Davi Accerlas |

Davi stays at the table with the professor. She watches him look over the pieces as she orders food and proceeds to stuff it in her face like she hasn't eaten in weeks. In between bites she asks "So when are you gonna make the shroud thing? That Diamond Regiment Captain is all lovey dovey with the druid leader. I'd like to get that stuff to her, I'm sure she'll get it back safely."

GM of Liberty |

"Hmmm? Oh, yes the shroud." He pulls out a magnifying glass and uses it to peer closely at the Codex of the Firmament. "Did you know that this was once part of an entire collection of scrolls of lore pertaining to the skies, wind, and air? It is fascinating on its own of course...oh wait yes, the shroud. It will take me approximately a week to complete the ritual."

Soroza Alessio |

Soroza takes a seat at the bar, smirking at Aliciette's comments.
"Really? I thought maybe he and Nirashi had something going on. Grelm seems like the sort not to be creeped out by how... well... creepy she is."
She waves towards Sara in the hopes of getting some food.
"As for Adrac, he's just very concerned with imparting the very specific wisdom of his experiences on those who need it." She looks over her shoulder, smiling, at the table the old monk is sitting at. "I get the feeling he might actually be barking up the right tree with Grelm."
Soroza then turns back to Aliciette, somewhat manic and with a familiarity she has not earned (and knows it), asks:
"So tell me! Where do you go for services? Did you grow up in the Church? Is there a Church in Andoran? I'd heard we're not popular here. Of course, we're not popular where I'm from either. I've never met someone of the faith outside of my home. I have so many questions! About you, really. Not the faith, I mean." Sh laughs sharply.
"I learned plenty about the faith from my mother and the lay preists." She pauses for a moment, then: "And Rebecca, of course."

GM of Liberty |

Sara whisks past the table, laying down two full glasses of elderberry wine in front of them. "Would you like some mutton? Afraid it's all we have left!"
Aliciette nods an affirmative to Sara, before giggling at Soroza's comment. "Nah, everyone thinks Nirashi's creepy with the whole Urgathoa thing. But really, she and Calistria have more in common than I would have thought..."
She gives Soroza a piercing look while she talks, and nods. "Yeah, my whole family is Calistrian. There aren't a whole lot of us here in Andoran, yes, but the whole uh... what was it called?" She closes her eyes, then recalls: "The Associative Act of 4669. You can practice whatever you want here as long you don't hurt people. Well, you can practice, but that doesn't save people from thinking all Calistrians want to do is have orgies all day, so my family keeps our faith concealed somewhat, or it'd tarnish our reputation. If the asshats would open their eyes they'd see we have a lot in common."
She smiles, twisting a coil of hair around her finger as she recites: "My life is my path, and none will sway me from it. Nothing more Andoren than that, is there? There's a pretty big temple in Augustana, actually, you should stop by for a service. If you bring up that the Cardoso family invited you, you can get hooked up with one of the really posh private rooms, since my parents donate big and often." She smiles wryly. "Are you a priestess?"

Anthony Read |

Anthony eats with Davi and the Professor listening to their conversation. He agrees with Davi simply, "The Captain seems like a good place to leave the Panopoly." Anthony finishes his beer then asks in hushed tones, "Tablic is going to hunt down that goblin, Grimshank, right? Do you think they might need help? We can ask the others if they're interested, and of course we'd have to get Laurel back to Falcon's Hollow. But I think the Druids are somewhat low on manpower and would probably welcome the help. I'm getting ahead of myself, sorry Davi. I hadn't even asked what your plans were after Falcon's Hollow." His ending note is just barely asked as a question rather than an apologetic statement. This is the fellowship I've been looking for, Anthony thought, It would be a shame if we all split apart so soon.

Herral Hinn |

"A magic dagger is good but not so much fur me little dabs. We gots pudding comin' Sara? I 'av a big hole in me tummy that tells me summat mote twould be good." Herral leans back and rubs his paunch over the holey bit. Then points.
"Falcun's 'Ollow be me family an' then tis selling pies around the Vale fur me sis. Jess mebbe Elsie will want to visit them villages with me but she baint so friendly as that. Stubborn loike a dwarf sometimes."

