GM of Liberty |

In all of Golarion, there is nothing quite like Andoran. Democracy first stirred in this land when its people faced with the choice of servility under the lash of Cheliax or the hard road to freedom. Against the armies of Hell and the machinations of princes, against the words of those who were too faint of heart to continue the fight, they gambled with their lives and were victorious. They chose to assert their beliefs for themselves and for their children, neighbors, and countrymen—and in so doing, lit a fire in the spirits of the oppressed across Golarion.
Critics say that Andoran is nothing but a front. That democracy is but a front for a shadowy cabal of the nation's elite. That greed and selfishness is but human nature, whether it's worn by a dictator or a senate.
Andorens are determined to prove them wrong.

GM of Liberty |

It is a comfortable summer afternoon in the Darkmoon Vale. The skies are clear, and the light breeze feels refreshing.
You are traveling with Laurel Gebre, alchemist and resident of Falcon's Hollow on one of her trips to Oregent and back. The ride from Falcon's Hollow to Oregent only takes about two days, but the presence of bandits, kobolds, and worse in the nearby woods are enough that Laurel tends to hire mercenaries to protect her valuable goods. For others, she is willing to allow a friendly traveller to hitch a ride with her for a small fee of a few silver, as long as they don't slow her down, of course. Laurel's cart is empty and roomy, and her coin purse is brimming with gold from a rather successful trip through the Vale cities. Now she is headed home to Falcon's Hollow.
She has been riding from Oregent all day, and looks forward to stopping at a well known inn called "The Inn of the Wood", the only safe place to rest between Olfden and Oregent. It is close to sunset now, and the inn shouldn't be more than an hour away.
Laurel sits in front, directing her carthorse, Summit. Summit is a lovely creature with a high arched neck, golden coat and a white mane and tail. Laurel herself is a rail-thin Garundi woman, dressed in green robes. She has long dreadlocks that she keeps pulled back from her face and she wears a pair of spectacles. Her face is permanently set in a stern, serious expression, one gained from years of dealing with the fickle customers of Falcon's Hollow.

Herral Hinn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The midget halfling with the open smile and bright eyes is walking along beside the cart, pulling Elsie, his feisty donkey with the big box on its packsaddle.
"Tis a foin' piece of walkin' we 'ave dun Madam Lorrel. Tis indeed. Now tell us agin bout them gravy boats an' tarts at thar Woody Inn we be staying with soon?" asks Herral, hoping to soften that alchemists face a touch.

GM of Liberty |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"I confess I've never had much of a sweet tooth, but in the summer we might be lucky enough to find steamed crab and dried radish on the menu." Laurel smiles dreamily.
"Though if it's food you want, Master Hinn, you're going in the wrong direction. The Great Andoran Fair is going on in Almas right now."

Adrac Rhaddyn |

"Oh, one can find many unique things way out here." The almost absentminded musing came from the white-haired elderly man who, in spite of his apparent age, seemed to be keeping up with the wagon and company quite well. "I find that the more isolated locales produce things you can't find anywhere else. Not that a good steamed crab doesn't sound absolutely delicious at the moment."
Adrac smiles as he looks up at the fading skyline. "Ms. Laurel, after tonight, how much longer until we reach Falcon's Hollow?"

GM of Liberty |

"One long day of travel from the inn will get us there. Hopefully not too long after dark." Laurel sighs wearily. "I imagine there will be a line of customers waiting for me when I get home, but I admit I'm already homesick. I honestly have no idea how you adventuring types manage it."
The countryside is beautiful, the group now passing through an enormous plain of wildflowers.
"Master Rhaddyn, what brings you to Falcon's Hollow, again? I suspect it's not to chop timber."

