
Caeleus Draguis's page

6 posts. Alias of OmniChaos.

About Caeleus Draguis

Caeleus "Kobold Kin" Draguis
Male Half Elf (Elfmarked) Investigator (Empiricist) 2
N Medium Humanoid (human, elf)
Init +4; Senses Low-light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 Armor, +1 Shield)
hp 17 (2d8+4)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4 (+2 vs enchantment)
Immune sleep effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Rapier +3 (1d6, 19/x2) or
Dagger +3 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +3 (1d8, 19-20/x2) or
Dagger +3 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
1st- Expeditious Retreat, Long Arm, Cure Light Wounds
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Weapon Finesse
Traits Student of Philosophy, Reactionary
Craft (Alchemy) +11
Diplomacy +12
Disable Device +10
Knowledge (Arcana) +9^
Knowledge (Local) +9^
Knowledge (Nature) +9^
Linguistics +9^
Perception +11 (+1 vs Traps)
Sense Motive +9
Spellcraft +9^
Stealth +7
Use Magic Device +9
SQ Blended View, Alchemy, Inspiration (5/day, 1d6), Ceaseless Observation,
Languages Trade Tongue, Elvish, Draconic, Kobold, Akeshelian, Umbral, Kariv, Darakhul,
Language Granted Abilities:
1/day- Read Magic, +2 Diplomacy vs scaly creatures, +2 Diplomacy vs gypsies, +2 Diplomacy vs undead, +1 Stealth,
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Light Wounds,
Other Gear Explorer's Outfit, Formulae Book, Leather Armor, Buckler, Light Crossbow, Bolts (20), Rapier, Dagger, Investigator's Kit, Scrivener's Kit, Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath (2), Bandolier (2), Iron Vials (10), Thieves Tools,

Money: 2 gp

Personal Formulae Book
1st- Cure Light Wounds, True Strike, Long Arm, Expeditious Retreat, Reduce Person, Shield, Touch of the Sea, Comprehend Language, Disguise Self, Identify, Tears to Wine,


Caeleus was found in one of the many alleyways of the kobold ghetto. Lucky for him the kobold that crossed his path was Zorzin, a clockworker kobold of no small talent. Still the infant elfmarked could have been ignored were it not for his strange silence and dispite the darkness, ability to follow Zorzin. Be it curiosity, pity, or whim he took the small babe home and plopped him down among the clutch. Soon enough his clutch mates were born and as all kobold are want to do grew quickly. With Zorzin as guardian and guide the slower growing Caeleus eventually came of age, as far as a kobold was concerned at least. Zorzin had a new shadow from then on and the astute Caeleus was a student of all things that he encountered. Holding his father in high esteem even if those around him or outside the ghetto did not. He absorbed his fathers words and ways as best he could.

Years later Caeleus had fully grown to adulthood. Still calling the kobold ghetto home he was one of the very few non-kobolds that could move about it as any other kobold. Granted some were more welcoming then others but they all knew him to be one of their own. Having left his adopted father's home and shadow he lived alone in his own tenement flat. He had shown talent in a number of area's, more then a few favored by his adopted kin. Then again it may have been a result in living in a place where nearly ever other street has a hidden trap or danger waiting. None the less due to his upbringing and those around him, his professional growth was limited. After all who could take someone raised by kobolds seriously. Ever opportunistic and refusing to be kept back, a very kobold trait, he focused inward to those who he had always known. While he lacked the gold or reputation to enter the chartered brotherhood of alchemist, the kobold ghetto had it's own with no less skill. So it was among kobolds that he learned alchemy, one of his greatest passions. It was also among kobolds and their underworld markets that he sharpened his skills in wordplay and trading. Lastly it was among kobolds that he learned the ways of others that most seemed disinterested in or even considered below their notice. Among the small and in the dark Caeleus gained much and nurtured an ambition to raise them up in his own way along with himself.


Caeleus is the result of a union between a shadow fey of the shadow realm and a zobeck trader that took the shadow road. The infamous Niflheim Road brought great wealth but cost strange favors. While the trader gave himself willingly and was paid. The unexpected child was a debt, the strange shadow fey do not tolerate such debts. Ever watchful of trickery the child was sent by messenger to be returned to the zobecker. Only the shadow fey erred in trusting their own, for the messenger literally tossed aside it's duty shortly after entering the mortal realm. In time the messenger returned and claimed it's task complete. So was Caeleus left in the kobold ghetto. More then the lost son of some mortal father and shadow fey mother. He is a debt owed and a linage forgotten, perhaps a bane or boon to one or both unknowing parents.


