Cap'n Voodoo's Freebooter PBP

Game Master voodoo chili

est. 2011
PF6 Fun and Plunder in Green Ronin's Freeport, around the Shackles, and Beyond

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Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul shrugs;

"Afore and after! Now we's talkin... Lead on Dibbs!"

The brute nods for Dingus and the wee lad to follow the grubby oracle's navigation. As he lumbers at the aft of the group Kaul's eyes flit from alleyway and shadow mindful of potential threats as he grumbles to himself;

"Groomy reckoned Finn might have a sniff o' Hitch's de-mise. Best we hav' ears sharp an' yer bite ready Lopps..."

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Not necessarily cock-sure, but unconcerned, Dibbs lumbers along painfully and scoffs at Kaul's interpretation "Nei... if Finn's got it in fer us I'm reckonin he'll send a bastard tae ask nicely. He ain't got nei need fer trickenry"

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Gun Club

Kaul opts for booze to bookend business and the mates plow the crowds along the docks. Dibbets grabs a Shipping News glancing over the headlines as Kaul clears the way ahead and Dingus and Rafe trail along. Most of the Paper has to do with who's in port: rumors of the Bloody Slaughterhouse and Dirty Swan, etc. Of more interest perhaps are the lines "Toad Plague strikes Merchants Guildhouse", "Fire in Drac's End blamed on Elementals", "Dangerous New Gangs in the Bloodsalt!". The usual stuff.

Kolter's Clockworks is on the border of the Warehouse and Merchant Districts so the group looks for a bar before heading inland through the blocks of storage facilities. A small shack with the highfalutin' title, 'Fragrant Breeze' is spotted, but passed up for a more appropriate spot that merely has a big pulley rig dangling over the door. The Block and Tackle stinks of sweat, cheap booze and greasy food and Kaul feels quite comfortable amid the beefy half-orc and human longshoreman grabbing a drink over the shift changes. Kaul can't help but measure up his own gnarly hookhand to the tools at the workers' belts.

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbets hands the paper back to another urchin for re-selling... or failing that donates it to the nearest pile of refuse. Shrugging he explains "Ain't feck all worth a second set o' eyes onnit... but were worth a once over."

Once they reach the Block and Tackle he shows a degree of circumspection, limiting himself to calling for a single snifter of clear rotgut. Sipping rather than draining he muses (while keeping well out of the way of the larger gents who bustle about) "Feckin turn tha last while's been eh? Still nei sure I've got a measure on it, but we's still breathin an what not eh?"

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul enjoys the musky atmosphere, soaking it with an angler-fish grin;

"Hur... Ye got the right o' it Dibbs. Been quite the journey but I's all fer stayin' on-land fer the foreseeable. "[b/]

He knocks back a shot of rum, then sups at an ale;

[b]"New gangs in the Bloodsalt is piquin' me interest somewhats... Could be an opporchancity for Ol'Kauly to make an impact like..."

The scarred brute looks to Rafe;

"Well lad... What ye make o' us? O' yer new life?"

M Wererat-kin Alchemist 1
"Keelhaul" Kaul wrote:
"Well lad... What ye make o' us? O' yer new life?"

"Well, Master Kaul. Never thought I'd end up aboard a ship, but I am appreciative as always that you all have looked to my safety. Estabo as well. I think Captain Belinna will do a fine job as captain."

"Once we get the ship repaired and all, do you have any idea where we'll go?"

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Shrugging "That'd be up tae the Cap'n tae decide... if I were a bettin man then I'd think theres two options though... one she goes a reavin, and the second is she somehow gets a mind theres a more direct line on some treasure. I'd be thinkin tha reavin would be tha way though... specially since there'd be new crew onboard an a prize'd be the way tae turn em happy"

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

After considering his options, Jim comes to a conclusion. "Let's start with the Guild, hey? Figure Tarmon might owe us something. Even if it's not in cash I'll settle for paying a fair price."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

"Aye. Seems a good place. And beats just sitting here drinking with Dunny." He tosses one of his jugs Dunny's way. "There you go Dunny-boy. Just let Ol' Peg-Leg we was by."

was down with the flu, but am back-ish

M Wererat-kin Alchemist 1

Rafe looks uncertain. "I don't know about reaving. I don't think... well, it's one thing to be defending yourself and another to go hunting people."

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbs shakes his head "Iffin ye do it right ye hunt tha cargo an nei tha crew. Smart captain'll strike his colours once ye've got tha wind onnim and are comin up. Bloodshed ain't good fer either party."

