Adventures in Ambervale (Inactive)

Game Master Nicos

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I'm looking for 3 to five people that want to give a try to a homebrew system that allows class customization via a point buy.

Here it is.

As an example of the characters that can be done with the system, I'm currently playing a Rogue with bombs and bardic knowledge while a fellow teammate is playing a light armored cleric with bardic performance.

The campaign will be sandbox-like in nature. Mainly it will be based around small missions or task that leads to short adventures. Each time I will give a list of the available missions and the players will choose the one they like the more. Optionally, the characters can decide to investigate things or areas on their own.

I plan to give good use to random encounters and random treasure generators. Fair and CR Balanced encounters are not guaranteed. I will not follow WBL, the characters could be under or above it depending on their actions and their successfulness.

the setting:

The vale is geographic anomaly where, in a relative small space, coexist several ecosystems and climates: different kind of Forest, tundras, marshes, jungles and even a small desert.

The vale is mostly uncivilized and still wild, having only two "major" settlements in it.

New Aldwall

For decades a nearby kingdom tried to tame all the vale, but all efforts proved unsuccessful. The kingdom then decides to entrench a city and just claim the area around it. The city is famous as a place where adventurers can earn money. The adventuring jobs abound as the city constantly offers new bounties.


Tuskkep is a (almost)Civilized goblin city and it's allied with Aldawll. This alliance is the only thing that prevents the two cities to fall pray of dangers of the vale.

The clans

By far the most common race of humanoids in the Vale are goblins. They are divided in marsh goblins (yellow skin), forest goblins (green skin), Jungle goblins (gray skin) and the most dangerous ones, and luckily the ones that live farther from Aldwall, the tundra goblin of the north mountains (blue skin).

Character creation (the math):

-3rd level character
-20 Point buy for ability scores
-Core races + goblins are allowed without restriction. Other races could be fine as long as you don't start asking for too much options from obscure splatbooks.
-Standard WBl for level 3, but no customized items, plus the following items are banned: ring of def, amulet of nat armor, stat booster and cloak of protection. Instead we will use the following progression

All characters receive the following benefits at levels 2, 6, 10, 14 and 18.
- A +1 Resistance bonus to all saving throws .
- A +1 Deflection bonus to AC and CMD.

All characters receive the following benefits at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20
- +2 to an ability score, +1 to other 2 ability scores.
- +1 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor

Character creation (the fluff):

I'm not particularly interested in your character background. Of course that I will not punish you for having a detailed background, but I'm more interested in who is your character at the present.

What I'm most interested to read is a description of the character personality, goals, motivations and the physical description. A couple of mannerism would be cool too.

Do note that the campaign is based around adventures that want to go adventuring, it is advisable that your character are happy with that idea.

recommendations about the class creation:

You can try a crazy combination of class features if you want, that's part of the fun. But with so many options in PF it can lead to decision paralysis. I recommend A recommend to build around standard class and then change some things a little bit. Like a fighter with weapon bond instead of weapon training.

Already stated what I'm planning, though I think I better understand the rules now and so can build it better. :D

Class Name Loreseeker
Loreseekers are an elite sect of elven warriors who have dedicated their lives to the preservation and discovery of ancient lore. They are warriors who hone both body and mind, training until their weapons are an extension of their own body. Loreseekers commonly act as bodyguards for mages, but they also often are sent out on their own. Just as adept at finding and disarming traps as a rogue, they plunder tombs and raid crumbling ruins, all in the pursuit of knowledge.

Level 1 25 points
* Full BaB (6pts)
* 2 good saves: Fortitude, Willpower (3pts)
* D10 Hit Dice (3pts)
* 6 Skill per level (3pt)
* Majority Martial Weapon Proficiency (2pts)
* Light Armor Proficiency (1pt)
* Finesse Training: As Unchained Rogue (5pts)
* Fast Movement 10ft (1pt)
* Trapfinding (1pt)

Level 2 5 points
* Bardic Knowledge (3pts)
* Weapon Expertise: Wakazi (2pts)

Level 3 5 points
* Studied Target (5pts)

Weapon Proficiencies
1: Dagger (S)
2: Short Sword (S)
3: Longsword (M)
4: Bastardsword (M)
5: Rapier (M)
6: Wakazi (E)
7: Katana (E)
8: Rapier (M)
9: Cutlass (M)
10: Scimitar (M)
11: Falchion (M)
12: Elven Curved Blade (M)
13: Longbow (M)
14: Shortbow (M)
15: Combat Scabbard (M)