Ht: 5'
Wt: 100 lbs
Age: 21
Hair: Pale White
Eyes: Purple
Skin: Pale

Living in the kobold ghetto for nearly his whole life coupled with close quarters and a mostly nocturnal way of life had a great impact on Caeleus. He is some would say unusually small for a elfmarked at just five feet tall. Despite this he is lean and tough for this same reason, learning to react quickly and flexibly to changing situations. While adapting to an environment suited to scaled hides over tender flesh. His eyes and hair speak to the human half of his blood, traits tied to the Northlanders. While his skin has paled due to lack of sun draining any color it may have once had. All these traits give him an aura of strangeness, not so much ugly as odd.

His oddity does not end at merely his physical traits for his manner of dress seems just as slightly off. Caeleus prefers dark colors, not unlike the same subdued shade seen on many kobolds. The blacks, greys, and dark browns often clashing strangely with his hair and skin. Not that much is seen considering almost every inch of him is covered in leather or cloth of some sort from his hands to high on his neck. The faint smell of oil about at times when he has freshly coated his leather to keep it from making any creaking sounds when he moves.


For those that get pass Caeleus appearance and sense of oddity. He is a surprisingly normal person. A deep thinker and observer he speaks with meaning more often then not. The same could be said about his actions. He does have a soft spot and deep love for kobolds, none the less never the fool he is aware that it should only apply to those he knows personally. Another soft spot of his are those that are mistreated without good reason, a reflection of his own difficulties. All this does not make Caeleus a good person and he knows it. Possessing a merciless and opportunist streak he is ever watchful for gain. Be it short term or long term he is not driven purely by a sense of justice but rather a sense of the best results. He is first to make a useful ally or prepare for a threat. Resolved to take advantage until resolution. Lastly like his kobold kin he never forgets a slight or enemy, seeking retribution in one form or another.

6th Level Version:

Caeleus "Kobold Kin" Draguis
Male Half Elf (Elfmarked) Investigator (Empiricist) 6
N Medium Humanoid (human, elf)
Init +4; Senses Low-light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 Armor, +1 Shield)
hp 45 (6d8+12)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6 (+2 vs enchantment, +2 vs illusions)
Immune sleep effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Rapier +6 (1d6, 19/x2) or
Dagger +6 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +6 (1d8, 19-20/x2) or
Dagger +6 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
2nd- 4
1st- 5
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Weapon Finesse, Extra Investigator Talent, Potion Glutton
Traits Student of Philosophy, Reactionary
Craft (Alchemy) +15
Diplomacy +16^
Disable Device +16
Knowledge (Arcana) +13^
Knowledge (Local) +13^
Knowledge (Nature) +13^
Linguistics +13^
Perception +15^ (+3 vs Traps)
Sense Motive +13^
Spellcraft +13^
Stealth +11
Use Magic Device +13
SQ Blended View, Alchemy, Inspiration (7/day, 1d6+1), Ceaseless Observation, Unfailing Logic, Keen Recollection, Trap Sense (+2), Investigator Talent (Expanded Inspiration, Quick Study, Mutagen), Studied Combat (+3, 4 rds), Studied Strike (+2d6),
Languages Trade Tongue, Elvish, Draconic, Kobold, Akeshelian, Umbral, Kariv, Darakhul, Caelmaran, Aklo, Elemental, Infernal
Language Granted Abilities:
1/day- Read Magic, +2 Diplomacy vs scaly creatures, +2 Diplomacy vs gypsies, +2 Diplomacy vs undead, +2 Diplomacy vs devils/demons, +1 Stealth,
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Light Wounds,
Other Gear Explorer's Outfit, Formulae Book, Leather Armor, Buckler, Light Crossbow, Bolts (20), Rapier, Dagger, Investigator's Kit, Scrivener's Kit, Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath (2), Bandolier (2), Iron Vials (10), Thieves Tools,

Money: 16000 gp