Courts of the Shadow Fey (Inactive)

Game Master Grimmy

Bathhouse Map

Battle Map

Map of Zobeck

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Morrigan's story got me curious about the Black Sorceress's Revolt, also OTM-Shank was brainstorming a demonmarked character of Caelmarath descent, and the elven retreat has come up, so I read up on this history:

It seems 800 years ago when elves ruled the land, there was a human uprising in a society called Caelmarath.

The humans used magic to corrupt the Fey Roads, which the elves knew would be dangerous for everyone. With the Fey Roads corrupted, demons could slip through. The humans unfortunately were willing to summon these dark powers and use them but they couldn't control them.

The elves who fell in with those dark powers became the shadow fey. The rest eventually decided to shut down the Fey Roads and depart from the world. That was the Great Retreat of the Elves, 472 years ago.

With the elves mostly gone and the humans in charge, the mage wars began, with terrible powers clashing, and that is why the west is a mana waste to this day.

The Black Sorceress who the revolt was named after was Malathea Stross, and House Stross was the noble family who ruled Zobeck until just 80 years ago when it became free. So that bloodline has been up to shenanigans for a loooong time.

I have been reading up on your information. Lots and lots of information. Thank you.
I will be doing some minor tweaks to the background over the next couple days.

DM Would like your opinion on my background. Or anyone's really. I have not had time to get to far into the two books I got. Mostly been focusing on the kobold ghetto and the basics of the campaign. I may look into the gods next to see if any fit odd ball Caeleus to give him a touch of religion. :)

Momo I will get back to you shortly.

Sorry Caeleus if I didn't respond to your post. I did read your background and there's no problem with it. I think starting with a small area like the kobold ghetto and the basics is smart.

For those without the books, any lore I'm posting is there for fun, not homework. It's there if you need it. :)

I have what might be a silly question. Are the 'classic' pathfinder languages still a thing in Midgard?

I ask because I was about to take Sylvan as it seemed like it might be useful for this campaign, but it doesn't appear to be listed in the campaign setting page 33, unless I'm just missing it...

Great question. I see some differences such as demons and devils both speaking infernal, but overall I don't think this list is meant to replace all the "monster" languages in pathfinder.

I can definitely say Sylvan is still a language in Midguard because many creatures in the Margreve Bestiary and NPC's in the module have Sylvan listed as a language on their stat block.

As a note though, Midguard has the Trade Tongue instead of Common. I know some of you have already picked up that detail.

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Okay, I think I've updated everything, including adding a bit on appearance. Let me know if anything is lacking.

Also, if anyone else is interested in weaving backstories together or our characters knowing each other before hand (particularly if you have ties to the Margreve), let me know. :)

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I've clearned it up and will be adding traits tomorrow.

Awesome! Awesome.

Sheet looks great Alfen.

Morrigan those portraits are so cool.

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So this is Írwen at level 2. She's around 22 years old, and it's been three years since she left the Silk Scabbard with the gold she earned from her fights to work independently as a Courtesan. By now, she's been known to associate with some of the most daring and audacious young scions of Zobeck's elites, and people are beginning to whisper about a young elfmarked Courtesan who not only requires her suitors to issue and accept challenges in her name (as it is customary in such things), but also eagerly and personally takes part in Zobeck's duelling scene, sometimes even challenging would-be suitors herself – a deliciously scandalous disruption of tradition, so all the more enticing to the avant-garde Zobeckian youth.

Allegra Írwen Larentil

Female Elfmarked Brawler (snakebite striker) 1 / Unchained Rogue (rake) 1
CN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Initiative +10; Senses low-light; Perception +7
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armour, +4 Dex)
hp 17 (1d10+1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +0; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +5 (1d6/x2)
Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks bravado's blade, sneak attack +2d6
Strength 11 (—), Dexterity 18 (+4), Constitution 12 (+1), Intelligence 12 (+1), Wisdom 10 (—), Charisma 14 (+2)
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Skill Focus (Bluff), Weapon Finesse
Skills 16+4 ranks (8 rogue, 4 brawler, 2 Int, 2 favoured class, 2 background); ACP
    Acrobatics +9 (+2 rank, +4 Dex, +3 class)
    Bluff +11 (+2 rank, +2 Cha, +3 class, +3 feat, +1 trait)
    Diplomacy +8 (+2 rank, +2 Cha, +3 class, +1 trait)
    Escape Artist +8 (+1 rank, +4 Dex, +3 class)
    Intimidate +8 (+2 rank, +2 Cha, +3 class, +1 trait)
    Lore (Zobeck) +5 (+1 rank, +1 Int, +3 class)
    Perception +7 (+2 rank, +3 class, +2 racial)
    Profession (courtesan) +5 (+2 rank, +3 class)
    Sense Motive +5 (+2 rank, +3 class)
    Stealth +9 (+2 rank, +4 Dex, +3 class)
    Use Magic Device +7 (+2 rank, +2 Cha, +3 class)
Traits Extremely Fashionable, Reactionary
Languages Trade, Dwarven, Elven
SQ brawler's cunning, elf blood, finesse training
Weapons shortbow (20 arrows)
Armour mwk studded leather
Worn courtier's outfit
Backpack grooming kit
Belt Pouch 10gp

By the time she's hit level 6, I picture her as having established herself among the more prominent Courtesans in Zobeck, not quite a Consul's semi-permanent companion but probably quite close to it. She's also become quite a famous duellist in her own regard, sometimes even acting as a powerful patron's champion when matters of honour are to be formally resolved – as well as using her infiltration and espionage skills for other, more personal goals.

Full background and description coming soon. I usually tend to be significantly timelier in my posting, but the more material I read and learn about the setting, the more I get drawn into it, so this is taking a bit longer than I had foreseen :)

Hello everyone! Interested in having your character know another character or strengthening your backstory? Well, look no further!

I have been trying to come up with a backstory for Momo and another character that resides in Zobeck. If you are interested in a character connection, please at least read Part 3 and fill in the blanks accordingly. I’ve already spent a chunk of time on it so I don’t want to alter it again, but I’m willing to make some minor alterations or additions – and I will credit your parts with /quote!

DreamingWarforged (Nik'olo Gaczi), Limnen_euron (Allegra Írwen Larentil), or Twilik (Alfen Greenraw) let me know if Part 3 fits in with your character’s personality. It’s a perfect opportunity for your character to act like a brave hero who opposes bullies or an individual who has reason to stick up for minorities in Zobeck. Additionally, there is an opportunity at the end of the encounter to talk to Momo’s father about catfolk and their life inside The Old Margreve.

Jenrah (Morrigan), Part 5 is specifically for you if you want your character to know Momo. I love that your character has roots in The Old Margreve too!

The following events (Part 1 – 4) happened 9 years ago.

Momo’s Childhood – Visiting Zobeck for the first time, Part 1:

Part 1: In The Catfolk Village

A solid black catfolk greying around the whiskers comes to the Duline’s cabin at early daylight, knocking on the door: “Mithaus, we need to talk.” After a few moments, a lean and muscular brown catfolk opens the door: “Mombar. What’s the news?” Mombar glances around Mithaus to see little Momo sitting on the floor playing with a wooden doll and Sari setting the table for breakfast. “Not here,” Mombar replies in a low tone.

Mithaus nods and shuts the front door behind him. The two male catfolk slink behind the cabin to the Duline’s garden. Mombar, the leader of the village twitches his whiskers anxiously, and rakes a clawed hand through his mane of hair. “The elves say there are Weres close by. Only one or two but there’s been a casualty.” Mombar pauses for a moment. “I hate to ask this of you and Sari – especially with Momo being so little – but I need you to do something for me. For the sake of the village. And little Momo.” Mombar rushes out his next sentence in one long breath: ”We need the rest of our village here in case there’s an attack and – dammit – you’re our best tracker. There’s no better catfolk for the job.” Mombar clenches his left fist and reveals his feline fangs in an unintentional snarl.

Mithaus nods again. He understood. Their people had come to The Old Margreve after Zobeck was liberated from Lord Stross’s rule and declared a free city. Yes, they were free, but residing in The Old Margreve near Zobeck didn’t make their lives any easier. They were on constant alert for malicious fey and other dangers within the forest. ”When do we need to leave?”

Mombar stutters a bit, ”W-w-we? Mithaus, you want to take your mate and child?” Mithaus’ expression is resolute. ”If I go anywhere Sari come with me,” Mithaus wasn’t going to change his mind. Sari was his heart and happiness in this world and Momo was living proof of their love. ”Besides, if the Weres manage to find this village before I return… Well, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself,” Mithaus stares off blankly into the woods, his mouth tight.