0: Knowledge (All) (From bardic knowledge)
1: Diplomacy
2: Intimidate
3: Bluff
4: Perception
5: Stealth
6: Disable Device
7: Survival
8: Use Any Item
9: Sleight of Hand
10: Escape Artist
11: Disguise
12: Ride
13: Acrobatics
14: Sense Motive


20 pt buy
Name: Elthaeron
Race: Elf (Envoy, Disinterested Observer)
Class: Loreseeker
Stats: STR: 10 DEX: 20 CON: 11 INT: 12 WIS: 10 CHA: 10
Feats: Breadth of Experience (lvl 1), Two Weapon Fighting (lvl 3)
Traits: Warrior of Old (+2 Initiative), Anatomist (+1 to confirm critical hits)
Equipment: 2x Master Crafted Wakazis, Master Crafted Studded Leather Armor, 2x Combat Scabbards (because they are cool)


Will add levels 2 and 3 on later as well as magic items.

I picture him as an elven explorer, looking to explore and understand the vale. His goal is to bring knowledge of this untamed land and the goblins who live within back to civilization. He is haughty and can be unknowingly condescending, as he is so certain of the superiority of himself and his people. However, he bears no ill will towards what he sees as lessor races. To them, they are merely another subject to be studied and catalogued. His most prized possession will be his journal and he will try to collect artifacts of scholastic import.

Dark Archive

Dot and brewing up a character!
Will be a catfolk spellcaster going mostly alchemist shapechanger build.

Dark Archive

This is the alias, am building now...

Edit: here is the class so far!

class points and build:
1st lvl:25 pts
Hit Die,8 :1pt
3/4 BaB:3
Martial prof:2 pts
Sorcerer blodline:5pts
Alchemist's mutagen:3pts
Alchemists spells:5pts (cha based, set known)
Trap sence:pt
2nd lvl :5pts
Throw anything:1pt
Alchemists discovery:2pts

3rd lvl:5pts
evasion(doesn't scale):1pt

Use Magical divice

Posting my initial Class Outline

Lvl 1:

Full BAB (6pts)
1 good save (will)
d8 HD - 1pt
6+INT skills - 3pts
Custom Weapon Suite (Exotic) - 3pts
Eidolon - 8 pts
Stern Gaze, Monster Lore, Track - 1pt

lvl 2:

Monk Physical Package (Fuse Styles, Unarmed Strike, Devoted Guardian, AC Bonus) - 5pts
Eidolon Evasion - 3pts
=30/30 pts

lvl 3:

Aura of Cowardice - 1pt
Trench Fighter - 3pts
Naked Courage - 1pt
=35/35 pts

Mechanized soldier/tank/intimidation specialist

I figure this game is encouraged to be silly but if anyone has major objections to advanced/modern firearms then speak up now or forever be silent in the face of BIG STOMPY ROBOT FEET.

Dot. Will try to get something put together this weekend

Hmm. Will try to build something.

Could you take weapon training from say, the Warpriest archetype, while simultaneously taking an ability from a fighter archetype that replaces weapon training? Not sure what to do with it atm, but the question might end up being relevant.

Also, swashbuckler deeds and panache doesn't seem available. Is this intentional?

Edit: honestly not really a fan of advanced firearms.
At east, not when they're optimised to any meaningful degree.

Still definitely interested, I'm finishing up my class hopefully tonight after work. I'm looking to take the Winged Marauder goblin alchemist archetype and expand it to fit all races, and make it a more martial class. I call it the Aerial Ace, and it's hopefully going to be a very mobile class that snipes people from the sky on top of a winged mount. Although since goblins are allowed, I'll probably just make my character a goblin. They're the best race, by far.

I made something that I've had in mind for a while, and have only previously been able to make happen by way of gestalting. Here's my take on a more martial divine caster, fusing Monk/Paladin/Inquisitor together. I included a "Sample" character towards the end, which is the build that I would very likely end up using.

Johnnycat93 wrote:
I figure this game is encouraged to be silly but if anyone has major objections to advanced/modern firearms then speak up now or forever be silent in the face of BIG STOMPY ROBOT FEET.

