GM Infinity |

That is entirely up to you all and one of the things you can discuss as I look over everyone's crunch. The basic premise is that faction leaders in Chult are offering major rewards to adventurers for assistance (irrespective of the player's faction) in finding the cause of the Death Curse and eradicating it. Foreigners are absolutely flooding into Chult for the first time in many years, and everyone is very much on edge.

GM Infinity |

Nella, all set.
Spike, equipment missing. Ok otherwise.
Feral, what background did you choose? Might be a mistake in your skill choices. All good otherwise.
Davin, same as Feral, looks like maybe you have an extra skill. What background did you take? Also, not sure what is up with your stats, is that a holdover from a previous build? Even making that 18 a 15 its 36 pt buy...supposed to be 27.
Others coming shortly.

Bjorn Stonehand |
I preemptively apologize, I'm super new to 5e. I believe I picked entertainer which gave me acrobatics and performance.
I'll have to review when I get home but I but I believe my skills were something like this:
Background: acrobatics and performance
Barbarian: intimidation and athletics
Variant Human: perception
My point buy was:
Strength 15 (9 points) + 1 race + 1 feat = 17
Dexterity 12 (4 points)
Constitution 15 (9 points) + 1 race = 16
Intelligence 9 (1 point)
Wisdom 10 (2 points)
Charisma 10 (2 points)
That should add up to 27.

Spike Servant of Ilmater |

Yeah, I copy pasted the stat block from a Myth Weaver Character sheet and didn't look at what popped up too much. There are a few things I need to add. I'll get those tonight or tomorrow. Not that my equipment matters much. I plan to fight unarmed and unarmored.

Shaldinari Vec |

Shal, I might be missing something but I think your Survival is -1 not +1? Otherwise rad.
Sorry about that, I was playing around with a couple of different backgrounds. Forgot to switch it back. Fixed now.

Bhoors Thistledown |

Apologies all around for the late arrival. I have been busy the last day or so and was not realizing we had kicked off yet.

GM Infinity |

Usually the AL scenarios don't have much of a prologue and just jump straight to the quest without much ado, but this one does since its sort of the intro to the season. Plus its 5 mini scenarios.
You guys can still make tweaks to characters if needed before we really start (which will happen after you choose one of the forthcoming rumors to investigate). Also, after each mini scenario you will be able to completely redo the character if you wish keeping all gained xp/gp (as unrealistic as that is, still a totally legal valid option).

GM Infinity |

One other thing for those of you with faction ties, you might not have found this (its sort of buried in the guides) as a rank 1 initiate (which you all are) you have a faction insignia that proves your membership:
Faction Insignias
Faction: Item
Harpers: Pin
Order of the Gauntlet: Pendant
Emerald Enclave: Leaf Clasp
Lords’ Alliance: Signet right (symbol palm side)
Zhentarim: Gold coin (stamped symbol)

Bhoors Thistledown |

Yeah I was checking back way a lot. I am glad I wasn't the only one.

Bhoors Thistledown |

Harbor Ward - Bhoors
Zindar nods offering "So, you've not heard of the curse? It was first noticed among those who had been resurrected by divine magic...they were all withered and wasted away again to the dark. Soon after priests discovered their raising prayers were unanswered. There doesn't seem to be any precision in the affliction...it is simply affecting all life on the Chultan peninsula."
You answered a question I was going to ask.
I honestly had no idea how I was going to play this character prior to starting to type yesterday morning. I figured bard urchin cool. Once I started typing this strange Aladin/Captain Jack Sparrow half-elf character emerged.
The question I was going to ask is if I had to be aware of the curse or have actually received a summons before arriving. Because by the time I stumbled into writing. I went with the flow. At this point I think its the most fun if Bhoors literally stumbled into the adventure. Not that he will let that slip. If pressed Tymora sent me.

Bhoors Thistledown |

As I mentioned in my long post. My misadventures in the Market Ward were "re-acquiring" my starting gear. While doing my intro I couldn't imagine the captain returning things to me so I opted for just pants.
I had some fun writing the post trying to go where the dice left things as it was starting gear I didn't wait for DM adjudication. I just waltzed through town an agent of charm, chaos and guile.
Going forward I imagine you DM will adjudicate what I find and if I am successful.
I'm looking forward to seeing what I found on Manny.
For my starting gear. I did not bother to get the 2 costumes from the beginning "entertainers pack." I just didn't see that as a part of Bhoors' act. I did mark in Italics where I found the items. Just incase there are in game consequences for my actions.

