Baldwin the Merciful's - CoT Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master baldwin the merciful

This is Council of Thieves AP. Westcrown, City of Twilight, once was the center of Aroden's faith, but now it symbolizes despair. By day, the city remains a vibrant center of trade; but, by night only those with a death wish venture out.

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Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Waiting on DM to rule regarding Blacklight.

I feel it makes others blinded, which denies Dex to AC. Should be able to SA melee/range anyone/anytime. It's nasty.

20ft radius.

If Euphemia can cast thru Frank (what range?), that would be like taking her with me.

Evil GM

I heard from John this morning he had to drop the game.

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

Lucrezia is still here, just busy with hubby this weekend, it's our wedding anniversary.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Happy anniversary, Lucrezia!

If Euphemia casts a touch spell on Frank he can then deliver it as per the familiar rules. Plus she has empathic link.

Or we can use the message spell so you can whisper to us.

Evil GM

Beautiful day here so'll rain later it usually does, but I'm going to take advantage of it and go for bike ride to the gym.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Overcast, I am usually stuck inside when it gets sunny.

Evil GM

Well it's a hot humid day all summer days until October. You learn to cope with it.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

Middle of winter here. If you can call 18 degrees Celsius winter.

Evil GM
Daniel Arrisen wrote:

Middle of winter here. If you can call 18 degrees Celsius winter.


64 degress is comfortable.

The rumbling of the late afternoon thunderstorms is beginning, it'll be raining soon enough.

Evil GM

I'm off to dinner.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

I am stuck for what to do with the prisoner.
He is evil but I have no proof or confession of a crime worth killing him for.

Perhaps we hang him in a sack in a tree?

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Since he is charmed we can just tell him to run off to Westcrown.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

I'm not sure how you Detect Evil works. Moderate evil is CN? Or NE?

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17


F Human Witch 13 Init+4 Hp: 104/91--- AC:20 t:15 ff:16---F8//R9//W13--Perception +16

Moderate evil= Any evil alignment, and the subject has what, 6 HD+?

Evil GM

As far as detect evil is concerned look a the spell. I probably shouldn't have said moderate since he is not an 11 to 25 HD creature. I was simply suggesting that his aura was more intense than someone who dabbles with evil acts.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

So he is probably a selfish, thuggish SOB who does petty cruelties when he can get away with them.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Wasn't questioning how it's being handled... It's just when Paladin start acting based on Detect Evil (and it's vague) it worries me for their sake.

And, did I miss where the lair of the beetle thing was... or are you folks just ready to head out but don't know what direction?

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

I am not going evil= smite.

I take aura + crime.
A VENGEANCE pally code says auto smite vs "Henious transgressors".
I take that to mean a death sentence for rapists, murderers, child molesters etc.
Lesser crimes need punishment but not death. Only sick dudes who are deserving of death.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Like tearing up living beings and eating their flesh kinda sick?

Evil GM

Nobody bothered to identify what the redcaps were eating.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Long Pork

Evil GM

G'night everyone. I have a couple long days ahead of me.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal
Gerard Nisroc wrote:
Like tearing up living beings and eating their flesh kinda sick?


Daniel is only going along with this because, CRB wrote:While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code. Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with evil associates, but only to defeat what she believes to be a greater evil. A paladin should seek an atonement spell periodically during such an unusual alliance, and should end the alliance immediately should she feel it is doing more harm than good. "

I have tried to roleplay Daniel's internal conflict.
He is doing this so they can find an ally against the Council. The overriding goal being to help the people of Westcrown.
If he tried to end EVERY single evil he could, why not just march up to thrune and challenge her outright. Cause he'd die and achieve nothing.
Same here. The party needs allies to fight here.

Plus. If the Redcaps and council forces kill each other off there is less evil dudes in the world.
He might come back and wipe out the Redcaps later.
One thing I learned being a soldier is priority of work.
Applying the same here.
Ending Dogtongue and the redcaps only ruins the overalll goal of saving the mother.

