Courts of the Shadow Fey (Inactive)

Game Master Grimmy

Bathhouse Map

Battle Map

Map of Zobeck

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Want to explore down the stairs?

Female Elven Shadow Witch / 2 HP 13/13 | AC 13 Tch 12 FF 11 | Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +4 | Init +2\ Perc +5/7 (Familiar=+10) | S Motive + 7/9 | Stealth

Yes, if the pool courtyard is otherwise empty, Morrigan will grab the others' attention and head towards the nearest of the spiral staircases.

The spiral stair leads down to the great bath below.

A warm, azure-tiled pool thirty feet deep at its center, the great bath is fed by a channel from the spring pool. The pool proper is open to the sky, with the covered portico of the terrace above surrounding it (area 1.2). A wide, shallow step permits patrons to relax in the water without submerging completely.

There are doors to the east, west and south.

The air coming from the room to the east is noticeably warmer, and the sound of voices indicates that the room in this direction is occupied by more people. (area 2.5)

The air from the room to the west is chilly. It is quiet in there. (area 2.7)

From the room to the south comes the sound of pleasant, lilting, instrumental music. (area 2.2)

Female Elven Shadow Witch / 2 HP 13/13 | AC 13 Tch 12 FF 11 | Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +4 | Init +2\ Perc +5/7 (Familiar=+10) | S Motive + 7/9 | Stealth

After briefly surveying this new pool room, and hearing the sound of music wafting from deeper within the structure, Morrigan heads that direction first.

HP 15/15 | AC 14 Tch 12 FF 12 | CMD 13 | Fort 1 Ref 6 Will 2 | Init +2 | Perc +4| Bardic Performances: 14/16| Dancing Lights 2/3| Kitsune Bard (Arcane Healer) 2

With no sign if Ilyana, Alfen quickly follows Morrigan down the spiral staircase. He kneels down to get a closer look at the clear water of the pool, admiring the spring and the open air above. Maybe if they weren't dead after all this was over, he could come back and enjoy some much deserved relaxation.

Alfen stands up and looks around at the different paths. "Maybe we should split up?" he suggests, though the doubt in his voice betrays that he's not sure it's the best idea. "With that creature possibly on the way, there's no time to waste."

Following the sound of the music, Morrigan finds herself in the great lounge. Dimly lit and comfortably appointed, this room has no pool to bathe in. A waterfall cascades from one wall, and an archway leads to an adjoining gymnasium where a group of students are currently being trained in martial arts.

Listening to the trio of musicians in the great hall is none other than a lovely tiefling woman matching the illustration Grigori provided. She is dressed in a towel.

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Chaotic Good Catfolk Ranger/7

Momo follows the others into the hall to store her weapons and armor. Momo wistfully stores her shortbow that her father carved for her along with her arrows and two daggers. Next, Momo shimmies out of her leather armor and folds it the best she can on top of the daggers. With her leather armor removed, Momo threads her arms back through the sleeves of her traveling cloak and stuffs Ilyana’s cloak under her breastbone.

Nik’olo Gaczi wrote:
"Didn't I tell you ti was marvelous? Look at that! The Stross sure knew how to spend their subjects' gold!" Nik'olo says, in particular to Momo, his arm unveiling the splendid building.

Momo’s ears twitch. Gold on a building? Momo eyes the structure suspiciously, What parts did they buy and what parts did they make?

DMG wrote:
You quickly realize there must be changing rooms inside somewhere because the patrons you encounter in the terrace (area 1.2) are wearing nothing but towels.

Momo eyes the patrons curiously and isn’t bothered by their lack of clothing. Momo dutifully follows on her companions heels; she doesn't want to be separated from them.

DMG wrote:

Following the sound of the music, Morrigan finds herself in the great lounge. Dimly lit and comfortably appointed, this room has no pool to bathe in. A waterfall cascades from one wall, and an archway leads to an adjoining gymnasium where a group of students are currently being trained in martial arts.

Listening to the trio of musicians in the great hall is none other than a lovely tiefling woman matching the illustration Grigori provided. She is dressed in a towel.

”Ilyana?” Momo asks her companions. Momo pulls out the red cloak from under her own and starts to leisurely walk towards Ilyana. Momo’s nostrils flare as she sniffs the air. She observes at the musicians as she walks to Ilyana, holding the red cloak. Humans? Momo sniffs the air for possible dangers. Is the air heavy with bath salts and floral aromas?