Mombar looks sympathetically at his long-time friend, ”The elves and I have put together everything you’ll need. Silver swords are expensive and we need several of them. Eight. One for each of the adult catmen. Come to my cabin when you’re ready and I’ll have the items to trade and rations for your journey.” Mombar places a cat-like hand on Mithaus’ shoulder. ”I’ll have Ura prepare extra for Momo and Sari. I want you to leave tonight…. And I’ll have someone tend your garden and cabin while you’re away.” Mombar pulls Mithaus into a one-armed hug, ”Thank you, my friend.”

The two separate after a few seconds and return to their respective cabins. Sari, Mithaus’ mate, who appears to have a little human blood in her heritage, raises an eyebrow at the brown catfolk as he re-enters. Sari is a beautiful calico catfolk with a mane of hair that’s three different colors: white, grey, and brown. Sari wears her hair long and loose. A few leaves are tangled in her hair.

Mithaus sees his mate and briefly forgets Momo is in the room. ”Sari,” Mithaus greets his mate huskily, dropping his voice an octave. He embraces her lovingly, tipping her back into a deep kiss. ”Mithaus!” Sari giggles and rubs her face against Mithaus, letting out a purr. Breakfast is delayed until the hungry Momo complains indignantly, pulling the couple back to reality.

The morning portion of day progresses normally. Mombar returns to visit while Sari is tending to their garden and Mithaus is sharpening his tools. Sari herds the curious little Momo inside when Momo tries to approach Mombar for a little too intimate of a sniff. Sari reinforces the seams on backpacks they’ll be taking and mends a hole in Mithaus’ traveling cloak. Meanwhile, Momo sits on the floor, her tongue sticking out in concentration, trying to thread clay beads onto a string. When Momo deems her jewelry complete, she pounces over to Sari to tie the knot.

During Momo’s nap, Mithaus and Sari sit at the table. ”I have some unfortunate news my love,” Mithaus’ tone grave. He recounts his conversation with Mombar while Sari nods intently. ”Tonight?” Sari’s voice comes out in a breathy whisper. Mithaus lets out a throaty purr. Sari’s tone reminds him of the many nights they’d spent under the moonlight. Sari shivers in anticipation but Mithaus collects himself. ”We’ll take our canoe because it’s one of the newer ones. The faster we can get the weapons and return home, the better.”

Momo’s Childhood – Visiting Zobeck for the first time, Part 2:

Part 2: The Great Traverse

As the sun sets, Sari climbs into their packed canoe, holding a sleeping Momo. Mombar gives Mithaus another hug, rubbing his cheek against Mithaus’ as a sign of affection and respect. The two men pull apart and Mithaus steps into the canoe so Mombar and another catman can push the canoe into the water. Once the canoe is floating at a heathy depth, Mithaus picks up the two oars and begins to paddle.

Luckily the ride downstream is uneventful and the food Mombar’s mate, Ura, packed is delicious. Sari and Mithaus take turns paddling the canoe while the other one sleeps. Time is of the upmost importance, but Mathaus and Sari are careful to pace themselves so they don’t burn out. After about two days, the family reaches an unpopulated river bank with large rocks and plenty of wild brush to hide their canoe.

Their journey continues 40 miles West along the forest’s edge, taking two days to traverse the terrain. By the second day on foot, Sari’s limbs feel like they are on fire from the exertion. Momo is light and small but carrying her became increasingly difficult with distance. Mithaus pulls out his compass every hour and documents their position on a map like the skilled tracker he is.

By the fifth day of their traveling, Sari isn’t able to carry Momo as all and instead wears the larger backpack and holds the map. Mithaus holds Momo across his chest and another large backpack along with their sleeping gear on his back. His muscles and back ache but he’s too prideful to admit it.

By mid-day on the fifth day, they switch direction slightly and begin moving Northwest along the banks on the Argent of Zobeck. Momo is energetic and excited to see water again. She scurries in front of her parents, smelling everything.

When Michaus sees Zobeck in the distance, the family cleans up in the river before making it to the gate. The family even changes into a nicer set of clothes (prepared specifically for entering Zobeck.) Michaus is weary of humans and knows there will be many questions and prodding before they are allowed entrance into the city. Half of the guards at the gear-forged gate appear to be gear-forged themselves, which makes Momo lift her nose into the air for a sniff. She had never seen anything like them before. The mechanical men’s scent reminds little Momo of the lamp oil and her Papa’s metal tools.

”Halt!” A guard calls out to them, “State your business!” ”My friends,” Michaus greets warmly in Common, ”I am a merchant, here to sell my wares. I come from a place far, far away and have many exotic items for sale!” Michaus winks and smiles without showing his feline fangs. The guards poke and prod every inch of Michaus, Sari, and Momo; curious about the strange race.

Momo becomes agitated with their inspection and flashes her baby teeth hissing, “You are SO rude! It’s… it’s RIDICULOUS!” Momo doesn’t know what ridiculous means but she had heard Sari use the word to describe something she wasn’t fond of. “Momo, hush!” Sari smoothly cuts in, accustomed to having to shush her small child. One of the human guards snickers. Perhaps he has a child of his own, Michaus thinks. He takes the opportunity to try and earn the guards’ favor. He laughs jovially and comments ”Children! I’m sure you know how it goes. Curious about the whole world but no less ignorant!”

Momo’s Childhood – Visiting Zobeck for the first time, Part 3:

Part 3: The Encounter

It’s nearly lunchtime before the Dulines make it to market, but they are able to finagle a space to sell their wares. Michaus is slightly surprised to see some of the items. It’s obvious that the elves had gifted his village a few things to be able to afford the swords. The contents include: preserved fish from their river, small dolls carved by the catfolk out of the forest’s wood, and a few items gifted from the neighboring elves.

Before Michaus and Sari can finish setting up, their blanket of items is swarmed with potential buyers. Their catfolk race, rarely seen in Zobeck, seems to spark interest in the market and curious shoppers circle the blanket to take a gander at the “rare and exotic items” Michaus peddles. Michaus turns up his charm, bluffing about the integrity of their merchandise, finagling customers into spending a few extra silver. While Michaus speaks, Sari handles the money and watches their goods in fear of thievery.

Unfortunately, by the time the market dies down and most of their goods are sold, the couple notices their child is missing. Grief and regret strike them both. After a few minutes of panicked discussion, it’s decided that Sari will stay put in case Momo ventures back, while Michaus sniffs the air and checks nearby stalls. The couple makes sure they can always spot and hear one another during their search. The city is large and unfamiliar for oddities such as themselves.

Sometime during the chaos, Momo had slipped between the legs of a particularly large human and wiggled her way through the forest of legs. She crawls on her hands and knees, sniffing the cobblestone, legs, feet, puddles, everything. Before she knew it, Momo had sniffed her way into an alley. Scared without her parents, little Momo sits on her rear and her eyes fill with tears. She is utterly and completely lost.

”Uuuuuu,” Momo prepares her incoming waterworks. After a few moments, she stands up and starts running in a random direction, bawling loudly. She eventually sees what looks to be other children and runs towards them, crying unintelligently, ”Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” Momo takes a breath only to continue wailing, ”Waaauuuuuuuuu!” Her face is streaked with tears and snot is running out of both nostrils and into her mouth.

The children Momo ran towards are a group of juvenile delinquents that had been preoccupied with throwing small rocks at glass bottles, attempting to make the containers shatter all over the cobblestone. They hear Momo’s crying at a distance and plan a cruel prank. After luring the small defenseless catfolk closer, the kids begin pelting rocks at the unfamiliar creature. ”Ten points if you hit the head!” one calls out in Common. A rock lands painfully on Momo’s left ear, causing it to bleed. ”Yes, got it!” another kid cheers, indifferent towards the pain they’re inflicting on Momo.

Something warm and smelly trickles down the side of Momo’s leg. She’s peeing herself in fear. At this point, Momo is too scared to make any noise. Momo turns away from her assailants, trying desperately to claw up the wall but she isn’t strong enough. She curls defensively into a ball covering her ears with her hands, which were now exposing tiny little claws. Momo waits helplessly for her life to come to an end.


Momo’s savior TEXT here. What do you say to the bullies?

“Hey! ---- ---- ------ --- ------ ---- ------- ----,“ a voice different from the attacking children is heard. The mischievous youngsters stop pelting Momo and disperse. Momo slowly lifts her head, her ears revolving to the source of the noise. The scrape on her ear is starting to clot. It’s hard for Momo to smell and see with the blood, urine, and dirt currently covering her.