Off to see the Wizard

Jim and the Groom head into the Old City and down the Street of Dreams to the imposing doors of the Wizards' Guild. Powerful glowing runes flicker dangerously across the bronze surface promising harm to any who would force entry. That certainly isn't necessary however, as the doors swing open at your approach and a familiar red robed figure emerges. "Ah, there you are," says Tarmon. "I've been expecting you."

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul chuckles into his ale at Rafe's young morals;

"Hur-hur. Don't ye worry lad... Leave the red 'anded deeds tae those that... take pride in such."

The thug taps his fell axe;

"'Sides... It ain't about hackin' em til they're a prime cut. It's about lettin' em know you're capable like... Hur-hur-hur..."

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim starts, then relaxes. He probably planned that. "Aye, we were a mite delayed in our return from Bloodcove, hey?"

Gun Club

Rafe doesn't look totally convinced, but he trusts his mentor. Once they've finished their drinks, Rafe gamely follows Dibbs and Kaul whilst Dingus stays behind playing the role of fashionable merchant of exotic goods and queries the stevedores about any possible buyers.

Moving between the massive warehouses, the trio soon pass the imposing form of the Vault and the currently quiet auction house to Kolter's Clockworks. They find a long queue inside and have to wait a bit before they reach the counter and a iron-haired gnome who looks like he'd rather be back in the workshop.

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbets thumps down his barnacled, corroded and generally in somewhat less than optimal condition blunderbuss down on the counter, then unlimbers his ammo and powder pouch from his sporran and splotches it next to it. "Need an overhaul on this'n... she's seen some sh1t, but carried through mostly like a champ. An' have ye gots any smaller ones? Sort ye could hold in one 'and? Takes a while tae butter up ol' Bessie once she's bolted the once savvy?"

Off to see the Wizard

Tarmon stroke his thick brown beard as he chuckles. "Yes, but a successful venture, I hear. I am just not sure why burning down the Bloodcove lighthouse was required. Welcome back."

"And I'd like to hear more about your trip to The Smoker, Groom. Perhaps we should step into my office. I have some more news for you as well."

The bored gnome sighs at the sight of the battered musket, but perks up at the mention of a pistol. "Actually, yes. Don't get much interest in a small weapon, but we've got something available at the moment if you've got the coin."

Dibbets- you interested in a standard or dragon pistol?

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Either either or both - depending on the total cost.

Circumspect and circling "Aye, I've got some coin put away - what exactly might ye be offerin?"

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul mugs a grin and lays The Red Claw onto the counter with a clang;

"Hur-Hur. Coin we got. An' I've also got some potential work fer ye... Slightly un-orthy-dox like... Hur..."

The pistol is forgotten as Kaul's Claw Contraption clatters onto the counter. The gnome leaps up knocking his chair over behind him. His eyes bug as he marvels, "Wisit?! I mean, Where did you get it? I've never seen this work before. I must study it. What are you going to do with it?"

The gnome's outburst stills the crowd and curious attention turns toward the conversations with the scarred nug and scurfy slip at the counter.

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim has the grace to look embarrassed at the comment about the lighthouse, then follows the wizard.

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul emits a hacksaw laugh as he enjoys the gnomes fascination of his mechanical prize;

"Hur... Taken from the corpse o' infamous pirate cap'n Jemma Redclaw... Ain't sure where she got it from..."

He waggles his own hook-paw before continuing;

"I means tae replace hook with claw! Hur-hur-haw!"

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Noting the crowd Dibbs has a wee chuckle, offering a wink to Rafe before half turning so his voice carries "Aye, cut from that very Cap'n's arm after we put her down. T'were a mighty fight, blood were spilt an we wrestled in the coral choked corpse of the Fearsome Tide."

A murmur rises from the listening pirates and dandies flooding the shop at word that this is the eponymous claw of the infamous Jemma Redclaw. Tally up another point of infamy: 5 The gnome takes a momment to register as he's pulled some small tools from his bandoleer/tool belt to tap and prod the mechanical arm. "Brigh's Buckled Britches! Jemma Redclaw? I've heard that name. Well, let me say it would be a pleasure to work on this."

He squints at Kaul's hook and stump and shakes his head thoughtfully. "I'm no surgeon though. Blood and muscle is far different material. But, I do know a healer in the Temple District. If you don't mind me looking this over tonight, I can meet you there tomorrow morning and I think we can get this properly functioning!"

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul nods and flashes a wink at the proprietor;

"Aye. No worries on that front matey... As long as ye accommodate Master Dibbets' 'ere with equal attention like..."

