Natalie Saratov |

Natalie spends a moment composing herself again before she walks back to the towards the group. Despite being a little scared still, she walks over to the horse to pat it.

Ikit the White |

Ikit coughed and sputtered as he tried to thank Goruum. But his lungs did not want to cooporate at all. Leaving him even more bedraggled than before
-Posted with Wayfinder

Anastacia Stormwing |

Anastacia takes a moment to sit, bedraggled on the bank. "War trained. war trained he said..." Anastacia spits into the flooded stream, in the general direction of Avalanche.
The cleric stands up and walks to a position opposite Wilhelm. "Wilhelm! I seem to have mislaid my horse! Could you be a dear, and bring the hammer-headed nag across to me? I think I've had enough swimming for today."

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

I was merely contemplating the vagaries of my kingdom's waterways and how to combat them. Or something...
Wilhelm finds himself bewildered and torn in many directions at once as his trusted advisors and friends spill one after another into the water. By the time he has recovered and made a plan of action, Gorruum had saved many from the rushing waters and Anastacia had made her own way to shore. Flushing and muttering a curse under his breath for not acting sooner, he interrupts his self-beratement to shout a reply to Anastacia, "Of course. Let me gather him and I'll come right across."
Once he sees that Gorruum has Pruett's rescue well in hand, he gathers Avalanche's reins and starts to cross.
Ride: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 For Avalanche. If it needs to apply to Triumph, I have a +4 bonus.
Ride: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 Another ride roll if the first fails and it didn't dump me in the drink and I need another.

mdt |

Triumph swims across the river...
Triumph: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
...and makes it look like child's play. Unfortunately, Wilhelm get's partially knocked off the saddle by the water, and by the time Triumph staggers up onto the shore on the other side, Wilhelm is hanging off sideways on his horse, one leg trailing in the mud.

Natalie Saratov |

On the way back Natalie walks over to Wilhelm and offer him a hand to get safely down from his mount "My you look terrible, my dear lord. Let me give you a hand getting down properly." she says holding her hand out to Wilhelm.

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Dangling halfway off his horse, coughing and spluttering from his dunk into the raging waters, Wilhelm makes a bedraggled sight that doesn't befit his station. He accepts Natalie's proffered hand and manages to drag himself upright enough to get his feet under him. Disentangling his leg from Triumph's stirrup, he replies with a smile ruined somewhat by a track of mud on his cheek, "Thank you, Natalie, your help is greatly . I'm sure that I'm a far sight from presentable right now, but given this armor-" He raps a knuckle on his full plate armor, "-falling off of Triumph would not have been good. Let's get Pruett ashore and then we can talk to these gnomes."
Wilhelm wades into the shallows no more than ankle depth and helps the thoroughly soaked bard to his feet as he swims to shore. He quips, "I'm glad that you're all right, the disappearance of another Lebeda under my stewardship would have been difficult to explain." He nods to Gorruum as the boggard somes ashore, "I'm glad you were here, Gorruum. This might have been a real disaster if not for your assistance." Clapping the boggard on the back, he proceeds to make his way to where the soaked gnome is sitting, saying, "I'm sorry that we didn't meet under more auspicious circumstances. I'm Wilhelm Orlovsky, Baron of Domierov. I'm glad that we could see you to safety, though we still have the matter of your wagon to attend to. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"
Str check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 Hopefully ankle deep water doesn't have THAT high a DC...

Gorruum |

Gorruum nods enthusiastically, "Gorruum good swimmer. Hooms and horses not so good." He waits for Wilhelm to finish addressing the gnome to make plans for the wagon.

Natalie Saratov |

Natalie smiles at Wilhelm "You are still good looking with that spot of mud on your cheek... Being presentable is a matter of opinion and who you are dealing with. I'm sure if you where to go and parley with the kobolds or similar, the mud would help out, but for these gnomes perhaps a quick wash would be good!"
As Wilhelm walks over to the river again Natalie turns to talk with the gnomes, but are interrupted as Wilhelm quickly turns his attention towards them also.

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Before going and speaking to the gnomes.
The corner of Wilhelm's mouth quirks slightly to form the semblance of a smile at Natalie's compliment, "I'll be sure to keep the application of mud as a negotiating tool in mind. If you think I've too much or too little on my face, feel free to let me know discreetly."
Still around and curious how the gnomes react. Probably better if we did the wagon first, honestly.

