Osuki Nijena |

It's night, the moon is up. They've been up since dawn, done a lot of traveling and some fighting. I think it's fair to say that the GM is hinting that it's getting late. :-)
You move at half your normal speed while following tracks (or at your normal speed with a –5 penalty on the check, or at up to twice your normal speed with a –20 penalty on the check).
Which means that the enemy is getting further and further away, moving faster than we are, for as long as Hezar chooses to track (something he can actually do (REALLY well, actually)) them, rather than stop and think about where they may be going, and then ride there at full speed, instead.
He's also apparently prepared to do this all night ("I'll not stop"), which has every likelihood of having the party encounter the enemy fatigued, and without the other benefits of having rested, when and where the enemy decides to ambush us (quite probably after they have rested) - all of which make it that much more likely that the party will die.
All of this, because he thinks his way - tracking them - is the only way to do it. Thus, it's reasonable for someone to argue that it is true that he's hindering, rather than helping. To say "it's not true" is to state Hezar's (absolutely justified - especially if he's hurting over Belina, and feeling at all responsible about it, and doubly so given no one else has provided any alternatives) opinion. But that doesn't make him right.
Very glad no one is mad. :-)
Nijena looked to Rylind and to Bane. You have been in these lands for some time, have you not? Where would demon worshipers, dragging a hostage, be running to, down this road?" She nodded down the direction Hezar was walking. He was right about that much, at least. There was no need to actually stop moving while they talked.

DM Locke |

Greetings! I am glad cooler heads have prevailed. For Hezar's part, I'm sure he's just roleplaying a character who fears he will never see his beloved again - which would be agonizing, and would make anyone he perceives as standing in his way someone to be dealt with. Having said that, grabbing another character and tough talking them is the sort of thing that can really be incendiary, and should be discussed ooc as to assure there will be no hard feelings between players. I'm glad that's the end of it for now; any further discussion about it should go in the ooc thread, please.
Shiang looks up at the moon. Selune is of little help tonight, I fear. I, too, will follow you, Hezar, but if the trail grows cold, or we lose sight of it in the dark, we must be prepared to wait till light.
Local knowledge: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Kane scratches his head, thinking. That estate to the west catches my interest. It is - was - abandoned, last I knew. It's family driven from the premises by a particularly unpleasant haunting, if memory serves. The sort of place a cult might operate from... The words hang in the air as Kane turns his eyes to the cobbled road leading to the gates, watching as Hezar's tracking skills take him down that road.

Hezar |

Why did you wait until now to say something. Hezar says quietly We could have been there. Let's move. If anyone must rest then say so. If not we ride.

Osuki Nijena |

Nijena followed Kane's gaze. Her eyes narrowed. She wasn't entirely ready to trust Shiang - or Kane, by association - but she couldn't very well change her tune now, just because they were the source of information.
"Hezar," she said, "lead, and I will follow you. Perhaps we may yet interrupt any unpleasantness our foe had planned for this night."

Matthias Valbrand |

"If that's our best bet, then I say we take it," Matthias agreed, since Hezar's tracking skills appeared to confirm the route. "Not knowing Hezar's prowess at tracking, they may believe they have lost us at the crossroads. We may be able to ambush them, if we are careful," he suggested, riding ahead to tell Hezar what Kane had told them.
Edit: Sigh. I type too slowly.

Hezar |

how far is it Kane. We can get close and those of us who are stealthy can see what we can find.

DM Locke |

The gates to the estate are not far, perhaps 500 feet from the road; the cobbled path leads to an iron gate, maybe eight feet tall. An iron fence, overrun with vines and weeds, surrounds the entirety of the small estate. The grounds look to be dominated by a large stone manor house and a smaller stables to the east. There is definitely light coming from at least a couple of the windows.
The gates are locked with a thick iron chain and a large padlock. It's easy to see that the lock is well-used, and recently, being devoid of corrosion.
You see no signs of activity in the grounds surrounding the house, but visibility is poor. Where once well-tended topiaries stood, the foliage has become wild and overgrown. Good cover for infiltration - and for hiding sentries.

Hezar |

Do we need to create a diversion for the less stealthy if us, or should we all try to sneak in? I suspect it will not be possible to get in without setting off an alarm but I am happy to try. For a diversion Appllo can certainly do that.

Davin Greyhill |

"If the cultists are performing a ritual, a frontal assault could certainly interrupt it, but then they might kill any sacrifices they have out of spite, or force a hostage situation. So stealth for as long as we can manage it, is really our best option."
Davin drew his bow and arrow.
"A dog barking might work as a distraction for one guard, while someone else moves in to silently end the threat. But the rest of us will need to move in quickly should it go awry."
Basically, stealthy folk try to get the drop while the walking tanks provide backup. It's bound to fail sooner or later, but the consequences won't be too dire when they do.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Kevkas the Battle Oracle |

Wow, that was a lot of posting. I don't want to backpost, but I'd like to establish that Kevkas moved to be nearby and behind Hezar if the grapple turned into a fight.
"Frontal assault, I can do." The big half-orc grins and draws his greatsword.

Osuki Nijena |

"I can be useful with either force," Nijena said, as she unrolled a scroll from her belt. "I can see in the dark, so may be useful with my crossbow, or sneaking in to close range." She looked to Kevkas with a wry smile. "I am usually the "subtle" part of the team."
"Oh, one more thing. I can create light, should we need it. For a little more than half of a candlemark"
She'll cast Mage Armor on herself from the scroll (CL1, so 1 hour duration). She also has a scroll of Gravity Bow, if folks want her to snipe with her crossbow, for some reason.
EDIT: And she means she can cast Daylight (60' radius) for half an hour (a little more, actually, but she doesn't really want to tell Shiang everything she can do, just yet).

