mdt |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel withing the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behaviour to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on the 24th day of Calistril, under the watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Just Fhârn, though I think he mentioned he may be busy at work. We can probably get things going and pick him up when he replies. :)

Fhârn |

@Wil - I'm here. I just didn't want to leave my dot laying around and cluttering up the thread. :P

Rowan Gideon |

Flying out today, feel free to bot me as needed. Hopefully I'll have internet access soon but no promises .

mdt |

Ok, so, Anastacia, Dareon, Felix, Fharn, Rowan, and Wilhelm
Several weeks (16 days) go by, and the hunt for the hag gradually cools down. Rumors abound of her having fled, or having taken the place of the royal consort, of her having taken the place of Wilhelm, or of her having never existed and her only being a convenient lie to cover up Wilhelm removing rivals, or that she's in the pay of the troll king and went back to be one of his generals.
There are rumors of the trolls being spotted in the forests, and the Sootscale clan seems to be having some internal strife, as a small but vocal faction is declaring that the Troll King will let them live as they always have without these pesky rules the Human King wants. It seems the more hard-line factions Read LE factions are banding together against the more neutral factions Read LN factions within the tribe.
There are also rumors coming in of fighting to the east, and rumors of Centaur attacks in the mountains.

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Gozran 24th, Year 2 - Wilhelm's meeting hall
Looking over the training reports that Dante had prepared, Wilhelm signals to an aide and asks, "Would you be so kind as to call a meeting of the council? We're due to meet and discuss our next actions.
Some time later.
Watching quietly as his friends trickle in, Wilhelm welcomes each with a weary, but warm, smile and bids them to be seated. Once all are seated, he begins, "My friends, it's been a few weeks and there is little sign of the hag. It's possible that she has left or gone to ground. In either case, I don't think we can put off other matters for any longer." Clearing his throat and glancing at Felicia, Wilhelm asks, "I've heard reports and rumors that have your tribe, Shimmerscales, as a divided one. Should we be concerned or is this a purely tribal matter?"
Wilhelm waits for his cousin's response before asking Dante, "Have you any word from the scouting party we sent after the trolls? I would have expected they'd returned by now."
We probably require an answer from MDT for the scouting party thing. MDT, basically we sent a small party (I think Dante said 10-20?) rangers in a group after the trolls after we'd met them in the Sootscale cave. They were to avoid contact wherever possible and report back after a week or whenever they found the trolls home.

mdt |

01-10 : No Info, half rangers dead
11-25 : No Info, Quarter rangers dead
26-50 : General direction of Troll HQ, no casualties
51-75 : Specific area, but not actual HQ, no casualties
76-90 : Location found, general numbers.
91-00 : Locatino found, specific numbers
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 75
The rangers managed to get some info, but they lost the trolls in the forested hills near the Narlmarches and Kamelands. Beyond that, they are not sure where the trolls went to, the trolls are very good at hiding their tracks despite their size.
Before we begin, have any of the other random encounters/quests in River Runs Red been done? Or is it a blank slate?

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

We've done nothing else. You can see the tiles we visited in the map I linked. :) That said, we're also about 2 levels higher then the expected starting level for RRR.

Dareon Lebeda |

Gozran 24th, Year 2 - Wilhelm's meeting hall
Dareon shows up just a minute or two late, his glasses smoky and his robe smelling of herbs and trees and his dog. He straightens his tie and enters Wilhelm's manor, greeting the other leaders with a smile and a wave, sitting down next to Rowan. "The kobolds could be a valuable ally in any engagement with trolls," Dareon articulates. "Their propensity for pyrotechnics and trapmaking is a considerable military asset."
Just how many kobolds are there, anyway? And how many warriors? Assuming that we unite them, of course.

Felix Sebastian Orlovsky |

"This is unfortunately an internal matter. If outside influence were to step in it would be seen as exactly the kind of intrusive behavior the hardliners have been warning is coming. A people tends to wish to rule themselves. I am working to steer cooler heads around to what can be done."