Perception (Scent): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Unless Momo senses danger, she will continue to approach Ilyana until she is standing with only one 5 foot square between them. Momo holds out the cloak, "I like the fur trim. Filipa gave it to me - err - to give back to you." Momo studies Ilyana, curious about her reaction.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

"Have you ever met a catfolk before?" Momo tilts her head and takes a tentative step closer with the red cloak. "I'm not from Zobeck." Momo continues to approach until she's able to sit near Ilyana. Want to sniff. Want to sniff. Momo sits with her hands in her lap; showing off her best behavior. "How long have you known Filipa? She is an important friend, I can tell." Momo points to Morrigan and the others, "These are my important friends. We need your help and you may need our help." Momo's eyes flick towards Nik'olo, wondering if he will be the first to speak. I think wearing my cloak into the bathhouse was a mistake... to warm. Momo opens the front of her cloak to reveal a simple white cotton shirt with a cotton string lacing up the front.

The tiefling woman remains aloof until she sees the cloak and hears the name Filipa. Momo's kind words seem to disarm her.

"Filipa sent you? But how did she get involved? And how did you get involved? Is Filipa alright? I've never seen a catfolk like you before. You certainly don't look like the type I was expecting to come looking for me!"

The trio of human musicians continues to play.

Ilyana has straight, jet black hair and a pair of horns like you would find on a goat. She has a nervous habit of planting her weight on the ball of one foot and wiggling. Like she's doing the twist.

OK looks like the forum is working again.

Chaotic Good Catfolk Ranger/7

“We didn’t want to get involved… not really… but some of the wrong people saw us and now we’re in danger regardless of if we help you or not.” Momo stares in silence at Ilyana for a moment then suddenly: ”Ahh! But we do want to help you of course! I want to help you.” Momo’s ears twitch. She stares down at Ilyana’s fidgeting and suddenly can’t contain herself anymore: Momo crouches down and sniffs Ilyana’s leg. Why is she moving like that? Does she have to pee? Hmm… I don’t smell urine. Momo straightens to stare back at the young tiefling.

Regardless of Ilyana’s reaction, Momo promptly sits back down next to (or near) Ilyana. Momo intimatly leans forward to whisper as close to Ilyana's ear as she can manage: ”The human Greg, Gregori, Grig - who gave us your picture and got the bad people and goblins involved – cares about you. He was arrested by the Spyglass Guild shortly after he got us involved. Then, the Cloven Nine tried to ambush and kill us but we escaped.” Momo thinks of the tiefling couple inside the Broken Seal, eloping in a cloud of smoke. Has Ilyana mated with him? ”Filipa is fine. She and I are friends because she gave me food.” Logical. ”Why are you in a bathhouse? Are you dirty all the time?” Momo's ear pull back; she isn't overly-fond of water.

HP 1/9 | AC 14 | Acr +5 Arc +3 Ath -1 Dec +2 Ins +3 Inv +5 Perc +3 SoH +7 Ste +7 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +5, W +1, Ch +0 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 15; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 1/1 | Spell DC 13 (1: 0/0) |Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

Nik'olo is happy to let Momo do the talking. She's a natural. Instead, he keeps an eye on their surroundings.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

HP 15/15 | AC 14 Tch 12 FF 12 | CMD 13 | Fort 1 Ref 6 Will 2 | Init +2 | Perc +4| Bardic Performances: 14/16| Dancing Lights 2/3| Kitsune Bard (Arcane Healer) 2

Alfen watches with fascination as Momo talks to Ilyana. Despite being so... strange, she really does have a way with people. He can't help but admire the musicians as well. Alfen watches out for anything that might seem out of place.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

If there's anyone else in the room listening to the music

Alfen approaches a nearby patron while Momo continues to chatter. "Excuse me, sorry friend," he says jovially. "Have you seen anything strange here today?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Ilyana finally grasps the situation, her hand over her mouth in horror. “That idiot. He’s pulled you into this. And the Spyglass Guild...? But, she and...I...we...” Grim realization sweeps across Ilyana’s face. “I don’t have the book with me.” She looks up. “You must believe me. They’re going to kill me, aren’t they? Just for that book.” She blinks away tears, eyes wide with fear. “This was never my plan. Never. But then they were never supposed to know I had it. Damn Grigori.”