Momo’s eyes are wide in fear and her heart is beating as fast as a bunny rabbit’s. She isn’t sure if the new creature is here to help or hurt her, but she’s too terrified to do anything about it. Her ears are back and her tail in down between her legs in fearful defeat.

When the creature approaches her, she gives a tentative sniff, her nose wiggling, sampling the air. Her assailants seem to be far enough away, but the smell of Momo’s urine was overwhelming to Momo’s sensitive nose. She detected the smell of (Momo’s savior’s race here – unless kitsune) on her savior.


Momo’s savior TEXT here. Introduce yourself to 6-year-old Momo!

”I’m Momo,” Momo replies in a wavering voice, strained from crying. After a few moments, tears begin to swell in her eyes again: ”I can’t find my parents.” The waterworks begin again and a fresh line of snot travels out of Momo’s nose and over her mouth. ”Uuuu,” Momo whimpers pitifully as her savior helps her out. Momo answers all of his/her questions with child-like honesty and nods or shakes her head fervently to simple questions. ”I’m 6 years old. My parents and I were at the market.”


Momo’s savior TEXT here. How do you help? Momo is covered in pee and lost her parents.

As her savior leads the way, Momo reaches for his/her hand for comfort. If he/she pulls away in disgust, Momo lets out a ”Uuuu,” contorting her face to cry again. If he/she is adamant about not holding Momo’s hand, Momo determinedly tries to grab onto his/her shirt as they walk. Momo wants to be close to the creature that saved her, regardless of how nice others she meets may be.

Momo is completely docile as her savior cleans her up – Momo doesn’t even complain if the bucket of water is cold. She eyes her savior curiously, her ears are perky and upright listening to the different sounds in the area. She doesn’t attempt to clean herself and lets her savior do all the work. As he/she reaches over Momo to clean a spot, Momo leans her head closer to curiously sniff her savior.

Even if Momo is reprimanded and instructed to stop, she will continue to sniff after a few seconds have passed. With the pee washed off, Momo's sense of smell is improved and she is able to assist in finding her parents. ”You smell interesting. I won’t forget your scent,” Momo promises her savior. Her light green cat-like eyes stare at her savior unabashed with childhood innocence.

It’s hard to tell Momo had been yelling her lungs out, making a waterfall of tears, and covered in urine a few minutes earlier. Momo is already back to her perky, inquisitive self. She grabs for her savior’s hand, her actions indicative to her age. She follows dutifully behind her savior as if she were his/her own little shadow.

When her savior makes it to the market with Momo in tow, Momo grabs her savior as tightly as she can around his/her waist. ”I will never forget you,” Momo muffles into his/her shirt. The shirt feels a little wet after the hug. Pulling back, Momo’s eyes glisten with tears ”We are friends now.” It was a proclamation, not an request. Momo decides they are going to be friends.

Momo removes the necklace she made seven days ago and hands it to her savior. “This is proof of our friendship. Now you can’t forget me.” Momo’s tail swishes anxiously, waiting for her savior to accept her token of friendship. ”If you don’t take it you might not remember me. Your race can’t smell as well as catfolk.” Momo’s ears bend slightly in anticipation, waiting for her savior to accept the offering. The necklace is of poor quality and it looks like a child made it. It’s a string with seven baked clay beads of various sizes and shapes. The necklace doesn’t appear to be worth anything.


Momo’s savior TEXT here. How do you react to Momo’s gift? Momo’s ears will wilt if you reject it.

Momo’s ears straighten and she grins widely, showing all of her baby teeth are still intact. She grapples her savior around the waist for another hug and rubs the side of her face against him/her showing the respect and affection of a comrade and friend.

”Momo!? Momo!” and extremely concerned mother and father catfolk approach Momo and her savior. The female catfolk looks like she’s been crying and she continues to sob as she grabs Momo into a tight hug. The male catfolk looks more composed and thanks her savior appreciatively.

”Would you allow me to buy you dinner? As a small thank you - that nowhere near compensates you for returning our Momo here safely,” the male catfolk addresses Momo’s savior. ”My name is Mithaus and this is my lovely mate Sari.”

If her savior allows Mithaus to buy him/her dinner, they exchange pleasantries and Mithaus keeps the conversation light. Dinner turns out to be steaming buns filled with meat from a nearby bakery. Mithaus avoids crowded areas like taverns because he and his family already stick out. Mithaus talks about their catfolk village and answers any questions her savior has as long as they are not too personal. Before departing, Mithaus and Sari rub their cheeks against the top of her savior’s head out in gratitude and affection. They take the time to sniff Momo’s savior so they can remember his/her scent.


Momo’s savior TEXT here. Want to add anything additional before ending the encounter?

Momo’s Childhood – Visiting Zobeck for the first time, Part 4:

Part 4: The Journey Home

After Momo’s disappearance, Sari vows to keep a close watch on the curious Momo for the rest of the trip and holds the squirming child tightly in her arms. They decide to leave immediately after making their necessary purchases. There’s just enough time for Mithaus to enter into a blacksmith’s shop and purchase the silver swords for his village’s protection. Mombar requests eight swords, but the blacksmith is distrustful of the strange race and - despite Mithaus’ charisma - agrees to only sell him six. (Which is generous considering the blacksmith’s views.) The blacksmith narrows his eyes at Sari and Momo the entire time, disliking the strange creatures in his shop.

The last stop before heading to the gate is to pick up rations for their journey home. Along the way, the Duline family passes two griffin riders on patrol. Momo struggles to break free of Sari’s firm hold so she can get a closer-than-necessary sniff of the griffins but Sari grips Momo tightly, preventing an escape. One of the griffins briefly eyes little Momo before redirecting their attention ahead. Momo pouts, she can’t help but feel disappointed. The griffins’ smell reminds Momo of warm chicken broth, hay, and crisp morning air.

The food Mithaus purchases isn’t as delicious as what they are accustomed to at home, but it would keep them alive for their journey home. Mithaus even springs for a bundle of rope so they can harness Momo, preventing her from wandering too far. The gear-forged gate looks bigger to Momo as she compares it to the buildings inside the city. She doesn’t want to go. Momo wants to stay with her new friend and the giant griffins. She asks Sari if they can take a griffin home, which Sari responds by narrowing her eyes and adjusting Momo on her hip for a firmer grasp.

The guards at the gate are less opposed to the Dulines leaving than entering Zobeck. As soon as the three of them are outside the walls, Mithaus feels a wave of relief wash over him. Overall, their backpacks are lighter than when they started, making the journey easier. Mithaus and Sari use their low-light vision to walk for hours from Zobeck before setting up camp. Sari firmly knots Momo around her waist and the family sleeps in a tight ball. Like a pistachio, Mithaus and Sari are on the outside with Momo pressed between them.

Using the map he marked, Mithaus is able to retrace their steps until they reach the deserted spot of rocks of brush where their canoe is hidden. Mithaus heart beats faster when he initially can’t find it. The whole family begins to search the area, an aura of worry rising between them. After thirty minutes of searching, Momo recognizes the smell of her father and mother lingering on the canoe. If it has rained, the Dulines may have never found their canoe.

After seven days of walking across uneven terrain, a two-day canoe paddle sounds wonderful. The paddling proves difficult because they’re traveling upstream. The grueling progress requires constant effort from both Mithaus and Sari. They both paddle at the same time to maximize distance. They make frequent stops to carry the canoe on land at certain portions of the river if the water is too rough. It takes four days of travel with the canoe upstream before the Dulines reach the village. They run out of food the third day of paddling, and Momo complains about her hunger the entire last day.

To everyone’s relief, their village is intact and nothing eventful has happened besides a new birth in the village. Remnants of the celebration can be seen at the village square where tables and benches still sit outside. The newborn is named Lyfe in hopes that the village will continue to prosper and be protected by anything that would do them harm. Since the Duline family arrives at daybreak, the catfolk on patrol alert Mombar, who rushes to greet his brave friend, Mithaus, and his family.

”Mithaus! I was beginning to worry,” Mombar greets, grabbing his long-time friend into a tight embrace. ”Come. You all must be exhausted. Ura is making breakfast,” Mombar corrals the tired Sari (who is holding a bleary-eyed Momo) and Mithaus into his cabin. Ura, Mombar’s mate, glides from one side of the cabin to the other preparing a nest of bedding while watching the breakfast cooking outside over a fire. When the food is done, Ura brings Sari and Momo a large platter of food at the blanket nest while Mombar and Mithaus talk business outside in hushed tones.