Don't worry. Dogtongue has made the list.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Okay tactics suggestions.

1.Daniel,Orsin and Euphemia question the captive again after he wakes up. Tell him that we did that to save him from the Redcaps.
2.When we find the Jinkins and bug, we'll probably need to bribe them(We still have that mead from the bandits. They probably like booze) so we can get the bug on our side.
3.Drag the bug back and then attack!

Evil GM

Daniel has rp'd his internal conflict quite well. Remember this campaign guide suggested no paladins, obviously, you see why. However, Daniel began at a significantly high level that he wasn't going to be challenged at every turn.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

I rather like it as well. Hopefully we can see a scene with him doing his atonement rituals.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal
baldwin the merciful wrote:
Daniel has rp'd his internal conflict quite well. Remember this campaign guide suggested no paladins, obviously, you see why. However, Daniel began at a significantly high level that he wasn't going to be challenged at every turn.


Plus, the Westcrown Guide says there are actually a few pally's in Westcrown.

LG doesn't have to mean Lawful Stupid.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Not insinuating lawful stupid. And yes, RP is great. The guy is just the least of our worries.

If we have light enough for humans, why are the horse's havinga bad time? They have low-light vision.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Probably because the ground is so rough and overgrown. Remember holes=broken leg for horses. Plus they would prbably panic around a giant bug.

Evil GM

Actually with the tree canopy you don't have light for humans.

Have you ever tried to ride a horse at night through woods and brush? It's hard enough during the day.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Potions of Darkvision 300 gp for 1 hour
Fully charged Wand of Darkvision 4,500 gp
Eyes of Owl 4,000 gp Low-Light
Goggles of Night 12k(!) Darkvision.

Seems a wand is better.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Trou, you might like this due to loving hedgehogs. Hedgehogs!

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

How long is this taking? Will we make it back by might night?
Maybe we need to wake up the prisoner and ask WHEN the attack is sposed to come?

Evil GM

I'm just the GM in life, those decisions are yours. Lol

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17
Daniel Arrisen wrote:

How long is this taking? Will we make it back by might night?

Maybe we need to wake up the prisoner and ask WHEN the attack is sposed to come?

Waking him up to ask where the tent of the leader is smart, we can just say we were protecting him from the Recaps. As for them attacking the Mother? He might know that.

Evil GM

I'm going to be gone for a couple hours going to dinner and see a friend music audition.

Evil GM

I have a busy day today and won't be posting till the afternoon.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

Off to bed.

Evil GM

I had busy day today. Tomorrow lightens up a tad.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

We really need to get moving.
We have the start of a decent plan.

Need to do something with this captive?

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal


ALL casters should know IC that sleeping foes don't get to make will saves!

CONFUSED foes auto attack the last foe that hit them!
Stinking cloud is awesome.
Slow is awesome.
BLACK LIGHT is brilliant for SA.
Casters have low fort saves (baleful polymorph)


Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

Also paladins are immune to fear, disease and charm if anybody wants to drop a bomb near Daniel in a fight.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

I've chimed in with the start of a plan.

1.Send the bug in first
2.Daniel and Gerard fly above

(No doubt the Recaps will be aware of the bug charging in)

3.Andrea will start summoing elementals to charge in

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Let us all have a few chill pills. :p

Evil GM

I joking around.

Evil GM

As an FYI, I'm going to be out of touch from Thursday till the late weekend.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

No one liked Wink Martindale?

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Afraid that went over my head.

Male human bard 7/pathfinder savant 5: 83/83 hp, Init +2, AC 24 [touch 14, flat-footed 23], Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +11; Perception +5

Hey all,

Still alive here, just been busting my @$$ at work, finishing off the first term of summer school, and been working out 2x a day. (I'd say "kill me now", but I'm pretty sure I'm doing it to myself already...)

Baldwin, feel free to DMPC me as needed and use whatever magic items and/or resources I have at my disposal.

I'm catching up when I can, but I don't think I can check in much until next week.


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