Natalie Saratov |

"Can Lumnia fly over with rope to the others on that side? Then we have something to hold on to while we get this wagon over to the rest of them?"

Ikit the White |

Okay, Ikit is back :)

Gorruum |

Gorruum gets a big grin on his face at Lumnia's comment, "Not eaten anyone? Gnome tasty?" He pauses for dramatic effect. "Kidding." And laughs with his sick croaking laugh. "Go upstream?" Gorruum will lead the gnome and Lumnia back upstream until we are all even with the others.

Ikit the White |

Ikit was about to answer Gorruum question, then lowers his claw as the Boggard makes it known he was joking

Fhârn |

"That should be no trouble at all..." Fhârn replies. Once she gets back within shouting distance, that is ...

mdt |

The gnome gives Gorruum a sour look at the joke, and reaches up to jam his hat back on, before realizing it's not there. He accepts it from the pixie Yes, I know it's a mephit, he doesn't. "Yah, thanks." The gratitude seems somewhat soured by the joke.
The gnome then goes stomping up the shore line toward his people.
Once there, there's some hugs and a blanket applied to him. A blanket is offered to Gorruum as well, if he needs it. Although he doesn't, his gear is designed to get wet, and he feels nice and damp now

Lumnia |

Once Lumnia is summoned back with some waving and eventually a promise of sweets the mephit is once again given one end of a rope but this time simply told to fly with it over to the other side, handing it over to either Gorruum or the gnomes.

Natalie Saratov |

"Since Gorruum is natural at home in the water, should we get him to help with the wagon rather then holding the rope?" Natalie asks to those close enough to hear her.

Ikit the White |

"Yes yes, Ikit think good plan plan" he chimes in. Happy not to swim

mdt |

Ok, Whoever ties the rope on makes a CMB check to tie the rope. If Gorruum and Ubagub are going to be in the water, I'll need swim checks from them (good for them they have swim speeds!) and str checks. I'll also need STR checks for anyone who goes over first to help pull (I'm assuming it'll be horses making the checks). Realistically, having the fairy fly the ropes over is really the bad way to do it. Having the horses that will be pulling the wagon just haul them over with them as they traverse is the way to go. Those who push the wagon into the water will need str checks as well. Who's on cross and pull duty, who's on escort in water duty (other than Gorruum/Ubagub) and who's on push duty to get it in the water?
Once he gets back, the small gnome starts calling out instructions. "Hoy! Ye dinnae get it over like that! Ye tie it off to the horses saddles! Ye got enough rope to get the horses across first yeh? If nae, Aye got some more ropes. Four ropes, four horses! Two over there, rope tied to the yoke, where it ain't been chopped off..." He gives Gorruum a look a that. "Ye brawny monster lizard pushin' from behind! And ye brawny frogman tuggin' what's left of the yoke to turn the wheels and steer it!"

Fhârn |

I think the plan was for Lumnia just to bring the rope over to the other side, so that those on the other side can pull : )
(After the rope is firmly secured, of course!)

mdt |

It'll take more than a single rope. The rope is rated for about 9,000 lbs. The wagon has about a thousand pounds of cargo, and weighs about that much as well. That sounds like you've got plenty of left over weight, until you think about the drag through the water, the mud at the bottom of the river, etc. It's not that the rope will snap per se, it's that the ability of the one horse to pull is the problem. Multiple ropes = multiple horses. Also, they only have the two ponies free to pull it through the water, as the other ponies are all laced up to the other wagons. They could free up four or 6 horses to pull, but they'd need multiple ropes to tie off to the multiple harnesses. Seems like extra work to do when you've got a half-dozen big strong draft horses already there and plenty of rope... ANd the group has to cross the river anyway to continue on your travels, so it's not like you're not going across anyway