Natalie Saratov |

"I will do that as quitely as I can Wilhelm. Do you reckon we should get the last wagon over before they will talk with us?" Natalie asks pointing towards the other side.

mdt |

The other 8 gnomes seem happy that the wagon is at least safe, even if it's still on the other side of the road. The lead gnome, who's face is rapidly swelling up from hitting something in the river, stumps over to Wilhelm. "Yah, I know who ya are. I'm Jubilost Narthropple, I'm in charge o' tha expedition. Ah'm thankful to ya frogman, but Ah need that wagon, and mah ponies can't haul it over anymore, not after your frogman chopped the yolk off. Ah'd not ask for help, but Ah figger ya'll's man damaged the wagon, Ah need yah ta either fix the wagon, or haul it over with your draft horses so me an mine can." He looks meaningfully at the ropes still attached to the wagon. "Then we can talk."

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Wilhelm nods to the gnome in reply to his introduction, "That's fair enough. We'll see what we can do about getting it over here. By the way master Narthropple, the 'frogman's' name is Gorruum."
Turning to his companions -Fhârn in particular- Wilhelm asks, "So we have the wagon secured. Would you kindly direct each of us wherever we need to be on our horses, Fhârn? We'd best see about getting this wagon over here before the day's done and I gather you had some form of plan."
Wilhelm is gonna pitch in where he's directed to by Fhârn. That will presumably be hitching the rope to Triumph and then pulling on the wagon when directed to (after Gorruum/the others are in place). Do we need a CMB check to secure the rope to the horses? I can assist with that (taking 10 if I can for 21).
CMBs: 5d20 ⇒ (6, 7, 15, 9, 10) = 47 If I can't take 10, here are a few rolls that need a +11 each.

Fhârn |

"Indeed. Our end will be quite simple, merely providing power. The tricky part will once again fall on you Gorruum; to steer the wagon." Fhârn directs the placement of the horses, a bit angled up against the stream, and waits for the ropes to be secured in this end - and Gorruum to get into position.
Basically, I think the plan is as mentioned above: horses pull and Gorruum steers. And we pray ... :P Unless someone got something more solid?^^

Gorruum |

Gorruum makes an odd burbling sound that might be some sort of the laugh, "Frogman. Like frogman. Wilhelm right. Frogman Gorruum. Not sure how Gorruum chopped hoom's egg, but Gorruum steer." Gorruum goes hopping into the water once again to help steer the wagon. Showing off, he nearly gets caught by an unexpected eddy, but recovers to make it to the wagon once again.
Swim: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (2) + 17 = 19

Natalie Saratov |

Natalie goes over to her horse to guide it to pull once she gets the signal from Fharn handle animal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20 "Hey girl, you're gonna help us pull this wagon. And afterwards you get a nice piece of sugar."
[ooc]Prepared the check to have the horse pull when ordered to.[ooc]

Ikit the White |

Ikit scurries over to the banged up gnome. He digs a few things out of his satchel, pours a few bits and bobs into an empty vial and hands it to the gnome
"Ikit fix face face. Not taste nice nice. But fix quick quick!"
Green contents, and not too pleasent odor from the vial. But the expression on the rat's face is sincere.
Infusion CLW. If he does drink it CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
-Posted with Wayfinder

mdt |

I need handle animal DC 12, and then STR checks from the animals, DC 15
The gnome gives the vial a suspicious sniff, but drinks it. Almost immediately the swelling begins to go down.
"Thank ye, Ratman. I give ye a 9 for effectiveness, and a 2 for taste."

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21 Included the +4 for being my animal companion
Strength: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 Recalcitrant nag...
Having secured the rope assigned to him by Fhârn, Wilhelm leads Triumph to the directed location and orders his companion forward, "Hup, Triumph. Let's get this thing across." Despite his master's urging, Triumph makes little headway against the rope, perhaps tired by his ordeal in the river.
Got some more rolls below in case you need it.
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 Included the +4 for being my animal companion
Strength: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28 Included the +4 for being my animal companion
Strength: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21Third time's a charm?