Mithaus leans against Mombar’s cabin and details the necessary the events. The backpack of silver swords sits at his feet and he gently nudges the pack with his foot, ”I was only able to procure six. The seller wasn’t fond of us and with Momo getting lost, I wanted to leave quickly.” Mombar is sympathetic towards Mithaus’ story but disappointed not every family in the village with have protection. After a while, Mombar decides that the six cabins closest to the forest will get a sword while the other cabins closer to the river will have to do without. Mithaus curls up with Sari and Momo after eating and they sleep the entire day, recovering from their epic journey.

Momo’s Childhood – An undetermined time later in The Old Margreve, Part 5:

Part 5: Something Is Amiss

Part 5 is reserved for a future battle that will take place in Momo’s village. Either a Were or a dark unseelie fey will attack Momo’s village and a battle will ensue leading to a catfolk casualty (and possibly an elven casualty.)

The enemy is at DM’s digression and/or Morrigan, the eleven shadow witch (if you are interested Morrigan!) Otherwise I’ll just write it for fun and extra fluff. If the enemy is a dark unseelie fey, I will need to change the weapons Momo’s father purchased to cold iron swords (instead of silver for the Were.)

I haven’t written Part 5 so I’m not opposed to the attack being at the elven village instead. (I would like to make use of the epic journey the Duline family took to procure the swords.)

I’m not particular on a time so it can be as soon at the Duline family returns (Momo will be 6) or later when Momo is older (perhaps 8 or 10?) Completely up to you. I’m not expecting Momo to do much (if anything) in terms of combat, but her father (Mithaus), her mother (Sari) and the village leader (Mombar) will be battling. There is opportunity to meet Momo before, during, or after the enemy encounter.

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@ Momo
I am interested in adding to your story and I have some ideas, Will post later today. Things to do today before I can read everything.

limnen_euron thanks for checking in with an update. You have time to finalize a profile for Irwen. The details you gave so far synchronize so well with the module and especially the intro module, Irwen is basically a shoe in.

I have already told Dreaming Warforged there is a seat reserved for Nik'olo Gaczi whether he end up investigator, inquisitor or oracle.

The witch Morrigan is another story with very strong thematic ties to the adventure. Morrigan I usually favor less epic character's for the style of games I run but your writing style sold me 100%. I was worried when I saw she was born before the Imperatrix but I see how you built in that despite being ancient she doesn't have the wisdom of all those years because she was displaced in time.

Momo has written up a storm you guys! And I didn't just get a wall of text dropped on me with no connection to this game, it was developed over several PM discussions in a way that was considerate of the campaign details.

These four characters have especially spoken to me and just by chance had strong connections to the planned module and/or to each other. In my mind I'm already seeing them making up a party so I thought I may as well announce it, so we can start looking at party composition.

That's not the end of recruitment though, I can take up to two more and there are loads of good submissions already.

Right now I see:

A rogue/brawler
An archery ranger
A witch

DW let us know which way you are leaning.
Maybe if needed Morrigan could tweak to cover a little more curative magic.

Maybe pick up a bard or something.

I gotta run right now, more later.

Wow I just noticed... so many non-good alignments! This will be interesting.

I know some GM's are scared of CN but I have a feeling this group can RP that in a mature way and still find reasons to co-operate with each other.

I just might need to get you guys to touch a bit more on your motivation so I can make sure I have suitable plot-hooks to draw you in. One of the big plot hooks at level 6 sort of assumes you want to save the city.

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I filled in the blanks for Alfen finding Momo and sneaking her back into the kitchen to help clean her up. I put in italics and implied reactions that didn't fit with the blocked off sections. Let me know what you think!

Alfen and Momo:
It’s nearly lunchtime before the Dulines make it to market, but they are able to finagle a space to sell their wares. Michaus is slightly surprised to see some of the items. It’s obvious that the elves had gifted his village a few things to be able to afford the swords. The contents include: preserved fish from their river, small dolls carved by the catfolk out of the forest’s wood, and a few items gifted from the neighboring elves.

Before Michaus and Sari can finish setting up, their blanket of items is swarmed with potential buyers. Their catfolk race, rarely seen in Zobeck, seems to spark interest in the market and curious shoppers circle the blanket to take a gander at the “rare and exotic items” Michaus peddles. Michaus turns up his charm, bluffing about the integrity of their merchandise, finagling customers into spending a few extra silver. While Michaus speaks, Sari handles the money and watches their goods in fear of thievery.

Unfortunately, by the time the market dies down and most of their goods are sold, the couple notices their child is missing. Grief and regret strike them both. After a few minutes of panicked discussion, it’s decided that Sari will stay put in case Momo ventures back, while Michaus sniffs the air and checks nearby stalls. The couple makes sure they can always spot and hear one another during their search. The city is large and unfamiliar for oddities such as themselves.

Sometime during the chaos, Momo had slipped between the legs of a particularly large human and wiggled her way through the forest of legs. She crawls on her hands and knees, sniffing the cobblestone, legs, feet, puddles, everything. Before she knew it, Momo had sniffed her way into an alley. Scared without her parents, little Momo sits on her rear and her eyes fill with tears. She is utterly and completely lost.

”Uuuuuu,” Momo prepares her incoming waterworks. After a few moments, she stands up and starts running in a random direction, bawling loudly. She eventually sees what looks to be other children and runs towards them, crying unintelligently, ”Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” Momo takes a breath only to continue wailing, ”Waaauuuuuuuuu!” Her face is streaked with tears and snot is running out of both nostrils and into her mouth.

The children Momo ran towards are a group of juvenile delinquents that had been preoccupied with throwing small rocks at glass bottles, attempting to make the containers shatter all over the cobblestone. They hear Momo’s crying at a distance and plan a cruel prank. After luring the small defenseless catfolk closer, the kids begin pelting rocks at the unfamiliar creature. ”Ten points if you hit the head!” one calls out in Common. A rock lands painfully on Momo’s left ear, causing it to bleed. ”Yes, got it!” another kid cheers, indifferent towards the pain they’re inflicting on Momo.

Something warm and smelly trickles down the side of Momo’s leg. She’s peeing herself in fear. At this point, Momo is too scared to make any noise. Momo turns away from her assailants, trying desperately to claw up the wall but she isn’t strong enough. She curls defensively into a ball covering her ears with her hands, which were now exposing tiny little claws. Momo waits helplessly for her life to come to an end.

A nearby door opens out into the alleyway as a young kitsune struggles with a heavy bag. "Dunno why I have to do all the heavy liftin'," Alfen Greenraw mutters under his breath. As he gets through the door, he starts dragging the bag down the alley when he sees the gang of kids, not much younger than himself, attacking the small, crying... Well, it's hard to tell what it is curled into a ball like that. He can see claws, but it isn't a kitsune like him, of that much he is certain. But it's someone like him. He needs to do something. He can feel his cheeks burn under his fur. Alfen drops the bag he had been dragging, reaches into the bag and starts pelting the bullies with what are clearly spoiled potatoes.

“Hey! Leave them alone you bullies!“ a voice different from the attacking children is heard. The mischievous youngsters stop pelting Momo and disperse. Momo slowly lifts her head, her ears revolving to the source of the noise. The scrape on her ear is starting to clot. It’s hard for Momo to smell and see with the blood, urine, and dirt currently covering her.

Momo’s eyes are wide in fear and her heart is beating as fast as a bunny rabbit’s. She isn’t sure if the new creature is here to help or hurt her, but she’s too terrified to do anything about it. Her ears are back and her tail in down between her legs in fearful defeat.

When the creature approaches her, she gives a tentative sniff, her nose wiggling, sampling the air. Her assailants seem to be far enough away, but the smell of Momo’s urine was overwhelming to Momo’s sensitive nose. She detected the smell of (Momo’s savior’s race here – unless kitsune) on her savior.


A catfolk, huh? Georg had mentioned that a couple come through every now and then, but he had never seen one in person before. "Hey, are you alright kid?" Alfen asks, afraid to get too close (the stench of urine was overwhelming). "Those kids got ya pretty good. What's your name? Do you have anyone lookin' for you?"

”I’m Momo,” Momo replies in a wavering voice, strained from crying. After a few moments, tears begin to swell in her eyes again: ”I can’t find my parents.” The waterworks begin again and a fresh line of snot travels out of Momo’s nose and over her mouth. ”Uuuu,” Momo whimpers pitifully as her savior helps her out. Momo answers all of his/her questions with child-like honesty and nods or shakes her head fervently to simple questions. ”I’m 6 years old. My parents and I were at the market.”


