian and often a Southern dialect or Draconic.

Magdar: Dark-haired and customarily green-eyed, the Magdar are beautiful and relatively tall among humans. They have rich, musical voices and an efficient way with horses and oxen. Though many Magdar ride the Plains or wander far afield as mercenaries or adventurers,
their kingdom is a strong one, and the Magdar are bold explorers and fighters. A few Magdar have a regrettable tendency to drunkenness. They speak the Trade Tongue, and a few speak Draconic or the Northern Tongue.

Northlanders: Pale and tall and strong, the Northlanders are a race of survivors and warriors. Their hair runs to pale blond or even white, sometimes with golden or red streaks. Their eyes are often a piercing blue or purple. They speak the Northern Tongue, and many also speak Dwarvish.

Roshgazi: Dark-skinned and eagle-nosed, the Roshgazi are associated with their friends the minotaurs, and they wander the western deserts as well as dwelling in small villages in Capleon, Kyprion, and Cindass. They speak Roshgazi, a language closely related to Minotaur. Speakers of either language can understand the other.

Septimes: Olive-skinned and dark-haired, the people of the Seven Cities, Illyria, and Kyprion call themselves the Manzaro, but most others call them the Septimes. They are a small and swift people, quick-speaking and sometimes too quick with a blade. They speak the Trade Tongue and a dialect they call Valeran.


The dragonkin divide themselves into the Four Elemental Kinds, supposedly purebred lineages of dragonkin, though there is a great deal of mixing among them as well and hybrids are not uncommon. The flame or fire dragonkin (who bear yellow, golden, or orange scales, with red crests) are the most common, followed by wind or storm dragonkin (blue, white, silver, or gray scales, with black crests). The stone or cave dragonkin are relatively uncommon (brown, gray, black, or rarely white scales, with purple or white crests). Rarest of all are the wave or tide dragonkin breeds, gold, blue, or green-scaled with bright green or yellow crests. More common than the purebreds and outside the traditional elemental divisions are the edjet or soldier dragonkin, who sport brassy or tan scales with black or rust-colored crests.

All dragonkin have the following racial traits:
+2 Strength, −2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma: Dragonkin are strong and exude
presence, but they are not quick.
Slow Speed: Dragonkin have a base speed of 20 feet, and their speed is
never modified by encumbrance or armor.
Darkvision: Dragonkin can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Energy Resistance: Dragonkin must choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
sonic energy at 1st level. They have DR 2 against that energy type. Armor: Dragonkin have a +1 natural armor bonus.
Presence: Dragonkin gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate and Diplomacy
checks. Fly is always a class skill for dragonkin.
Languages: All dragonkin begin with both the Trade Tongue and
Draconic as known languages. Dragonkin who have high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages: Dwarvish, Elemental, Elvish, Infernal, Kobold, Minotaur, Nurian, or Darakhul (Ghoulish/Undercommon).


The dwarves of Midgard live in three great realms: the Northern halls such as Tanserhall and Wolfheim, the cantons of the Ironcrags, and the Southern city of Nuria Natal. The dwarves of the three realms are distinct in their culture, strengths, and style.

The Northlands dwarves are keepers of the old ways and the old gods, smiths and warriors, farmers and traders, stout and strong and able to down a barrel of ale at one sitting. They keep busy fighting
the giants or the werewolves and wargs in the North, but sometimes the Northern dwarves take to the sea in their longships and raid
the coasts, from Vidim through the Donnermark and Krakova to northern Dornig territories, but passing over the magocracy of Allain. The Northern dwarves are especially accomplished at ring-making, smithwork, and (for some reason) berserk shapeshifting. They have a society of especially fearsome bear-shirted berserks.

Ironcrags: The cantonal dwarves are makers, miners, and smiths, digging deep into the Ironcrags for iron and gold and forging items of great wonder, primarily exceptional spears, crossbows, and arrows, but also great artistic works. Singular items are a lifetime’s masterwork: a clockwork steed or wagon, an airship, a returning hammer, or a suit of invulnerable armor. None of these are beyond the grasp of a cantonal smith. The cantonal dwarves serve no kings, but rule themselves. They frequently serve as mercenaries in the Seven Cities, among the Princes of Dornig, and even against the Mharoti Empire, side by side with the Magdar knights.

