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Hmm... Ok, doesn't sound like you should really need a dedicated body guard, so not lore warden. How about an inquisitor to provide some skills. We should both probably have ranks in bluff, disguise, and sense motive if we are trying to lead a forbidden religion.
Don't worry about the teamwork feats yet. Inquisitor gets a few free. Just let me know which ones you might be interested in and I will be sure to include them.
How secretive do you want to be. I could build for THW like a glaive or longbow archery, but those aren't exactly hidden weapons. If you really want to be covert, your scimitar is almost too big. But you should be able to conceal it if no one searches you. But I could build for non-weapons like staff, dagger, etc... to seem even less threatening. But then I would be less help in a serious fight.
I don't know what the weapon carry laws are like in Cheliax. Since it's a pretty oppressive society I would expect that common people are not generally allowed to carry anything more than a dagger.
Clerics just don't have a lot of skill ranks and I'm pretty well tapped out just taking Bluff and Sense Motive! (I took the Under Siege trait, so I get Bluff as a class skill, at least.) Just no room for Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth.

ElterAgo |

I don't know what the weapon carry laws are like in Cheliax. Since it's a pretty oppressive society I would expect that common people are not generally allowed to carry anything more than a dagger.Clerics just don't have a lot of skill ranks and I'm pretty well tapped out just taking Bluff and Sense Motive! (I took the Under Siege trait, so I get Bluff as a class skill, at least.) Just no room for Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth.
Probably aught to consider getting at least a few ranks in disguise fairly soon. In a few levels, there could easily be someone looking for us. =0
Inquisitor has lots of skill ranks. So I should be able to cover sleight of hand and stealth/scout type skills. But that means I won't be as good at the knowledge skills as most inquisitors.I will think about what can be done with concealable or non- weapons.
I could use a designated guard until I get my Alpha.
If you want to worship Sarenrae, we could be a 3 person team. Otherwise you could check with one of the other players.

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Probably aught to consider getting at least a few ranks in disguise fairly soon. In a few levels, there could easily be someone looking for us. =0
Inquisitor has lots of skill ranks. So I should be able to cover sleight of hand and stealth/scout type skills. But that means I won't be as good at the knowledge skills as most inquisitors.I will think about what can be done with concealable or non- weapons.
I know, I'm going to wind up having a bunch of crappy non-class-skills with 1 rank in them. Plus I need two ranks in Perform (Dance) to get the Dervish Dance feat. Good times.

DM Dickie |

I know, I'm going to wind up having a bunch of crappy non-class-skills with 1 rank in them. Plus I need two ranks in Perform (Dance) to get the Dervish Dance feat. Good times.
This is where the background skills rule is your friend. The nature of the city, and certain scenes I distinctly remember from when I ran this at my in-person game, make them a perfect fit.
24 hours from this post, 1pm EDT, is my deadline for submissions. I will give priority consideration to applicants who followed the rules I set out, but I will not automatically cut someone who missed an item or two. I will be selecting on a range of criteria and there are many applicants and people interested, so I know some folks won't make the cut, sad to say. Only applying favoritism to my RL best friend who I know well and trust explicitly, so I hope no one holds any hard feelings if they don't make it in!

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This is where the background skills rule is your friend. The nature of the city, and certain scenes I distinctly remember from when I ran this at my in-person game, make them a perfect fit.
24 hours from this post, 1pm EDT, is my deadline for submissions. I will give priority consideration to applicants who followed the rules I set out, but I will not automatically cut someone who missed an item or two. I will be selecting on a range of criteria and there are many applicants and people interested, so I know some folks won't make the cut, sad to say. Only applying favoritism to my RL best friend who I know well and trust explicitly, so I hope no one holds any hard feelings if they don't make it in!
Yeah, I am just trying to figure out the best way to set it up to have a coherent, internally-consistent story with the skills necessary to survive!

Aruetii |

Hello everyone! I'm going to be submitting Temerith here. I'll have him converted into the Paizo boards and everything soon, I have to head out for an appointment right now.
Temerith here is a Diabloist Raised Wizard with a penchant for being a silver tongued devil. He's mostly geared right now to talking his way out of (and into) any situation, while eventually making deals with Outsiders. All the while aiming towards battlefield control. After all, someone has to replace Thrune when they're gone.