Fhârn |

Lumnia could carry more then one rope (they are only 10lb, so 11 at max :P), but if we are already going to cross, then yeah that may be redundant : )
Regardless, Fhârn can tie up the ropes really nice, given that they are CMB rolls ... :D
"All right, let my familiar carry the extra ropes over!" Fhârn replies loudly over the river. Meanwhile, Lumnia flies back across the river yet another time, confused over the strange rope-customs of the prime material plane.
"I don't swim well in this armour -" and it takes two ages to get out of it!"-so I volunteer to help get this thing back into the water. But I can handle the ropes, safe as an Abadar's vault."
He breifly touches one of the wands loaded in his wrist sheats then gets to knotting with amazing insight.
CMB checks are attack rolls, so True Strike applies. Furthermore, against 'immobilized, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated' targets, one automagically rolls a 20. So the total CMB roll would be 49 (20+9+20)
However, since actual rolls might be called for I'll put some in a spoiler bellow : )
roll: 1d20 + 9 + 20 ⇒ (18) + 9 + 20 = 47
roll: 1d20 + 9 + 20 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 20 = 35
roll: 1d20 + 9 + 20 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 20 = 35
roll: 1d20 + 9 + 20 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 20 = 43

mdt |

If you can make a Kn(Engineering) DC 12 check, you can use the take 20. Otherwise, you use the rolls (it's not about it being immobile, it's about knowing where to attach them so they pull correctly)

Fhârn |

Aye. Just an amusing tidbit of the rules when they are applied to non-combat usage .P
Know(Engineering): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Anastacia Stormwing |

Anastacia hands her rope to Gorruum. "You look like you know how to tie knots. Can you tie one end to the wagon and one to my saddle, please?"
Assuming Gorruum helps with this...
Once the rope is secured to the wagon and the saddle of the warhorse, Anastacia takes the coils of rope in hand. It will have to be paid out as the crossing is made.
Holding the rope in one hand and the reins in the other, Anastacia tries to cross the stream on Avalanche's back.
Ride: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 Military saddle, if that helps at all.
Was going to cast bull's strength on Avalanche to help pull, but I'm not sure that ride check will lead to anything but disaster.

mdt |

Anastacia is having trouble controlling Avalanche in the rapidly boiling water. The horse doesn't like it. He's about 10 ft out and stops, upset, refusing to go forward.
Missed the DC by 1, so it's not a major failure, he's just balking. The saddle helps you stay in the saddle, so you'd have to roll REALLY bad to fall out when he balks.

Ikit the White |

If it's a matter of carry capacity, we can fix it easy, Ikit makes a potion of Ant Haul Communal, and we have it on all who need it. He has 16hrs to distribute.

Natalie Saratov |

Seeing as the plan has come together, Natalie gathers her courage to take her horse into the river. "I'm not overly fond of this, I never had mount training." She ties one end of her rope to the wagon and saddle of the horse.
Wagon: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Saddle: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Natalie Saratov |

Then Natalie just uses the first roll to tie it to the saddle and readies to move when the others are ready. I do a ride check so it's ready.
Ride: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Gorruum |

Once the ropes are all secured, Gorruum and Ubagub swim out into the river and help to drag the wagon over together with any horses that will venture into the raging river.
Swim (Gorruum): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31
Swim (Ubagub): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Strength (Gorruum): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Strength (Ubagub): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 +2 if he is allowed to use bloodrage

Ikit the White |

ikit can't swim aaaand he is small... i think he is on the wagon... hah hah... hopefully not figuratively...
-Posted with Wayfinder