Davi Accerlas |

"Nope, I've got no real plans past Falcon's Hollow." She frowns at her mug before taking a drink. "Lately all my plans have been going down the outhouse, so to speak, so I've stopped making them. Going after troublemakers does sound a lot more appealing than another guard job."
The changeling grins at Anthony "Besides, I get the feeling you'd just run off to help by yourself if we all went our seperate ways. Somebody's got to watch your back."

GM of Liberty |

Tarkus sits with the group with the Professor, munching on his mutton thoughtfully.
"'fraid once I get to Falcon's Hollow I have a duty to work at the forge for awhile. If your problem with that dagger is just the size, 'erral, I could try and temper it down for ye," he offers.
Sara smiles at Herral apologetically as she wanders by. "I'm sorry but we're just about cleaned out! It's getting pretty late, after all. We have plenty of drink to go around, though!"

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Adrac leans back in his seat, swirling his tea in his cup as he looked up at the ceiling. "Returning home. Hopefully with my son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. Perhaps take a detour and check in on James again. It'll be nice to speak with him face to face than through pen and paper..." he said simply, a little tiredly even, as he took a sip of his tea. "As fond as I am of the notion of reuniting with a few old friends, adventuring has worn me weary. I've grown too old for it... hmhm, as I should be. I'm going on 64 years now, most folks would've taken their spoils and found a nice hut to settle down in."
Adrac set his tea on the table, exhaling a little as he stared at it. Finally, he looked up, smiling his usual, grandfather-esque smile. "Still, I will thank you young ones for giving these old bones a bit more youth. And I can't let you all loose just yet, can I? You've a few more trials to see through, but given your recent displays... I have little doubt you'll tackle them admirably."

Anthony Read |

The corners of Anthony's lips turn up as he says, "Oh Davi, you've just made me the happiest man alive!" He stops to register the connotations of the phrase he chose. He splutters, "I-I mean... I'm pretty happy that you're going to watch my back. Just a hyperbole. Nothing else meant by that, nope. I'm just going to go over to discuss that thing we were talking about with Tablic." He shuffles away from the table and nearly trips on a chair leg.
He does his best to recover his composure before arriving in front of Tablic. He tries to gain Tablic's attention as courteously as possible, asking, "Err, Druid Tablic? Grimshank and his men have been plaguing the area for a while now, haven't they? It seems like you might need an extra pair of hands or two, what with the Circle being understaffed. Anyway, it would be an honor to work with the Greenfire Circle, if you'd have me."

GM of Liberty |

Tablic glances up from his meal, looking at Anthony thoughtfully. He and his wife are an odd pair: himself dining on a meal of roasted lettuce and millet biscuits with purified water, his wife, a full plate of mutton (well, the bones that remain) and a large beer.
He smiles, and nods. "It'd be an honor to work with the son of James Read. Your father worked with my father once, and achieved great things. Perhaps this is fate? In any case, it may be awhile before we gather any new developments. Once we have some substantial information, I'll be sure to send a messenger."
Ingrid stares curiously at Anthony, eyes drifting from his horns, to his scales, to his tail. Tablic grins uncomfortably. "Oh, how rude of me. Anthony, this is Ingrid, my wife, Commander of the Diamond Regiment, and Eagle Knight."
Ingrid grins. "Pleased to meet you. It's nice to see a group of honorable mercenaries for once. Pretty sure most groups would have grabbed up those items and fled straight for the border. I appreciate you not taking advantage of the Professor's naiveté."
Tablic nods. "In any case, if you need any help from the Greenfire Circle, just send me a raven. They know how to find me, by now."
Meta-gamey translation: Tablic is a level 8 druid and can offer spellcasting to that effect. *cough*reincarnate*cough*
Ingrid stands up suddenly, grabbing hold of Tablic's arm. "You're sleeping in a bed tonight, little bear. Commander's orders."
Tablic smirks. "Well, can't argue with the Commander, can I?"
The pair rush off and upstairs without another word.