He leans in to whisper to the gnome;

"An' in the the Meantime I'd be chargin' coin to them gawkers for a looksee o' the Redclaw like!"

The brutal half-orc grins at Dibbs, seemingly happier than he's been in some time;

"Hur... 'And-Gunne fer ye, Blood-Claw fer me... Now we just needs tae get the young'un drunk! Hur!"

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbs returns Kaul's grin before taken with a shade of musing reflectance. Rubbing his broken leg he leans inwards conspiratorially "Be appreciative iffin ye ken slip me the name o' yer apothecary... I've needs tae talk wi' someone on account o' me gam."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

"It was good timing on my part. I found a lead in my inquiries, right before Jim and lads arrived in port. T'was a fine reunion that ruffled some feathers. But was only 'half' the trouble we usually find."

He leaves it cryptic until they are in the office and drinks are poured.

Off to see the Wizard

Tarmon leads the way into the open atrium. Besides the two fig-like trees that reach toward the sky seen through high openings in the ceiling are a pair of the tall, gray, muscular and somehow otherwordly guards. The walls of the chamber are featureless dark stone. Tarmon shuts the doors and then circles round. There is a slight feeling of disorientation and then Tarmon opens the doors again which now leads to a richly appointed parlor.

The arch-wizard gestures for you to take a seat and unseen servants pour wine into crystal goblets. Tarmon smiles. "We may speak freely here."

Dibbets wrote:
"Be appreciative iffin ye ken slip me the name o' yer apothecary..."

"Brigh's Bolted Britches," the gnome repeats again gazing in wonder at the arm. "Eh? Mog. Talbous Mog. What kind of pistol you looking for again?"

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

"Just tha regular like ones I'm guessin... a biggun and a wee one mebbe? S' a bit of a chore getting the big one loaded like, so I'm wantin tae keep mesel goin a bit longer."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

"I talked with a sailor that pulled a mostly dead seawife from the drink. She spoke of a sea priestess taken captive by the Sahaugan, the same one people figure that had stopped in Plumetown on her own investigations."

The Groom will go on to mention the region where this occurred and the increase in Sahaugan attacks of late.

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul taps his head with hook;

"Mog. Hur. I'll remember that..."

"Keelhaul" Kaul wrote:
"Mog. Hur. I'll remember that..."

or will you..

The gnome nods and scribbles a receipt for the musket and arm. "Meet me tomorrow morning on the stairs of the Temple of Knowledge." He turns back to the workshop leaving the trio to make their way out through the waiting crowd, many who give the up-and-coming pirates an appraising glance.

the Groom wrote:
The Groom will go on to mention the region where this occurred and the increase in Sahaugan attacks of late.

Tarmon listens attentively to the Groom's tale. He stands and walks over to a wall map that shifts with a wave of his hand to show an enlarged view of the central Shackles. "Sahuagin from Besmara's Throne to The Smoker and Shark Island to Kepre Dua..." he mutters, deeply in thought as he circles the region on the map. A jeweled finger touches the north coast of Motaku Isle and then heads north past Rampore Isles to stop at the Serpent's Teeth. "Quent and Freeport, the closest major settlements to Shark Island. I would posit that this is a surge from Shark Island, but why would the Sea Devils suddenly mobilize toward these ports?"

He gazes at Jim. "You sailed through those waters on your return, I believe. Anything to add?"

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbs nods and thanks the gnome before turning to the others on their way out "Nei need tae gawk lads - all goes well of a mornin' we'll be drinkin at the Block and Tackle wi' tha rest o' our mates tomorrer night. Ye ken see the Red Claw in action."

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim nods. "Aye, we were attacked by the things near Besmara's Throne. They tried to kill the crew and take the ship, and when we cleared them from the decks they went after the hull. Had to do a bit of swimming to discourage them. Then there was a walking dead priest with a crocodile head on Shark Island, turned a couple of our crew into weresharks. He said he followed some godling I've never heard of--Dajo-something. During the fight he called up something looked like part crab, part croc, and part squid. Rafe, our cabin boy, said the priest called himself the Caller of Crooked Forms."

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul flashes his angler-fish grin once again;

"Hur... Bloody Claw more likes it! Hur-hur!"

Tarmon raises an eyebrow as he takes in Jim's list of experiences. "It is no secret that lycanthropes find Shark Island a haven; it is, after all, the port of Blood Moon and Captain Sorrinash. The undead priest and strange things you mention may indicate that the lycanthropic taint is far older that Sorringash though. Interesting. I shall have to look more deeply into what is known of Shark Island and forgotten deities."