The Southlands dwarves are distant relatives at best, with different language, magic, and style. In the desert heat the Southern dwarves shave their heads and wrap their beards tightly in gold or copper wire; sometimes these beards are forked or braided as well. They serve a male mask of Rava they call Ptah, and they build clockwork bodies they call shabti, or servants. Their skin is dark as ebony, and—when not shorn—their hair runs to pure black, gold, or (strangely) red. The Southern dwarves are alchemists and mystics, with a particular hatred of dragons and the Mharoti Empire. They have served the King of Nuria Natal well and faithfully as bodyguards and as his heavy infantry for centuries, and as engineers who build his temples, city walls, and step pyramids.


The windrunner elves are simple nomads and herders, weavers and masters of archery and the hunt, and quick to speak with the sky spirits. In many ways, they are a fallen people who have abandoned civilization.

The shadow elves have kept a court and a king and queen, but their remaining glory is slight, a reflection full of illusion and trickery and deceit. They no longer draw their power from Midgard, but from Shadow.

Finally, the river elves are what remains of the elves of Thorn, with the River King retaining only slight contact with the Imperatrix on the throne of the Domains of the Princes. The Arbonesse forest is their homeland and the river their highway, and their borders include all the land where the leaves’ shadow falls. The river elves sometimes exile one of their number to wander the world for a time (a span defined in decades), but otherwise, the other races rarely see the elves who built so many castles, roads, and cities throughout Midgard.


The gearforged are the children of Rava, the Gear Goddess of Fate and Industry. Her priests were the first to forge bodies of brass and copper with cunningly wrought gears and well-balanced mechanisms to support thought and action. Each such body is the safe harbor of a soul that once lived in flesh; a special ritual (see sidebar) is required to transfer a living creature’s soul into the housing that makes it gearforged. Once created, a gearforged can in theory live forever, though in practice most wind down or are destroyed by the ravages of time and the difficulty of surviving as a well-crafted machine.

All gearforged have the following racial traits.
Medium: As Medium creatures, gearforged have no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
Gearforged base land speed is 30 feet.
Clockwork Construct Traits: As constructs, gearforged possess no
Constitution scores and are immune to disease, poison, magical sleep effects, enchantment effects, paralysis, and effects that require a Fortitude save (unless those effects can also affect objects). They cannot become fatigued or exhausted.
Gearforged do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. As living creatures, though, they do not have any other immunities common to constructs.
Gearforged cannot heal damage on their own. Cure spells, wands, and potions heal gearforged for the minimum amount per charge or dose, and the psionic repair damage power works normally. The mending spell heals a gearforged for 1 point of damage, while the make whole spell heals 2d8 points of damage +1 per caster level (maximum +10).
Rather than sleep, gearforged must rewind their springs, repair gears, and oil and clean their parts each day for a 4-hour period to ensure normal functioning. They are fully aware during this period, but any interruption in their routine during these 4 hours requires them to start again from the beginning. Gearforged can function a number of days equal to their character level without performing this maintenance, but each day without such a repair period applies a cumulative –2 penalty on all attack and damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. If a gearforged neglects his repair period a number of days equal to his character level, he becomes immobile and helpless until repaired by someone else. One 4-hour repair period eliminates all accumulated penalties.
Gearforged gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (clockwork) and Intimidate checks. Gearforged intimately understand how their own race works and can apply that knowledge elsewhere, while most living creatures find gearforged a little unsettling.
Automatic Language: Trade Tongue. Bonus Languages: Draconic and Dwarven.
Favored Class: Fighter.


All kobolds have the following racial traits.
–4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, –2 Constitution: Kobolds are fast but weak.
Small: Kobolds are Small and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a
+1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Normal Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Armor: Kobolds have a +1 natural armor bonus.
Crafty: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trap making), Perception, and Profession (miner) checks. Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class skills for a kobold.
Weakness: Light sensitivity.
Languages: All kobolds begin with both the Trade Tongue and Draconic as known languages. Kobolds who have high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages: Dwarven, Infernal, Southern, and Undercommon.