Herral Hinn |

"Tis a foine course of action to be helpin' them there druids," Herral stops eating the plum duff and nods to Antony. He barely watches the pair head upstairs.
"I be heading off to see Elsie avter this 'ere puddin'," he adds to no one in particular.

Soroza Alessio |

"A priestess? No, not really. Might have been, had I stayed. I grew up in a temple in Kintargo. We were an "open secret". On paper we were a brothel, but the cover was paper-thin. Fortunately, Kintargo's a bit out of step with the rest of Cheliax's iron fist so the authorities were content to let us be. Still had to be careful, though."
At Sara's comment about only mutton being left, Soroza nods an affirmative and smiles. "That will be perfect."
Returning her attention to Aliciette, she continues. "I worked as a Courtesan in the temple when I came of age. I learned how to fight from an Inquisitor of the faith, but it was nothing official. I was never inducted into the Inquisition."
Soroza adopts an odd expression, something between a wry smile and a glower. "I think I was something of a pet project of hers."

GM of Liberty |
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Sara wheels by, dropping off the last the food from the kitchens. She doesn't interrupt their conversation.
Aliciette gets a big grin on her face at the food then pouts at the first bite. "Ugh. It's cold," she whines. Evidently she's too hungry to care - she eats it anyway.
"A pet project, huh? I'd be happy to be someone's project. My parents don't really give a damn what I do. It's a good day if they can tell me apart from my younger sister. That damn Accerlas girl and the way her father dotes on her when she's basically a bastard, it makes me sick to my stomach." She glowers at the group's table, enviously.
She pulls her chair closer to Soroza, and whispers. "So, you're trained in the temple, right? Do you think I'd do Calistria great honor if I bribed a serving girl to pour this purgative in that halfling's drink to get back at him for dragging me around all bound and gagged? I think so." She grins wickedly, pulling a small vial from a concealed pocket in her front.
A purgative is an old-timey synonym for laxative. *history of pharmacy knowledge drop*

Herral Hinn |

Pudding over Herral finishes his drink and heads outside to see the stables. He pats his jacket and realises he forgot to buy a pipe and tobacco again.
Forgot again. I know you wish to give the smoking a rest me lad but now it would be perfect. Ah well, let's see that Elsie and have a short walk to settle the meal.
An old carrot and apple in hand, the full halfling goes in to see the donkey. He pats it down and brushes the coat after feeding her the fruit and veg. Its a bit halfhearted since the donkey looks well cared for and satisfied, however Elsie nudged him twice when he stopped.
Collecting a few things from the bags, Herral heads inside. He brings the arcane scrolls and whip back to Soroza and Alicette.
"Baint got no use fur these. Reckon you gets a decent second chance and that be clearing us fur the next few months."[/b] He slides the items over to the girls not expecting thanks from the waspish bard.

Herral Hinn |

"Baint got your propar words but least I remember why you doan get no gold back. You bin naughty, Ali. Goodnight ladies."
The halfling grins and gives a low bow before bed beckons. He whistles cheerful as he heads upstairs.

GM of Liberty |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Aliciette rolls her eyes as Herral heads upstairs, then turns to Soroza in a hushed voice as soon as he is completely out of sight.
"Did you hear that? Second chances," she all but spits the words out. "Forgiveness is for the weak. I guess the purgative scheme won't work after all," she says glumly, and sits silently for a moment. Her face slowly creeps into a wicked grin.
"I could poison that pack animal of his. It's worth about the same amount of money as what he stole from me, so isn't that fair?" she asks her fellow Calistrian.

Davi Accerlas |

Davi manages to keep a straight face until Anthony's left the table. Then her will fades and she dissolves into giggles. Oh my. I've got to teach him how to talk to girls.
Although she's exhausted Davi doesn't head off to bed. She watches Alicette and Soroza out of the corner of her eye. If Soroza needs help Davi's ready to jump in. She doesn't trust Alicette, and as she's become quite fond of Soroza she doesn't want to leave the two on their own. For now she nurses her drink and waits.