Anastacia Stormwing |

"Seems to me that these hard line kobolds act out of desire for personal power, rather than desire for independence. They want an alliance with trolls. Trolls will not grant them independence, but servitude. They must be aware of this." Anastacia yawns. She has been burning the midnight oil, of late. "So they view the trolls as more powerful than we. We need to catch these trolls, and destroy them. Then the kobolds will know who wields true power, and will fall in line."

Fhârn |

"They may simply prefer to deal with the devil they know." Fhârn chirped in. "If they see us as no different then the trolls, a foreign spices seeking to rule and subjugate them, then it isn't so strange. So we must seek to prove them wrong - without meddling. Not an easy task indeed."

Dante Skyborn |

The Skyborn general scoffed into his glass at Fharn. "If they see us as no different than the trolls, then they are foolish. We've met them with friendship not servitude and in thanks they would join our enemies? Let the foolish lizards jump ship. Any other noble aside our Lord Wilhelm would've burned them out and claimed that mine for their own. We've given them respect, out of the good nature of this company's members, not because they've earned it. If they truly see us as devil's. I say let the devil's work commence."
The large man poured himself another glass. "I've no real ill will against the little buggers, but I'll be damned if they bolster the forces of our enemies and cause the death of good men."

Fhârn |

"We met them, as a whole, once. It wouldn't be the first time conquerors put up a friendly façade, so I would hardly blame them for their suspicion. On the bright side the troll-huggers seem to be in minority."

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

"I'm inclined to agree with Fhârn that this suspicion isn't unwarranted. It strikes me that some number of the kobolds, mostly the troll-huggers as you called them, dislike the requirements that integration would bring. Perhaps it would be best to appoint some form of ambassador to give them a chance to get to know us?" Wilhelm covers an embarrassed blush with a cough and glances at his cousin, "I mean to say a non-kobold ambassador in addition to you, Felicia. They see you as one of the tribe and meeting an outsider might help quell some of the dissent. Alternatively, it may be seen as meddling. Your thoughts, Felicia?"
Glacncing at Dante, Wilhelm adds, "It will also give us an alert should any defect, though the Sootscales may handle that themselves."
"As for the trolls, I'm inclined to agree with Anastacia's assessment that they must be stamped out. It seems that we didn't give them their due and they managed to give Dante's rangers the slip. I propose that we, the council, do our own scouting. When the caravan carrying supplies for the renovation of the former Stag Lord's fort leaves, we too can go. That should give us a day or two to prepare and then we can be off. Your thoughts?"
Basically split up into 2 groups of 3 and 4 and go scouting. I'd think something like: Dareon, Felix, Dante and Anastacia in one group and Fhârn, Rowan and myself in another. That gets both pet classes in one group to bolster their numbers.

mdt |

Let me know when you're done with kingdom building and are ready to go. I'm not up until that happens. Until then, I just answer direct questions and put words in the mouths of NPCs. :)

Dareon Lebeda |

Dareon will gladly follow the orders of the noble Lord Orlovsky. Not sure how useful he'll be against trolls, of course. Anyone have any fire or acid spells to share? Fharn, do you know produce flame?

Fhârn |

"Once again taking a look at the matter ourselves could provide new insights - and perhaps strengthen our bond with the Soothscales. But we must not forget this centaur trouble. It has been brewing for too long - at worst we could see a two-front war."
Hmm - as noted - we should probably try and defuse/deal with the centaur situation soon. It has been on our backlog for a long time now. And how knows, perhaps they would be willing to track down some trolls for us ...
Otherwise, the grouping seems okay : )

Felix Sebastian Orlovsky |

"A single envoy may be acceptable, and I am definitely going to borrow troll huggers. It comes out more degrading when you translate it." Shimmer chuckles at the thought, although the sound cums out as more of a barking hiccup. "Might shame some of the less invested in to line. Just make sure whoever you send can keep a civil tongue and hold their cards close to the vest."

