ElterAgo |

Slight modifications from previous
Gruingar de’Morcaine has lived his entire life in Westcrown, he’s never even been outside the city limits. He was raised in a yeoman household by parent that have always tried to do what was proper. Which unfortunately in Westcrown means, whatever the latest family on top says is proper. So he knows all about how to show his respect for the devil worshiping Asmodeans. Yet, the drive to bow to authority no matter what never seemed to sink in. He can ape the necessary manners all day long, but it doesn’t hold his heart.
While no one could say Gruingar loves Westcrown, it is his home. He has decided to do what he can to make it a better place than it has become. He almost accidentally fell into the faith of Sarenrae while working for Old Man Grierson. While no priest, Grierson was quietly dedicated to the Dawnflower. While the old man was sleeping, Gruingar found and read some of his hidden religious texts. Rather than turn him in, Gruingar found himself attracted to the words that seemed to sink into his very flesh. The old man began teaching him what little he knew about the faith and they had been close friends ever since.
Shortly before his death winter before last, Old Man Grierson introduced him to Rurik Voralius a young priest of Sarenrae. Both of them are currently more than a little nervous. After the Old Man past away, a young family moved into his empty home. Apparently the children recently found yet another hidden stash of Sarenrae paraphernalia that Gruingar and Rurik did not know about (they of course removed everything they were aware of). They are both worried that someone might remember their friendship and time spend with Grierson.
The pair have been a covert team trying to help the oppressed and re-introduce the worship of Sarenrae to the city little-by-little. They haven’t exactly had stunning success, but at least they haven’t been caught.
Most of the time Gruingar just keeps to himself and makes a living as a carpenter.Half-orc
Inquisitor of Sarenrae
Fights with staff or concealable weapons most of the time.
Has 'scout' type skills
Campaign Trait is Diabolist Raised

DM Dickie |

Back to seeking a couple of new players!
I am reopening recruitment to find two new players to pick up the call for heroes to Westcrown.
Book 1 has recently ended, and Book 2 will be starting soon.
Submit a rough-cut of your character backstory, selected campaign trait from the Council of Thieves Player's Guide, name, gender, race, and class into a post below and add "CoT Character Application" in a quote box at the top to make sure the post stands out. Characters do not need to know one another beforehand, but may.
20 point build, one campaign trait (required) and one of any other trait. Drawbacks are allowed for a bonus trait, but they won't buy a free trait with no consequences! Official Pathfinder material is preferrable, evil alignment is HEAVILY discouraged, and core races are best. If you pick a more exotic race, you are putting yourself and the eventual team at risk. That doesn't mean that an interesting character may not be selected, only that it is very likely to lead to problems down the road. Additionally, I will be using the background skills rules. Characters are 3rd level, so starting wealth at 3000 GP. Maximum HPs for 1st level, half HD+1 for levels 2 and 3. For instance, if all three of your classes are d10 HD, you would have 10 + 6 + 6 + Conx3 hitpoints.
I'm looking for 3-4 posts/week, more is always great. If you're going to be away for an extended period of time, just give me a head's up. A player who goes MIA too long risks botting until capture or death! :D I will try my best to work side-quests and personal quests based on character backgrounds and development into the game.
I use Roll20 for mapping, so serious applicants should either currently have an account, or be willing to create one.

Beorn the Divine |

CoT Character Application
Background:Beorn(he insists on adding THE DIVINE as his stage name.) was an abandoned child who was fathered by an orcish mercenary on
a prostitute while on leave. Cared for until he was old enough for the orphanage, he was selected as part of a 'New futures for disadvantagedchildren' project by a noblewoman's group and given an education in numbers, writing that included the elegant Chelish dialect and the Infernal language to act as an entryway into the higher ranks of Chelish society and the classic presentations of Chelish arts. Taking a liking to the arts, Beorn took every chance he could to learn
singing and became a talented amateur who longed for the chance to stand on a grand stage. However, the continuing despair in Westcrown due to the Curse of Shadows and the corrupt government has gnawed at his sense of justice and finds himself considering seeking out the whispered existance of those who wish to do something about this mess.
Short term goal: Perform in the opera in Westcrown
Long term goal: Travel beyond Cheliax to train and sing in halls around the Inner Sea
Character in Nutshell:EXUBERANT
Race: 1/2 Orc
Class: BARD!(Chelish Diva)