Soroza Alessio |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

"Love the food, not the chef Aliciette."
Soroza regards the other woman stoically, but not coldly. "Whether or not it 'honors' the Savored Sting is irrelevant: she would take interest simply because it is a vengeance. Calistria hears prayers of revenge from everyone: criminal and hero, faithful Calistrian and noble Iomedean. She does not care who you are or what you do, she cares about the ends you achieve."
She pauses briefly, contemplating her mutton.
"The kind of person you choose to be, Aliciette, is left up to you: Calistria does not care. Are you a woman who poisons a damn donkey because you were fairly bested by a man you tried to waylay? You speak of 'fairness' and 'your own path', but have you been slighted if your own decisions led you to your misfortune?"
Soroza gestures to the tavern around her. "You're out here, in the woods, practically seeking petty squabbles, when a casual conversation reveals deep wounds inflicted on you by your very family. Where is your revenge for that? Or are you worried that endeavor would cost you those posh private rooms and whatever else your station affords you?"
She gets up, mutton hardly touched, and begins to head for bed. "You are a sister in my faith, and I would like to call you a friend, but I would never presume to make your decisions for you."
A morose look crosses her face. "You remind me much of the woman who trained me. Beautiful, skilled, relentless. But I don't think she was very happy."
In the event I failed to make it apparent, it should be noted, by Aliciette and anyone who's caring to listen in, that the woman speaking hardly sounds anything like the Soroza they've spent the last two days around.

Anthony Read |
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Anthony finds himself watching Tablic and Ingrid hurry up the stairs together a little too long. He passes by the members of his party giving them a glancing nod and mumbling something to the effect of good night to each of them.
He's tired and needs a good night's sleep.
As do I ;)

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Adrac chuckles internally at Anthony's earlier comment, before nodding and bidding him a good night's sleep. As Soroza heads to bed, he waves over to her. "Soroza, my dear. A moment of your time, if you can spare it."
Taking back the simple cups he offered Nirashi and Grelm earlier, he puts his away, pulling Grelm's still full cup to himself and pouring some more in the other empty one. If Soroza joins him, he motions to the seat across the small table and slides the new cup of tea her way. "I understand you're tired, dear, and I won't keep you from your rest very long. I simply have something I'd like to ask and, if necessary, something else to impart."

GM of Liberty |
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Aliciette seems taken aback, but the expression across her face is fleeting as it swiftly returns to one of practiced indifference. Whatever she expected Soroza to say, it wasn't that. She rests her elbow on the table and presses her chin into one of her hands. "Hmph. Didn't think you'd be one to champion for the rights of jackasses everywhere, whether they walk on four legs or two," she quips to ease her own discomfort while bitterly trailing her fork through her mutton.
Aliciette usually makes constant, unflinching eye contact, but now she focuses her gaze intently on her food. When she hears Soroza stand up, she calls after her faintly, "...Thanks for helping me out back there." She sounds tired.
A few moments later, Oslter Merinwaite glances up at the wall clock and calls out in a booming voice. "It's 2am! Last call! Last call for drinks before we shut down for the night!" Various patrons begin to stand up and stagger drunkenly for the door. Nirashi finally finishes her third plate and heads for bed, patting her now slightly swollen belly fondly.

Soroza Alessio |

Long day, ears are tired: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Leaving Aliciette, Soroza hoped she'd made some sort of impression, especially given that many of the points she was making were ideas she's still working out for herself.
Passing Adrac, she rolls her eyes slightly at his words. "So the lecturer is to be lectured, is it? Karma is swift for me tonight."
Despite her words, Soroza's swagger returns as she plops down at the table across from Adrac and leans back in the chair, kicking her feet up on the table.
With a smile, "You have my undivided attention."