"The market? Hey, that's not too far from here!" Alfen smiles, trying to cheer the girl up. "My name's Alfen. It's nice to meet you Momo." He hesitates. He can't let the girl walk through all those people looking and smelling like she does now. Maybe they could sneak into the kitchen and get her cleaned up? He might get in trouble though, and he was already in enough trouble with Georg as it was...

No. If he doesn't help Momo, then who will? "Come on," Alfen gestures down the alley toward the opposite direction of the market. "I know a place where we can get ya cleaned up. We have to be quiet though," he adds conspiratorially.

As her savior leads the way, Momo reaches for his/her hand for comfort. If he/she pulls away in disgust, Momo lets out a ”Uuuu,” contorting her face to cry again.

Alfen allows Momo to hold his hand, albeit begrudgingly. He'll need to wash his paws down to the bone after this.

If he/she is adamant about not holding Momo’s hand, Momo determinedly tries to grab onto his/her shirt as they walk. Momo wants to be close to the creature that saved her, regardless of how nice others she meets may be.

Momo is completely docile as her savior cleans her up – Momo doesn’t even complain if the bucket of water is cold. She eyes her savior curiously, her ears are perky and upright listening to the different sounds in the area. She doesn’t attempt to clean herself and lets her savior do all the work. As he/she reaches over Momo to clean a spot, Momo leans her head closer to curiously sniff her savior.

Alfen collects water from the sink and uses it to quietly wash the blood and urine off of Momo, trying not to breathe in the smell. He leans back as Momo tries to get close to sniff him, but relents as she continues to do so. Maybe washing his hands won't be enough. He'll need to wash himself after this. Before they leave to go the market, Alfen takes time to change into his human form. "We'll draw less unwanted attention that way," he explains to Momo.

Even if Momo is reprimanded and instructed to stop, she will continue to sniff after a few seconds have passed. With the pee washed off, Momo's sense of smell is improved and she is able to assist in finding her parents. ”You smell interesting. I won’t forget your scent,” Momo promises her savior. Her light green cat-like eyes stare at her savior unabashed with childhood innocence.

It’s hard to tell Momo had been yelling her lungs out, making a waterfall of tears, and covered in urine a few minutes earlier. Momo is already back to her perky, inquisitive self. She grabs for her savior’s hand, her actions indicative to her age. She follows dutifully behind her savior as if she were his/her own little shadow.

When her savior makes it to the market with Momo in tow, Momo grabs her savior as tightly as she can around his/her waist. ”I will never forget you,” Momo muffles into his/her shirt. The shirt feels a little wet after the hug. Pulling back, Momo’s eyes glisten with tears ”We are friends now.” It was a proclamation, not an request. Momo decides they are going to be friends.

Momo removes the necklace she made seven days ago and hands it to her savior. “This is proof of our friendship. Now you can’t forget me.” Momo’s tail swishes anxiously, waiting for her savior to accept her token of friendship. ”If you don’t take it you might not remember me. Your race can’t smell as well as catfolk.” Momo’s ears bend slightly in anticipation, waiting for her savior to accept the offering. The necklace is of poor quality and it looks like a child made it. It’s a string with seven baked clay beads of various sizes and shapes. The necklace doesn’t appear to be worth anything.


Alfen, having shifted back to fox form after finding the stall, takes the necklace from Momo and examines it closely. Doesn't look valuable, probably couldn't fence it for much... Alfen mentally chides himself. How is he any better than the bullies? He's not supposed to be thinking that way anymore. This is a gift, not to be sold. Worried that his expression is giving away his thoughts, Alfen forces a smile. "Thanks," he says, pocketing the necklace. "I like it a lot. Really."


Momo’s ears straighten and she grins widely, showing all of her baby teeth are still intact. She grapples her savior around the waist for another hug and rubs the side of her face against him/her showing the respect and affection of a comrade and friend.

”Momo!? Momo!” and extremely concerned mother and father catfolk approach Momo and her savior. The female catfolk looks like she’s been crying and she continues to sob as she grabs Momo into a tight hug. The male catfolk looks more composed and thanks her savior appreciatively.

”Would you allow me to buy you dinner? As a small thank you - that nowhere near compensates you for returning our Momo here safely,” the male catfolk addresses Momo’s savior. ”My name is Mithaus and this is my lovely mate Sari.”

Alfen considers this offer. He certainly feels very hungry, starving even. And he was already late reporting back to Georg at the inn. And, Alfen suddenly remembers, he hadn't cleaned up the basin and bowl he had used to clean Momo, did he? So he's already in trouble. Might as well get a nice dinner out of it. Alfen happily nods, accepting the gracious offer.

If her savior allows Mithaus to buy him/her dinner, they exchange pleasantries and Mithaus keeps the conversation light. Dinner turns out to be steaming buns filled with meat from a nearby bakery. Mithaus avoids crowded areas like taverns because he and his family already stick out. Mithaus talks about their catfolk village and answers any questions her savior has as long as they are not too personal. Before departing, Mithaus and Sari rub their cheeks against the top of her savior’s head out in gratitude and affection. They take the time to sniff Momo’s savior so they can remember his/her scent.


Alfen, naturally curious, asks a lot about where they are from and what catfolk are like in between stuffing his face with the food. He eats like he is starving, even though in his fox form it's clear that he's not. He reluctantly allows the older catfolk to rub against his head, having learned earlier that it was useless to try to stop it. Not to mention it'd probably be insulting. Alfen briefly wonders if he would've been more comfortable with these invasions of personal space if he had grown up around other kitsune, instead of humans. He shakes the strangely melancholy thought away and thanks Mithaus and Sari for the dinner. As they part, Alfen begins to make his way back to the inn, grinning until he remembers just how much trouble he's going to be in for being gone so long. But Georg would understand, right?

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Christian and Momo:

Part 3: The Encounter

It’s nearly lunchtime before the Dulines make it to market, but they are able to finagle a space to sell their wares. Michaus is slightly surprised to see some of the items. It’s obvious that the elves had gifted his village a few things to be able to afford the swords. The contents include: preserved fish from their river, small dolls carved by the catfolk out of the forest’s wood, and a few items gifted from the neighboring elves.

Before Michaus and Sari can finish setting up, their blanket of items is swarmed with potential buyers. Their catfolk race, rarely seen in Zobeck, seems to spark interest in the market and curious shoppers circle the blanket to take a gander at the “rare and exotic items” Michaus peddles. Michaus turns up his charm, bluffing about the integrity of their merchandise, finagling customers into spending a few extra silver. While Michaus speaks, Sari handles the money and watches their goods in fear of thievery.

Unfortunately, by the time the market dies down and most of their goods are sold, the couple notices their child is missing. Grief and regret strike them both. After a few minutes of panicked discussion, it’s decided that Sari will stay put in case Momo ventures back, while Michaus sniffs the air and checks nearby stalls. The couple makes sure they can always spot and hear one another during their search. The city is large and unfamiliar for oddities such as themselves.

Sometime during the chaos, Momo had slipped between the legs of a particularly large human and wiggled her way through the forest of legs. She crawls on her hands and knees, sniffing the cobblestone, legs, feet, puddles, everything. Before she knew it, Momo had sniffed her way into an alley. Scared without her parents, little Momo sits on her rear and her eyes fill with tears. She is utterly and completely lost.
The large human jumps and turns around as the catfolk runs underneath his feet Hey!!, What the....Get back here... A much smaller human places a hand to restrain the large man from chasing the young child.Easy Gio. She is just a child playing, but to be safe check your coins.The small human turns to a group of what looks like soldiers.. with so many people milling about keep your eyes open and mind your coins as well. The group of soldiers continue on down the road.
”Uuuuuu,” Momo prepares her incoming waterworks. After a few moments, she stands up and starts running in a random direction, bawling loudly. She eventually sees what looks to be other children and runs towards them, crying unintelligently, ”Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” Momo takes a breath only to continue wailing, ”Waaauuuuuuuuu!” Her face is streaked with tears and snot is running out of both nostrils and into her mouth.

The children Momo ran towards are a group of juvenile delinquents that had been preoccupied with throwing small rocks at glass bottles, attempting to make the containers shatter all over the cobblestone. They hear Momo’s crying at a distance and plan a cruel prank. After luring the small defenseless catfolk closer, the kids begin pelting rocks at the unfamiliar creature. ”Ten points if you hit the head!” one calls out in Common. A rock lands painfully on Momo’s left ear, causing it to bleed. ”Yes, got it!” another kid cheers, indifferent towards the pain they’re inflicting on Momo.