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Adrac's spirit immediately seems to lift at the question, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a folded, clearly well-read piece of parchment. "Actually, my son left home 18 years ago after my wife died. I had feared him lost for good... but just recently, I received notice from him. In Falcon's Hollow. It turns out, he's given up the adventuring game as well, and settled down... and now, I'm a grandfather."
Adrac practically beams at that declaration, unfolding the letter to read it again. "I don't know if you know him, but his name is Dalton. Dalton Rhaddyn, and his wife Sarsia and her beautiful granddaughter, Cassia. Dalton says he's taken to lumberjack work... and I would not wish to deprive him of his new home, but if I can, I'd love to bring them back to Absalom with me. I have so much catching up to do..."

GM of Liberty |

"That's wonderful! Rhaddyn, hmmm? He doesn't sound familiar, but given my trade, that's a good thing. Taken to logging, eh? He sounds... optimistic." Laurel chortles. "It's hard, dirty work. I suppose it's less dangerous than being a sword-for-hire, though, so I can see why he's on the wing."

Anthony Read |

Another of the wagoners speaks up, looking up from his book. He might have been intimidating by his sheer height not to mention his horns and scales. He's been sitting in the empty wagon reading a book until now. "Excuse me," he inquires, "did you say your last name was Rhaddyn?" As in Adrac Rhaddyn? I don't mean to be a, a bother but it is an honor to meet you Sir! I had thought the name to be familiar when I met your son, but I hadn't realized you would be the Adrac Rhaddyn! Oh I've got so many questions! When did you settle down? No, um, how did you escape that Chelaxian Cabal in time to save Amari and Dad--err James?. Where did you get that scar? Is it from fighting with Cadrilkasta?"
I hope you don't mind me dropping names. Just put down a tough bad guys name that popped into my head.

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Adrac nodded, folding the letter back up and walking with a bit more spring to his step. "Indeed. I suspect he's come to realize the same thing I have, Ms. Laurel. When you retire from travels like mine, you come to see things with new appreciation. Me, I'm simply glad to know he's alive, well, and has a family of his own."
At Anthony's exclamation, Adrac turns about, eying the tiefling with a quirked eyebrow. Finally, though, he smiled and reached up to offer a handshake. "The Adrac Rhaddyn? Haha! There's a new one. I didn't realize I had garnered such a reputation." Adrac listened politely to the flurry of questions, simply smiling at them with a chuckle now and then.
"James? Then... you must be Anthony! Well, well, Irori rewards my piety greatly this venture! That's a face I haven't seen in some time. Lemme get a good look at you." Adrac studied him with more scrutiny this time, that content look on his face as he nodded. "As he told me, you've got the enthusiasm to be a great journeyman. I see he's been telling stories on me again."
Adrac chuckled as he looked up at the sky. "No, I actually owe this scar to an owlbear mother. And I owe your father from making sure it wasn't much worse. Let's see... it must've been... 32 years ago? Heavens, perhaps even longer! I recall we were tracking a mayor's lost daughter in his woods out back..." Adrac simply started rambling on into his recollections.

GM of Liberty |

Waiting on Soroza and Davi to check in. Tarkus has stuff going on so I expect him to show up eventually. :)
Laurel listens quietly to Adrac's story, her face nonchalant and jaded. Falcon's Hollow is somewhat of an adventuring hotspot, due to the nearby dwarven ruins in Droskar's Crag, so she has heard enough tall tales for a lifetime. The muddy, rutted trail continues onward north, and the sun hangs heavy in the sky, tinting the heavens in a deep orange color.

Soroza Alessio |

A tall, pale pale woman clad in red leathers accented with yellow silks sits towards the back of the cart, head tilted back languidly over the edge of the cart. She had been friendly greetings and smiles when she joined the group as a passenger back in Oregent, but once they were on the road she almost immediately began dozing. However, as the conversation picks up she stretches exaggeratedly and lifts her head, her heavy, dark hair falling across her shoulders.
"So, it's life stories and introductions is it? I've always been more for a good nap while traveling, but I suppose this will do."
She kicks playfully at the large man with the book, "Do I get all the heraldry, too? Or is that only for those of us who've gone grey?"