Fhârn |

Fhârn probably has some juice left from that Fly effect he used earlier, so he can cross with that! But his horse probably also wants to come across:
Ride: 1d20 + 5 - 3 ⇒ (18) + 5 - 3 = 20
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Note: Woah. I think I sucked the luck right out of poor Anastacia there :P
@Ikit - Given that small characters tend to weight very little, Fhârn may be able to carry Ikit with him in his crossing

mdt |

Fharn (picking up Ikit, since the ratfolk is not used to controlling horses in water) manages to get his own across, and to lead Ikit's pony.
Unfortunately, Anastacia, while trying to get her horse to start forward, is hit by a limb in the rushing water! She tumbles off her horse and into the water!
Now Anastacia needs a swim check, DC 15!
Her horse panics and with a shrill whistle turns and plunges back up on the banks!
Fharn, Pruett, Wilhelm, and Natalie need to give me handle animal checks to keep their own animals calm. Fharn will need two rolls, given he's leading Ikit's pony. On the bright side, Fharn and Natalie are almost across the river when Anastacia's horse bolts, so if theirs panic they will rush up onto shore. The only question will be if the riders stay on as well. So if you fail the handle animal, make another DC 15 ride check. Since Gorruum and Ubagub haven't entered the water yet, they are fine either way.

Fhârn |

Can I use my surprisingly good Handle Animal roll in the previous post ^^?
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Extra, if not: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Mayhaps we should have disarmoured first ... :P

mdt |

I assumed that was to get Ikit's pony over while you carried him, which worked. The Handle Animal didn't work, either of them. Ride check to not fall off. DC 20 if you're holding Ikit on the saddle as well, or 15 if you don't mind him falling off. :)

Fhârn |

Fhârn can fly (since he used that darn spell on the last initiative count of the rescue :P)
Can he just hover dumbly in place as his horse wants to run away underneath him :P?
Ride: 1d20 + 5 - 3 ⇒ (2) + 5 - 3 = 4
Fly: 1d20 + 2 + 4 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 4 + 2 - 3 = 12
Erp, doesn't look that good either way :P

mdt |

Fharn loses his grip on the horse, and it plunges forward toward the bank in a frenzy, frightened by the whistle of terror that Anastacia's horse released.
Horse: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Fharn floats up in the air, looking at his horse as it plunges toward shore, but flounders, going under and being swept down the river...
I'll need a swim check from poor Ikit, as Fharn flew up and left him on the plunging horse! DC 15
Pony: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Ikit's pony, on the other hand, whistles in distress and hoofs it (literally) out of the river and onto the bank before running into the woods a short ways.

Ikit the White |

soooo... wet rat?
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Fhârn |

Erp - My original thought was 'I can fly and Ikit (going by my memory of halflings) probably weights about half of a well packed suitcase which apparently Fhârn (given carrying capacity :P) can lug around multiples of while flying, so I could probably just grab him like a plush toy and fly over, with horse in tow (hence trying to dodge any nasty Ride checks at all!)'. I shall endeavour to communicate my plans more clearly in the future :P
(I did actually not think about poor Ikit's pony at all, on the other hand^^)

Natalie Saratov |

Handle animal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 "Woah easy girl." Natalie trie to calm her animal but her words doesn't seem to get through all the noise
Ride: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

mdt |

The DC for the fly check would have gone from 10 to 15 carrying Ikit. it's not that he's beyond your weight, it's the fly check to take off from the thrashing horse and hold onto him simultaneously. Basically, if you'd made the 15, you'd have held on to him. By only making the 10, you got off the horse but lost your hold on Ikit.
Natalie loses control of her horse!
Horse: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
It grabs the bit in it's teeth and drives forward, pushing it's way onto shore. Natalie manages to stay in her saddle though! It pushes up to where the other horses are and slows to a stop, it's sides heaving and shaking.

Ikit the White |

lets see if he can actually try to swim....
Swim DC15: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
As Ikit hits the water he sinks like a rock. Flailing as he goes under thr current
hehehehehe... Ikit is a rat that CANT swim =^^=
-Posted with Wayfinder

Ikit the White |

most rats can swim. Hence leaving a sinking ship... they suck at SCUBA
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gorruum |

My oh my. I think Gorruum and Ubagub did enter the water up here unless we're letting everyone else get swept away first :( Or maybe I need to use those swim checks to go rescue some people! Either way, it looks like its going to be time for some more boggard lifeguard action!

mdt |

Gorrruum and Ubagub had to wait for everyone to get across before they could go in, since they were going to go with the wagon, which hasn't yet. They can use the swim and str checks to rescue people if you prefer.

