[5e AL] A City on the Edge [Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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Fortune and Glory. A call has been sent to brave souls who wish to venture to Port Nyanzaru to assist representatives of each faction in exchange for a handsome reward and the chance for untold discoveries and hidden wonders in the exotic jungles of Chult. The party may also have heard of the mysterious “Death Curse” that plagues the populace.

Death Curse:

This is a special thing they are doing for this season:


The Death Curse
This mysterious curse has afflicted all creatures, spreading
fear and panic amongst the populace. For informational
purposes, the players can be made aware of the following:
• Any creature whose hit point maximum has been reduced
to 0 (via life draining or similar effect) will die immediately.
• Permanently reduced hit point maximums cannot be
• The dead cannot be brought back to life by any known
means (resurrection, raise dead, etc.).
• Those that have been previously resurrected begin to
physically wither and eventually waste away.

This is actually 5 mini adventures, each with their own XP and story rewards. It's rated as a 4 hour adventure. So, assuming a good pace, I think we could be done around April.

1st through 4th level AL legal. I'll take 7 or however many are here after a week of recruitment time (...end of Valentines day, break up with your boy/girlfriend if you need to).

Meatgrinder Mode:
Also, as an option, you can play in this special game mode. Death saves normally rolled at DC 10 are instead rolled at DC 15. The benefit is that you get 10% extra XP and gold.

This will be my first time DMing an AL game, but I'm not new to DMing in general.

I'd like a slot! My first character just hit level 2 and I need to rebuild him first.

Indeed, its Scramsax I was hoping some of you guys would pop by. :)

The Exchange

SodiumTelluride's submission

Shaldinari will be a 1st level Warlock. I'll get her sheet up tomorrow morning.

Grand Lodge

Woo hoo, GM Infinity! Right on! I have played through, so I shouldn't, but have fun!!! I love this one...

Interested. Would prefer meatgrinder mode.

Caster, its each individual players choice, so you can choose to do it and others don't have to etc.

Gotcha, thanks.

I've never done AL before so I'll have some questions if I end up doing this. But I'm a huge fan of 5e and it sounds quite intriguing.

First question: In AL, do characters always start at level 1 or can I bring a character that I've level up to 5 in AL play to a different, level 5 AL game? The FAQ made it seem like AL play always starts at level 1 unless you have earned xp by DMing or playtesting, which is not how I'm used to thinking about xp.

Ok...can not pass up a game with my favorite DM I have Ammon here who is a level 2 warlock who would like to join...just have to check his stats because I think I only partly leveled him after his last game due to the DM not continuing the game...will check and see

caster, you can usually do that but there is one restriction: level. This is a Tier 1-4 meaning only characters levels 1 through 4 are eligible. So, you'll need a different/new character...that level 5 one won't work.

You don't always have to start a new character, you keep track of xp, gp, and downtime between adventures on a log of some sort.

Cool. So since I've never played AL before I'll need to start with a level 1 character. I definitely would like to play. I checked out some of your previous stuff and the cheers for GM infinity seem supported. =D

Grand Lodge

I've only had him as a player, but I am glad he has a good rep! I am so excited to have more AL DMs!

Thanks guys! Full disclosure though Aeshuura's awesome game was my first time playing AL, and as mentioned this is my first time DMing AL. So you never know, it could be awful. As long as there are no mounted elfs we probably have nothing to worry about...

Liberty's Edge

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Awwwwww...I want to play a mounted elf!!!

caster4lyfe here about halfway ready with my ghostwise halfling druid.

Coolness, if you have any questions fire away. One thing you might not be aware of is that the ghostwise subrace requires SCAG to be your +1 resource.

Liberty's Edge

I'm looking to give 5e and AL a shot. Would this be a good first adventure?

Yes, its actually designed as such from what I understand.

I'd love to get in on this game, if you have space left. I'd like to play a Goblin Open Hand Monk, but, if that is too weird, I can do something else.

Ok thanks. I didn't get the PHB +1 rule now but it makes sense to prevent all sorts of unforeseen madness. I'll stick with SCAG. XGE has plenty of tempting spell options but I'd have to change my character concept significantly if I switched races.

Edit: I'm done now and good to go. Info is in the alias. Do you want me to put it into a certain format, like an AL character sheet linked to the alias? Also, I fill out the logsheet after we play this, yes? Since it would be considered a single session? Also, would you like us to write up some backstory/personality beyond the basic background mechanic?

Goblin Open Hand Monk

No problem, its AL, if its legal it can play. I'll check it out when you get some stats up. I love 5e monks.

I didn't get the PHB +1

Yeah, another thing is it encourages people to make new AL characters when a new rule book comes out, since once you pick your +1 you can't change it.

Sorry I edited my post with some follow up info/questions before I saw your reply. I dotted and deleted in gameplay to make it easier for me to keep track of the posts here. I hope that's ok even though I haven't been selected yet. Just making it easier for me to see what people say here.

Thanks Nella, in my opinion/view, a player's character sheet is for the player, so any format you choose works. I personally need very little to DM 5e characters, just race/class, level, stats(str, dex, con, etc), hp, ac, and proficiencies. Anything else is derivable. I would offer though that you are careful about inventory.

Logsheet, yes you will fill it out after. This scenario is actually 5 "mini" sessions. You guys will get tons of downtime.