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Adrac's expression flickers a little, betraying a momentary frown, before smiling that kindly old grandpa smile of his and pushing the tea closer. "No lectures. No lessons. I think today has seen enough education, and you've had a surprising hand in it. Please, help yourself. You'll feel better."
Adrac took a sip of his own tea, setting it down and clasping his hands on the table. "I am well aware that my understanding of Calistrian faith is, at best, lacking. I know it likely clashes with my own to Irori, but to try and sway you would be a fool's errand."
Adrac paused a moment, perhaps inwardly reflecting how to approach things. He'd been paying attention to everyone, and Soroza seemed... troubled. Perhaps envious of something? It was difficult to say, but regardless, he could tell there was something amiss behind her show. Finally, he smiled genuinely, nodding. "I'm sorry to say that your bravado, admirable as it is, does not fool me. I can tell something is troubling you behind that mask. You have the same weariness in your eyes that I do... and I've seen nigh 55 years of swords, sorcery and adventure."
"I simply ask that if anything bothers you, anything at all, that you come and talk with me. Not to be lectured. Not to be taught. Simply to have someone listen and aid you in your burden. I know how hard it is to have no one to speak to about what troubles you... I would not wish for anyone else to suffer that hardship."
Adrac took another sip of his tea, smiling with a satisfied grin before nodding. "That was all, my dear. I imagine you're invested in getting a good rest, so I won't detain you any further."

Soroza Alessio |

"I'm greener than you think, Adrac. Less than half a year since I left home. The weariness isn't my own. It was..."
She sips the tea, and her eyes widen a bit. She quickly takes another, longer sip.
She finishes off the tea, and smiles very sincerely. "I appreciate your concern. I am also not deaf to the wisdom of your years, but I've always been of the mind that you can live an elf's lifetime and it still won't prepare you for facing the experiences of others."
She rises. "That not withstanding, I prefer to build friendships rather than enemies." She gestures to the tea, "You keep pouring... Whatever this is, and I'll be happy to engage in story time."
Assuming no one else has anyting to engage her with, Soroza is off to a well-earned sleep.

Adrac Rhaddyn |

"I bid you a restful sleep, my dear. Tomorrow is another day." Adrac retrieves his cup and places it back in the folds of his robe, before getting up and finding a nice cozy spot next to the fireplace. The embers would be enough to warm him as he meditated.
Welp, that's all I have for the while. I think we can move along to wherever GMoL is bringing us. Probably Falcon's Hollow. Call it a hunch. :P

GM of Liberty |

So you think... so you think! Mwhahaaha
Gradually people filter out from the bar off to bed, whether at the Inn of the Wood or home in their farmsteads. Professor Krane is one of the last to leave, gathering up the Panoply to bring to his room in the Inn.
Sunday, Sarenith (June), 28, 4708
10:22 AM
The group is forced to sleep in to get a good night's rest, since they retired so late that night. They are awakened abruptly by Laurel walking to each of their rooms in turn, banging her fist on the door.
"Get up! Get up! We need to leave now, or else we won't be at Falcon's Hollow until late in the evening! I mean it, I'll leave you behind if I need to!" she barks through each door.
Anthony, Elsie and Tarkus recover 1 HP from resting. Any changes to Anthony or Herral's spell lists?
Tarkus staggers through his door and down the stairs, still shoving his hands into the gauntlets of his scale mail. "Coming!" he grunts.
The bar room is mostly empty. The Company of the Black Banner is nowhere to be seen, having apparently left earlier in the morning to unknown places. Derrak is also gone, having been hauled off to jail cells in Oregent. Tarkus still bears his curved blade strapped to his back, underneath his trusty shield.
Outside, Laurel already has her carthorse, Summit, rigged up to her wagon and ready to go. A light rain continues to fall. It is hot, and humid. Laurel sits in the driver's seat, tapping her foot impatiently.

Herral Hinn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Inquisitor spells are like bards, they can't be changed much.
Herral rises with a happy smile at such a good sleep. He jogs downstairs dressed and ready for action. Judging from the voice Laurel used time is of the essence.
The halfling grabs some food for the road and passes Sara a gold coin and his colourful thanks for so much help. Soon after Elsie is packed and prepared to go. Three apples disappear inside the pair, quickly followed by a dried porridge biscuit and a glug of water.
"Tis a fair mornin' an' we be lookin' at a long step onwards. T'would anyone expect a Black Banner ambush or be they turned tail an' run? That thar Grelm had the look of a return bout. Specially with that thar dagger around."