Wait, is it? I didn't really get that sense, and will probably drop out if that's the case. I'm not really looking for silly.

DM. wrote:
By far the most common race of humanoids in the Vale are goblins. They are divided in marsh goblins (yellow skin), forest goblins (green skin), Jungle goblins (gray skin) and the most dangerous ones, and luckily the ones that live farther from Aldwall, the tundra goblin of the north mountains (blue skin).

Are there by any chance different racial abilities for the different tribes of goblins? I'm interested in playing one, but their racials as written are pretty at odds with my character concept.

Burnscar wrote:

Also, swashbuckler deeds and panache doesn't seem available. Is this intentional?

It's probably priced out like Gunslinger deeds and grit, which would be two secondary purchases.

Argh, I knew I was missing something. Guns are banned, sorry.

Cool. There goes my motivation to play. Enjoy your game.

Burnscar wrote:

Hmm. Will try to build something.

Could you take weapon training from say, the Warpriest archetype, while simultaneously taking an ability from a fighter archetype that replaces weapon training?

I would say yes.

Burnscar wrote:

Also, swashbuckler deeds and panache doesn't seem available. Is this intentional?

That's weird, we have a swashbuckler with ki in one campaign. I'll have to take a look.

YoricksRequiem wrote:

DM. wrote:
By far the most common race of humanoids in the Vale are goblins. They are divided in marsh goblins (yellow skin), forest goblins (green skin), Jungle goblins (gray skin) and the most dangerous ones, and luckily the ones that live farther from Aldwall, the tundra goblin of the north mountains (blue skin).
Are there by any chance different racial abilities for the different tribes of goblins? I'm interested in playing one, but their racials as written are pretty at odds with my character concept.

ACtually, yes, in a sense. Forest goblins are the standard goblins from the book and the ones I've intended to be available for PCs. The marsh and jungle variety are more monstrous in nature, while being a tundra goblin would reveal too much information of those clans to the party.

What about ASF in light armor if spellcasting is taken? Does it depend on the spell list? For example, Bard and Magus spells have no ASF in light armor (in Medium and Heavy with upgrades) and Bloodrager has no ASF in light or medium.

Also, as a good chunk of the treasure will be generated at random it's advisable to not build your character around having an specific magic item.

Madcaster wrote:
What about ASF in light armor if spellcasting is taken? Does it depend on the spell list? For example, Bard and Magus spells have no ASF in light armor (in Medium and Heavy with upgrades) and Bloodrager has no ASF in light or medium.

yes, it depends on the spell-lists you choose.

Cool. I'll make something up on the weekend.

DM. wrote:
Also, as a good chunk of the treasure will be generated at random it's advisable to not build your character around having an specific magic item.

Is item creation banned? And can we but specific stuff somewhere?

Dotting for interest. I'll see if I can't come up with something interesting o play.

Burnscar wrote:
DM. wrote:
Also, as a good chunk of the treasure will be generated at random it's advisable to not build your character around having an specific magic item.
Is item creation banned? And can we but specific stuff somewhere?

Yes to both. Magic item creation will be banned and yes you can buy specific magic items. My idea is to see what can you do with unexpected and unusual items but not to the point of forcing you to wear stuff you are unhappy with.

Dark Archive

Okay, back to work! So, I take it there are no objections? The bloodline spells.... would I add those to my list of spells as the levels progress?
Of course, I only have 6 lvls of spells so it would only go 6 lvls...

Could you use a spell-list from a 9th caster on a 4thcaster?

I'm considering making a 4thcaster alchemist, maybe.

Kitska wrote:

Okay, back to work! So, I take it there are no objections? The bloodline spells.... would I add those to my list of spells as the levels progress?

Of course, I only have 6 lvls of spells so it would only go 6 lvls...

Now that I read more carefully, alchemist have extracts not spells. if you go that route your your spellcasting will obey all the rules from extracts. And yeah, why not? your bloodline spells will go on your extract known.

DM. wrote:
Burnscar wrote:

Could you use a spell-list from a 9th caster on a 4thcaster?

I'm considering making a 4thcaster alchemist, maybe.

Now that I read more carefully, alchemist have extracts not spells. if you go that route your your spellcasting will obey all the rules from extracts. And yeah, why not? your bloodline spells will go on your extract known.