All minotaurs have the following racial traits.
+4 Strength, −4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, −2 Intelligence, −4
Charisma: Minotaurs are powerful and sturdy, but also
relative slow.
Normal Speed: Minotaurs have a base speed of 30 feet. Darkvision: Minotaurs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Natural Cunning: Minotaurs are never caught flat-footed. Fierce: Minotaurs are sharp-eyed survivors and gain a +2 racial
bonus on Perception, Profession (sailor), and Survival checks.
Survival is always a class skill for a minotaur.
Horns: All minotaurs have a natural attack to gore with their
horns for 1d4, even if otherwise unarmed.
Languages: All minotaurs begin with both the Trade Tongue and
Southern as known languages. Bonus languages: Dwarven, Ishadian (Enochian), Khandirian, and Kobold.

Minor Races


Centaurs are a scattered race and roam in small clan groups from the Rothenian Plains (where their numbers are great) to the personal guard of the young Emperor in Valera in the Seven Cities. Everywhere they are considered large and dangerous, and they have a reputation for banditry and bullying. Their archery is excellent and their healing arts well advanced, but they are largely a nomadic people without much interest in magic or writing, and other races disregard them as a result. They do so at their peril: Large centaur hordes have occasionally smashed entirely cities and small nations flat.


Most common in the Southlands of Nuria Natal and points south, gnolls are also found in the Mharoti Empire, Khandiria, and even on the Rothenian plain. They range the desert and plains as hunters and scavengers, and they are expert rangers, scouts, and trackers. Their culture is violent and largely unfriendly to outsiders, but some say they have a small kingdom in the distant South.


Found throughout Midgard in small numbers, gnomes have a single primary home, the
dark forest of Neimheim and its surrounding territory. They have a terrible reputation as swindlers, kidnappers, diabolists, and charmers. As individuals, the small men in their amusing hats and pointy boots seem silly. However, as a race they have struck one or more diabolical bargains for power with Baba Yaga or archdevils, and this has led them to turn inward. Their only close allies are the shadow fey, though goblins and kobolds and gnolls are not too particular in their choice of friends, either.


Alone among the shorter races, goblins refuse to be conquered or adopt even the pretense
of diplomacy, and so are treated as vermin and exterminated wherever dwarves and men encounter them. Driven into the wilderness by larger races, goblins scratch an existence as opportunistic scavengers. Many goblin tribes have fallen under the sway of worgs and nightgarms, whom they worship as totem beasts. The relationship between goblins and worgs is the reverse of what might be expected: It’s the goblins who are pets and servants of lupine lords, not the other way around.

Some believe goblins are the warped remnants of the gnomes who did not escape to the Wormwood, or perhaps the twisted results of experimentation on halflings or humans during the Great Mage Wars. They are found in large numbers in the Goblin Wastes and the West, though they are hardy travelers and can pop up thousands of miles away from their homeland, from the Northlands to the Dragon Empire. They have a knack for finding ancient artifacts and lost magic, and spend much of their time digging through the dust for such items, then selling them to the mages of Allain.


Rarely seen and a stay-at-home race, halflings are encountered as bargefolk on the great rivers and as the most discreet of servants to the River Court or in the Domains of the Princes. The race was widely believed to have been indentured to the elves before the Great Retreat, and they show a great deference to elves and the elfmarked when the two races meet. Most halflings are believed to have left Midgard for the Elflands or the River Court during the Great Retreat. Those that remained are slightly more adventurous than those who were loyal to the elven masters.


The tengu are scoundrels and not entirely welcome everywhere. Their homeland is
in Beldestan to the East, or on a branch of Wotan’s tree in the North, or on a high cliff of Horus’ hidden temple in the South. They have settlements in Trollheim, Vidim, Domovogrod, Nuria Natal, and the Dragon Empire, but none of these are large.

Their black feathers and long beaks are spotted on the road from place to place, trading information or helping to hatch plots. They are widely viewed as spies, informers, thieves, and troublemakers in Midgard, but when the tengu swear an oath they abide by it. They avoid the West and the Seven Cities most of the time, and are most honored in Nuria Natal, where they serve temples of Horus as sworn guardians, assassins, and defenders.