Soroza Alessio |

Soroza is cheery in the morning, and while she offers a few token gripes about having to get up and get moving, she does not hesitate to get ready and get on the road. She picks up whatever cold, no-prep food she can in exchange for a gold piece and wolfs it down as she hops on the cart.
"They're down half their number, Herral. I think you overestimate either Grelm's bravery or his stupidity."
She adopts a thoughtful expression. "Besides, I'm hoping we gave them plenty to think about.", she says more to herself than anyone else.

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Adrac continues to maintain his meditation as Laurel rouses the group to action. He refuses to budge until he is finished, but finally, he seems to have contemplated enough, and moves to his feet. Having prepared some tea beforehand, he doesn't need much extra preparation as he heads out with the rest.
"If young Grelm is so intent on regaining this dagger, he is more than welcome to it. I would simply like to test him before handing it over, to ensure he is ready for it. Though I highly doubt it. He will return, I have no doubt... but not for retribution." Adrac seems to smile a little at that.
"But I am in agreement with Ms. Laurel. Let us make haste. Every step closer to the Hollow is a step closer to your next venture."

GM of Liberty |

Gotcha, I was thinking they were like paladins
Tarkus clambers onto the cart after Soroza, and nods in agreement. "Aye, in any case, I doubt we'll be seeing them up to no good anytime soon, not after the whippin' we gave 'em." He grins, and pulls his hood up around his face to protect himself somewhat from the rain.
Once everyone is situated on or next to the wagon, Laurel sets off down the road north to Falcon's Hollow. A few hours pass, until it is the afternoon. Tarkus quickly falls asleep, snoring loudly. They clatter along the road past a bare mud bank pierced by many rabbit burrows. There are many tracks in the mud. There is a stray dog digging eagerly into one of the burrows, barking loudly the whole time.
Laurel smiles. “Ah. I wonder if that dog is the one you saved, hmm, Adrac?”

Anthony Read |
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Anthony snaps up from his bed, being woken sharply woken from his slumber. He didn't have time to wash, so he just put on his armor and effects and rushed out the door after Laurel. He studies his spellbook for the first hour of the drive before putting it back in his pack. After a while, he'll ask Laurel, "Do you mind if I sit next to you? I think it would be better for me to keep an eye on things in the front than if I sit inside the wagon."
Once they happen upon the stray, he hops off the wagon and keeps one hand on his weapon, but doesn't draw it. He eyes the dog warily and tries to measure its response as he inches toward it. "Maybe we can get it to move? Lets avoid any unnecessary killing though."
Sense Motive: What is it looking for? Why is it out here?: 1d20 ⇒ 7 Maybe survival would be the appropriate check, but I'm not sure. In either case its the same bonus. Which is none.
Also, I forgot about my Drawback, Doubt. When Anthony fails a skill check, he receives a -4 penalty to his skill checks of the same type for the next hour. I'm not sure if it would have mattered before, but I just wanted to remind myself and ask you guys to keep me accountable.

GM of Liberty |

Dog isn't in the road, he's off the side of the road on a mud bank. Thanks for the reminder about doubt - I forgot about it ;)
Survival is more appropriate but you failed anyway :D
Laurel leans back in the cart and stretches languidly. "Dog isn't hurting anyone, Anthony. Well, except for maybe rabbits."
The dog is too busy digging in the hole to notice Anthony's approach at first, but once it senses the tiefling's presence, it wheels around and growls at him. It holds its ground.

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Adrac quirks an eyebrow at the dog digging, pausing with the wagon as he watches Anthony approach. "Potentially. One never knows. I have learned that one can never be sure how their actions will affect the future... so I try to avoid potential mistakes that cannot be rectified."
His expression grows briefly somber at this statement, as if pondering something long past. However, he shakes his grayed head and snaps out of his trance. "Take heed, Anthony. Low and steady. No sudden movements." he advised, eyes sharpening as he tried to get a good look at what exactly it was digging at. Was something buried in the mud...? And what of the dog itself? Was it injured... sick..?
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

GM of Liberty |

The dog appears weak and sickly, as well as bone thin. There are streaks of dried, red blood around its nostrils. It slowly backs away from Anthony, all the while growling angrily at him. Once it feels it is a safe distance away from him, it turns tail and runs as fast as it can away from the group and the road.
In the mud where the dog was digging appears to be a small burrow, such as what you'd expect a rabbit or small gopher to live in.