Davi Accerlas |

Davi's been hanging at the back of the group since leaving Oregent this morning. She alternates between watching the scenery and scratching Flower, her donkey. As Adrac starts sharing his stories she perks up noticeably. She moves up behind Adrac, Flower trailing behind her, and listens with rapt attention.

GM of Liberty |

The cart trundles ever onwards with Laurel at the helm and her six companions. The dwarf, Tarkus, has been asleep in the cart the entire trip here and it seems that no amount of bumps in the road will serve to rouse him from his slumber. The dark mass of the Arthfell Forest looms just to the west, an ominous wall of unbroken green and shadow.
” It won’t be long now before we reach the Inn of the Wood. It is the only safe refuge in the area, I hope they still have a room or two left for us!” says Laurel.
Rounding a bend in the road, you come across five mangy dogs playing a gruesome tug-of-war with some sort of humanoid corpse right in the middle of the path. Their snarls and barks break the silence of the otherwise calm afternoon. Summit whinnies and threatens to rear up, but Laurel manages to calm her down. The dogs turn to face the group and snarl, but don’t seem willing to abandon their dinner.
”Ugh. Can you all help shoo these creatures away? We can’t afford to let this hold us up past sunset.”
Initiative Rolls
Round 1
1. Anthony
2. Dog 5
3. Dog 3
4. Dog 4
5. Dog 2
6. Davi
7. Herral
8. Soroza
9. Adrac
10. Dog 1
11. Tarkus (Asleep until you check in. Feel free to “wake up” out of order to let us know you’re here.)
Battle Map also in Campaign Info tab. Rolling initiative in Hero Lab because I’m lazy I guess. Initiative is also posted in the campaign tab and is updated to show whose turn it is.
Jumping out of the cart at the bottom (where there are no walls) does not require a roll. To jump over the walls of the cart requires a DC 5 acrobatics check or you fall on your face like an oaf :)

Tarkus Shieldsplitter |

back of wagon
The rumble of thundering snores came to an abrupt halt as the high pitched whinny of a horse mixed with the snarls and barks of angry dogs registered with Tarkus' primal survival instincts. Sitting up and reaching for his axe, only to feel an empty bottle of something that the halfling trader had called "Grammie Van Whipple's cure for all that ails ya". It had tasted like sweet honey going down, but now his headache was worse now than before and it seemed a cat had confused his mouth with a sandbox somehow.
~Maybe next time I won't believe any suggestion of drinking until the last drop for maximum affect.~
His hand finally closing on his axe, Tarkus moved himself towards the punishing sun through sheer willpower and his desire to see what was making all the noise.
Looking at the grisly chew toy the dogs clutched in their midst, Tarkus sighed deeply as he knew that those animals would have to be put down. Once a wild dog tasted flesh, whatever the being might have been, they wouldn't be afraid of going after it again.
"Can anyone...", Tarkus stopped his voice seeming too loud in his ears at the moment. "Can anyone think of a better way to do this? I know the beasts must be put down, but I don't take pleasure out of killing animals that didn't know better."