Once widespread in the young kingdoms of the human magocracies, tieflings grew to dominate Caelmarath’s and Vael Turog’s noble classes for a time. Those large and public families of tieflings are a thing of the past; they are an exile people, found in families and pairs but
rarely in any larger numbers. Only in Bemmea and Tintager are there significant numbers of the demonmarked, and even there they seem eager to prove themselves as worthy of trust. Many still blame the demonmarked for the destruction of human lands of the West and the retreat of the elves. Shadow elves and gnomes enjoy their company, as do some dragonkin. Elves, humans, and halflings rarely abide them.



Crossroads Map

The Free City of Zobeck shares borders with four states: the dwarven Ironcrag cantons to the west, the undead-ruled Principalities of Morgau and Doresh to the north and east, the human kingdom of the Magdar to the south, and the female dominated Duchy of Perun’s Daughter far to the east, at the mouth of the River Argent. Together, these regions, and nearby areas like the Margreve forest, the Cloudwall Mountains, the subterranean cities of the Ghoul Imperium and Lillefor, and the Electoral Kingdom of Krakova, constitute the Crossroads of Midgard. Even the shadow fey’s Shadow Realm touches this area via the fey roads.

The regions of Midgard spin around the Crossroads region like spokes around a wheel. Everything that goes from north to south and east to west passes along the River Argent, the Sultan’s Road, the Great Northern Road, and other well-trod trade routes, all with their own difficulties and dangers. But the nations that thrive in the heartland know how to spin copper into gold and how to turn a sinking barge into a prince’s ransom. Though they borrow language, customs, tools, and even gods from all their neighbors, the Crossroads have their own code, their own pride, and their own way of doing business. Welcome to the beating heart of the world.

Rothenian Plains:

Life is hard in the open lands, where only the wind is free. Among the rolling, endless grasslands of the Rothenian plains, Kariv bands dance among gaudy, mule-drawn wagons, keeping an uneasy peace with the Hazar and Korfesh centaurs. In the tall grass lurk the wild, wind-running elves of the dry grass steppes, sharp-eyed and unforgiving.

No hand is friendly here. The region’s few cities are held in fists of iron, and robber barons command the river-roads. Any place where two stones are piled together is hostile to nomads, though friendly to mercenaries. A bloodthirsty tyrant and his coterie of debauched slavers control the Ruby Sea. The gnomes of Neimheim make bloody sacrifices to please the lords of the Eleven Hells. The stout men of Vidim and the Khazzaki ride tough steppe ponies for plunder. Baba Yaga plays one khan against another, a friend for a month or a year—and then a bitter foe.

From these empty quarters come strange alliances of man, elf, and centaur to wrest gold from the cities and kings, to assault the walls of Morgau’s Cloudwall, and try the strength of Krakovan steel.

Here, you can learn the dread secrets of the Eastern Tsars, their alliance with Baba Yaga, and their serfs who are little more than slaves. Learn the magic of the winds and feel the rush of stealing the Black God’s cattle. Dare it all, or risk nothing and tramp on old boots and little hope.

The steppes smell of wild thyme all summer long, when the golden grass parts before a rider’s horse with a dry whisper and the wind takes flight to the horizon. The lands lie beneath pure white blankets of snow in the winter, when few dare travel far. The people of the Rothenian Plain wander the horizon, holding tight to their freedoms and fighting hard to keep their herds moving, their hearts bold, and their people strong.

Kariv magic, centaur steel, and the finest bows ever strung await you—if you are strong enough!

The Dragon Empire:

The lands of the Dragoncoil Mountains and the vast deserts south of the Middle Sea are another world compared to the fertile forests and mountains of the North. They are rich in trade and ancient in magic, but also dominated by a vast draconic empire, and by the god-kings of Nuria before that. Their strange magic and their control of valuable trade routes makes them rich and powerful, and their schools of learning are in many ways more advanced than those of the Seven Cities or the Crossroads, to say nothing of the Rothenian Plains or the Northlands.

So, visit the thousand stalls in the Grand Bazaar of Harkesh, loot the tombs of the god-kings, sail aboard the Sand Ships of Siwal, or ascend the Sky Stairs of Beldestan—ten thousand mysteries of mountain and desert abound in the Dragon Empire and its surrounding lands!

The Seven Cities:

War is a constant, an unavoidable part of civilization and, some say, an evil necessity. The Seven Cities, however, embrace and celebrate war as nowhere else. Castles dot the countryside. Private armies and the forces of its various nations march every spring to seize land, cattle, gold, and entire towns. War is a way of life, and its advancements and reversals are as much a part of day- to-day business as the price of bread or the chance of rain. Failure to prepare for it results in a swift change of rulers.