Anthony Read |

The dog scurries off and then Anthony loosens the tension in his body. He treads up to the burrow and takes a quick look before reporting back and taking a seat up top. It was likely they were just rabbit holes but it couldn't hurt to take a look.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Soroza Alessio |

"Anthony, I swear your curiosity is as relentless as the turning of the days," Soroza says, with what could only be described as an affectionate sneer.
She hops off the cart and walks up next to the large man.
"What have we here?"
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Soroza chuckles. "Anthony, I wouldn't go sticking your arm down that hole unless your unique heritage has gifted you with a resilience to snake's venom."
She pats him on the shoulder, "Now that the Case of The Non-Descript Burrow has been solved, should we move along?"

Anthony Read |

Anthony sniffed, "There's nothing wrong with being careful." She was right though, he was too curious for his own good most times. As he says so, he turns back toward the cart and sits next to Laurel again. "Sorry, Laurel, I think we're ready to go."

GM of Liberty |

Laurel nods, and waits for Soroza and Anthony to return to the wagon before moving on.
The group proceeds until past 6 in the evening. They round a bend in the road, and finally Falcon's Hollow is in sight. The wagon slowly rolls through the outskirts of town. Falcon's Hollow is a logging town through and through. Most of the buildings have log walls, or are finished with wooden siding. The roofs are covered in wooden shingles. The town is rough-looking for the most part, but some homes feature lovingly wrought ornamentation that shows off their owners' pride: decorative molding, carved cornices, window mullions, and delicate inlays or furniture. The areas closest to the fringes of town are filled with exhausted cutyards chock full of stumps. Sawdust invades everything in the community: it is thick in the air you breathe, and coats the ground like sand would in a beach town. Around Falcon's Hollow the forest flourishes, dark and impenetrable, seemingly eager to consume the town that endlessly assaults its borders.
The buildings are mostly small and humble, save for one the wagon clambers past. More of a stronghold than a mansion, it is surrounded by 10-foot high darkwood walls, and guarded by tough looking thugs. It is lavishly built, and through the iron gates you can spy enormous topiaries cut into the shape of griffins.
The roads are vacant at this time of day, likely because the lumberjacks are still working at this time. Finally, they arrive at a stable, decorated with the pelts of what appear to be enormous wolves. Laurel hands Summit over to the stablemaster, a grizzled old man with a toothless smile, and parks the wagon out back. She returns to the group and smiles.
"Well, we're here! Off with you!" She turns to address Davi and Anthony in particular, shoving 5 gold pieces in each of their hands, as well as a single potion a piece. "Potions of cure light wounds," she grunts if one of them asks. "Payment for your services. I had a lot of time on my hands waiting on you lot while you danced around in the Arthfell. And I figure you'll need them eventually, knowing the trouble you get into, Anthony. If you need me I'll be at my shop, Roots and Remedies. It was nice meeting all of you. Desna smile on your journeys."
And with that she heads off down the road.

Herral Hinn |

"I be thankful to me Lady too, Desna be praised we is here! Tis a pleasure to get here with so many foine folks. Now I gots to find me sis an' her pie business. Look us up, doan be shy, can't be so many of us little uns. Fair rains an' long legs, come on Elsie!"
Whistling the little trader heads away to find his family and explore the little town.

Davi Accerlas |
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Snipped by Herral! I'm ruling that Davi's conversation happens before his because reasons
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Davi tucks the potion into her bag along with one of the gold pieces. The other four she distributes amongst the group, saying names as she presses a coin into each person’s hand. ”Tarkus, Soroza, Herral and Adrac. You earned them as much as I did. I’m keeping the last one though, you got your own coin” She winks at Anthony.
"Now that we're here what's everyone's plan?"