Anthony Read |

At Anthony's exclamation, Adrac turns about, eying the tiefling with a quirked eyebrow. Finally, though, he smiled and reached up to offer a handshake. "The Adrac Rhaddyn? Haha! There's a new one. I didn't realize I had garnered such a reputation." Adrac listened politely to the flurry of questions, simply smiling at them with a chuckle now and then.
"James? Then... you must be Anthony! Well, well, Irori rewards my piety greatly this venture! That's a face I haven't seen in some time. Lemme get a good look at you." Adrac studied him with more scrutiny this time, that content look on his face as he nodded. "As he told me, you've got the enthusiasm to be a great journeyman. I see he's been telling stories on me again."
Adrac chuckled as he looked up at the sky. "No, I actually owe this scar to an owlbear mother. And I owe your father from making sure it wasn't much worse. Let's see... it must've been... 32 years ago? Heavens, perhaps even longer! I recall we were tracking a mayor's lost daughter in his woods out back..." Adrac simply started rambling on into his recollections.
And with that, Anthony grinned happily as Adrac spoke. Until they were interrupted by the silk-clad woman, he hadn't noticed a thing going on. He looks at the woman and stutters, "Oh-err my a-apologies. I suppose I ought to have thought of the other passengers before-" The grizzly sound of something snapping followed by several growls changed Anthony's attention to the front of the cart.
Laurel was just stopping the cart and dispassionately commanding the group to kill the dogs. No matter how many times he worked with her he could never understand her clinical detachment from the world.
He hopped over the cart's wall easily and dashed in front of the horse, drawing his rapier in his right hand. In his left he free out a small packet from a pouch on his hip. He barked, "Losto Eleari!
A flash of light and color explodes in front of him and into the dogs.
Draw rapier as part of a move action.
Acrobatics Check: [Roll]1d20+2[/roll]
Standard action: cast DC 15 Color Spray including dogs 1-3 in the cone.

GM of Liberty |

Dog 1 Will Save vs Color Spray: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Dog 1 Unconscious Duration: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8
Dog 2 Will Save vs Color Spray: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Dog 2 Unconscious Duration: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
Dog 3 Will Save vs Color Spray: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Dog 3 Unconscious Duration: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
The three dogs in front are overwhelmed by the clashing colors and are knocked unconscious. The dogs in the back sprint forwards and lunge towards Anthony to bite him! Unfortunately for the dogs, Anthony nimbly side-steps them both.
Dog 5 Attack Roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Dog 5 Damage (Bite): 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Dog 4 Attack Roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Dog 5 Damage (Bite): 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Dogs move forwards, attack Anthony. Dogs miss. Davi is up

Davi Accerlas |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Davi lets go of Flower's lead rope and hurries to help Anthony. She draws her rapier in a flash of steel and lunges at the dog nearest to her.
Rapier Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Fumble??: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Herral Hinn |

Round One
Herral shrugs away Elsie's halter as battle is joined. The snarling dogs have teeth bared right before his eyes, making him chill for a second. Then the plucky youngster calls out to Desna and his manner changes to coldness. He calls with one hand on the symbol for holy favour and sure enough the inquisitor is so armed.
Then his morningstar comes out faintly shimmering with the blue steel sheen of divine justice.
Finally Herral steps forwards a little ahead of his donkey, preparing for a fight.
Swift action to get justice judgement, standard action to cast divine favor, move action to draw morningstar, five foot step. Herral is currently at +3 to hit and +2 on damage now.

Soroza Alessio |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Feral dogs? How droll."
Soroza hops to her feet and draws her whip. "I can't believe I traveled half a continent to be set upon by misbehaving house-pets."
Move action to get up from prone (Soroza was pretty well relaxed dozing in the cart). Move action to draw weapon.

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Adrac blinked as he came to a stop with the wagon, hands behind his back as he watched the younger travelers take to the task quite well. He chuckled a little. "Ah, to be young and eager to take on every insurmountable challenge you can find once more."
Clearly not in any hurry, Adrac continued on his way past the mayhem of combat, obviously unfazed by it as he tried to investigate the body the dogs were mauling. "Poor fellow. Let's see if we can't give you a more proper resting place..." Adrac mused, looking the body over.
Double move action to stand adjacent to the body and give it a quick look over.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Tarkus Shieldsplitter |

As those of longer limb, and with less halfling cure alls, raced around him, Tarkus watched as two of the dogs attacked the young mage.
~The lad should use his horns on the dogs. Fight fang with fang.~
Advancing towards them, he tried to focus on the task at hand and not the pounding headache.
Advance 20' and will engage the dogs on Anthony, if they are still there on my next turn.