Edward Sobel |

CoT Character Application
Kara was born and raised in the ruins now known as Rego Cader the daughter of an escaped slave brought into Westcrown from Nidal several years earlier.Kara’s mother, Tiara was a slave bought and sold through several houses, her small stature tended to make her less than desirable. When she was with child she became even more of a burden to any master she would belong to.
Finally, while nearing full term Tiara was to be put to death she was rescued and brought into the dark shadows of the underworld of Westcrown. A small group of gnomes living in the sewers of Rego Cader who called themselves the Shadow Avengers determined to one day restore freedom to Westcrown. It was here that Kara was born.
Kara was raised among the shadow gnomes of Westcrown’s dead sector studying, experimenting and learning the arts of shadow magic. Kara learned the ways of this part of Westcrown. Learning how to find the Dusk market when she needed to; Learning what parts to avoid and what parts were safe. Kara always had a knack for languages and found it to her advantage quickly learning the various dialects of the city to interpret plans of those that would bring ruin to her family.
Kara’s magical talent far exceeded others of her age some claimed that her Nidal blood was the reason, yet others believed that she was touched by ancient powers. But truth be told, Kara’s mother was a student of the ancient rune magic of the Thassilonians. And it was Tiara that taught Kara all that she had learned as a child.
One evening before the curfew Kara was hiding in an ally following some strangers that she had never seen before. She heard their conversation about a meeting of others that had the same ideals as her.
Kara returned to the Shadow Avengers safe house in the sewers to inform them of this discovery. Tiara told her that it was time for Kara to go and discover on her own. She had learned all she could from those here. Kara’s first mission as a Shadow Avenger is to find out about these people and represent the shadow gnomes of Westcrown.
selected campaign trait
Shadow Child
name: Kara Deepshadow
gender/race/class: Female gnome – Wizard (shadowcaster/Thassilonian Specialist (illusion))

Eidi |

CoT Character Application
Last son of a Westcrown rich family, Eidi was left far from the family business. Without responsibilities the teenager took the path of excess and hedonism even stealing to fulfil his desires. Just before his habits and companies could lead him to self-destruction, her family reacted putting him in a monastery in the hope of cleaning him. Against all pronostics, the young man choose found a new purpose in life in the path to enlightenment. Eidi has returned recently to Westcrown, only to find his family has been dead, shadows say somes, city traitors others, but he only sees the city is quickly falling into decadence without nobles worrying too much about it.Since his discovery, the shadows pursue him during the night in the form of nightmares and he has decided to look for the responsible of his family death and protect his loved city from its decadence.
Campaign trait Shadow Child
Name Eidi Olston
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Monk
I plan this character to add to the party melee and skills pool. See detailed sheet in the character's profile.

Tania Teg |

CoT Character Application
Backstory: An orphan raised by the streets of Rego Cader, Tania lived her youth on the edge of death, or worse. Between being chased by Hellknights, corrupted by fallen priests, or bought for pleasure by the nobility, she managed to scrape a living, thanks to a generous soul that provided her with the anchor on which to build and rebuild herself.
Jantas Teg was but a humble bookstore owner, but he welcomed Tania and provided her with food for the body, and for the mind, asking for nothing in return. Always there, even when she was not. Until he sold the wrong book to the wrong person, and underworld thugs burned his store down, with him in it.
With vengeful sadness, Tania saw the darkness she was heading for, saw her life going nowhere, and decided she would no longer play by the city's unforgiving rules. She took Jantas' name and claimed the burned down store as her inheritance. She salvaged enough to scrape a fresh start as Tania Teg. Mantled with rage, bravado, and a sense of destiny, she let her sword and her tongue sting those who would prey on the weak.
Campaign trait: Conspiracy Hunter
Name: Tania Teg
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1, bloodrager (urban bloodrager) 2.