TreasureFox |

Here's a quick glimpse of Rilka. Soon I'll have a proper alias for her, along with her stats and everything.Name: Rilka Toughmouse
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female
Campaign Trait: Westcrown Firebrand
Class: Swashbuckler (Mouser)
Alignment: CG
Rilka is a protector of the poor and destitute, standing up for them against the big bullies of Westcrown.

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I sincerely doubt that TWF would work. Isn't that only for melee weapons?
Nah, TWF affects thrown weapons as well:
"Thrown Weapons: The same rules apply when you throw a weapon from each hand. Treat a dart or shuriken as a light weapon when used in this manner, and treat a bolas, javelin, net, or sling as a one-handed weapon."

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Also, though that was gonna be an actual link :P
Put URL= in braces [] followed by the link you want after the equal sign but inside the brace, then descriptive text, then /URL in braces again [].
[ url=linkgoeshere ] descriptive text! [ /url ]
(No spaces though when you do it for realsies.)

DM Dickie |

I'm planning to go bomb-lobber, so in the interest of not being a jerk, would you want bombs to count as light weapons for two weapon fighting (And beyond) or would you rather I stick with Rapid Shot?
They're light weapons. I don't see that as being jerky at all, by the way, merely a way of having you use your daily allotment against critters with resistances and immunizes (Cheliax is aligned with Devils!) more quickly...
I think when people see the potential, they fail to see how it is countered or can be used against them as well.

"Sig" |

CoT Character Application
Sig is the not especially safe combination of jumpy and trigger happy. He's been drawn to alchemy all of his life and has spent countless decades studying his craft. He's spent just as long or longer convinced he's on to something, and that who or whatever he is onto is out to stop him from possibly learning what he may or may not be onto learning about.
Contrary to his appearance, Sig is actually an elf. Most people tend to think he's human at first glance because the points of his ears were blasted right off after an unfortunate incident he refuses to acknowledge may or may not happened. Sig is actually a fairly nice guy, but also paranoid. Since the incident that took the points of his ears, his hearing isn't quite as good as it used to be, which may be a contributing factor. Now he can't hear as much, and it plays tricks on his mind.
Sig is a Male Elf Alchemist and true Neutral, and he has the Hard of Hearing drawback. His campaign trait is Conspiracy Hunter. He is dedicated to learning the truth. All truth.

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CoT Character Application
Martino Barzelli grew up in an apartment above his family's bakery in Westcrown. Life has always been hard for the common people of the city, and the Barzelli family was no exception. When subversive whispers began taking root in Westcrown, they found fertile ground in Martino's heart. Now he's associating with rabble-rousers after curfew, and his mother recently found a holy symbol of Milani in his room. She's worried for her son, but so far, Martino's having the time of his life...
Name: Martino Barzelli
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Chelaxian)
Class: Ranger (Divine Tracker and Urban Ranger archetypes)
Campaign Trait: Westcrown Firebrand
Human (Chelaxian) ranger (divine tracker, urban ranger) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 108, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 129)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +6
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee morningstar +3 (1d8+2)
Ranged shortbow +4 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Point-blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits scarred descendant, westcrown firebrand
Skills Acrobatics +1 (-3 to jump), Climb +4, Disable Device +5, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +6, Profession (baker) +6, Stealth +5, Survival +6 (+7 to track favored enemies of your own subtype), Swim +4
Languages Common
SQ track +1
Combat Gear alchemist's fire (2), oil (5); Other Gear armored coat, arrows (20), morningstar, shortbow, belt pouch, bullseye lantern, waterproof, flint and steel, hip flask, masterwork backpack, silk rope (50 ft.), thieves' tools, 62 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. Favored Enemy (Humans) foes.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Scarred Descendant +1 to confirm crit vs. favored enemies of your subtype and on Survival checks to track them.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Westcrown Firebrand +1 Initiative, +1 attack rolls during a surprise round.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Roll20 or Google Drive are both fine with me.
Edit: I'm considering taking the Family Ties Drawback and adding Talented Organizer as a third trait. Martino's mother might have some things to say about his night-time activities, and his frequent absences from the bakery.