As Ilyana speaks to Momo, a trim and muscular half-elf man casually passes through the Grand Lounge (2.2) where the conversation is taking place, and on into the gymnasium (2.3) where a group of students are practicing martial arts. The half-elf man is wearing a cloth robe, unlike the patrons who wear towels.

As Alfen observes, the half-elf man speaks to the martial arts group conspiratorially. Alfen notices that the attention of the group turns to Ilyana, and they interupt their routine to move in formation toward the entrance of the Grand Lounge.

Female Elven Shadow Witch / 2 HP 13/13 | AC 13 Tch 12 FF 11 | Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +4 | Init +2\ Perc +5/7 (Familiar=+10) | S Motive + 7/9 | Stealth

"What exactly is this book anyway? Morrigan cuts in softly. "What is it about?

HP 15/15 | AC 14 Tch 12 FF 12 | CMD 13 | Fort 1 Ref 6 Will 2 | Init +2 | Perc +4| Bardic Performances: 14/16| Dancing Lights 2/3| Kitsune Bard (Arcane Healer) 2

Alfen's eyes widen as he sees the martial artists moving their way, seemingly focused on Ilyana. He quickly rushes back over to the others. "We might need to cut this short," he says quietly, indicating the entrance to the Lounge with a quick jerk of his head. "I don't know who they are but I think they're coming for you." Alfen looks pointedly at Ilyana.

How many students are there?

HP 1/9 | AC 14 | Acr +5 Arc +3 Ath -1 Dec +2 Ins +3 Inv +5 Perc +3 SoH +7 Ste +7 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +5, W +1, Ch +0 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 15; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 1/1 | Spell DC 13 (1: 0/0) |Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

Nik'olo stiffens at the sight of the group moving towards us: "Friends of yours, I hope..." he asks with a rasping voice, thinking of how he could use his towel as a weapon, while preserving his dignity.

Chaotic Good Catfolk Ranger/7
Nik'olo Gaczi wrote:
Nik'olo stiffens at the sight of the group moving towards us: "Friends of yours, I hope..." he asks with a rasping voice.

Momo considers if this is a fight or flight moment. She looks at Ilyana and tugs at her hand for attention like a small child would. Hey, look at me! ”Do you know that elf in the robe? They can’t fight in here right? No weapons?”

Momo tries to hold Ilyana’s hand and will try to grip tighter if Ilyana tries to pull away. ”You can stay with us. We'll protect you.”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Female Elven Shadow Witch / 2 HP 13/13 | AC 13 Tch 12 FF 11 | Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +4 | Init +2\ Perc +5/7 (Familiar=+10) | S Motive + 7/9 | Stealth

Now that they are pointed out, Morrigan watches the group of men warily. Wishing she had other spells available at the moment, she readies herself to cast a hex should things look to go badly.

S Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Well, at least I got that roll out of the way. :P

Morrigan. wrote:
"What exactly is this book anyway? Morrigan cuts in softly. "What is it about?

"While I was with Lady Marack I learned about the Black Book. It's her diary of confessions. I thought I could use it to make her use her power to help me. You see, my father.. he never recognized me. Maybe it was a dumb plan, but I started seeing Grigori because he has skills as a thief. I knew he couldn't resist scoring the jewels, and I made sure he gave me the book. But I didn't know he would get caught, and now it sounds like he gave my name to everyone. The people he works for are very dangerous, and smart enough to realize the value of the book if he mentioned it."

Alfen Greenraw wrote:

How many students are there?

It looks like ten students are making their way toward the grand lounge.

Momo Duline wrote:

Momo considers if this is a fight or flight moment. She looks at Ilyana and tugs at her hand for attention like a small child would. Hey, look at me! ”Do you know that elf in the robe? They can’t fight in here right? No weapons?”

"Yes, I know who that is. That's Mikhael. He's the masseuse here. I hope he didn't realize my identity. What do you think he said to those martial artists?"

Chaotic Good Catfolk Ranger/7
DMG at Ilyana wrote:
"While I was with Lady Marack I learned about the Black Book. It's her diary of confessions. I thought I could use it to make her use her power to help me. You see, my father.. he never recognized me. Maybe it was a dumb plan, but I started seeing Grigori because he has skills as a thief. I knew he couldn't resist scoring the jewels, and I made sure he gave me the book. But I didn't know he would get caught, and now it sounds like he gave my name to everyone. The people he works for are very dangerous, and smart enough to realize the value of the book if he mentioned it."