Ford Benett |

Adrac's expression seems to remain neutral as he looks about the new town. He silently looks about, hands behind his back as he studies the populace they pass by, along with the housing. As they pass by the mansion, he eyes the guards, but seems more focused on the mansion itself. "...I've never truly understood opulence in a home. One shouldn't live in a house they can't or don't make full use of themselves." He paused, before reconsidering his words and shaking his head. "Perhaps I shouldn't be so quick to judge. Without the proper perspective, that may be a harsh assessment. Time shall reveal that, won't it?"
After Laurel returns to her shop, he smiles, before turning to Davi. "I believe I still require a guide. I don't suppose anyone here could guide me to the home of one Dalton Rhaddyn, could they?"

Anthony Read |

Anthony immediately blurts out, "I can show you the way, Sir! I don't get much chance to speak with the locals but the village is pretty small, so I know at least where everyone lives. If the rest of you want to take a quick rest or grab a pint, Jack-a'-Napes is just down the road on the way to Dalton's house. He likely won't be home yet, but maybe we can surprise him by arriving before him. Otherwise, we can wait at the Inn for a few, just until the lumberjacks come home. "

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Adrac smiles, nodding to Anthony and stepping to follow him when he moves. "Thank you, Anthony. I appreciate it greatly. I would like to get there as soon as possible, but I am sure you all are welcome to come. I am simply eager to meet my granddaughter and daughter-in-law. I will see Dalton whenever he returns home."

Soroza Alessio |

"A tavern sounds like exactly the place I want to be. Lead on, big guy."
Soroza is then struck by a thought, "Say, you wouldn't happen to know where the best place to pick up adventuring equipment is, would you? I lost my whip back in the fire at Forest's Heart."

GM of Liberty |

The old stablemaster raises an eyebrow at Soroza, having been eavesdropping on their conversation. "A whip, hmm? You don't look like the type to work with livestock, lass!" He chortles. "I have a couple that might suit you! I'll sell 'un for a gold piece." He gestures to a few whips he has laying around on the table. They're a bit worn, but serviceable.
"Hrmmm..." Tarkus digs around in his bag and pulls out a note. "'fraid this is where I have to leave you, friends. I am to meet with an Enora the blacksmith at the High Market and offer my services to her. There's directions in the letter. I'd stick around but I was intended to meet her yesterday, and I don't want to make my first impression any poorer than it is already."
He smiles warmly at the group. "It was great meeting you all. Promise me you'll visit me at the forge, eh? Herral, if you need that dagger resized, the offer still stands!"
After the group says their goodbyes, Tarkus heads off in the opposite direction, headed in the general direction of the great manor they passed by earlier.
Assuming the group sticks with Adrac and Anthony here, since Adrac stated he'd rather go on to see his family and wait there (Dalton's wife is a housewife and is likely to be home, even if he isn't.). If you want to split up (like to wait at the tavern on the way), just say so, but make sure you set up a meeting place and time before doing so it isn't hard to herd you all together again :) But then again, why wouldn't you want to meet his grandbaby? Adrac'll probably serve tea!
Anthony, Adrac, and the rest of the group that accompanies the two leaves for the Rhaddyn domicile, since the old monk is too impatient to delay meeting his grand daughter any longer. Anthony leads them through the town until they arrive at a small, but cozy, log cabin on a street along the River Foam. The river is noisy with the sounds of timber crashing down from upstream to float downriver to one of the many sawmills along the way. It's a wonder that anyone could get a good night's rest with all that ruckus!
If someone knocks on the door: A petite woman with long brown hair done up in a messy bun answers the door, cracking it open only slightly. She is ashen pale and has dark circles under her eyes.
"H-hello? Who's there?"

Soroza Alessio |

Soroza thanks the stablemaster and hands him a gold piece. Pondering the whips on the table, she eventually closes her eyes, spins one full rotation on her heel, and grabs the first one her outstretched hand lands on.
She opens her eyes, tucks the whip into her belt, and smiles at the stablemaster. "This one will do!"
Joining the rest of the group in heading out to the Rhaddyn home, she jabs Adrac playfully with her elbow. "Adding a little more 'oomph' to the surprise by bringing whatever stray cats you picked up on the road with you?"