Something warm and smelly trickles down the side of Momo’s leg. She’s peeing herself in fear. At this point, Momo is too scared to make any noise. Momo turns away from her assailants, trying desperately to claw up the wall but she isn’t strong enough. She curls defensively into a ball covering her ears with her hands, which were now exposing tiny little claws. Momo waits helplessly for her life to come to an end.


As the lead bully attempts to throw another stone at the catfolk, a long blade gentle touches the arm just as it is in motion to throw the stone. The sight of a blade next to his arm gives the bully pause and his stone flies off to the side, hitting the wall. As one the juvenile delinquents turn to see what is going on. There at the end of the alley way stands a male human holding a six-foot staff affixed to a two-foot-long, sword-like slightly curved blade. Behind him are six more humans with very big shields. Behind these soldiers stand even more humans.
The small human steps forward towards the children.
Not so much fun being cornered now is it. the children start to run for the exit thinking they can just run in between legs and be away before anyone can catch them. A loud voice bellows a quick phrase and the soldiers react before any of the children take two steps. Shield wall! The Soldiers ground their tall shields and move to create a large wall that covers the alley way from side to side. The children skid to a stop and turn trying to find another way to escape. The lead bully stands with his hands on his hips as if daring someone to touch him.
Walking forward the small human looks the lead bully in the eyes
There are many a mercenary company that would love some more camp boys.... He lets the threat sink in as the boys know full well that being enslaved to some of these mercenary groups is a fate worse than death. This fear is enough to make the lead bully stand still in shock. The only movement is the urine that runs down his legs.
Fortunately for you young ones, we are not about that. If life has dealt you a crappy hand, then do not accept it. Better yourselves, be more than you are right now. Rise above your station and help to make this world better. Pausing after he says these words hell like that will ever happen. Still need to try
Now get, go on get out of here.Move!
The shield wall splits in two to allow the children to flee.


“Hey! ---- ---- ------ --- ------ ---- ------- ----,“ a voice different from the attacking children is heard. The mischievous youngsters stop pelting Momo and disperse. Momo slowly lifts her head, her ears revolving to the source of the noise. The scrape on her ear is starting to clot. It’s hard for Momo to smell and see with the blood, urine, and dirt currently covering her.

Momo’s eyes are wide in fear and her heart is beating as fast as a bunny rabbit’s. She isn’t sure if the new creature is here to help or hurt her, but she’s too terrified to do anything about it. Her ears are back and her tail in down between her legs in fearful defeat.

When the creature approaches her, she gives a tentative sniff, her nose wiggling, sampling the air. Her assailants seem to be far enough away, but the smell of Momo’s urine was overwhelming to Momo’s sensitive nose. She detected the smell of (Momo’s savior’s race here – unless kitsune) on her savior.


The small human walks up to the catfolk and kneels down to look at her. He reaches out a hand and his face is lit up by a smile.
It is ok young one, they other children are gone now. They will not hurt you anymore. He helps to stand her up and takes stock of her condition. Come let us get you cleaned up. As they walk towards the mouth of the alley way, the soldiers step away to allow the two through. The tabard the man wears is black with a howling white wolf on the front. He has a piece of cloth hanging from his belt, it is split down the middle with red on one side and black on the other side. A stylized silver dragon with a shield clutched in it's lower talon's is stitched on the piece of cloth.
He pulls forth some rags from his horses saddlebags and start to clean her up. In a calm voice and a smile on his face.
I am Christian...So do you want to tell me who you are and where your parents are?

”I’m Momo,” Momo replies in a wavering voice, strained from crying. After a few moments, tears begin to swell in her eyes again: ”I can’t find my parents.” The waterworks begin again and a fresh line of snot travels out of Momo’s nose and over her mouth. ”Uuuu,” Momo whimpers pitifully as her savior helps her out. Momo answers all of his/her questions with child-like honesty and nods or shakes her head fervently to simple questions. ”I’m 6 years old. My parents and I were at the market.”

Well if you would like to help me, I think we can find your parents..ok.He picks her up and places her into the saddle of is horse and the climbs up into the saddle as well. He leads them away following several wagons and other soldiers wearing the same tabards. As they ride away. The tall human that the little girl ran underneath speaks up
You know...Codwin is going to be pissed when he finds out what you did. You know how he feels about his men and you just undermined him with this little stunt. Christian looks down at the tall man.I know and i can deal with the fallout...It was worth it.


As her savior leads the way, Momo reaches for his/her hand for comfort. If he/she pulls away in disgust, Momo lets out a ”Uuuu,” contorting her face to cry again. If he/she is adamant about not holding Momo’s hand, Momo determinedly tries to grab onto his/her shirt as they walk. Momo wants to be close to the creature that saved her, regardless of how nice others she meets may be.

Momo is completely docile as her savior cleans her up – Momo doesn’t even complain if the bucket of water is cold. She eyes her savior curiously, her ears are perky and upright listening to the different sounds in the area. She doesn’t attempt to clean herself and lets her savior do all the work. As he/she reaches over Momo to clean a spot, Momo leans her head closer to curiously sniff her savior.

Even if Momo is reprimanded and instructed to stop, she will continue to sniff after a few seconds have passed. With the pee washed off, Momo's sense of smell is improved and she is able to assist in finding her parents. ”You smell interesting. I won’t forget your scent,” Momo promises her savior. Her light green cat-like eyes stare at her savior unabashed with childhood innocence.

It’s hard to tell Momo had been yelling her lungs out, making a waterfall of tears, and covered in urine a few minutes earlier. Momo is already back to her perky, inquisitive self. She grabs for her savior’s hand, her actions indicative to her age. She follows dutifully behind her savior as if she were his/her own little shadow.

When her savior makes it to the market with Momo in tow, Momo grabs her savior as tightly as she can around his/her waist. ”I will never forget you,” Momo muffles into his/her shirt. The shirt feels a little wet after the hug. Pulling back, Momo’s eyes glisten with tears ”We are friends now.” It was a proclamation, not an request. Momo decides they are going to be friends.

Momo removes the necklace she made seven days ago and hands it to her savior. “This is proof of our friendship. Now you can’t forget me.” Momo’s tail swishes anxiously, waiting for her savior to accept her token of friendship. ”If you don’t take it you might not remember me. Your race can’t smell as well as catfolk.” Momo’s ears bend slightly in anticipation, waiting for her savior to accept the offering. The necklace is of poor quality and it looks like a child made it. It’s a string with seven baked clay beads of various sizes and shapes. The necklace doesn’t appear to be worth anything.


He allows her hand to grabs his and always keeps a smile on his face. One hand on the reins and one hand around her waist to keep her from falling off. He lets an eyebrow rise when she sniffs him and then he lets out a chuckle.
It has been a long road and we have yet to get to the Inn. I apologize if the road is too much for your senses.
When she hands him the necklace, Christian's face brightens up and his smile is even bigger. A serious tone comes across and he states
Me Lady, You honor me greatly with such a gift. I have nothing to compare to such a show of respect. My only hope is that you will accept this small token of gratitude.He removes his black and red cloth, his eyes looking over the dirt, and grim from many a battle. He takes the cloth and presents it to the little girl. Take this favor as a show of friendship. It has seen my through many a battle and if ever you should need of my me out.


Momo’s ears straighten and she grins widely, showing all of her baby teeth are still intact. She grapples her savior around the waist for another hug and rubs the side of her face against him/her showing the respect and affection of a comrade and friend.

”Momo!? Momo!” and extremely concerned mother and father catfolk approach Momo and her savior. The female catfolk looks like she’s been crying and she continues to sob as she grabs Momo into a tight hug. The male catfolk looks more composed and thanks her savior appreciatively.

”Would you allow me to buy you dinner? As a small thank you - that nowhere near compensates you for returning our Momo here safely,” the male catfolk addresses Momo’s savior. ”My name is Mithaus and this is my lovely mate Sari.”

If her savior allows Mithaus to buy him/her dinner, they exchange pleasantries and Mithaus keeps the conversation light. Dinner turns out to be steaming buns filled with meat from a nearby bakery. Mithaus avoids crowded areas like taverns because he and his family already stick out. Mithaus talks about their catfolk village and answers any questions her savior has as long as they are not too personal. Before departing, Mithaus and Sari rub their cheeks against the top of her savior’s head out in gratitude and affection. They take the time to sniff Momo’s savior so they can remember his/her scent.


Me Lord...Me Lady. Seeing that your family is whole once again is all the reward I desire or need. I thank you kindly for the offer of dinner, but I have duties to tend to and I have put them off for far to long. Christian bows in respect and turns to walk away. He stops and kneels down to momo.Remember if ever you should be in need of aid. Come and seek me out. Look for this tabard or the image that is on the favor He reaches down and gentle kisses the little girl on the forehead. he then looks her in the eyes
Be careful, ok

I'm still on the fence between an oracle and an inquisitor. With d20pfsrd down at the moment, I'm having a harder time working character sheets...