He pauses as if to make a mental note and then turns back to the Groom. "As for news of our hunt here in Freeport, we still haven't been able to stick anything to Grymes yet, but we shall continue to keep a sharp eye on him. Neither has the gnome shown his hoary head. All is not dour news, however. Roberts has intercepted an Aspis payment to Mr. Wednesday. He might be assisting them with smuggling, spying or some other treachery with his Canting Crew."

"Also, perhaps this is merely coincidence, but intuition tells me it isn't. A wizard named Parnass apparently died in a fire just yesterday. The Shipping News has printed that it was a conjured elemental that brought him to his end, but that is just green fire paranoia. Parnass was an abjurer and studied the rather obscure northern art of cyphermagic. He was also very cautious, but very greedy and had been acting strangely of late. Some say that he had recently killed a common tradesman for no reason whatsoever. Strange indeed."

"But first things first. I will look into the Shark Island matter. I have a standing meeting with Sister Gwyllin for brunch tomorrow at Maurice's Place. Why don't you go in my place and share your news with her, Groom? I have no new news for her at the moment, but who knows what I shall find..."

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim listens with interest to the wizard's commentary. Our Groom has been up to much in the time we've been apart. "Is there anything else you'd need? We'll try not to burn down any lighthouses this time. Oh, and I'm looking to buy some protective magic, but would prefer a place that charges a fair price."

Dibbets and Kaul make their way back to the Block and Tackle to find Dingus in a fine mood though he shepherds them away from the bar before young Rafe's boozy christening. It seems the unusual sorcerer has somehow befuddled or bedazzled a merchant into buying half the loot and for a very good price as well! The quartermaster drives his mates back to the ship to get the goods unloaded before the merchant changes his mind.

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Buoyed by the prospect of a new mechanical arm and coin to boot, Kaul seems in unusually high spirits as the shore party make their way back through Freeports streets;

"Hur... Bet ye put the ol' snakey hoodoo on 'im Ding! Hur!"

The thug further entertains himself by administering a shove or growl at any loiterers unlucky to cross their path.

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

"Aye, whatevers it was ye did tae him... good on it eh?"

James "Madman Jim" Patterson wrote:
" Oh, and I'm looking to buy some protective magic, but would prefer a place that charges a fair price."

Tarmon shrugs. "If it is magic, I think that I could find someone to help you. What do you require?"

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

"A ring of protection, or someone who can 'chant my armor to make it more resistant. Maybe both, if my share of Redclaw's treasure is big enough."

alright. was waiting for Groom, but I'll move on and he flashback something if he likes.

"Just let the apprentice at the door know," Tarmon says distractedly, his mind already working on other problems. He leads the sailors back into the atrium around and back through the door which now leads back outside.

It is near evening when all the crew meet up again. Belinna says that the ship wont have a berth at the Shipyards until the end of the month once all the visiting ships sail out after Raidfest. So it seems they'll be in Freeport for a while. Fortunately, half of the plunder has been off-loaded and sold and the crew find themselves 3300 gold Sails richer after shares and money for restocking and repair. So at least they'll have money to spend. Belinna again brings up the issue of what to name the new ship.

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim will take the plunder and get a ring of protection +1, and have his chain shirt enchanted to +1, total cost 3000 gp.

Jim-that was the total, but plan on about 1,200 gp each.

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

So 660 each among the five of us, or is that for the whole crew? Fortunately, Jim still has 3900 gold in the Vault, so he'll draw that down.

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Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

Dingus spends about 50 GP on a vast amount of costume jewelry, and gets a tattoo of a Peacock being devoured by a colorful snake on his right forearm.

He'll go potion or wand shopping after selling the remainder of the goods. And see about getting his wand of magic missiles fixed... (It seems to make other weapons magical instead of shooting out bolts of force as it should).

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“Now wake up and swab the deck or I’ll throw ya to the sharks!”

This is how sailors are usually acquired in Freeport, but seeing as I want a crew that won’t try to jump ship at the next port of call, I’m looking for credentials. So give me a concept for a swashbuckler or salt that you would like to play: standard 20 point buy, 2 traits, average starting wealth. Everything in the Core Rule Book and Advanced Player’s Guide is fine. Please be able to post an average of once a day and be prepared for adventure by land and sea!

If you ain’t familiar with the Freeport Setting, it’s Green Ronin’s rollicking port of pirate-flavored horror and humor that’s been around since the early days of 3rd Ed. I’m plopping the Serpent’s Teeth Isles just north of the island in the Shackles known as The Smoker.