Background/Personality, it is not a requirement for AL. Again just my personal view (and basically 100% of people disagree), but I think characters are born out during play rather than before play. If it helps you to have a little guidance written down somewhere, go for it. You should at least have a 5e background chosen though since those have mechanical consequences. These actually break the +1 rule and can be from any source.

Ok I think I'm good with all of that, especially playing out the character rather than planning. Were you making a statement about my particular inventory or just in general? I have logged pretty carefully how many cp I have after buying a few items with my background gold but maybe I missed something. I am carrying a significant weight but it's less than the 15xstr rule, which is very generous.

This would be my first game on this board. Is there a way to fill out a character sheet here, or do I make one somewhere else and send you a link?

Haha, no just in general. I didn't see that, awesome.

Captain Coffee wrote:
This would be my first game on this board. Is there a way to fill out a character sheet here, or do I make one somewhere else and send you a link?

There isn't really a way on the boards but you can include info in the alias you create for the character, including a link to a character sheet if you like to have things organized on an official 5e sheet.

GM Infinity wrote:
Haha, no just in general. I didn't see that, awesome.

Cool! Thanks.

Grand Lodge

Captain Coffee wrote:
I'd love to get in on this game, if you have space left. I'd like to play a Goblin Open Hand Monk, but, if that is too weird, I can do something else.

Chult has the Batiri goblin, and so you would have to use the Volo's Guide to Monsters as your +1 resource. But it is possible!

Coffee, to make an alias, click My Account at the very top. In the Messageboard Aliases section of the page that appears, click Make new alias. Then open the profile for that alias and edit in the text for your character info.

Shaldinari's profile/sheet is up. I did leave the backgrounds off (except the profession) because I agree and like the idea of having those develop during the game.

Spike the Goblin's profile is up. I'll have a more complete character sheet finished tonight.

I would love to get a shot at this I love 5e though I am not familiar with Adventure League play.

Grand Lodge

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Gnomezrule wrote:
I would love to get a shot at this I love 5e though I am not familiar with Adventure League play.

You can get all the player's info here.

Aeshuura wrote:
Gnomezrule wrote:
I would love to get a shot at this I love 5e though I am not familiar with Adventure League play.
You can get all the player's info here.

Thank you.

I am looking at the materials now.

Question for the DM

The guide mentions using the standard array or the method from the PHB. Is rolling okay?

Grand Lodge

Nope, rolling is not an option for Organized Play. You need to choose array or point buy.

From the Player's Guide:
"Your character’s ability scores are generated using one
of the following methods:
• Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)
• Variant: Customizing Ability Scores (PHB)."

When you check the PHB the 2 methods are using the array or rolling 4d6 drop the lowest 6 times.

I am cool either way but the guide lists more than one method.

Grand Lodge

From the rules:

Variant: Customizing Ability Scores
At your Dungeon Master’s option, you can use this variant for determining your ability scores. The method described here allows you to build a character with a set of ability scores you choose individually.

You have 27 points to spend on your ability scores. The cost of each score is shown on the Ability Score Point Cost table. For example, a score of 14 costs 7 points. Using this method, 15 is the highest ability score you can end up with, before applying racial increases. You can’t have a score lower than 8.

I do not think that you went down far enough to see the variant...

Aeshuura wrote:

From the rules:

Variant: Customizing Ability Scores
At your Dungeon Master’s option, you can use this variant for determining your ability scores. The method described here allows you to build a character with a set of ability scores you choose individually.

You have 27 points to spend on your ability scores. The cost of each score is shown on the Ability Score Point Cost table. For example, a score of 14 costs 7 points. Using this method, 15 is the highest ability score you can end up with, before applying racial increases. You can’t have a score lower than 8.

I do not think that you went down far enough to see the variant...


My screen view was page width. I didn't see that. Thank you.

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Personally, I'm generally pretty happy to use the point-buy option unless the rolling option is significantly higher on average. Even then I tend to roll pretty terribly. That's why I'm happy to have the halfling "lucky" trait.

My character sheet is done and added to my profile.

At this point its looking like...

Will play
Dwalar - 2 paladin
Shaldinari - 1 warlock
Ammon - 2 warlock
Nella - 1 druid
Spike - 1 monk


Recruitment is still open, I'm taking first 7 complete submissions.

This is Aamon (Daniel Stewart)

Ok, well as we have a warlock just starting out, I want to switch to a fighter going arcane archer (2nd level)

This is him here...just need to make sure I have all his paperwork and such.

Liberty's Edge

What do I need to complete a submission? Like I said, I've never played AL before.

Grand Lodge

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Follow the link I gave for character creation rules, then make an alias with your character stats and abilities so that the DM has easy access to your character info.

Or if it is difficult to find, click here.

Liberty's Edge

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Thanks Aeshuura. I'll get something up tonight after work.

I'll likely be playing a human barbarian.

Dan, cool. I feel like warlock is the most popular 5e class.

Feral, if you need more help or there is anything confusing there feel free to ask.

This is Gnomezrule's alt. I have not finished up the history yet but I wanted to get things up.

Where in Faerun should we consider ourselves starting?

Good question, you can literally be from anywhere. This adventure starts on a boat coming into Port Nyanzaru, which is on the north side of Chult. It is the major trading hub of all of Chult.

Chult is sorta like Ancient Mesopotamia + Flintstones. Ziggurats. Crazy Avatar-like jungles. Dinosaurs are as common as horses. Reminds me of Joe and Mac from the original NES.

If you continue with this season of AL, all scenarios are set here (like Tome of Annihilation).

This is Feral's character. I think I'm ready.

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