Was I forgotten or is Caeleus so kobold like that he went unnoticed by the humans. Woe is me. xP

Crea-Asp would like to play, but to be honest I don't have time to weave a detailed interaction story to the other PC's. I come up with a basic background, and my fun is building the characters personality, history, and relationships through role playing. I hope this doesn't keep me out, but if so... have fun.

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Even though it looks like I'm late to the party, Momo's background is so inspiring I wanted to try my hand at it just for the sake of it (even though Alfen and Christian have rightfully gotten first dibs on it).

The Encounter:

It’s nearly lunchtime before the Dulines make it to market, but they are able to finagle a space to sell their wares. Michaus is slightly surprised to see some of the items. It’s obvious that the elves had gifted his village a few things to be able to afford the swords. The contents include: preserved fish from their river, small dolls carved by the catfolk out of the forest’s wood, and a few items gifted from the neighboring elves.

Before Michaus and Sari can finish setting up, their blanket of items is swarmed with potential buyers. Their catfolk race, rarely seen in Zobeck, seems to spark interest in the market and curious shoppers circle the blanket to take a gander at the “rare and exotic items” Michaus peddles. Michaus turns up his charm, bluffing about the integrity of their merchandise, finagling customers into spending a few extra silver. While Michaus speaks, Sari handles the money and watches their goods in fear of thievery.

Unfortunately, by the time the market dies down and most of their goods are sold, the couple notices their child is missing. Grief and regret strike them both. After a few minutes of panicked discussion, it’s decided that Sari will stay put in case Momo ventures back, while Michaus sniffs the air and checks nearby stalls. The couple makes sure they can always spot and hear one another during their search. The city is large and unfamiliar for oddities such as themselves.

Sometime during the chaos, Momo had slipped between the legs of a particularly large human and wiggled her way through the forest of legs. She crawls on her hands and knees, sniffing the cobblestone, legs, feet, puddles, everything. Before she knew it, Momo had sniffed her way into an alley. Scared without her parents, little Momo sits on her rear and her eyes fill with tears. She is utterly and completely lost.

”Uuuuuu,” Momo prepares her incoming waterworks. After a few moments, she stands up and starts running in a random direction, bawling loudly. She eventually sees what looks to be other children and runs towards them, crying unintelligently, ”Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” Momo takes a breath only to continue wailing, ”Waaauuuuuuuuu!” Her face is streaked with tears and snot is running out of both nostrils and into her mouth.

The children Momo ran towards are a group of juvenile delinquents that had been preoccupied with throwing small rocks at glass bottles, attempting to make the containers shatter all over the cobblestone. They hear Momo’s crying at a distance and plan a cruel prank. After luring the small defenseless catfolk closer, the kids begin pelting rocks at the unfamiliar creature. ”Ten points if you hit the head!” one calls out in Common. A rock lands painfully on Momo’s left ear, causing it to bleed. ”Yes, got it!” another kid cheers, indifferent towards the pain they’re inflicting on Momo.

Something warm and smelly trickles down the side of Momo’s leg. She’s peeing herself in fear. At this point, Momo is too scared to make any noise. Momo turns away from her assailants, trying desperately to claw up the wall but she isn’t strong enough. She curls defensively into a ball covering her ears with her hands, which were now exposing tiny little claws. Momo waits helplessly for her life to come to an end.

“Hey! Why don’t you pick a fight with someone your size?“ a voice different from the attacking children is heard. A tall figure has come out from a nearby squat, two-story building, and is now approaching the gang with a threatening stare in her eyes.

”Oh yeah? And who would that be? asks one. ”Not you” mocks another. ”I can’t even tell if you’re the ugliest girl I’ve ever seen, or the most effeminate boy” chimes in a third. ”My mother told me only whores live in that house. It must be hard to make ends meet, with a face like yours” replies the first, followed by a raucous burst of laughter from his friends – which ends abruptly as the newcomer deftly manoeuvres besides the meanest-looking boy and swiftly unleashes a well-placed kick in his nether regions.

A chaotic tumult immediately erupts, as the gang presses in to avenge its fallen leader. The figure almost seem to dance around the blows coming her way, until a particularly clever – or lucky – young thug manages to sneak in a blow from behind. Another punch in the ribs quickly follows, and then a loud THUD marking a nasty punch in the face. Momo watches horrified, as it appears her would be saviour is poised to suffer her same fate, when her champion finally regains her balance and retaliates with a vicious flurry of blows which leaves one, two, three opponents writhing in pain on the ground.

The mischievous youngsters stop pelting Momo and disperse. Momo slowly lifts her head, her ears revolving to the source of the noise. The scrape on her ear is starting to clot. It’s hard for Momo to smell and see with the blood, urine, and dirt currently covering her.

Momo’s eyes are wide in fear and her heart is beating as fast as a bunny rabbit’s. She isn’t sure if the new creature is here to help or hurt her, but she’s too terrified to do anything about it. Her ears are back and her tail in down between her legs in fearful defeat.

When the creature approaches her, she gives a tentative sniff, her nose wiggling, sampling the air. Her assailants seem to be far enough away, but the smell of Momo’s urine was overwhelming to Momo’s sensitive nose. She detected the smell of an elfmarked on her savior.

”You… should really be more careful about which fights you pick” the figure tentatively interjects, trying to break the ice. From up close, Momo finally realizes she is no boy, but actually a rather tomboyish-looking girl, lanky as a beanpole, whose elven blood makes appear even younger than her thirteen years. ”Grovar Vann and his friends might not be the Cloven, but even rats can find courage in numbers.” Getting no answer, she decides to go for a different approach. ”I’m… Írwen, by the way” she introduces herself, trying her best to put on an awkward smile. ”And you?”

”I’m Momo,” Momo replies in a wavering voice, strained from crying. After a few moments, tears begin to swell in her eyes again: ”I can’t find my parents.” The waterworks begin again and a fresh line of snot travels out of Momo’s nose and over her mouth. ”Uuuu,” Momo whimpers pitifully as her savior helps her out. Momo answers all of her questions with child-like honesty and nods or shakes her head fervently to simple questions. ”I’m 6 years old. My parents and I were at the market.”

"Hush Momo" Írwen replies half sternly, half gently. ”You should never let a bully see you cry. Never give the world the satisfaction to see your weakness, or it will never stop exploiting it.” She then looks around nervously, as if pondering a difficult decision. ”It’s not far from here, but you can’t walk around the streets like that.” She bites her lower lip, then appears lost in thought for a couple of heartbeats. ”It’s no place to bring a 6-year old girl – Lada knows if I know – but with Tyron gone out for errands and the Scabbard not opening before sunset…” She turns around to look Momo in the eyes; ”Follow me” she proclaims almost solemnly. ”Try to keep a low profile… and don’t look around too much, will you?”

As Írwen leads the way, Momo reaches for her hand for comfort. It only takes a few steps for the elfmarked to lead her into the same building she came out earlier, and Momo can briefly make out the letters The Silk Scabbard on a sign just above the main door before they enter. They stride across a large hall and reach what appears to be a changing room where half a dozen succinctly dressed women pay them little heed, busy as they seem in their ablutions and preparations.

Momo is completely docile as Írwen cleans her up – Momo doesn’t even complain if the bucket of water is cold. She eyes Írwen curiously, her ears are perky and upright listening to the different sounds in the area. She doesn’t attempt to clean herself and lets Írwen do all the work. As she reaches over Momo to clean a spot, Momo leans her head closer to curiously sniff Írwen.

Even if Momo is reprimanded and instructed to stop, she will continue to sniff after a few seconds have passed. With the pee washed off, Momo's sense of smell is improved and she is able to assist in finding her parents. ”You smell interesting. I won’t forget your scent,” Momo promises Írwen . Her light green cat-like eyes stare at Írwen unabashed with childhood innocence.

It’s hard to tell Momo had been yelling her lungs out, making a waterfall of tears, and covered in urine a few minutes earlier. Momo is already back to her perky, inquisitive self. She grabs for Írwen ’s hand, her actions indicative to her age. She follows dutifully behind Írwen as if she were her own little shadow.

When her savior makes it to the market with Momo in tow, Momo grabs Írwen as tightly as she can around her waist. ”I will never forget you,” Momo muffles into his/her shirt. The shirt feels a little wet after the hug. Pulling back, Momo’s eyes glisten with tears ”We are friends now.” It was a proclamation, not a request. Momo decides they are going to be friends.