Anastacia Stormwing |

Handle animal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Avalanche is still panicky. Anastacia continues to try to soothe the wild eyed horse.
Handle animal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
The beast senses the frustration building in the cleric, he grows more agitated.
Handle animal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Anastacia realizes what the problem is. She meditates, calming her mind. Then, with her emotions calm, she is able to coax the horse to have an apple. She rubs the creature's neck and forelock, and murmurs meaningless words until Avalanche is calm enough to mount.
Safely set in her war saddle, Anastacia calls on her goddess for aid. "Though the river runs wide and deep, so does your grace and power. Oh Great Pharasma, show us today, the width and depth of your power. Grant your strength to this, my simple steed, that he may draw yonder gnome's cart across the torrent, and all may marvel at your greatness."
Anastacia casts Bull's Strength on Avalanche.
strength check(Avalanche): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Natalie Saratov |

Str check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
The horse begins to pull the rope tied to it.

Fhârn |

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Taking 10
Handle Animal: 10 + 3 = 13
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Handle Animal: 10 + 3 = 13
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
"There we go!"

mdt |

It takes a few minutes, but the group manages, with Gorruum's help, to get the wagon over the river without tipping it or sending it tumbling down the river.
The gnome nods as it rolls up onto the bank. "Flarga! Sneeed! Get to work replacing the yoke yon froggy broke. And run up a new pair of traces for the ponies! Livren! Go get those worthless ponies and get them calmed down and back here where they belong. We're making camp here tonight, everyone else get the tents and fire set up, we've got wet people who need to dry off!" The gnome bellows out orders and the other gnomes jump to and begin running around doing all the things they were told to do.
Turning to the group, the gnome nods. "My thanks for the help, might have lost the supply wagon if not for you folks. You're welcome to share the fire with us tonight, in thanks."

Natalie Saratov |

Natalie nods at the gnome "Much appreciated I think we might take you up on the offer, but I'll let the Baron have the final say on the matter. But I have gotten curious about what kind of expedition it is you are undertaking, if you don't mind me asking." Natalie welcomes the thought of a warm fire after this ordeal and a chance to listen to the gnomes work.

mdt |

"We're here to survey the Stolen Lands. The sword lords decided to open it up without even knowing what is here." He makes a noise of disgust. "Might as well open up your long lost uncles home and let people take what they want and drop a few coins on the way out."

Fhârn |

Fhârn chuckled at the gnome's annoyance over the sword lords. Gnomes have a reputation for being a bit on the hoarding side. Interesting to see in action...
"That practice is not totally unknown among the rest of us either, I'm afraid. Not that I know of many uncles with any treasures hidden away."
He paused and switched topic, jumping over to the really interesting one.
"I have myself taken up some efforts to start up the surveying and cartography process - and I know Lord Rowan have taken a quite personal interest in the task as well."
The heavens know it feels odd to talk about friends with the prefix lord. I wonder if I ever get used to it?
"Now, the good lord have been quite busy lately with his other duties but I could write you a letter to my chief cartographer."
As if I had more then one!
"Perhaps access to what maps and data we have will aid your quest - and both I and the country of Domierow would be quite pleased of whatever knowledge you are able and willing to share."
Fhârn grinned and finished his pitch with a small bow. Small runes of comfort and heat materialized around him, responding to a quick chant.
"Now, let us see if we can't try and cheat with that drying eh?"
Prestidigitation to start drying up the wet gnome's clothes, unless he protests of course. Do you want a diplomacy roll for that offer btw mdt : )?

Fhârn |

Oh you say that ... :P
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 + 5 ⇒ (18) - 1 + 5 = 22
I have to double check *exactly* how Raiment of Command works, but I don't think the save is for the simple +skill bonus. Otherwise there might be a DC 14/15 (can't recall atm, will check at home!) Will save vs that +5 bonus :P
Edit: OOh nice roll : ) And if there is a save, it should be DC 14. But note sure if there is .P

Anastacia Stormwing |

"It's easy enough to hand out deeds and papers on things you don't really own." Anastacia gives an ironic smile. "Possession is nine tenths of the law, it is said. These lands are plagued with bandits and worse. The fey folk hold sway here as well. This not the house of a rich uncle, it's a well worn battle field. Anyone who dares to travel in these lands best be prepared for every kind of trouble, writ of the Swordlords, or no."
Anastacia turns away from the lead gnome.
"I'm going to gather firewood."
Anastacia, true to her word, hunts around the campsite for dead and down limbs and branches to feed the fire through the night.
Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Apparently this is a popular stopover. The place seems to be picked clean.

Pruett Lebeda |

Pruett offers the Gnomes Prestidigitations and Mendings where needed. "Just to ensure that you folks want not."
Pruett also offers Cure Light Wounds if anyone is hurt, and Grease for wagon wheels if needed.