Cato Archimboli |

CoT Character Application
All this belies the unquenched fire that rages in his heart.
Cato was born into the prestigious Archimboli family, one of the many noble families of Cheliax. Although they openly proclaimed their affection for Asmodeus, they quietly worshipped Desna, and made the mistake of informing a close family friend. In a political power grab, the "friend" turned the information over to the empire, and the family was stripped of their nobility, and in the case of Cato's mother and father, their lives. In an act of mercy, Cato's life was spared, but he was relegated to a life of slavery. At the age of seven, Cato's life changed from one of simple luxury to one of unending labor.
Yet, even in the bleakness of his new life, the boy held on to a glimmer of hope: the Dies Irae. Four times every year, the empire held a death tournament which slaves could enter; the prize was freedom. For ten years, Cato labored away, voluntarily taking on the most grueling tasks to train his body for the arena. At the age of seventeen, Cato finally participated in the tournament. The matches were fierce, but in each round, when it seemed as if Cato was going to lose his life, some small act of luck won him the match. An opponent tripped upon a small pebble trying to deliver the killing blow, or else a small insect flew into the open mouth of his would-be killer, granting Cato enough time to end his opponent's life. It was as if all the luck that had been deprived Cato throughout his life was saved for those few moments. The young man went on to win the Winter Solstice Dies Irae, earning his freedom, a plot of land near Westcrown, and the title of baronet. He planned to build a small farm and earn his money by selling crops.
Once again, misfortune struck Cato. The shadow beasts ravaged his farmland, and hellknights demanded outrageous tolls for their protection. In a matter of years, Cato found himself broke, and was forced to sell his title in order to eat. With the money left over from the sale, Cato purchased a modest tavern in Westcrown (named The Lucky Devil), which he has run for a good number of years. He has watched the slow decline of the city, and wishes to change it for the better, but lacks the means to do so. At the age of 49, he cares less for his own life, and more for the lives of those to come - for the future. He has come to despise the current way of things, and is growing frustrated with his own powerlessness.
And so his fire rages on, silent, unseen, and ever-growing.
Cato Archimboli
Male Human, Bloodrager (Steelblood, Destined Bloodline) 1
NG Medium humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17
hp 13
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (20 in armor)
greatsword +5 (2d6+4)
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Power Attack
Skill Focus (Diplomacy)
Traits and Drawbacks
Fate’s Favored
Benefit: Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.
Westcrown Firebrand
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Initiative checks, and if you act in a surprise round, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all attack rolls.
Freed Slave
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.
Mark of Slavery (Drawback)
Whenever you fail a skill check, you take a –2 penalty on any skill check or attack roll you attempt before the end of your next turn unless it is a part of retrying the failed skill check.
Diplomacy (1) +6, Knowledge (local) (1) +0, Intimidate (1) +6, Perception (1) +4, Profession (tavern owner) (1) +4, Linguistics (1) +0
Languages Common, Halfling
Indomitable Stance (Ex)
At 1st level, a steelblood gains a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks, to CMD against overrun combat maneuvers, and on Reflex saving throws against trample attacks. He also gains a +1 bonus to his AC against charge attacks and on attack and damage rolls against charging creatures.
This ability replaces fast movement.
Cato here is from another CoT PbP that had a handful of posts before the GM vanished. He has been adjusted to the 20-point buy; I should note that although he is middle-aged by age, I am not using the age modifiers. If this is a problem, I can always drop his age.
Cato is a Steelblood Bloodrager (Destined Bloodline), filling the "heavy armor, heavy hitter" role. He will also have some out-of-combat use, primarily in social situations. And I think he's just fun to play from an RP standpoint.