Campaign Traits:

Home Port- You either grew up in Freeport or spend much time there when not at sea. It has become second nature for you to keep a sharp eye out to find your next mark or to avoid the press gangs. You receive a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (local) and Perception rolls and Knowledge (local) is always treated as a class skill for you.

Bar Fly- You know that taverns are where the action is and you’ve spent an inordinate amount of time sharing a drink and a yarn in a wide array of Freeport’s dives. You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves against intoxication and the sickened condition and a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information in a bar.

Able Seaman- You have spent years aboard ships and earned recognition as a competent sailor. You gain a +1 bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, Swim, Survival, or Profession (sailor) and that skill becomes a class skill for you.

I’m also using Boarded in Mediogalti, and Boarded in the Mwangi Expanse from the Serpent’s Skull AP.

Questions welcome and thanks for your interest.

Cap’n Voodoo

I'll weigh anchor with a Halfling Oracle of Gozreh (with the lame curse), and the Wind mystery.

Dibbets grew up on ships since he was kicked out of home to make his own way. After swabbing the decks for a few years on some pirate clippers, his captain noticed that he had a good eye and moved him into the crows nest. During a particularly fierce storm with strangely heavy seas and wind, he fell from the nest to the deck. The storm cleared soon after, but Dibbets left leg was badly shattered and didn't heal back so well. However he can sometimes almost 'hear' the wind and waves talking to him, and has found he can bend nature to his will.

Sacked by his previous captain, and with a foul mouth and fouler temper - Dibbets is looking for a new ship to set sail on.... mostly because he is running out of coin.

(let me know if you like it, and I'll work up a full char sheet for you)

Mark Sweetman wrote:
I'll weigh anchor with a Halfling Oracle of Gozreh (with the lame curse), and the Wind mystery.

Well done, mate! brings to mind poor Pip gone overboard from the Pequod. Retrieved the next day, but his mind broken by the awful lonesomeness betwixt sea and sky- "So man's insanity is heaven's sense."

Madness in Freeport is a good thing. Jump up, Sir! Jump up!!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Submitted for your approval:

James "Madman Jim" Patterson, late of the Taldan Imperial Navy. Jim ran away to sea as a boy, and has worked on shipboard ever since--starting as a cabin boy, moving up to able seaman, and ending his official naval career as a marine/shipboard infantryman. He'll follow a good captain into the Eye of Abendego, but a bad captain will get the sharp side of his tongue...his tenure in the Imperial Navy ended abruptly when a particularly bad one got the sharp side of his rapier as well. He escaped before he could be hung, and has been a sellsword to any captain who'll have him ever since.

(Rules-related stuff: Human fighter, free-hand fighter archetype, possibly working towards duelist.)

I've got a concept for an Urban Ranger, I've kind of been floating around in my head. Might be a good place to try him out. Give him a few ranks of seamanship associated stuff and he might be good to go. Maybe even try to pattern some of his stuff around firearms, since they go good with the setting. I can kind of envision the big robust guy walking around now with his big bushy beard full of tindertwigs.

Got a mind to play a half orc rogue: "Keelhaul" Kaul... possibly go with the thug archtype (?) and sacred tattoo race option. Our Queequeg ;)

Keelhaul is a former member of a notorious pressgang, now gone adventuring; is inked up and will provide some muscle and sharkish guile to the group.

I'll happily stat him up if you need more info

Hmm... I was planning on running a Freeport game after my Red Hand of Doom game finished...

I really hope there will still be pirate-related interest in a few months. :) I will definitely be lurking.

Messrs. Woodford, scranford, & Dow,
Now that's a tough crowd. Make no mistake you'll obey the Ship's Master or you'll see the back of his hand if you're lucky and the business end of a gaff if you're not! We'll brook no mutiny!!

Looks like we've got some options for muscle. Good concepts. I'll stay open a bit longer to see if we can get some spell slinging back up.

voodoo chili wrote:

Messrs. Woodford, scranford, & Dow,

Now that's a tough crowd. Make no mistake you'll obey the Ship's Master or you'll see the back of his hand if you're lucky and the business end of a gaff if you're not! We'll brook no mutiny!!

Looks like we've got some options for muscle. Good concepts. I'll stay open a bit longer to see if we can get some spell slinging back up.

I can rethink my character as a sorcerer. I haven't played one with Pathfinder yet, and think that might just be fun. Let me think on concepts for an hour or so.