Natalie Saratov |

Natalie looks at Anastacia walking around picking up any firewood. "Let me help you Anastacia, you seem to have you mind in other places.
Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
She starts pointing at wood for Anastacia to pick up while she herself take her part of it.

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Wilhelm joins Fhârn, looking a little wet and bedraggled, just as the wizard-knight makes his offer to Jubilost. He nods his agreement with the plan, adding, "I'm afraid I'm inclined to agree with Anastacia on this. I don't have any uncle who's so crude as to keep some of the beasts and folk we've met in our travels in his home. That being said, we'd be happy to trade what knowledge we have of the area with you, as Lord Uðrrúna has said. At the least, there's some trouble that would best be avoided that we will tell you of regardless. When we're dry and by the fire, we'll point them out on your map. I'd also be happy to see you in Zatoksta when you are done with your exploration, should you wish to make the trip."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16 Aid Another to give Fhârn a +2.

mdt |

"Bah! Ah didn't come doon here fer fancy pillows an sheets! I cuuld have had thot in Brevoy!" The gnome responds to the offer to visit the capital. "And Ah dinnae give out me knowledge for free. But, Ah will trade ye strait up. And Ah'll sell ye information if Ah have it and you dinnae... even give ya the family rate, since ya saved the wagon." He nods, and calls out to one of the younger gnomes. "Brycin! Gimme da blank map of da area!"
As the rest of the gnomes set up camp, and help Anastacia find firewood (apparently there was plenty, she just missed it all), they also dig out a table that's got two legs longer than the other two, so the surface is slanted about 20 degrees. The gnome unrolls the map of the Stolen Lands on it, and clips it down with little metal clips on the table. "Now then, Ah've done a bonny survey so far. Ah know of most if nae all de landmarks nearby. Ah also know quite aboot bout the area. So, what have ye knowledge of on yon map? Ye no have to tell me where it is, tell me what ye know of. If Ah know of it, Ah'll mark where tis, and we both know we both know. If it's not somethin' Ah know of, Ah'll trade you somethin' Ah know of. After that, Ah'll offer ye things Ah know of for a price that you don't."
Up to the group what you admit to knowing about on the map, and what you don't. But anything he doesn't know of will generate an trade of info you don't know of...

Ikit the White |

ikit will describe the area around his previous warren if that helps
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Gorruum |

Gorruum puts down a big webbed hand to the west and says "Boggard chief here. Many boggards. Chief bad. Beat Gorruum. Eat little people."

Fhârn |

"Oh, I think you may have vastly overestimated the fanciness of our pillows. They are not *quite* at the level of a worthy pilgrimage yet." Fhârn chuckles. "No, I was thinking that a visit to our small map archives would be tempting-" aka a small chest probably :P Mayhaps for us to acquire some of that useful-but-not-adventureworthy map info like where all the nice fertile ground is or what bend of the river is suitable for a bridge or something : ) "-but a fair trade here works just as well I suppose. Now, let's see..."
I don't think we have that many places we want to hide? Perhaps only the kobolds - but they'll probably find them anyhow and it might be better if we warn first!

Natalie Saratov |

Natalie looks over the map and points to to place where she met the others. "Should probably mention this place is a ruined village, which you should never try to enter. It's being controlled by a rather powerful fey, that is best avoided at all cost. The whole region kinda have something against us, but I don't know if you gnomes can travel there safely from them." After this she prepares to take notes on what ever infomation the gnomes will offer them.
I havn't been here so long but the places we have been since I joined certainly doesn't qualifies as something to be hidden from them.

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

No goblins this time. I just got stuck at work until really late and didn't have time to do a solid post as I had to look up some stuff.
Wilhelm chuckles in reply to the gnome, "Fair enough, no fancy pillows for you. If nothing else we would welcome you to join us for a meal and a tankard of ale." He listens as his advisors rattle off a list of the areas they've explored. He chimes in when Natalie is done, "Yes, I'd be wary here-" He gestures to the southwest of the village Natalie points out, "-as there are certain fey we encountered who I'm not sure would welcome visitors. The swamp southeast of there is also dangerous, though likely less after we destroyed the scythe-tree that had made its home there. There is a glen to the north east of the swamp that you may well wish to be cautious of as well. At the least, don't disturb the trees. More fey have made it their home and are... ready and willing... to defend it."
He pauses, looking over the map and struggling to remember what else they've encountered. "Here, to the north, we encountered a few troll brigands D16 or so and I might imagine more are lurking about. To the east of that -here or so-" He gestures towards a point east of where they had encountered the trolls, "-there is a temple where a ferocious man-turned-bear once lived. We were not aware that he was cursed at the time, so sadly we were forced to put him down in self defense."
Looking further to the east on the map, Wilhelm pauses, clearly thinking for a moment, "These lands are within our domain, but there is a band of kobolds here that you would do well to avoid for now. They have been friendly in the past, but they were rattled by the recent arrival of the trolls I mentioned. We will see how things go in the future, but my hope is that our liaison will be able to settle things amicably. I believe that covers most of what is worthwhile. Everywhere we have been there has been wildlife that is threatening, so be wary for that."
Giving up basically everything we know, but only giving a part of the story with the kobolds, as it really isn't any of his business what our diplomatic relations are. Just so long as he doesn't blindly wander there.