Bhoors Thistledown |

I am fairly sure that's the longest post I have seen on the boards, glad you are having fun. And yes, we have yet to begin the "official" AL play so don't worry about stepping on anyone's toes just yet.
I hope it wasn't too long.
Highlights I got my stuff back and rejoined the group. If they will keep me around.
In related news. I added some bits to my profile regarding backstory. I am hoping to find a profile pick as cool as the picture I linked in my profile.

Bhoors Thistledown |

That would be cool.
One more question. My background as an urchin left me with a pet mouse. Can I have a completely the same stats pet with a cuter tail like a Chinchilla.

Bhoors Thistledown |

Thank you.
I will go with a squirrel for a pet. That way my new avatar is not completely irrelevant.

Bhoors Thistledown |

I found this funny.
The same artist that drew the picture I liked that you added to the tiles.
Drew This
Its apparently the same dude (Bhoors) in various outfits. The first in the picture is not unlike how Bhoors looked when they pulled him up from the Bilge. Verses the second in the picture which is how he looks sitting in the Thundering Lizard.

GM Infinity |

As we go through official play, don't bother tracking gp earned/found or magic items/treasure...that's my job. Whatever happens the gp gets divided evenly at the end between everyone, and we decide* about magic items.
Actual purchases are on the honor system, ie its something you track. Your logsheet has a value for starting gp and ending gp, and you subtract whatever at that point.
In the current situation, I have a feeling whatever bet happens here you will make it back one way or the other...
edit:*if the party cant decide, there is a systematic way AL determines who gets what loot. Mutual agreement is supposed to trump that.

Bhoors Thistledown |

I was actually planning on loosing cause that can help me keep attention less threateningly.

Bhoors Thistledown |

What's the name of the ship we came in on?

Bhoors Thistledown |

The One-Eyed Plankton
Hopefully they won't run afoul of the Krusty Krab Pirates.
Bhoors actually has pity for the poor guards. The captain really hated Bhoors. At worst they cross town and waste there time. At best the captain brings them aboard puts them in the bilge and brings them back north when they ship out.

Bhoors Thistledown |

Bhoors has set the bar high...and I think it brings the creative juices flowing for everyone...or is that just me?? lol
If I may suggest Inspiration for Bhoors for his Rping so far??
Too kind.
GM Infinity hit me with it early on.
I need to use it.

Bjorn Stonehand |
My biggest beef with 5e thus far, beyond dexterity being ridiculously strong, is rage becoming a minor action. Is there anyway to reduce it to a free action?

Bjorn Stonehand |
Deterity just does too much for free in 5e. It provides AC, a more relevant saving throw, a bigger suite of skills, and it applies to attack and damage at zero cost.
I built Bjorn to be a rough and tumble barbaric brawler who uses a weapon in a pinch. He's built with strength and constitution because it fit him as a brawny Uthgardte. Mechanically, he'd be significantly stronger if I dumped strength and went all in on dexterity. That seems silly. In 5e, the iconic barbarian in a loincloth is actually a waif with maxed out dexterity and constitution.
As I understand it, bonus actions are equivalent to swift actions in Pathfinder as in you only get one per turn. Bjorn can't rage, attack, and use his tavern brawler feat in the same round because tavern brawler is also a bonus action. Do I have that right?

GM Infinity |

Not sure how a dex barbarian is stronger, you lose everything from rage except the resistances. You also lose reckless attack, which is awesome. Seems you only gain some AC, which isn't that major since you take 50% damage from stuff that hits AC. Just my opinion.
On the tavern brawler you are right, can't rage and do a grapple as bonus while also attacking. I didn't realize that's what you wanted. You could rage and grapple normal though, or attack normal and grapple. Is there a pathfinder build that can rage, attack and grapple at level 1? (probably) Barbs get extra attack at 5th that would let you do all 3.