Liberty's Edge

Drifter was found drifting on a raft off the coast of The Shackles burnt from the sun and nearly dead of thirst with a trident clenched in his hand. He spoke no language recognizable to the crew of the ship that found him. When the ship reached Freeport, the captain and crew of the Painted Lady were only too happy to have him off the ship, though when asked, they said there was nothing wrong with the man but they refused to talk about the time he spent on the ship.
Once ashore, Drifter lived on the docks for some time, doing odd jobs and cadging drinks. He approached a cleric of Gozreh one day and when Vorgon saw the trident Drifter still carried, she took the castaway under her wing, teaching him local languages and initiating him into the worship of Gozreh.
Drifter won't talk about his life before he came to Freeport and, since Vorgon's death, has been looking for a ship to once again set sail on the Arcadian Ocean.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have a dark concept for a cleric of Besmara, the pirate queen, but there are already two divine caster proposals, so perhaps I should wait for Tanner's game.

EDIT: Well I wrote the back story so I might as well post it. Sorry, its a bit long.

OK, here is an unusual concept that just started burning into my brain.

"The Groom"

Thadeus was a poor fisherman about to be married in two days. Him and his buddies set out fishing as they normally do, but came across a damaged freight hauler. They decided on a little bit of profit before the wedding would be good luck. They remained close through the day, and at night rowed in quietly, helped by a fog bank that unknowingly hid an approaching storm.

Him and his friends took the ship in surprise fashion, but as they made an accounting of the cargo bound for Sargava, the storm came upon them. Their fishing boat was pulled away as they were pushed further out to sea.

It took two weeks to rig the ship and bale enough to get it back to port. Once there he found out his fishing boat had shown up dashed on the rocks after the storm. He had been declared dead. His fiance, in despair, jumped into the sea.

Knowing his greed had cost him his chance at happiness with his wife-to-be, he set out in a small boat to 'remember' his fiance. Wearing his nicest closes, he rowed out below the bluff where she had jumped. Wearing his ring, he took her gold ring and prepared to drop it into the sea...but he froze..he just couldn't do it..he worked so hard for the money and it cost so much...As his hand dangled over the edge of the boat, the gold catching the sun, a tentacle rose up and gripped his arm.

He fought and tried to brace himself, but the appendage seemed to seek out his hand, and the tip slid the ring out of his grip, the ring now upon the beast! He lunged for it, and ended up in the sea himself.

He was pulled in close and saw the eye and beak of the sea monster. He pushed away with his hands trying to keep away from its craw, when then he felt the beak close on his hand. He pulled away, but his ring caught. He pulled again, gold and beak in a locked battle. He felt a crack...there was blood and ink everywhere and he no longer knew which way was up. As he was losing consciousness, he felt himself being lifted upward.

He was found as his small boat drifted back into the harbor. He was unconscious and had been missing for days...again thought dead, this time of grief over his fiance. Those that found him were amazed as they tried to revive him. Thinking he suffered from exposure, he came to and proceeded to expel water from his lungs. His only injuries were sunburn and missing the ring finger on his left hand. But in his left hand he held a jagged piece of black-n-white chitin, that bore an uncanny likeness of a skull and crossbones, a death's head.

Thadeus was never quite the same. He suddenly had powers that those who watched him grow up never knew he had. Thinking him twice-cursed, they took to calling him "the Haunted Groom", and the town shunned him.

He now wanders the docks throughout the Shackles, still in his long black wedding jacket, his moniker shortened to "the Groom". Gloomy and sullen, he does not speak often, but when he does, his voice seems to carry the weight of the sea behind it. Those that plan nefarious deeds often find he has a word of advice or planning for them. In exchange, after successful endeavors, he is often tipped a bit of the spoils, 'the Bride Tax", some have taken to calling it. So now, some seek out his advice or blessing....But he does not put out to sea...some are too scared to take him on board, and he has turned down others. Many think "the Groom" is waiting for the right opportunity.

"the Groom", Human Cleric of Besmara 1, Oceans and Thievery/or Tactics likely subdomains, rapier favored weapon, channels positive, but will have dealings with the dead, particularly the drowned. Likely summoner of sea creatures.

Dark Archive

[Piet the Hagboy, Human Witch 1]

Mother made a deal with a ‘witch of the woods’ to be able to bear her husband a child, and cleverly worded the arrangement so that the witch’s request of ‘one thing in return’ did not include her child. The witch frowned, and then arranged for her to bear twins, so that she could still grant her request to ‘give her a child,’ while taking one for herself...