Thanks! Might go ahead with that. I'm still working it over in my head, there's a tonne of opions here. I'm seeing how this system puts together some of the traditional classes, trying to get a sense of how it operates. Turns out you can build an honest-to-god druid fairly comfortably; you'll have to delay Woodland Stride to 6th level, but beyond that it actually gets 11 extra points to play with, mostly spread over the last 10 levels.

I noted something else wierd.
As written, it seems you can just stop paying the cost of spellcasting progression after you've reached your highest level of spells, and keep reaping the increased caster level and extra spell slots for free, since you never reach a point where the progression cuts off due to reaching the next spell level. Is this a bug, or merely a cute feature of the system? I know these rules probably won't ever see high (16+) level play, but it might be relevant for the 4th casters, since they can potentially have reached their 4th level spells at 10th level, if they take the option to start their progression at 1st level instead of 5th.

Burnscar wrote:

Could you use a spell-list from a 9th caster on a 4thcaster?

I'm considering making a 4th caster alchemist, maybe.

Not sure If I'm understanding the question correctly, but you can buy the first 4th level of, let's say, wizard spellcasting and then stop paying more build points. That way your spellcasting progression will stop but you will have the points to buy something else.

DM. wrote:
Burnscar wrote:

Could you use a spell-list from a 9th caster on a 4thcaster?

I'm considering making a 4thcaster alchemist, maybe.

Now that I read more carefully, alchemist have extracts not spells. if you go that route your your spellcasting will obey all the rules from extracts. And yeah, why not? your bloodline spells will go on your extract known.

Eh, this reply was meant to Kitska question.

DM. wrote:
Burnscar wrote:

Could you use a spell-list from a 9th caster on a 4thcaster?

I'm considering making a 4th caster alchemist, maybe.

Not sure If I'm understanding the question correctly, but you can buy the first 4th level of, let's say, wizard spellcasting and then stop paying more build points. That way your spellcasting progression will stop but you will have the points to buy something else.

I was thinking more like 'okay, I bought 4th level progression, but then instead of picking the Paladin, Bloodrager or Magus spell list, I'd pick the first four levels of the alchemist extract list, paying 4 at first level, and then 1 every level after that, as appropriate for a 4th caster'. Given the moderate confusion, and the fact that for 9th level cassters, which spell list you choose determines spell per day progression, I'd lean towards the answer being 'no' myself, but you never know.

DM. wrote:
DM. wrote:
Burnscar wrote:

Could you use a spell-list from a 9th caster on a 4thcaster?

I'm considering making a 4thcaster alchemist, maybe.

Now that I read more carefully, alchemist have extracts not spells. if you go that route your your spellcasting will obey all the rules from extracts. And yeah, why not? your bloodline spells will go on your extract known.
Eh, this reply was meant to Kitska question.

Huh. It read naturally in context. The bloodline comment was a little out of the blue, but otherwise it fit right in as part of the conversation.

Strange coincidence.

Ah well. There's still enough time for you to edit who you quoted in that post, so it's clear to Kitska who you're talking to as well, if you want.

Burnscar wrote:
DM. wrote:
Burnscar wrote:

Could you use a spell-list from a 9th caster on a 4thcaster?

I'm considering making a 4th caster alchemist, maybe.

Not sure If I'm understanding the question correctly, but you can buy the first 4th level of, let's say, wizard spellcasting and then stop paying more build points. That way your spellcasting progression will stop but you will have the points to buy something else.

I was thinking more like 'okay, I bought 4th level progression, but then instead of picking the Paladin, Bloodrager or Magus spell list, I'd pick the first four levels of the alchemist extract list, paying 4 at first level, and then 1 every level after that, as appropriate for a 4th caster'. Given the moderate confusion, and the fact that for 9th level casters, which spell list you choose determines spell per day progression, I'd lean towards the answer being 'no' myself, but you never know.

You can buy first level extracts at level 1, so at 3rd level you will have 3 extracts per day. Then at character level 4 (the same as the alchemist base class) you have to you pay to keep progressing and to gain 2nd level extracts. That up to 6th level extract at character level 16(asumming you saved enough point to buy the spellcasting) or you can decide to stop at 4th level extract at character level 10. If you don't pay for the 5th level extract then your progression ends at character level 12 with 3 4th extract per day.

Here's a submission. Comment/criticism welcomed.