GM of Liberty |

Adrac Rhaddyn looks the body over. There are a number of wounds on the body, some slashing, some piercing, in addition to the chunks of flesh ripped away from the dogs. The corpse is wearing an old chain shirt and there is a sundered longsword next to the body. His belt pouch has been turned inside out and his belt bears an empty dagger scabbard. There are tracks of many humanoids in the area. Adrac also notices something glinting in a nearby bush.
Glint is designated by star on the battle map. Picking up an object is a move action, but you can just look at it as part of a move as long as you are in the same square.
Round 1 Summary
Anthony Read casts Color Spray on Dogs 1-3, they are now unconscious and blinded and stunned for various durations. Dogs 4+5 attack Anthony, miss. Davi attacks, misses. Herral Hinn uses Justice Judgement, casts Divine Favor, draws. Soroza moves + draws. Adrac moves, inspects body. Tarkus moves.
Round 2 Start
Anthony Read is up.

Anthony Read |

I actually was slightly wrong on the cone area the first round. I should've been one square to the left to hit all if them. Hopefully it doesn't matter, redoing the whole thing would be messy.
Anthony's focus was all taken up engaging the two dogs. Casting another spell might have been foolish. After they snapped their jaws at him without success, he struck the second one with one of his horns. He whirled and drew his rapier, after giving himself a short respite from the animals's onslaught.
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Move Action: Draw Rapier.

GM of Liberty |

The effect was still possible, everyone is just shifted a little wrong on the map, no biggie.
Anthony's lunge is a tad overzealous, and the dog dodges him just in time. The dog to Anthony's right circles him warily, growling, then lunges forward once more, but the tiefling nimbly avoids the attack. The other dog circles around to flank Anthony and bites him in the back, but his teeth can't get through the links of his chain shirt. He lets go almost immediately, snarling.
In the future specify which dog (by #) so it's 100% clear, at least in the actions list.
Dog 5 attack roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Dog 4 attack roll: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 2 = 10
Anthony misses. Bunch of dogs are still unconscious. Dog 5 5-ft steps, bites, miss. Dog 4 5-ft steps to flank, bite, miss. Davi is up

Davi Accerlas |

Davi groans as her first strike goes way over the dog's head. Showing off those professional guard moves eh? She snaps back into a textbook dueler's stance, ready to strike again. But instead of attacking she hesitates. The dogs look half starved; she feels a stab of pity for the brutes. They're just trying to survive.
This time she misses on purpose. She waves the rapier in an fast pattern between herself and the dog and shrieks at the beast. "EEEEEAAAAAAGHHHH! GET OUT OF HERE. GO ON, GET!"
Intimidate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Standard action to fail Intimidate

Herral Hinn |

Round Two
Never one to miss an opportunity, Herral sidesteps and ends up lined up with Antony. He uses the flank effectively, and calls out to the tiefling, "reform when you like."
He stabs down at the inside of the leg, twisting upwards towards the stomach as he expects to cut deep.
Attack 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 2 = 14, damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Soroza Alessio |

It's getting a bit crowded up there, Soroza thinks to herself, reconsidering her whip.
With a shrug she drops her whip and bounds over the far side of the cart, moving between Anthony and Tarkus, drawing her short sword as she does so.
"Sorry, pup. I take no joy in this.", she states grimly as her blade thrusts towards the animal.
Free action to drop whip.
Move action to reach the space between Anthony and Tarkus, making an acrobatics check to get over the side of the cart and onto the ground.
Free action to draw short sword during a move.
Standard action to attack Dog 4 with short sword.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Kn. Local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
"A hobgoblin, hm? Strange... poor fellow looks to have been beset by something else before the dogs got to him... hrm?" Adrac looked up at the glint in the bush nearby, walking over to inspect it.
Picking up the object, he found it to be a well crafted blade, small, but beautiful. He'd seen plenty like these before, and actually had a few relics like it back home in Absalom. But to find one lying about like this. "Fascinating. Well traveled fellow, it seems. Perhaps... he was attacked for this? But if that's the case, why wasn't it taken?"
Adrac placed the dagger in his belt sash, standing back up. "Curious... oh, I apologize. You youngsters having some trouble?" he asked, noticing that the dogs were still gnashing at the rest of the group.