DM Dickie |

Sorry, been extremely distracted with RL stuff, didn't mean to leave this hanging. I'm going to be checking submissions today/tomorrow and will put out an official cut-off Saturday the 19th at 5:00PM EDT, so a little more than 24 hours from now.
DM D, how are you with variant multiclassing?
I'm not currently using those rules in this game, sorry.

Zayne Iwatani |

CoT Character Application
Tobias is the bastard son of a human noble who had a tryst with his Elven mother, a woman who was already pitiable by most. Tryst is the word she used but the bartender called it rape. Shunned from her Elven community for a crime she never got the chance to tell him about, she was forced to accept a job as a mere barmaid to make a living. He was raised by her and the patrons of the bar in a small little town not far from Westcrown. These were the fond memories. Days of helping his mother with her chores and listening to the bard that always played. The patrons were nice and always had a smile for the rambunctious youth.
One day though an assassin came to clean up the noble's mistake. However the assassin made a mistake. He liked to play with his target. He was the kind of man who liked to see the fear in his prey's eyes as he killed them. Unfortunately, he was making a little too much noise and woke young Tobias up. He entered his mother's room to see her pinned to the bed and gagged, a knife wielding man poised above her. Time stopped for a moment as they both turned to the youth. After a moment, the assassin smiled. He made a move for the boy. The fear in his mother's eyes turned into a fierce determination and she found the strength to through the large man off. He was back up in the blink of an eye. He took stock of the situation and realized things were getting out of hand. He decided to end it. He struck at Tobias' Mother but he missed the vitals. With the grip of a golem, his mother latched on to her attacker and told her son to run. Even as her life blood poured from the wound in her chest she held the assassin for what felt like eternity. Just as she was about to pass out, the assailants eyes rolled up in his head and he collapsed. Behind him stood her son, holding a blood stained meat clever from the kitchen.
So terrified of all that had happened, the child could only watch as the light left his mother's eyes. For three days he sat in the room with both dead bodies. Their stench permeated the air yet never seemed to bother him. He just sat, unmoving, in the corner. His eyes never left the assassin. That night, two men he had never seen came into the room. When they entered the child sprang from to his feet, cleaver at the ready. They stopped and seemed to consult one another.
Their posture was relaxed, like they weren't too concerned by the dangerous looking child, for indeed they weren't. They were of much greater skill than the one that came three days ago but this should have been an easy job. The man had failed in his contract and that was not acceptable. No contract went unfinished once taken. They were left with two options. Kill the boy. Or make him one of them.
Years later the boy would be thankful they chose the latter. It gave him the chance to get revenge for what had happened. He was brought to the guild house and taught how to kill, quietly and quickly. Though the training was intense he jumped into it with single-minded determination.
The guild killed only those on the contract. Associates could pick there on contracts and fulfill them as they saw fit. It was nothing personal. It was just business. But still, after what had happened, Tobias had his preferred target and never strayed from them. They were always the absolute scum of the earth. Horrible men. Rapists, murders (the guild was different), slavers, smugglers. There was plenty of contracts for men like that. They never payed well since they mostly came from victims but that didn't matter. He'd never lay his hand on a child or woman or innocent life. Not with his past.
Details of who took which contract and who the customer was were absolutely confidential. But the guild had connections. He'd eventually find his father. He was patient.
Campaign trait: Westcrown Firebrand
Name: Tobias Flint
Gender: Male
Race: Half-elf
Class: Unchained Rogue 3
Have him as CN even though his primary source of income has been assassination. He picked his own targets, all of which he deemed evil men and men only. He can start the game mid revenge scheme or after and searching for something to do with the rest of his life.

Pontia Canario |

Sorry, been extremely distracted with RL stuff, didn't mean to leave this hanging. I'm going to be checking submissions today/tomorrow and will put out an official cut-off Saturday the 19th at 5:00PM EDT, so a little more than 24 hours from now.
Pontia Canario wrote:DM D, how are you with variant multiclassing?I'm not currently using those rules in this game, sorry.
No problem. I'm not sure where your transmuter wizard is going in terms of future advancement, so I'll skip this one--a previous version of this character made it almost all the way through Part 1 before the GM got sandbagged by new parenthood and had to drop it.