Jak "Red Jaw" Cross grew up fast and mean in the western quarter of the world. He ain't that strong and he certainly won't be winning any drinking games in the foreseeable future. What's he's got is a crap-ton of moxie and the gumption to keep making stupid decisions. That's what makes him a great mercenary. It doesn't matter if the pay is dirt, the terms are bad, or if the work is down right suicidal - he'll take the job. He doesn't do it for the money (as long as he's got the cash to put down for the next run, it doesn't matter what he makes). Jak is an adrenaline junkie, pure and simple. He's addicted to the battlefield and all of its blood soaked glories. There's only one other thing he cares about even half as much: his beloved pet warmachine. The "Seriously Armored M!*%~+&##~~&" (or SAM, for short) is a massive metal fighting machine that Jak has managed to cobble together over the years. In less polite company he calls it "Violator" - and for good reason. Equipped with a high-powered automatic rifle and indirect mortar launching system, SAM has been specifically tooled for frontline shock-and-awe operations. Jak loves nothing more than crashing through the enemy lines and scattering them with a mix of precision fire support and augmented strength while watching as counterattacks are deflected harmlessly by SAMs slopped armor plating. Being in the suit makes Jak bigger, better, stronger, and dammit he just doesn't feel right outside of it!

Robot Slammer Class Summary:
Slammers are fascinated by robotics and related technology; many to the point of obsession. They constantly keep an eye and ear out for the latest developments and innovations, as well as upgrades, modifications of old systems, new perspectives and the concepts behind them. To them, robots are both familiar and wondrous at the same time. Mechanical constructs whose designs and functions are well known and memorized to the most minute detail, yet remain exciting, invigorating, and desirable. It is the Robot Slammers' daring devotion and knowledge of robotics that give them their unique "insight" and an edge in combat. Most can anticipate and out think robot constructs with artificial intelligence and take advantage of the strengths and weaknesses of robot vehicles and power armor. The depth of their study and hands-on filed experience also gives the a feel for military strategy and tactics involving robots and power armour that is (arguably) unsurpassed.

d8 Hit Die, Full BAB, Good Will Save, 6 + INT modifier skill ranks per level.
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Local), Perception, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival, Use Magic Device
Proficient in: light machinegun, machinegun, flamethrower, mortar, revolver, double-barreled shotgun, bastard sword, spiked chain, whip, greatsword, earthbreaker, longsword, battleaxe, short sword, dagger. The Robot Slammer is not proficient in armor or shields.

1st level abilities - Eidolon/Fuse Eidolon (Synthesist Summoner), Stern Gaze, Monster Lore, Track (Inquisitor)
2nd level abilities - Monk Physical Package (Flurry of Maneuvers, Unarmed Strike, Devoted Guardian, AC Bonus) (Monk/Maneuver Master/Sohei), Eidolon Evasion (Synthesist)
3rd level abilities - Aura of Cowardice (Antipaladin), Trench Warefare (Trench Fighter), Naked Courage (Savage Barbarian)

*A note on the Eidolon. The original document prices the Eidolon class feature assuming the standard set-up where it improves the Summoner's action economy. This is not the case for a Synthesist Summoner, as the two creatures share actions.

Dark Archive

Okay, just one concern, do you pay for spells at the levels you would get new lvls of spells, or every lvl?

DM. wrote:
ACtually, yes, in a sense. Forest goblins are the standard goblins from the book and the ones I've intended to be available for PCs. The marsh and jungle variety are more monstrous in nature, while being a tundra goblin would reveal too much information of those clans to the party.

Sounds like human it is, then. That's a bit unfortunate, but I'll persevere.

Dark Archive

I'm going to assume we pay every time we unlock a new spell level...

Edit: here is an update to my class

class Shifter:

1st lvl:25 pts
Hit Die,8 :1pt
3/4 BaB:3
Martial prof:2 pts
Sorcerer blodline:5pts
Alchemist's mutagen:3pts
Alchemists Extracts:5pts (cha based, set known)
2nd lvl :5pts+2
Sneak attack:5pts
Alchemists discovery:2pts

3rd lvl:5pts
evasion(doesn't scale):1pt
Beastmorph mutagen(swift alchemy):3pts

Use Magical divice

After thinking about it... I should get how many games I'm in under control. XD Have fun all!


This is what I have so far for the class writeup, any criticism is more than welcome. The "winged beast tamer" class feature is slightly different than the actual archetype wording. It came from a racial archetype, I just reworded it so that it can be used by any race, instead of just goblins. Let me know if that works. Working on my character now, will have it up soonish.