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As far as party roles go, Martino Barzelli is intended to be a ranged damage specialist and secondary melee damage dealer, with some utility magic and rogue abilities on the side.
At 4th level, he'll receive a set of warpriest blessings from Milani instead of a bond with an animal companion or his hunting companions. (He'll never have to explain why he's bringing a dangerous wild animal into the neighborhood tavern or a noble's home.) He'll also have some rogue skills and abilities, such as disable device and trapfinding, as replacements for more woodland-focused ranger abilities like wild empathy and camouflage. His bonds with certain communities within the larger Westcrown population will improve his ability to gather information and track people through urban areas. Finally, his childhood in the city, his close ties to his family, and his devotion to Milani (goddess of revolt against oppression) will explain why he's willing to risk his neck for Westcrown.
Edit: Although he doesn't have the secret identity abilities of a vigilante, Martino does have a day job at the bakery. If it fits in with the party's style, he might leave cards or slips of paper with Milani's symbol (a rose growing from bloodstained cobblestones) at the scene of some of their operations.
Edit 2: Cato's backstory is excellent. It totally explains how a city-dweller fits into a generally "barbaric" class like bloodrager.
Edit 3: Once his BAB reaches 5, I plan to take Martino into Evangelist or Sentinel as a prestige class. Either way, I'll have to ask DM Dickie to choose or invent a set of boons for Milani (or we can see whether Paizo publishes a set of boons for Milani during Hell's Rebels).

DM Dickie |

Thank you everyone for your interest and applications. I will be making notes, doing a lot of reading, consulting with a buddy who knows these boards well, and casting bones for a little while I try and determine who is in. You've all got great ideas and submissions, but I can only run one table right now and while I have no problem going with six characters, more than that would require a lot more work than I can dedicate time to!

DM Dickie |

Aw, dang... this is what I get for taking too long to finish my crunch. Oh well. Maybe there'll be another CoT soon.
FWIW, I did have you in my notes already, with a slight criteria "penalty" for missing the quote box to mark your post an application, so you're not entirely out of the running. I will probably remove that portion of the criteria because, looking back, I realized I wasn't super clear about stating that all that was needed for the application itself were the things I mentioned and as a result things weren't as standardized as I had intended. The error, therefore, is mine. I will learn from that, as well as the value of simply creating a fresh official recruitment thread. Might send this in a PM to you as well since I don't know if you'll continue to track this thread, so don't be alarmed if you see me copypasta it to you direct.

Newbonomicon |

Newbonomicon wrote:Aw, dang... this is what I get for taking too long to finish my crunch. Oh well. Maybe there'll be another CoT soon.FWIW, I did have you in my notes already, with a slight criteria "penalty" for missing the quote box to mark your post an application, so you're not entirely out of the running. I will probably remove that portion of the criteria because, looking back, I realized I wasn't super clear about stating that all that was needed for the application itself were the things I mentioned and as a result things weren't as standardized as I had intended. The error, therefore, is mine. I will learn from that, as well as the value of simply creating a fresh official recruitment thread. Might send this in a PM to you as well since I don't know if you'll continue to track this thread, so don't be alarmed if you see me copypasta it to you direct.
Oh! Awesome! I'll try and get a proper crunch and backstory up when I can.

DM Dickie |

I wracked my brain and did a lot of juggling last night and had a much needed assist to help me cement things. There was literally a point where I felt like flipping a coin or doing a sort of runoff thread. A couple of times it was X vs Y, but I think I have the characters I want for a balanced party set for the way I want to run CoT. Party selection is truly the most difficult step in a PbP game. The final party has been chosen and I honestly wish I had the time and ability to run two tables because I could have had two vastly different games running. In a little while, those selected will receive a PM from me to let them know. Then they'll receive a PM from me detailing a short introductory scene intended to assemble the new team and get things started. Thanks again everyone, and I'm truly sorry I couldn't take everyone!

DM Dickie |

Well, I can say that the invites have been sent. I really hate having to put the pink slip in some lockers, truly. :( I'm kind of hoping someone else might pick up those who aren't going in because, again, it is almost as if the party left out is a whole different feel/theme that can work well for CoT, but doesn't match my personal vision.

DM Dickie |

I didn't mean to leave folks hanging. I had intended to come back and post a "Invites sent" type of message but I became distracted prepping the next steps and fighting with the internet that keeps dropping on me today. I suppose if I run another game in the future I'll just post it on the thread itself ASAP, seems like solid advice. I am quite sorry about that!

DM Dickie |

I just hope it clears up before my Roll20 game tonight, but it has been off and on for a while now and Verizon doesn't want to offer any solutions beyond, "Buy a new router." No, the router is connecting just fine to devices, just not to the outside world. My IT skills are rusty, but I still have enough diagnostic knowledge to figure out where the problem is.