This war footing is so ingrained that other regions consider the Septimes—inhabitants of the Seven Cities region—a crazed lot of bloodthirsty, or at least calculating, warmongers. Many come to the cities to earn their coin as mercenaries when the yearly raids and ambushes turn into larger battles and sieges. A few have even seized a general’s laurels or a lord’s title for their work on the battlefield.

The people of the Seven Cities fight to show their strength, their divine blessings from Mavros, the wisdom of their rulers, and the cleverness of their generals. They fight because conquest and victory are honorable and righteous. Only a fool argues for a peaceful year when glory’s crown awaits over the border.

The Wasted West:

Perhaps no region inspires more tales of terror across the face of Midgard than its ruined western reaches, a once-verdant land permanently ravaged by the Great Mage Wars. A puckered, ragged scar of desiccated land that tears along the edge of the Green Duchy of Verrayne and down the coast of the giant-haunted Carnessian Peninsula marks its southern border. The desolation extends north to the elven courts of the Arbonesse, where it gives way to lush forests. In the east, the proud, towering Ironcrags crumble into the foothills of the Goblin Wastes. As one moves west toward the Leukos River, the terrible devastation slowly lessens before finally halting at the vast expanse of the Western Ocean and the last surviving magocracy of Allain.

Domains of the Princess:

The southern kingdoms squabble over who is the true heir of the ancient elven empires, but in the north there is no doubt. The Grand Duchy of Dornig, also known as the Domains of the Princes, is the one truly successor state to the power that once was Arbonesse and Thorn. It is evident in their shadow roads. It is evident in their hoarding of the lost knowledge of the elves (and others). Most of all, it is evident in their ruler. Upon the Copper Sphinx Throne of Dornig sits one of the few elves who remembers the Age of Glory, before the Great Retreat, and before the despoliations of the Great Mage Wars. She is the Beloved Imperatrix Regia Moonthorn Kalthania-Reln vann Dornig, and all of this land’s lesser rulers, by blood and by marriage, are her children.

The Northlands:

In the North, daily labor is a matter of life and death. Running out of firewood doesn’t mean a chill night but potentially lethal exposure to cold or a trip into the dark and dangerous forest for kindling. Everyone from king to lowly thrall must work hard to survive. A life of indolence is unheard of—and impossible without help from powerful magic. Work-shy characters aren’t just lazy; they’re ostracized as threats to the community.

People of the North are expected to be practical and independent, energetic, and inured without complaint to the hardships of life. There’s no central authority to demand taxes or a cut of a party’s loot, but at the same time no one reins in the excesses of monsters and unscrupulous men. When bandits or trolls or a jarl’s bullying huskarls come prowling, it’s down to each family and their friends to choose fight or flight. Death comes to all, sooner or later, for no matter how well prepared and defended. Nothing lives one moment longer than it’s fated.

Northern Gods:

Thor (Perun):

The Thunderer, God of Lightning, War, and Strength, Slayer of Monsters and Protector of Man, Husband of Sif, Patron of the Northlands Dwarves
Thor’s Domains: Destruction, Protection, Strength, War, Weather
Thor’s Subdomains: Blood, Defense, Ferocity, Rage, Storms, Tactics
Perun’s Domains: Community, Glory, Strength, War, Weather
Perun’s Subdomains: Blood, Ferocity, Heroism, Home, Resolve, Storms
Alignment: Chaotic
Favored Weapon: Warhammer

Freyr and Freyja:

Twin Gods of Passion, Fertility, Magic, and the Living World, Lord and Lady of the Elves, Gods of Beauty, Patron of Farmers and Patroness of Shieldmaidens, the Twins of Wine
Freyr Domains: Animal, Charm, Earth, Healing, Plants, Water
Freyr Subdomains: Caves, Decay, Fur*, Growth, Lust*, Resurrection
Freyja Domains: Charm, Magic, Plants, War, Weather
Freyr Subdomains: Arcane, Blood, Growth, Love, Seasons, Tactics
Alignments: Good
Favored Weapon: Sickle (Freyr), bastard sword (Freyja)

Loki, the Trickster:

Shapeshifting God of Cunning, Mischief and Malice, Lord of Deception, Patron of Thieves, Father of Fenris, Hel, and Jörmungandr
Domains: Chaos, Fire, Luck, Travel, Trickery
Subdomains: Curse, Deception, Exploration, Gambling*, Smoke, Thievery
Alignment: Chaotic
Favored Weapon: Net


The Sword Maiden, Goddess of Family and Marriage, Mistress of Valkyries, Wife to Thor-Perun, Patron of Women Warriors and Archers, Patron of Huldramose
Domains: Beer# (Community), Glory, Protection, Rune, Strength
Subdomains: Family, Home, Heroism, Purity, Resolve, Wards
Alignment: Good
Favored Weapon: Bow


All Father, Rune Master, God of the Tree and Raven, God of Strife, King of Asgard and Lord of Valhalla, Patron of Kings and Wizards, Shaman of the Gods
Domains: Luck, Knowledge, Nobility, Rune, War
Subdomains: Blood, Fate, Leadership, Memory, Thought, Wards
Alignment: Lawful
Favored Weapon: Spear

Gods of the Crossroads


Lord of the Sun, Bright Master of the Chariot, Son of Svarog, the Perfect Knight, Lord of Light and Destroyer of the Darkness, Patron of the Magdar, Friend to Magus and Warrior
Domains: Fire, Glory, Magic, Nobility, Sun Subdomains: Arcane, Day, Divine, Honor,
Leadership, Light
Alignment: Lawful Good
Favored Weapon: Lance, longsword


The Golden Goddess of Dawn, Love, and Mercy, the Bear Maiden, Lady of the Healing Hand, Daughter of Aten, Mistress of the Petal Palm, Patron of Mothers and Children, Wife of Volund
Domains: Charm, Healing, Nobility, Strength, Sun
Subdomains: Day, Leadership, Love, Resolve, Restoration, Resurrection
Alignment: Good
Favored Weapon: Staff and scimitar


God of War and Thunder, Lord of Strife and Rebirth, Patron of Valera and the Seven Cities, Lord of the Storm Court
Domains: Death, Healing, Strength, War, Weather
Subdomains: Blood, Murder, Restoration, Resurrection, Storm, Tactics
Alignment: Neutral
Favored Weapons: Longsword, spear

Rava (Ariadne):

The Gear Goddess, the Clockwork Oracle, Mother of Industry, Spinner of Fate, Merchant Goddess, Patron of the City of Zobeck, Patron of Weavers and the Gearforged
Domains: Artifice, Clockwork#, Knowledge, Luck, Travel
Subdomains: Construct, Exploration, Fate, Metal, Toil, Trade
Alignment: Lawful
Favored Weapon: Dagger, scimitar

Volund (Svarog):

Master of Fire and Anvil, God of Horses, Smiths and Marriage, Patron of the Cantons, Patron of the Kariv, Master Smith of the Gods, the Wanderer, the Rider
Domains: Animal, Artifice, Community, Earth, Fire (Travel instead of Animal among the Kariv and humans)
Subdomains: Ash, Construct, Family, Metal, Smoke, Toil
Alignment: Neutral
Favored Weapon: Hammer

Yarilla and Porevit:

The Green Gods, Father Forest and Mother Field, the Fair Gods, the Keepers of Sowing and Harvest, Gods of Fertility, Forests, and Wine
Domains: Earth, Healing, Plant, Water, Weather
Subdomains: Caves, Decay, Growth, Metal, Resurrection, Seasons
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Favored Weapon: Bow, sickle

Dragon Gods


Lord of the Four Winds, Arbitrator of Victory, Lord of the Skies Beyond the Sky, the Four-Faced Compass, the Gambling God, the First and Final Breath, Patron God of Sikkim and the Tengu
Azuran Domains: Air, Knowledge, Luck, Travel, War
Northern Wind Domains: Air, Travel, Weather
Southern Wind Domains: Air, Knowledge, Void
Eastern Wind Domains: Air, Luck, Scalykind
Western Wind Domains: Air, Strength, War
Azuran Subdomains: Curse, Exploration, Trade, Tactics, Thought, Wind
Alignment: Chaotic
Favored Weapon: Short sword, or shortbow and arrow