Momo removes the necklace she made seven days ago and hands it to Írwen. “This is proof of our friendship. Now you can’t forget me.” Momo’s tail swishes anxiously, waiting for Írwen to accept her token of friendship. ”If you don’t take it you might not remember me. Your race can’t smell as well as catfolk.” Momo’s ears bend slightly in anticipation, waiting for Írwen to accept the offering. The necklace is of poor quality and it looks like a child made it. It’s a string with seven baked clay beads of various sizes and shapes. The necklace doesn’t appear to be worth anything.

Írwen appears as if taken aback by Momo’s sudden offer, as if herself unaccustomed to gestures of genuine goodwill and generosity. Still, she graciously accept it while giving the young catfolk a vigorous pat on her head. ”It’s not just the fights, even when it comes to picking friends your judgment could benefit from additional wisdom” she jokingly quips, though there’s a veneer of sadness in her voice as she utters the words. ”You should really think twice before calling someone like me a friend. A proper young girl like you can do much better in her associations, you know?” At Momo’s quizzical look, she decides to drop the issue entirely and dons the necklace with an elaborate gesture, as if it were the most precious thing this side of Midgard. ”But if we are to be friends, then you should start calling me Allegra. It’s my special name, a name Elves only share with their closest acquaintances. Do you understand, Momo?”

Momo’s ears straighten and she grins widely, showing all of her baby teeth are still intact. She grapples Allegra around the waist for another hug and rubs the side of her face against her showing the respect and affection of a comrade and friend.
”Momo!? Momo! and extremely concerned mother and father catfolk approach Momo and her savior. The female catfolk looks like she’s been crying and she continues to sob as she grabs Momo into a tight hug. The male catfolk looks more composed and thanks her savior appreciatively.
”Would you allow me to buy you dinner? As a small thank you - that nowhere near compensates you for returning our Momo here safely,” the male catfolk addresses Momo’s savior. ”My name is Mithaus and this is my lovely mate Sari.”

If her savior allows Mithaus to buy her dinner, they exchange pleasantries and Mithaus keeps the conversation light. Dinner turns out to be steaming buns filled with meat from a nearby bakery. Mithaus avoids crowded areas like taverns because he and his family already stick out. Mithaus talks about their catfolk village and answers any questions Allegra has as long as they are not too personal. Before departing, Mithaus and Sari rub their cheeks against the top of Allegra’s head out in gratitude and affection. They take the time to sniff Momo’s savior so they can remember her scent.

DMG wrote:

Wow I just noticed... so many non-good alignments! This will be interesting.

I know some GM's are scared of CN but I have a feeling this group can RP that in a mature way and still find reasons to co-operate with each other.
I just might need to get you guys to touch a bit more on your motivation so I can make sure I have suitable plot-hooks to draw you in. One of the big plot hooks at level 6 sort of assumes you want to save the city.

Írwen is CN though leaning on CG, and I pictured her as a worshipper of Lada, though not a particularly devout one, with emphasis on the love and might aspects. She simply believes that people should save themselves rather than look for heroes to fight their battles in their stead, though that obviously doesn't apply to those who are too weak to defend themselves with their own strength – children particularly come to mind.

No one was forgotten, the four I named have just especially clicked for one reason or another.

Weaving backstories is totally optional, it's just for fun.

Looks like Momo's story got lots of takers!

Momo Duline wrote:

Part 5 is reserved for a future battle that will take place in Momo’s village. Either a Were or a dark unseelie fey will attack Momo’s village and a battle will ensue leading to a catfolk casualty (and possibly an elven casualty.)

The enemy is at DM’s digression and/or Morrigan, the eleven shadow witch (if you are interested Morrigan!) Otherwise I’ll just write it for fun and extra fluff. If the enemy is a dark unseelie fey, I will need to change the weapons Momo’s father purchased to cold iron swords (instead of silver for the Were.)

I haven’t written Part 5 so I’m not opposed to the attack being at the elven village instead. (I would like to make use of the epic journey the Duline family took to procure the swords.)

I’m not particular on a time so it can be as soon at the Duline family returns (Momo will be 6) or later when Momo is older (perhaps 8 or 10?) Completely up to you. I’m not expecting Momo to do much (if anything) in terms of combat, but her father (Mithaus), her mother (Sari) and the village leader (Mombar) will be battling. There is opportunity to meet Momo before, during, or after the enemy encounter.

I think werewolves would be good. There are dangerous fey in the deep margreve but a werewolf makes more sense to me as a predator that comes to your door.

The more I read about the river elves, I don't picture them having a whole village in the Margreve. I think they would just be a few individuals, living in exile from the River Courts.

What do you think of these creatures as neighbors to Momo's village? They are native to the Margreve:

This creature has the slender upper body of an elf and the lower
body of a deer.

Alseid are the graceful woodland cousins to centaurs. Because they are rarely seen far from the wooded glades they call home, they are sometimes called “grove nymphs,” despite being more closely related to elves than nymphs.

Alseid see the forest as an individual and a friend. They are suspicious of outsiders who do not share this view. Lost travelers who demonstrate deep respect for the forest may spot a distant alseid’s white tail and chase after it as it bounces toward a road that leads out of the forest.

Disrespectful strangers may follow the same tail to their doom.

Male alseid have antlers growing from their foreheads. Antlers grow very slowly, branching every 10 years for the first century of life. Further points only develop with the blessings of the forest.
No 14 point imperial alseid are known to exist, but many tribes are governed by princes with 13 points. Because antlers signify status, alseid never use them in combat. Cutting an alseid’s antlers is one of the direst punishments an alseid can receive. Elf rangers have reported a lone alseid exile, wandering the Margreve, its antlers sawn off near the scalp.

Alseid have a deep connection with the Old World magic of the Margreve. Their leaders favor the druid and ranger classes.

I was also looking at sprites. They have a funny habit of choosing things to protect. I can picture them following Morrigan around when she wants to be alone, or watching over Momo's village. Could be a link. Just one idea, but do what you guys want.

I'll bow out due to time constraints at the moment. Good luck everyone. :)

Caeleus Draguis wrote:
I'll bow out due to time constraints at the moment. Good luck everyone. :)

Ok, in that case, I prefer to stay with an empiricist, which likely leaves open the divine caster role.

Limnen_euron wrote:
Írwen is CN though leaning on CG, and I pictured her as a worshipper of Lada, though not a particularly devout one, with emphasis on the love and might aspects. She simply believes that people should save themselves rather than look for heroes to fight their battles in their stead, though that obviously doesn't apply to those who are too weak to defend themselves with their own strength – children particularly come to mind.

Great, and for the record I hope it didn't come off like I was attacking the non-good alignment choices. I firmly believe all* the alignments are there to be played and I meant it when I said it would be interesting :) I only asked for the clarification on character motivation so I can be sure to adapt certain plot hooks to be suitable.

I'm guessing Irwin would not sit idly by if a threat arose to Zobeck on an institutional level? It sounds like 6th level Irwin has worked hard to learn the dance of politics, and might prefer the devil she already knows, so to speak.

*except maybe CE, that one just doesn't seem to work in the adventures I tend to run.

Is anyone a divine caster?

So... myth-weavers goofed yesterday or the day before. All sheets made within the last 6 months are gone, and I've lost roughly 16 out of my 20 characters I had. I've been remaking sheets and I'll have to remake Rowan's as well. Just a heads up to anyone else with sheets on myth-weavers, go check them. The sheets will still be there, but they might be empty when you click into them.

Sidenote: This campaign seems to be more over the top than one I would be wanting to use Rowan in. From a lot of the characters I've seen and the background I've been reading, the setting isn't right for him. I think I'll drop out of this one, but have fun, guys.

Thanks for the heads up psychobear.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I liked Limnen_euron's character connection the most so I added the quotes and it's available to read on Momo's profile. The other two were really good as well. It was hard to pick!

The second character connection is done as well. I'm just waiting on Morrigan to decide.

Discussion thread is live now. Momo, Nik'olo, Morrigan, Alfen and Irwen please dot when you're ready.

Good luck guys. Have fun.

Is this still going?

It's closed for now. The game is now going with 5 PC's. I am open to adding one more down the road if the players want it. We haven't had any combat yet so it's hard to say if the party is missing anything in terms of balancing out party roles. I had a couple of players I've played with before who were interested but they didn't get a concept worked out on time, so I am just holding an open spot for now. I am OK with a sixth but if the five who are playing now are happy with the mix they have I am ok with 5 too.

Liberty's Edge

I'm interested too. I LOVE the Midgard setting.

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