Chaosorbit's PFC #1-33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (Inactive)

Game Master Chaosorbit


Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Please post the following:

1. Player/Forum Name
2. Character's Name
3. Class and Level
4. PFS# (and dash)
5. Faction
6. Day job Roll (if any)

Scarab Sages

Player Name Scott (Granta)
Character Name Magga
Class/Level Barbarian 4
PFS# 143586-20
Faction Scarab Sages
Day Job None
Advancement Speed Slow

The Exchange

PFS #76925-36 Male Dwarf Cleric 6 | HP: 57 /57| AC: 17/10/17|Init: +4| Perc: +8| Fort: +10 | Ref: +4| Will: +11| CMB: +6| CMD: 16| Warhammer: +7;1d8+3| Sling: +3;1d4+2 |Channel Energy 3d6 3/4
Acrobatics: -3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+1| Climb:-1| Diplo:+8| Heal:+7| Intimidate: +1| Kn.( Reli): +6| Kn (His & Nob):+5/4| Ling:+4| Sense Motive: +11| Stealth: -3| Survival: +4| Swim: -1|

1. Player/Forum Name: nightdeath
2. Character's Name: Beorin Boulderstep
3. Class and Level: Cleric 4
4. PFS# (and dash): 76925-36
5. Faction: The Exchange
6. Day job Roll (if any): Saving the world is job enough.
7: Tactics: Usually plays support and heal though Melee is an option for him.
8: History: Has the distinction of the Dice bots hating on him in combat and favoring him in non trained skills.

Silver Crusade

36/36 HP, AC: 19, T: 14, FF: 14, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +6, Init +6, Perception +2, LG Female Human Paladin 4, Longbow +9 (1d8+3, x3) Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 19-20 x2)

1. Player/Forum Name: GM Turmoil
2. Character's Name: Amelie Tucker
3. Class and Level: Paladin 4
4. PFS# (and dash): 62803-5
5. Faction: Silver Crusade
6. Day job Roll (if any): none

Scarab Sages

f Picture of Electra Elf
HP 65/65 Ac 12 FF 10 T 12 F 7 R 7 W 7 (+2/+3vs Elemental Spells)/ Ini +8 Perc +15
Wizard Conjurer (9)

1. Player/Forum Name: Helikon
2. Character's Name : Electra Firemind
3. Class and Level Wizard (Conjurer) 4
4. PFS# (and dash) 50731 - 10
5. Faction Scarab Sages
6. Day job Roll Craft(Scribing): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
Advancement Speed: Slow

The Exchange

PFS #76925-36 Male Dwarf Cleric 6 | HP: 57 /57| AC: 17/10/17|Init: +4| Perc: +8| Fort: +10 | Ref: +4| Will: +11| CMB: +6| CMD: 16| Warhammer: +7;1d8+3| Sling: +3;1d4+2 |Channel Energy 3d6 3/4
Acrobatics: -3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+1| Climb:-1| Diplo:+8| Heal:+7| Intimidate: +1| Kn.( Reli): +6| Kn (His & Nob):+5/4| Ling:+4| Sense Motive: +11| Stealth: -3| Survival: +4| Swim: -1|

Will be purchasing a Masterworked Alchemical Sliver Warhammer.

Scarab Sages

I forgot to mention before, Magga always has a smokestick in hand. If social niceties or something else would prevent her from doing so, please let me know.

Scarab Sages

f Picture of Electra Elf
HP 65/65 Ac 12 FF 10 T 12 F 7 R 7 W 7 (+2/+3vs Elemental Spells)/ Ini +8 Perc +15
Wizard Conjurer (9)

Electra will use 2 PP to buy a scroll with the following level 2 spells:
Command undeadx3, Protection from Arrows x2,

Scarab Sages

That only works if all five castings are the same spell: FAQ.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

I did not know that...I need to read the new FAQ!

Scarab Sages

That rule is actually very old. If you look carefully, they changed the date on all of the answers with the last update.

Scarab Sages

f Picture of Electra Elf
HP 65/65 Ac 12 FF 10 T 12 F 7 R 7 W 7 (+2/+3vs Elemental Spells)/ Ini +8 Perc +15
Wizard Conjurer (9)

Ouch, you didn´t tell me that before alabastrine.
Well in that case Command undead x5

Scarab Sages

Sorry, must not have noticed your purchases in that thread :-(

Liberty's Edge

Are you full?

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Hey Gang -- take the time you need either in or out of character to get a game plan together. I'll wait to progress until, you post some definitive actions.

Scarab Sages

In the stat bar, I marked off my reroll, but don't remember using it. Can anybody confirm whether I used it yet this scenario?

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Pretty sure you have NOT used it.

Scarab Sages

One of my Scarab Sages goals is "Participate in an adventure that includes at least three encounters in one of the following regions once controlled by Ancient Osirion: . . . Nex . . ." and Jalmeray was part of Nex until it was gifted to the Maharajah Khiben-Sald of Vudra.

Would you count that as completing the FJC goal?

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

@Magga -- sorry somehow I missed that a few days ago...Sure close enough.

Hey Gang - I'll be travelling for business this week. While I think I'll still be able to keep up with a post per day. It's possible I could miss a day...just FYI.

Scarab Sages

Don't forget to check for PFS nights wherever you're going to be!

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Was travelling all day, thought I would be up to posting tonight but I'm tired...will update in morning...cheers.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Chronicles are here Dropbox .

Take a look and make sure they look okay.

Thanks for playing gang!

Silver Crusade

36/36 HP, AC: 19, T: 14, FF: 14, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +6, Init +6, Perception +2, LG Female Human Paladin 4, Longbow +9 (1d8+3, x3) Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 19-20 x2)

Everything looks good, thanks for running!

Scarab Sages

Looks good here too. Thank you for running :-)

Scarab Sages

f Picture of Electra Elf
HP 65/65 Ac 12 FF 10 T 12 F 7 R 7 W 7 (+2/+3vs Elemental Spells)/ Ini +8 Perc +15
Wizard Conjurer (9)

Looks just perfect. Thanks again!

The Exchange

PFS #76925-36 Male Dwarf Cleric 6 | HP: 57 /57| AC: 17/10/17|Init: +4| Perc: +8| Fort: +10 | Ref: +4| Will: +11| CMB: +6| CMD: 16| Warhammer: +7;1d8+3| Sling: +3;1d4+2 |Channel Energy 3d6 3/4
Acrobatics: -3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+1| Climb:-1| Diplo:+8| Heal:+7| Intimidate: +1| Kn.( Reli): +6| Kn (His & Nob):+5/4| Ling:+4| Sense Motive: +11| Stealth: -3| Survival: +4| Swim: -1|

Looks good. Thanks for running this!

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Your welcome everyone! See you around the forums.

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