Natalie Saratov |

Once ashore Natalie quickly jumps off her horse and steps a bit away from the others. Once she is clear of the others she quitely talks to herself in a broken voice, clearly terrified after loosing control of the horse midstream "Not again, that is why I hate riding... I'll never learn to handle mounts... Thank Desna's luck I didn't hit the water!"

Gorruum |

Gorruum croaks out a quick command to Ubagub to grab the horse and plunges in after Ikit himself. With quick strokes, Gorruum catches up to Ikit, and barely manages to hold onto him as he is nearly dashed against a rock. Surprisingly, Ubagub has less trouble, nearly swallowing the horse in his large mouth. Both bring the near drowning victims safely to the other side.
Yup, let's use those Swim check to go start finishing people out. Since Anastacia hasn't failed her check yet, we'll start with the horse and Ikit and see if we need to go after her too.
Gorruum CMD to grab Ikit: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
Ubagub CMD to grab horse: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Fhârn |

Hovering a bit over the pandemonium, Fhârn sighs.
"Bridges. We ought to have more of them. I'll make a note!"
Once he gets a chance, he'll try to scoop up Ikit again. Perhaps it would be easier to grab him from Gorruum then the rapid current. And he was fairly sure he *couldn't* fly carrying a horse, so it seemed the logical course of action!
"Lumnia, see if you can't give me a hand here?"
Fly Fhârn: 1d20 + 8 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 8 - 3 = 8
The Mephit, after looking at her hands with confusion (and a little bit of worry) in her eyes, once more flies out and tries to be helpful!
Fly Lumnia: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31
Also note to self: Get a fly scroll or two! (And train my horse in utilizing the spell during our downtime :P)

Anastacia Stormwing |

You can handle and push animals untrained. You can't teach, rear, or train animals untrained. There is about a page of rules for the handle animal skill, it's in the final paragraph. Made the same mistake myself once.

mdt |

Wilhelm, in a very ungentlemanly like fugue watches as his most trusted advisers and followers begin to fall into the water and drown. His face in shock, with some drool coming from the corner of his mouth.
See what happens when you post in one game but not the other! :P
Gorruum and Ubagub manage to grab the ratfolk and horse respectively, the oversized slurk using it's tongue to drag the protesting horse up into the shallows of the river, where it promptly kicks him in the chin and then runs up on bank and into the forest, trumpeting loudly.
Gorruum at least gets Ikit onto the shore of the river without being kicked in the chin. The small ratfolk looks like... well... a drowned rat, with it's fur dripping and drooping everywhere.
Anastacia, soaking wet but looking more annoyed by it than anything else, swims across, navigating the current as if she were the cleric of an ocean god instead, and walks out dripping but with her clerical dignity intact.
Pruett, on the other hand, loses control of his horse and as it begins bucking and trying to get out of the river, tosses him over into the surging water!
Horse: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Pruett's horse has trouble making headway against the current, but isn't drowning.
Swim Check, DC 15 from Pruett
Everyone up again

Gorruum |

Gorruum shakes his head sadly, "Ubagub. Hooms, gnomes, rats and horses not good with water. Need to teach swim. Get horse. I get hoom." Gorruum has no trouble making his way out to Pruett, but this time Ubagub struggles with the current and makes no progress toward the horse.
Swim (Gorruum): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37
Swim (Ubagub): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Gorruum CMD to grab Pruett: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

Fhârn |

"All right, I think Gorruum have those we could help in hand. Let's see if we can't prevent hypothermia at least!" Fhârn comments and heads back to shore. As he does, he too activates his Prestidigitation spell and master and familiar starts to dry up the wet people.