
Gerard Nisroc's page

2,049 posts. Alias of Hassan Ahmed.

Full Name

Gerard Nisroc




Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22












Common, Celestial, Infernal, Gnoll, Undercommon, Elven, Goblin, Aklo, Halfling

Strength 10
Dexterity 22
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Gerard Nisroc

Male Human Rogue (Knife Master) 13
NG Medium (Humanoid) Human
Init +7; Perception +18/+22
AC 26, touch 19, flat-footed 19. (10 +6 armor, +1 nat, +6 dex, +1 dodge, +2 rop)
HP 97 = r70 +con26 +1fav
Fort +8, Ref +16, Will +7
Spd 30/40 ft /boots

Dagger +16/+11 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
[dice=atk, dist dagger +2, wf, aff, flank]1d20+15+2+1+1+2[/dice]
[dice=dmg, dist dagger +2, aff, sneak]1d4+2+1+7d8[/dice]
Rapier +14/+9 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
[dice=atk, rapier +1]1d20+14+1[/dice]
[dice=dmg, rapier +1, sneak]1d4+1+7d4[/dice]

Dagger +16/+11 (1d4, 19-20/x2, 10ft)
[dice=atk, dist dagger +2, wf, pbs]1d20+15+2+1+1[/dice]
[dice=dmg, dist dagger +2, pbs, sneak]1d4+2+1+7d8[/dice]

Str 10, Dex 20 (22), Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8

Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 28

Westcrown Firebrand (campaign), +1 Init and +1 to Hit during Surprise Round
Andoren Freedom Fighter, +1 to Hit/to Damage slavers and anyone holding someone against their will

Dodge (human)
Point Blank Shot (char 1)
Finesse Rogue (rogue talent 2)
Precise Shot (char 3)
Weapon Training - Dagger (rogue talent 4)
Quick Draw (char 5)
Expert Leaper (rogue talent 6)
Rope Master (favored talent 6/6)
Rapid Shot (char 7)
Offensive Defense (rogue talent 8)
Skill Focus - Acrobatics (char 9)
Hide in Plain Sight - Urban (rogue talent 10)
Extra Talent - Opportunist (char 11)
Fast Tumble - (rogue talent 12)
Canny Observer - (favored talent 12/6)
Clustered Shots - (char 13)

Favored Class: Human Rogue 1/6th Talent x12
Skills: Ranks Per Level: 13 x (8 + 2 + 1) = 143

3 13 Acrobatics +30 (focus)
0 7 Bluff +9
0 9 Climb +12
0 5 Diplomacy +7
2 13 Disable Device +23
0 9 Disguise +11
0 5 Escape Artist +14
0 10 Kn (local) +17
0 2 Kn (planes) +8
1 6 Linguistics +11
2 13 Perception +18 (+22 hidden/secret)
0 2 Prof (Valet) +6
0 2 Ride +8
0 9 Sense Motive +13
2 13 Stealth +23
0 4 Swim +7
1 10 Use Magic Device +15

1 mithral chain shirt +2
1 ring of protection +2
1 amulet of natural armor +1
1 runner's shirt
1 boots of the daredevil
1 dagger +1, human bane, +3 to hit/+2d6 vs humans
1 dagger +2, distance
1 dagger +1
2 daggers +1, mithral
4 daggers, msw
1 wayfinder & cracked regen 1/hr
2 potion CSW
1 potion CMW
1 potion vanish
1 handy haversack

  • msw thieves' tools
    Rations 10, silken rope, grapnel, water skin (2), tea, coffee, kettle, pot, cups (4), cheese, jerky, tinderbox, flint/steel, pouches 2, twine

1 blinkback belt
1 quickchange cloak
1 belt of dexterity +2
1 comp longbow +1 (+2 str)
1 rapier +1
1 cloak of resistance +2 (3000*10)
4 ghost salt (800*10)
1 wand of message, 15 charges (225*10)

cp = 2286
sp = 1510
gp = 20844
pp = 105

Rogue/Knife Master class features:
Level 1 - sneak stab +1d8 (dagger, kerambit, kukri, punching daggers, starknife, swordbreaker dagger)/+1d4 (all other)
Level 2 - rogue talent, hidden blade +1 SoH lt blades, evasion
Level 3 - sneak stab +2d8/+2d4, blade sense +1 dodge vs. lt blades
Level 4 - rogue talent, hidden blade +2, uncanny dodge
Level 5 - sneak stab +3d8/+3d4
Level 6 - rogue talent, hidden blade +3, blade sense +2
Level 7 - sneak stab +4d8/+4d4
Level 8 - rogue talent, hidden blade +4, improved uncanny dodge
Level 9 - sneak stab +5d8/+5d4, blade sense +3
Level 10 - adv rogue talent, hidden blade +5
Level 11 - sneak stab +6d8/+6d4
Level 12 - adv rogue talent, hidden blade +6, blade sense +4

Description: 6'2", slender build, black hair, blue-grey eyes


1. Tell me 3-4 NPC's your character knows in the city, they will become important NPCs. Names, occupations and how you know them.

Gruum Sharpest - Dwarf purveyor of weapons and gear, LN with good tendencies. Business man, sells to whoever's got the money. But, has a soft spot for Gerard. Light blades are his specialty and Gerard has good taste in light blades, so there's common ground. They meet over a meal to discuss, then a day later for the exchange.

Astrid - Half-Elven Priestess of Desna, often out of town, NG. They get together and catch up when she comes home. They've bonded over the idea of transformation. That nothing is static, revolution and evolution, each having their place. This does not mandate chaos, however. All things in their time... and recognition of potential, imagining the possibilities.

Thom-Thom - Human youth that Gerard helped get out of "the life" (well, mostly), started a shoe-shine, catering to business-folk. They repair leather goods, shoes, etc... as well as serve the best coffees and teas. When customers talk (perhaps not to him), Thom-Thom listens. Interesting tid-bits sometimes find their way to Gerard.

Murtaug - now captain in the underworld, duped Gerard when he'd first come to Westcrown. Human(oid) slaver/trafficker. While life continues on, Murtaug is Gerard's pet project. Lurking in the back of his mind... an unwanted yet constant companion. Whether Gerard cannot suffer his existence or fears what he could have become... is unknown.

2. How long have you been in the City.

3-5 years, whatever fits the story best.

3. Give a brief background for your character.

Gerard found himself in possession of a skill set that people would pay for. But, he didn't' have the cut-throat ambition so many "operators" had. He became a repo man. A security guard. A courier. A consultant.

But, it wasn't good to stay in one place... you got stale and familiarity breeds contempt. So, he traveled far and wide. Ending up in Westcrown and falling for the daughter of a noble house.

The rest is as discussed, please let me know if you need any hooks.

And, please let me know if I've overlooked something.