Momo's ears twitch as she listens quietly.

DMG at Ilyana wrote:
"Yes, I know who that is. That's Mikhael. He's the masseuse here. I hope he didn't realize my identity. What do you think he said to those martial artists?"

Oh good, Mikhael. They must be friends. Momo isn't concerned that Ilyana is worried Mikhael may recognize her.

Momo stares up at the tiefling, unsure. "I'm hungry?" What's a masseuse? "Are you all hungry?" I would be hungry after classes. Some may interpret Momo's questions as a response to Ilyana's question or a completely separate train of thought.

Momo isn't really aiding in the conversation at the moment.

HP 1/9 | AC 14 | Acr +5 Arc +3 Ath -1 Dec +2 Ins +3 Inv +5 Perc +3 SoH +7 Ste +7 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +5, W +1, Ch +0 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 15; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 1/1 | Spell DC 13 (1: 0/0) |Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

Nik'olo looks at the young Tiefling and says, while keeping an eye on the group closing in: "Perhaps we should move to another area? This is all very interesting, and I do want to ask about your heritage, but now is perhaps not the time?"

HP 15/15 | AC 14 Tch 12 FF 12 | CMD 13 | Fort 1 Ref 6 Will 2 | Init +2 | Perc +4| Bardic Performances: 14/16| Dancing Lights 2/3| Kitsune Bard (Arcane Healer) 2
DMG wrote:
"Yes, I know who that is. That's Mikhael. He's the masseuse here. I hope he didn't realize my identity. What do you think he said to those martial artists?"

Alfen keeps his eyes on the approaching Mikhael and the students, subconsciously taking a few steps back in response. "Is he friends at all with the secret police? Or the Cloven Nine?" he asks warily, keeping his voice low.

If a fight breaks out, we're at a severe disadvantage. Guess they can't make martial artists check in their weapons.

Nik'olo Gaczi wrote:
"Perhaps we should move to another area? This is all very interesting, and I do want to ask about your heritage, but now is perhaps not the time?"

Alfen nods quickly in agreement. "You're right. I think there was a room back where we came from that sounded like it had more people in it. We should move where there are more witnesses."

DMG wrote:
The air coming from the room to the east is noticeably warmer, and the sound of voices indicates that the room in this direction is occupied by more people. (area 2.5)

Chaotic Good Catfolk Ranger/7

Momo looks from Nik'olo to Alfen. She attempts to tug at Ilyana's hand again. "We go?"

Female Elven Shadow Witch / 2 HP 13/13 | AC 13 Tch 12 FF 11 | Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +4 | Init +2\ Perc +5/7 (Familiar=+10) | S Motive + 7/9 | Stealth

"Yes, we go." Morrigan takes in the advancing group then nods at Alfen, indicating he should lead the way. She seems to take it for granted that Ilyana would follow.

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Ilyana follows the group past the fountain to the door back to the big pool.

Behind you the group of martial artists making their way into the room are unarmed and look mostly unexperienced, but they outnumber you two to one. The masseuse hangs in the back, pointing to Ilyana. "The tiefling is the one with the reward on her head."

One of the martial artists cracks his knuckles. "Now then. Why don't you wander away. We'll take care of the young lady."

You have a head start but they follow intently.

Back in the great pool (area 2.1) the spiral stairs lead up to street level, or the warm air from the more populated heated rooms and plunge pools beckons (area 2.5).

HP 15/15 | AC 14 Tch 12 FF 12 | CMD 13 | Fort 1 Ref 6 Will 2 | Init +2 | Perc +4| Bardic Performances: 14/16| Dancing Lights 2/3| Kitsune Bard (Arcane Healer) 2

Alfen nods to Morrigan and leads the group back to the previous room, ignoring the martial artist's taunts. "This way," he says, moving toward the warm room to the east.

Hopefully they'll lose their nerve around more witnesses.

As Alfen enters the new room, he looks around for anyone or anything that can help if things escalate.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Chaotic Good Catfolk Ranger/7

Momo ignores the martial artist too. Momo pulls at Ilyana's hand and follows Alfen. "Come, come," Momo urges Ilyana.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

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