Lord of Fire and Master of Noble Sacrifice, King of All Dragons, Guardian of the Sultana, Lord of Soldiers, Scarlet Protector of the Innocent, the Supreme Fire Dragon, and Patron of the Empire and Dragonkin
Domains: Fire, Drakes*, Nobility, Protection, Repose, Scalykind
Subdomains: Ancestors, Ash, Defense, Dragon, Martyr, Smoke
Alignment: Lawful
Favored Weapon: Longsword


Lord of Stone, Decider of Destiny, the Scrivener of Fate, Keeper of the Vault of Souls, the Earthen Emperor, Keeper of Gold and Jewels, the Dragon Lord of Certainty
Domains: Earth, Knowledge, Repose, Rune, Strength
Subdomains: Caves, Metal, Memory, Souls, Language, Resolve
Alignment: Lawful
Favored Weapon: Hammers, picks, short swords


Lord of the Ocean and Eternity, Keeper of Time, Oathbinder, Counter of the Stars, the Water Dragon, Patron of the Sea Drakes
Domains: Healing, Prophecy+ (Knowledge), Scalykind, Water, Weather
Subdomains: Dragon, Fate, Oceans, Resurrection, Seasons, Storms
Alignment: Neutral
Favored Weapon: Trident

Southern Gods

Anu-Akma (Anubis, Hades, Hel):

God of the Underworld, Judge of the Dead and Guardian of Tombs, Guide of the People of Khem, Purifier of Souls, Preserver of the Worthy, King of Jackals and Patron of the Gnolls and Ghouls
Domains: Death, Earth, Law, Protection, Travel
Subdomains: Caves, Defense, Exploration, Loss, Purity, Undead
Alignment: Lawful
Favored Weapon: Flail, scythe


Sun God, Jealous Lord of Light and Good, Master of the Law, Father of Khors and Lord of the Horizons, Patron of the Khemti
Domains: Air, Glory, Law, Nobility, Sun
Subdomains: Archon, Honor, Day, Light, Martyr, Wind
Alignment: Lawful Good
Heretical Domains: Air, Glory, Evil, Fire, Sun, Trickery
Heretical Subdomains: Day, Deception, Demon, Heroism, Light, Wind
Heretical Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Favored Weapon: Mace

Bastet (Ailuros):

Goddess of Cats and Hunters, Queen of Perfumes, Bastard Child of Aten, Mother of Alchemy, Patron of the Gnolls, Wife of Anu-Akma
Domains: Animal, Charm, Moon#, Hunting+ (Strength), Sun
Subdomains: Ferocity, Fur, Light, Lust, Resolve
Alignment: Chaotic
Favored Weapon: Temple sword or bladed scarf


Sky Lord, Master of the Sun, the Moon, and the Heavens, the Desert Falcon, Prince of Princes, the Majestic One, the Chieftain, the Vigilant, the True King, Patron of Nuria Natal
Domains: Bird* (Animal), Glory, Nobility, Protection, Weather
Subdomains: Defense, Feather, Heroism, Honor, Leadership, Storms
Alignment: Lawful
Favored Weapon: Temple sword


Mother of Beer, Goddess of Merriment, Patron of Brewers and Tavern Keepers, Matron Goddess of the Cantonal Dwarves
Domains: Beer#, Charm, Community, Liberation, Strength
Subdomains: Family, Freedom, Home, Love, Resolve
Alignment: Good
Favored Weapon: Mace


The Wise, God of Knowledge and Learning, Creator of Language, Lord of Merchants, Patron of Scholars and Thieves, Master of the Arcane Realms, Patron of the Magocracy of Allain
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Travel, Trickery
Subdomains: Arcane, Deception, Divine, Language, Memory, Trade
Alignment: Neutral
Favored Weapon: Staff, dagger

City Gods

Ceres the Provider:

Goddess of the Harvest and Civilization, Goddess of Grain, Lady of Merchants, Matron of Prosperity, the Traveler’s Friend, Wearer of the Golden Sleeves, Patron of Trombei
Domains: Animal, Community, Plant, Protection, Travel
Subdomains: Defense, Exploration, Family, Growth, Home, Trade
Alignment: Good
Favored Weapon: Sickle, scythe