mdt |

The gnome nods. "Hmm, some of those Ah knew of, some Ah didn't. Ye gae me three Ah didn't have, so Ah'll give ye three ye don't know abboot. Ah know a three others that ye don't know about beyond t'ose, if ye want to pay for em. Ah'll give ye the family rate since ye saved me wagon, 500 gold per."
He marks on the map to the southeast of where the Sootscale clan is. "There's be an old barrow here, a grave site. Looked like it belonged to a noble o some kind centuries ago. Didn't grave rob it, and there was signs of a haunting, so we dinnae do a full survey of it."
He touches the island in the middle of the lake to the southeast of the mad hermit. "There be an island in the middle of the lake here, and there's a tall tower built on it. We dinnae have a way ta reach the island, so Ah can't tell you much about it, but it looked old, possibly elven. Might be people there, was lights in the tower at night."
He touches the map between the island with it's tower and the Stag Lord's fort. "There's an old witch what lives here. Dinnae enter her fence withou her permission, the old scarecrow'll lop yere ears off." One of the gnomes nearby, who happens to be missing an ear, curses out loud causing several other gnomes to laugh. "Ring the bell if ye want to talk, and best have a silver tongue." He looks up, while one of his assistants is making notes on what the group told him. "Ye wanna buy the other bits or nae?"

Natalie Saratov |

Natalie listens carefully scripting as much of this new infomation into her journal as possible. "Thanks for the infomations, it'll help us greatly to know what we are going into in these areas."
After thanking the gnome she walks over to Wilhelm and speaks quitely to him. "These infomations is rather good, but I'm curious about those three pieces he has left out. As you spymaster I would love to get those, but I can't blame you if you don't want to pay him for them, sooner or later we will propably get them anyway, so I'll leave the decision in your capable hands."

Gorruum |

Gorruum sticks out his tongue and uses his webbed hands to pull it up in front of his eyes. "Not silver. Ubagub open mouth." He peers inside. "Ubagub not silver tongue either. Might need magic for tongues when go see witch."

Fhârn |

Would the barrow be anywhere close to where we met that revenant?
"Interesting..." Fhârn takes note of the new information and shoots Gorruum a sideways glance.

Natalie Saratov |

"Don't worry Gorruum most of us don't have a silver tongue. But you can try to chew on a few silver coins and see if your tongue changes color." Natalie says out of curiosity to see if the boggard would actually try it.

Fhârn |

That may be true, gimme a moment to check up on it...

Gorruum |

Gorruum opens his purse and looks inside. "No silver now. Just gold. Good that Pruett has magic."

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Wilhelm studies the marked map provided by the gnome with interest, "Much thanks for sharing this information with us. The lands are dangerous enough that I feel nervous walking to the unknown. It leaves a hint of excitement and danger, but that loses its charm rather quickly."
"After the trouble with the fey in the towers, that tree, and the gnome, I'm inclined towareds being forewarned rather than risking the unknown." He replies to Natalie in an undertone. Wilhelm's composure breaks down as Gorruum takes the gnome literally, laughing, he says, "Gorruum, to have a silver tongue is to speak well. One who parleys well would have a silver tongue."
Still chortling, he does a few mental calculations and then addresses Narthropple, "Master Narthropple, I do think we'd be interested in buying information about these last three locations you mentioned. I'm not certain that we've coin enough with us, so will you accept a letter of credit? If not, we can likely work something out."
If he's ok with a letter of credit, we'll take the 1 BP outta treasury and apply towards the cost. Other 500 can go into a general fund for buying wands of CLW for the party and such. Good for all?