The twins were boys, and the Green Hag (aka ‘the witch’) was disappointed, since she’d gone through all that trouble to arrange for the children to be born tainted with hag blood, so that they’d both be hers, eventually, anyway. She took the ‘extra’ child as her payment, and intended to fatten the little bundle of joy up and then share it with some friends for a special feast. Her friends had some bad years, and they fell out of touch, and she never felt like celebrating that particular feast, and so the boy grew up in her dank lair, beaten and cowed by the fearsome creature, and used as an errand-boy. At times, she would have a good year, and start fattening him up again, eager to devour him, but then schemes would go awry, and he was just so darn helpful around the laboratory and the house, unlike those pesky goblins, who couldn’t be trusted to do anything right, or that idiot ogre, playing with his toys.

Disaster struck (for the hag, anyway) when the boy was in his teens, and adventurers ended up freeing the ‘hag-boy’ from his captivity. The pale half-starved (it had been a disappointing couple of years for his ‘mother,’ and she was particularly uninterested in making a grand sacrifice to Mestama, whom, she felt, had utterly failed her) man-child was barely recognizable as human, and spoke in a gibberish hodge-podge of goblin and giantish, having to be taught the Common tongue from a half-elven member of the adventuring group who happened to speak sylvan, which the boy recognized, at least haltingly.

Piet used Misfortune to guarantee ‘Mother’s’ death at the hands of the adventurers, with her having been unaware that he was capable of such a thing. After his rescue, he briefly considered returning to the family he knew he had (from ‘Mother’s’ boasting), but had a dream in which he saw his twin brother, a handsome man who looked only vaguely like the pale wretch he himself was, and feared that his successful family would reject him, and the shame of his existence would wreck their lives and result in him being disavowed, driven off or worse.

Unknown to him, his brother has also dreamed of his existence, and is unsure what to make of this portent, having grown up a spoiled young man, heir to a moderately successful merchant house, but always drawing the eye of his peers by his utter recklessness, as he had always felt empty inside, as if something vital was missing from his life. With this dream of the bedraggled brother he never knew existed, he knows that a great and terrible secret has been kept from him by his family, and, for the first time in a decade and a half, is beginning to use the powerful mind that lurks behind the pretty face...

Paizo Employee Developer

Alessa is a Varisian fortune teller who one day found her way onto a ship. She's rarely been on land since, save to change boats. She sells her divnation services out of Freeport. Her predictions and ability to read the Harrow are uncanny, and extremely useful to any for whom a squall could mean death. She speaks little of why she left the wagons of her people, or why it was she started selling her fortune-telling services to the captains of Freeport, but few care to pry into the business of others. So long as the cards read true, none of bothered to delve too deeply.

(This would be a Diviner (Foresight Subschool - opposed illusion and necromancy). The character as built uses a few things from the new Inner Sea World Guide that need approval. Namely the Fortune Teller and Harrowed feats. Also she plans on going Harrower for PrC. I understand if these don't work for you, so I figured I'd ask up front.)

She'd use the Home Port campaign trait

Dark Archive

Alorha wrote:
Also she plans on going Harrower for PrC.

That's a yummy PrC. I don't like PrCs in general, but that one's both flavorful and mechanically interesting.

Looks like a very fun game. Lots of character options, so I'll wait for Tanner's game in a few months. Freeport is just a cool setting and there are some new materials coming from Adamant Publishing very soon.

Ahoy there on the fo'castle, this be Dibbets reporting for duty at the masthead. If ye've got my ration of grog and hardtack that ain't too maggoty I'll be yers for less than a even share of any takings.

(OOC: will fill in my profile over the next couple of hours with pertinents)

Ev'body knows I ain't right.

They don't know that I can see that they ain't right, 'neither.

It's not about being right. The cards will show the path and we will follow. Of course, by knowing Fate we can also thwart it...

"All right". "None of you guys has seen me...right"? "I'll just pick up a few things, and get some sleep, then i'll be out of here". "No need to mention you seen me".

Let me know which one you want me to go with....All done except for equipment, and background. Thinking about being on the Lam but not sure from who or where...DM any suggestions???

Now here's a weird lot. I'll cross myself and spit three times to ward off bad luck. So we have small Dibbet to appease the hungry seas.
Aye, and although 'The Groom' makes me shiver a bit, nothing wrong with a prayer to Besmara to keep you above the waves.

scranford- you got a sorcerer concept? I'll give you dibs.
normanak- Dibbet beat you to the punch.
Alorha- I do like Harrowers, but this will be more sandbox, less destiny so not sure you'll get the most out of it.
Piet- not nautical enough and how many games you in anyway, Set? ; )

Muster roll:
Mark Sweetman- Dibbets
John Woodford- "Madman Jim"
Black Dow- "Keelhaul" Kaul
Meowzebub- "The Groom"
scranford- (unknown Sorcerer)

Let me know if your credentials are in order and you're ready to sail.