Hezar |

so shall I send Apollo to the far side to make a ruckus?

Matthias Valbrand |

"You're calling the shots, Hezar. Do anything you think is needed," Matthias said, getting his mace and shield in hand. "Just remember that anything they hear on the inside will put them on alert. Give Kevkas, Kane and I the signal, and we'll push in."
Matthias can be ranged support with his crossbow instead if you want.

Hezar |

that was me asking what the plan is. I don't know everyones skills. are we settled on Apollo making a distraction and us trying to move in, or are the heavy hitters going with Apollo, or are they going to be a third group. I think we need a little meta discussion here

Davin Greyhill |

"Yeah, have the pup holler and see who we can draw out. If we see someone, the quiet ones can move in. If things go wrong, the rest of us charge in."
Team Apollo: Apollo. ;-)
Team Backstab: Janires, Hezar, Nijena, Osuki, and I guess Shiang, assuming he's stealthy.
Team Thunder: Matthias, Kevkas, Davin and Kane.

Kevkas the Battle Oracle |

Kev shrugged. "I'm not getting over that wall in this." He knocked an armored knuckle against his breastplate. "It's splitting our force, but sending around a team to scale the far wall makes more sense to me than having the sneaks and the hulks both try the same spot."

Hezar |

Shiang, Kane what do you think?

Osuki Nijena |

Nijena had been examining the situation as the others talked. Before Shiang or Kane could answer Hezar's question, she spoke - not interrupting, but seemingly just thinking out loud.
"The house," she said, "It backs onto the wall. Makes the entire yard - and any defenses therein - redundant. Get into the back wall, get into the house." She looked at the others, the scroll still unread in her hand.
"If we all go to the point on the wall where the house meets it, the stealthier of us checking for guards, of course, we could climb up there. Secure a few ropes, bring up those of us in armor, and then scout the house. It would be better if we made as little noise as possible, for as long as possible. If we startle them, they may harm or kill Belina before we are able to get to her. If we are together - or at least all inside the walls - before they know we are here, we will be able to strike harder and get to her more quickly."

Hezar |

Hezar considers. Let's move. I will carry Apollo up, we might want the ability to track by smell.
Hezar leads the way keeping and eye out for guards
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25 stealth +2 if human is observing
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17 percep +2 vs human

DM Locke |

Another possibility, Shiang muses, would be to scout the perimeter of the fence and see if there are any area where we could break through - rust, for example, or other existing areas. If it could be done quietly, we could enter the compound and use the overgrown foliage to our advantage. At the very least, our more armoured companions could take this route. Cover sometimes trumps stealth.
As far as you all can tell, you remain undetected....

Hezar |

so we make it in throigh the gate? Or you mean upbtonthoabmebt we are not detected?

Osuki Nijena |

Another possibility, Shiang muses, would be to scout the perimeter of the fence and see if there are any area where we could break through - rust, for example, or other existing areas. If it could be done quietly, we could enter the compound and use the overgrown foliage to our advantage. At the very least, our more armoured companions could take this route. Cover sometimes trumps stealth.
** spoiler omitted **
As far as you all can tell, you remain undetected....
"Either way, we need to get moving. Let us follow the wall around - at least to the back of the manor." With that, Nijena nodded to Hezar to take the lead.

DM Locke |

Just to make it easy for me to understand - are you guys splitting up into two teams? Stealthy ones making their way around to the back of the estate, more heavily equipped ones staying put and/or readying to make a break through the gate? Your plan has me a little confused, but I'm sure I'll get it if it's explained nice and slow to me :-)

DM Locke |

The night is still, save for the singing of the crickets and the occasional clank of armour as you make your way around to the back of the compound.
There are still no signs of activity evident from the house as you approach the rear. The plant life is even wilder back here, with overgrown grass and weeds supplementing the cover provided by the vines on the fence and the untended topiaries. The back of the house does not meet the fence, as you thought, as there is at least a twenty foot gap between the house and it's perimeter. Your trip around the compound is not in vain, however; several of the gates' upright posts have been torn out of the ground, leaving a gap that can be exploited. Entry will leave anyone exposed for a few moments until they can reach the cover of the untended shrubberies.

Osuki Nijena |

Nijena froze, eyes locked onto a side window. After a moment, she frowned, then whispered to Kevkas.
"There was a man... I think. At the side window. I was sure he was watching us, but... now I see nothing. He looked very old, and thin... almost dessicated. I do not know if what I saw was real, or something else, but I would suggest that we proceed as if we are expected."

Matthias Valbrand |

"I'm not exactly the right man to scout stealthily," Matthias whispered to Hezar, gesturing at his brightly polished heavy armor. "If there are guards, they might best be dealt with by someone less noisy and shiny than those among us who are heavily armored. Do you want to go through the shrubs and have a look, or should we just try to take the building?"

Hezar |

Can anyone provide some magical cover? Mist or smoke?

Kevkas the Battle Oracle |

Kevkas grunted. "I can, but a fog appearing out of thin air might as well announce that somebody's coming, and where they are. You sure you wouldn't much rather me wait?"

Hezar |

if ninjena is right they know we are here. At least this will keep us from attack right away and then we can move out of sight.

Kevkas the Battle Oracle |

Kev shrugs. "One trumpet blast, coming up."
DM, how big is the area we're talking about? Would a 20' radius fill the whole courtyard? Alternatively, could a 20' radius cast on the near side of the house cover all the windows facing our entry point?