God of Death, Master of the Rivers Styx and Lethe, Guardian of Souls, Watcher at the Door, Patron of Sailors and the Morphoi
Domains: Darkness, Death, Protection, Repose, Water
Subdomains: Ancestors, Defense, Loss, Purity, Souls, Undead
Alignment: Neutral
Favored Weapon: Staff


Bringer of Magic, Lady of Darkness, Lady of Sighs, Lady of Tears, the Ocean’s Chain, the Opener of Doors, the Queen of Night, Patron of Kammae Straboli
Domains: Darkness, Insanity, Knowledge, Magic, Moon#, Transformation+ (Luck)
Subdomains: Arcane, Divine, Entropy+ (Thought), Fate, Loss, Night
Alignment: Evil
Favored Weapon: Dagger, garrote

Mavros the War God, His Saints, and His Order:

Master of War, the God of Blood and Honor, Lord of Strife and Rebirth, Patron of Valera and the Seven Cities, the Thunderbolt
Domains: Death, Healing, Strength, War, Weather
Subdomains: Blood, Restoration, Resurrection, Storm, Tactics, Weapons+ (Murder)
Alignment: Neutral
Favored Weapon: Longsword, spear


The Chained God, the King of the Sea, Master of Waves, Patron of Kammae and Ankeshel, Lord of Fish and Whales, Keeper of Storms, Husband to the Goddess Mnemosyne
Domains: Chaos, Deep*, Destruction, Fish*, Sea Monster*, Water (Glyph)
Subdomains: Ferocity, Ice, Oceans, Protean, Rage, Wards
Alignment: Chaotic
Favored Weapon: Trident, net

Calendar & Planets:

Days of the Week:

Moonday, Volsday, Wolfsday, Torsday, Marksday, Ceresday, and Khorsday. These names are common from the Northlands to the Middle Sea and the Crossroads to the Wastes.

Among the Mharoti of the Dragon Empire, they are called Pazar, Nazartesi, Sali, Charsamba, Pehrsembe, Juma, and Umartesi.

Among the elves, they are Larasday, Elothsday, Orielsday, Bowsday, Freyasday, Yarisday, and Leafsday.

Months and Festivals:

Springmelt (New Year’s Dawn) (Mustering)
Thunders (Rites of Spring)

Goldflower (Crown Festival)
Low Summer
High Summer (Summer Festival)

Harvest Tide (Slaughter Festival)
Redleaf (Harvest Dances)
Last Leaf (Ghost Festival)

Rimetrail [First Fogs]
Snowfall/Winterwind (Lantern Festival)
Deep Winter/Winter-rain


Asaph, the Green Planet: A planet that shines white and green, Asaph is rumored to hold powerful influence over the seas and air, and alchemists associate it with elemental air, mithral, and spirits.

Ermaon, the Jumping Planet: Fastest and strangest of the planets, this one is small and difficult to see. Some believe it is not a planet at all, but a comet trapped in a circle. It is represented as silver or mercury by alchemists and astrologers.

Melgros, the Dark Wanderer: Not visible to the naked eye, this planet is a dark and mysterious home of malevolent forces, including nightshades, demons, and devils of all sorts. Stories dating to Ankeshelian times claim it is the source of both a soul-consuming fire and all black magic. Seeing it is widely considered unlucky among humans. Elves refer to it as “Idelitan” or “the Archer’s Planet” because those who see it happen to be the best archers. Alchemists associate the planet with adamant.

Temperos the Giant: This is a yellow planet, easy to see in the night sky and commonly associated with the giants of the Haunted Lands, who held it to be the home of the gods. Alchemists associate it with copper, tin, and bronze.

Tiomoutiri, the Golden Planet: This bright and shining planet is most visible around sunrise and is widely associated with Khors the sun god and with Lada the Golden. Astronomers of Nuria Natal believe it governs the health and sexual aspects of life. Priests of Khors and Lada perform their high rituals when Tiomoutiri is in the sky. Alchemists associate the planet with gold and orichalcum.

Zuhal, the Dragon: The elves claim that this red, distant planet has rings. Though it is a powerful symbol in the heavens, living dragons consider its name a bit of a misnomer, associating it with blood and life force instead. Alchemists associate it with platinum, earth and minerals, and Zuhal is widely considered the planet that controls aspects of magic and the arcane.

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