Tarkus Shieldsplitter |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tarkus closed the distance between himself and the sole dog harassing Anthony and prepared to bring his axe down when a sudden bought of nausea came over him and he had to fight to keep his supper from last night down. His axe strike dug a deep furrow into the ground beside the dog and once more Tarkus cursed that thrice damned halfling and his magical elixers.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Avoiding Fumble: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Obviously, Tarkus is still suffering from the effects of our halfling merchant miracle headache cure.)
I went with the rolls from this AM when I thought I wouldn't be able to post in time to keep it fair and to keep the fumble parade going.

GM of Liberty |

Round 2 Summary
Anthony misses an attack with his horns. The two dogs miss Anthony. The other 3 dogs are unconscious. Davi fails to intimidate Dog 4. Herral disables Dog 5 by dealing 6 damage to it. Soroza misses dog 4. Adrac picks up a dagger in the bush. Tarkus misses dog 4.
Round 3 starts.
Anthony Read is up.

Anthony Read |

Anthony whipped his rapier and stabbed at the dog, following with his long horns. After doing so, he called out to no one in particular, "Those dogs aren't going to stay asleep for very long. It'd be kinder to end them now!"
Full attack
Rapier attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Rapier damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Horns attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
Horns damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

GM of Liberty |

Anthony lances the dog with his rapier, drawing a great deal of blood. Anthony follows up with his horns, smashing into the dog, which crumples to the ground before him. The wound is not lethal, and the dog should get up in a few hours or so. Meanwhile, the disabled dog whines pathetically and attempts to flee into the underbrush, limping due to his useless hind leg. Davi responds to Anthony's request to give the other dogs a humane death before they come to. She walks towards the closest dog, and stabs it through the neck through its carotid artery. It bleeds out quickly.
Anthony, Tarkus, Soroza and Herral all have the opportunity to roll an AoO on Dog 5 as it runs away. Decide on your AoO asap, please. The dog cannot simply make a full withdrawal because the effort would KO him.
Anthony KOs Dog 4. Dog 4 is unconscious and stable. Dog 5 attempts to move away. Took Davi's turn for her per request. She performs coup de grace on Dog 1, killing it.
Dog 4 stabilization: 1d20 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 2 - 1 = 19
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Davi crit damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Dog 1 fort save vs coup de grace DC16: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Herral Hinn is up. Don't forget the AoO on dog 5.

GM of Liberty |

Whoops, mulled it over, and remembered cdg is a full-round-action, so Davi can't move and CDG. So amend that to Dog #1 took 8 damage, but is not dead, just unconscious and dying. Davi's crit confirmed due to the +4 bonus she gets for attacking a prone target, combined with the dog having 0 dex for being helpless. Crit table yields con damage and a x3 modifier, from getting stabbed in the carotid. ;)
Crit (x3): 1d6 ⇒ 2
Crit con damage: 1d2 ⇒ 1

Anthony Read |

Upon downing the dog in front of him, Anthony spins to face the now fleeing dog and hesitates for a moment before driving his rapier at the poor creature.
Attack of Opportunity
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Tarkus Shieldsplitter |

Watching the dog fall, Tarkus feels sorrow for the need to kill these dogs, but he knows it is for the greater good. Bringing his axe down quickly, he put the fleeing animal out of its misery.
AoO Mercy stroke: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Herral Hinn |

Round 3
Herral moves forwards over to the downed dogs and smashes at nearest one with his morningstar, aiming for the neck. He stands over the creature in case it tries to escape.
Attack prone dog 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 1 + 3 + 4 = 19, damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Soroza Alessio |

With a frown, Soroza silently plungers her short sword into the throat of the unconscious dog nearest to her.
Full-round action to coup de grace Dog 4.
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Critical Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Adrac Rhaddyn |