Dark Archive

alexgndl wrote:
This is what I have so far for the class writeup, any criticism is more than welcome. The "winged beast tamer" class feature is slightly different than the actual archetype wording. It came from a racial archetype, I just reworded it so that it can be used by any race, instead of just goblins. Let me know if that works. Working on my character now, will have it up soonish.

why not name it the "Wind-rider" or "Sky-tamer"

Kitska wrote:
alexgndl wrote:
This is what I have so far for the class writeup, any criticism is more than welcome. The "winged beast tamer" class feature is slightly different than the actual archetype wording. It came from a racial archetype, I just reworded it so that it can be used by any race, instead of just goblins. Let me know if that works. Working on my character now, will have it up soonish.
why not name it the "Wind-rider" or "Sky-tamer"

I dunno, I like "Aerial Ace" as a class name. I envisioned kind of like a WWI-style fighter pilot, except instead of a plane they're flying on an animal, raining arrows down on people. That was the plan, at least. No idea if I actually pulled it off or not. Winged Beast Tamer is just the name of one of the class abilities I used for it.

alexgndl wrote:
This is what I have so far for the class writeup, any criticism is more than welcome. The "winged beast tamer" class feature is slightly different than the actual archetype wording. It came from a racial archetype, I just reworded it so that it can be used by any race, instead of just goblins. Let me know if that works. Working on my character now, will have it up soonish.

Uhm, It seems that the restriction to Dire bat and giant vulture is there as a balancing point for the ability.

  • If you're playing ranged then why invest in Cavalier's Charge?
  • It seems weird that your first level bonus feat is a choice between two feats.
  • Woodsman's skills seems out of place. If it were me I'd consider trying to boost Ride instead of Handle Animal.
  • I think you should look at the possibility of picking up some Hunter abilities to boost your companion.
  • I think your class lacks a big damage booster. Alchemical Weapon is ok, but it doesn't come online for a while. Something like Studied Target or the Divine Marksman's Vicious Aim + Favored Enemy

    Also, have you considered how your character may play when you're in a dungeon or somewhere else where flight is restricted?

  • Kitska wrote:
    Okay, just one concern, do you pay for spells at the levels you would get new lvls of spells, or every lvl?

    Every time you get a new spell level. If you choose not to pay for a spell level, progression stops there. Basically buying a spell level progresses for 1-2 levels and you get extra spels per day, known, etc. and then you have to pay to move on again.

    alexgndl wrote:
    This is what I have so far for the class writeup, any criticism is more than welcome. The "winged beast tamer" class feature is slightly different than the actual archetype wording. It came from a racial archetype, I just reworded it so that it can be used by any race, instead of just goblins. Let me know if that works. Working on my character now, will have it up soonish.

    If you wanted something similar but not locked into vulture/bat then there's a bunch of other options. A Ranger archetype gives a hippogriff, for example.

    Sovereign Court

    Ok, here we go :)


    Sword Saint
    1st level
    Full BAB +6
    Good Fort +0
    d8 hit dice +1
    4+INT +1
    Steel Net +3
    Defensive Parry +3
    Bravery +1
    Nimble +1
    Aura of Cowardice +1
    Armor Prof. (medium) +2
    Weap Prof: Majority Simple +1
    Bonus feat +2
    Swashbuckler's Finesse +3

    Weapon proficiencies:
    dagger(S), club(S), shortspear(S), spear(S), lt crossbow(S), hvy crossbow(S), dart(S), lt mace(S), hvy mace(S), rapier(M), shortsword(M), longsword(M), scimitar(M), longbow(M), Aldori dueling sword(E).

    Class skills:
    Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
    Knowledge (Local)
    Knowledge (Nature)
    Sense Motive
    Sleight of Hand

    2nd level
    Swashbuckler Weapon Training +5

    3rd level
    Bonus feat +2
    Uncanny Dodge +3

    Sovereign Court

    Couple of questions:

    Traits? Drawbacks?

    Also, what about Prestige classes?

    hit points per level (rolled, average, max)?

    Sovereign Court

    Here is Devon, this is with the assumption of the standard 2 traits and average hp.