At least Mr. Nielsen will be offering a second chance at Freeport soon (You head hunting sonuva- ; )! ) and I'll have to look up what Adamant is coming out with, Sir Hedgeknight.

Dark Archive

voodoo chili wrote:
Piet- not nautical enough and how many games you in anyway, Set? ; )

On this messageboard? Four or five. I have to bookmark the threads so I don't lose 'em. :)

Good sailing, all!

May the fish bite yer hooks, and not yer bums!

This'll be a merry jaunt then, a fine pack of scallywags and ne'erdo wells
to go to sea with. This reminds me of the time that I woke up Sky-clad in the Crow's Nest with a week-long hangover and a new tattoo on my nethers. The cabin boy didn't look me in the eye for a month after...

Well lets not tarry, out to sea in search of wine and wenches!

Voodoo, are you open to custom traits? I've noticed that Oracles don't get Perception as a class skill and I can't find any traits that would make it one. Could I take something like this: Eagle-Eyed - +1 trait bonus to Perception and makes it a Class skill

Dibbets wrote:
Voodoo, are you open to custom traits? I've noticed that Oracles don't get Perception as a class skill and I can't find any traits that would make it one. Could I take something like this: Eagle-Eyed - +1 trait bonus to Perception and makes it a Class skill

Hey we wouldn't be pirates if we cared about rules! ; ) I think you've spent enough time in the Crow's Nest to go with that.

Dingus Mack wrote:
Let me know which one you want me to go with....All done except for equipment, and background. Thinking about being on the Lam but not sure from who or where...DM any suggestions???

ah, I see you've posted the ranger. if that's what you really want to play, go for it. Freeport is a little lower end on the magic-o-meter so I think we'll get by with our clergy types.

Ha, it's Freeport. Who isn't on the run? If you aren't already on the run, you soon will be!

EDIT: ooh, I like the Tien sorcerer, too. your call.

All is ship shape and ready to sail.

Character is updated in Profile and should be pretty much complete. If you can see any issues let me know.

Dibbets wrote:

All is ship shape and ready to sail.

Character is updated in Profile and should be pretty much complete. If you can see any issues let me know.

Looks good. My only thought is that the mega-Perception modifier and wind sight is going to be a headache for me. ;) What do you think about the Eagle-eyed trait being only applicable outdoors or in daylight just to keep things interesting? Seems that would still fit your concept as a ship's Look-out.

Madman Jim reporting for duty, sir!

voodoo chili wrote:
Looks good. My only thought is that the mega-Perception modifier and wind sight is going to be a headache for me. ;) What do you think about the Eagle-eyed trait being only applicable outdoors or in daylight just to keep things interesting? Seems that would still fit your concept as a ship's Look-out.

Let's go one step further and say that it only applies whilst on a ship? Call it something a bit more nautically like Crow's Nest Squint: +1 trait to Perception, and Perception is considered a class skill whilst on board a ship

Thanks for the invite Voodoo Chili.

Almost finished stating this concept out, but then I started to think about making him more imposing. An actual priest of Besmara is a rare thing indeed as she doesn't really have a church, and I started thinking she might not be happy with that. She might more go for an Inquisitor, as an avatar of her power amongst those who pay her respect only when they see it to their advantage or as they are about to die. I like the bonus to intimidate and sense motive to judge a man's soul. And the knowledge skills, represent lost pirate and sea monster lore that he has suddenly been made aware of after 'the wedding'.

It just seems more swashbucklery, and perhaps a bit more fun at low levels where most PbP tend to live.

"Respect must be paid! Lest my bride sails her ship into this port and drags all of you away in chains to be bartered in the Hells for a bottle of infernal rum."

Whatcha think?

Thanks for the invite Voodoo Chili - looking forward to turning the seas rougher with everyone :)

Keelhaul report'n Cap'n

Truss all is in order... lookin forward to breakin a few unfortunates like waves onna a rock... sir...

I'd like to bring a swashbuckling magus to the crew -- very much in the Errol Flynn model.

If you're full up though, I guess I'll just sail on by.

Outstanding, mates!
@Dibbets- I wasn't gonna be that specific, but you gotta let a GM be sneaky : ). I love your trait name.
@the Groom- the concept is great, go with what you like.
@Rokku- shipboard life is tight quarters. I think we're full up, but thanks for the interest.

Now lissen up, Bilge Rats! get your arses to muster:

OOC Muster

that is, let's take this over to the OOC thread.

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