"That's enough!" Adrac barked as the others beset on the unconscious and fleeing dogs. The kindly old man expression was gone, replaced with a stern glower as he walked over. "I think you've done quite enough. There is no need to kill the creatures. Especially if they are incapacitated as such."
Adrac knelt down to try and attend to the remaining dog and trying to see if he could stabilize it. "This one is still breathing... I'll move it to the safety of a nearby bush, and leave it something to tide it over when it wakes up."
Untrained Heal Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Tarkus Shieldsplitter |

"That's enough!" Adrac barked as the others beset on the unconscious and fleeing dogs. The kindly old man expression was gone, replaced with a stern glower as he walked over. "I think you've done quite enough. There is no need to kill the creatures. Especially if they are incapacitated as such."
Adrac knelt down to try and attend to the remaining dog and trying to see if he could stabilize it. "This one is still breathing... I'll move it to the safety of a nearby bush, and leave it something to tide it over when it wakes up."
Tarkus sighed at the man's words, torn between compassion and the knowledge there was a good chance the dogs would seek the taste of flesh again.
"When a wild dog has tasted flesh, it is likely to come after it again because the fear of the man is gone. Would you have it come after your grandchild?"
Lowering his axe, sickened by the blood on it, he shrugged his broad shoulders.
"I won't dishonor your wishes, but think on what may be for one who can not defend themselves as you can."
With that, Tarkus reached down and began to pull the dog he had put down off the road and into the woods.

GM of Liberty |

Laurel leans back in her carriage, bemused. The man shows more consideration for dogs than what people give to other men in these woods.
"As long as the way is clear, we can get moving. And the sooner, the better, I'm dying for a nice warm meal. I simply cannot live on dried fruits and jerky."
Dog 1 stabilize: 1d20 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (6) + 1 - 3 = 4
Dog 3 stabilize: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 - 2 = 4
Unfortunately, there is nothing Adrac can do about the two dying dogs. He knows that they only have a minute or two to live. One dog is still breathing and uninjured, only dazed by Anthony's Color Spray. It will likely come to shortly. Laurel seems completely disinterested in the beasts, only eager to get moving.
Combat Ends
Round 3 summary: Anthony KOs Dog 4, which is finished off by Soroza. Davi mortally wounds Dog 1. Herral mortally wounds Dog 3. Dog 5 attempts to flee, but Anthony and Tarkus put it down. Adrac attempts to stabilize the dogs, but fails. Tarkus drags Dog 5 off the road.
It will be 3 rounds before the surviving dog will get up, which is plenty of time to either CDG it, or move it aside and get back on the wagon. The other 2 dogs will bleed out gradually if not given medical attention.

Herral Hinn |

Herral shakes his head at Adrac, and apologises looking down at the dying dog, "t'aint fair by us but them dogs attacked and will do it agen if'n us let it go. We be doing travellers a service now if'n he be put in the ground too."
The halfling drips tears as he watches the poor dog shudder its last with a final whimper.
"Lorrel, you gotten a spade for them remains? Sorry but can't be leaving bodies to corrupt by this here road. My Butterfly Lady would be shaking her head at me." He eventually spouts.

Davi Accerlas |

Davi shakes her head at Adrac "I hate hurting animals. It makes me sick to my stomach. But these attacked us, and any we leave alive will likely attack other travelers. And we can't risk that" Davi walks over to the unijured dog and places her rapier over the creature's jugular. "We can't leave it here alive. So either I finish it off....or we take it with us." She raises an eyebrow at Adrac. "We could tie it up and you can try taming it. But if we're doing that you better get some rope fast, because it's going to wake up soon"

GM of Liberty |

The only living dog stirs slightly, but is clearly still out of it.
Dog stun/blind duration: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Laurel shakes her head, growing exasperated. "What do you take me for, a miner? I suppose if you don't mind the smell we can haul the bodies to the Inn, where they will likely have shovels. Or you can just move them off the road or leave them out for the carrion. It really does not matter to me."