    Devon Pratt
    Human Sword Saint 3
    NG Medium humanoid (human)
    Init +4; Senses Perception +7
    Aura Aura of Cowardice 10'
    AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 22 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 shield, +1 defl, +1 dodge)
    hp 24 (3d8+6)
    Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3 (+1 vs. fear)
    Defensive Abilities defensive parry, nimble, steel net, uncanny dodge
    Speed 30 ft.
    Melee mwk aldori dueling sword +11 (1d8+5/17-20)
    Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 7
    Base Atk +3; CMB +54; CMD 19
    Feats Crane Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Slashing Grace[ACG], Weapon Focus (aldori dueling sword)
    Traits bruising intellect, sword scion
    Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +7, Diplomacy -2, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Swim +7
    Languages Common, Dwarven, Orc
    SQ swashbuckler finesse, swashbuckler weapon training
    Other Gear +1 mithral chain shirt, mwk buckler, mwk aldori dueling sword[ISWG], 425 gp
    Special Abilities
    Aura of Cowardice A sword saint radiates a palpably daunting aura that causes all enemies within 10 feet to take a –4 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. Creatures that are normally immune to fear lose that immunity while within 10 feet of a sword saint with this ability. This ability functions only while the sword saint remains conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.
    Bravery (Ex) Starting at 1st level, a sword saint gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 1st.
    Crane Style Fight defensive pen reduced to -2. When in style, dodge bonus increases by 1.
    Defensive Parry +1 (Ex) +1 bonus to AC against melee attacks after making a full attack.
    Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
    Nimble (Ex) At 1st level, a sword saint gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the sword saint to lose his Dexterity bonus to AC also causes him to lose this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of +5 at 17th level). This ability counts as the Dodge feat for prerequisites.
    Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
    Slashing Grace (Aldori dueling sword) Treat chosen weapon as 1-handed piercing weapon and can add Dex instead of Str to dmg.
    Steel Net (Ex) A sword saint can throw up a blazing wall of steel to defend himself. When fighting defensively as a full-round action with a dueling sword, the sword saint’s penalties on all attacks in a round are reduced by 2, and the dodge bonus to AC is increased by 2 for the same round.
    Swashbuckler Finesse (Ex) At 1st level, a sword saint gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and he can use his Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a prerequisite for combat feats. This ability counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.
    Swashbuckler Weapon Training +1 (Ex) At 2nd level, a sword saint gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with one-handed or light piercing melee weapons. While wielding such a weapon, he gains the benefit of the Improved Critical feat. These attack and damage bonuses increase by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd level (to a maximum of +5 at 18th level).
    Uncanny Dodge (Ex) At 3rd level, a sword saint gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to armor class if immobilized. A sword saint with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to armor class if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him.

    Galahad0430 wrote:

    Here is Devon, this is with the assumption of the standard 2 traits and average hp.

    ** spoiler omitted **...

    CMB +54?

    Galahad0430 wrote:

    Couple of questions:

    Traits? Drawbacks?

    Traits yay, drawback nay

    Galahad0430 wrote:

    Also, what about Prestige classes?

    The rules doesn't cover it, yet at least.

    Galahad0430 wrote:

    hit points per level (rolled, average, max)?

    Rolled or average, as you wish.

    Galahad0430 wrote:

    Ok, here we go :)

    ** spoiler omitted **

    DO note that you can't take class features before the normal level that you would take it in the corresponding class. Swashbuckler weapon training have to wait to character level 5.

    And for the swashbuckler panache and deeds, lets say that they obey the same rules for the Gunslinger grit and deeds.

    Sundakan wrote:
    Every time you get a new spell level. If you choose not to pay for a spell level, progression stops there. Basically buying a spell level progresses for 1-2 levels and you get extra spels per day, known, etc. and then you have to pay to move on again.

    That doesn't seem right.

    If it was, Paladin casting would cost

    3pts at level 1 + 1pt at level 4 +1pt at level 7 +1pt at level 10?
    Total 6 points.

    While Magus casting would cost
    5(1st) + 3(4th) + 3(7th) + 3(10th) + 3(13th) + 3(16th)
    Total 20 points.

    And full on wizard casting costs
    5(1st) + 4(3rd) + 4(5th) + 4(7th) + 4(9th) + 4(11th) + 4(13th) + 4(15th) + 4(17th)
    Total 37 points.

    This doesn't really seem right, since the document states that full casting costs 90 of your 120 total points over 20 levels.

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