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Oh great mdt, we require you to fill the mouths of a few npcs with words. :P
"New insights, yes. Also that I've an itch to hit something after weeks of waiting with the threat of those bastard trolls looming over our head." Looking faintly embarassed by his outburst, Wilhelm continues, "Roan, I don't suppose you happen to have anything else on the centaur problems? As I recall, a mercenary captain was set up in the region -Varn, maybe- and it's possible the fighting involves that group."
Wilhelm nods his acknowledgement of Felix's reasoning. Glancing across the faces seated in the room, Wilhelm finally rests on one face in particular. I suppose that will have to be it, no matter how I may not like it. Duty is as a mountain. A small smile quirking at the corner of he lips, Wilhelm heaves a sigh and says, "Lanya, would you be willing to serve as ambassador? You seem to be the best among us to win the kobold's hearts. You'll want an honor guard while you're there, of course." Wilhelm eyes Dante and Vors and raising his eyebrows meaningfully.
Our ambassador from Brevoy told us about Maegar Varn and his mercenary crew who were set up over there. I think it was in competition with us by another faction but I can't say unless I go delving through the posting history.

Fhârn |

Yeah, that does ring a bell!

Rowan Gideon |

"I agree. A good hunt for the good of the community. I believe Erastil would approve." Rowan says with a smile. "It's been a while since Argos and I found a challeng prey."
[ooc]I agree. If I remember correctly, the fey warned us that Varn had slaughtered a lot of the centaur under the pretense of peace talks.[/b]

mdt |

Roan scratches the back of his head. "Not as much information as I'd like about the Centaurs. Some of the trappers have reported that they've seen lots of hoof tracks. And we've had some trappers go missing recently. Additionally, we've had 4 people killed by large wild animals in the village of Malver's Crossing, it's a new village north of the Sootscales on the river."[b] He winces. [b]"It's technically one of our villages, although we didn't really set it up. It was approved by Sloboda before she vanished, without asking or letting anyone know. A bunch of her radical friends, I think. There's rumors that it's Centaurs using familiars, killing people. But there's also rumors that it's the Sootscales... I hadn't wanted to believe that one, but given there's a schism in the tribe..." He shrugs. "I'm spread a bit thin, between the trolls, the centaurs, the humans, the fey, the undead, the kobolds, and the kingdom. What do you want me to prioritize?"
Lanya listens, and when asked if she will be a diplomat to the kobolds, winces. "I don't think both of us should be away from the capitol, Wilhelm. But if you think it's best, I'll do so."
Just to note, if you send NPCs to the Sootscales, I'm fine with that, but I'll handle the diplomacy trip via rolls, so you'll survive by dice whim. Just want to confirm you are all aware of that before I do it.

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Wilhelm sighs as Roan rattles off a list of troubles that required attending to. Glorious work isn't it? It's worth it but there won't be any bard songs about this. Running a hand through his neatly trimmed beard, Wilhelm thinks over Roan's question. "I think the trolls need to be our first priority. They present the most immediate threat that might well end us. I'm hoping to make some more inroads with the fey with Rowan's help, so that'll be a lower priority. For these rumors of centaurs, maybe the group traveling to the south and east can swing by the village and have a look around. They can be a lower priority too until we've dealt with the trolls. That'll have to be quick lest we start fighting a two front war."
Wilhelm pauses a moment and thinks over the others a spot longer. "Keep watchers out for the hag and any ties to the undead. She can't be gone, but is probably just biding her time. Any rulers who stay need to stick together and keep a strong guard nearby. The kingdom's spying, whatever that may be, should continue at the middle of the pack with the humans holding up the rear. I don't think any other groups will be able to make a move for a time. There'd be too much backlash in Brevoy. They'd wait until we're weaker then we are now and then pounce by putting on a bit of a show about "rescuing the good citizens of Domierov". Does what I've argued make sense to the rest of you, or am I addled?" Wilhelm smiles thinly at his own weak quick, then sighs and glances at Lanya and shrugs, "As for the kobolds, I'm just not sure. Lanya raises a good point and with you as busy as you are, I'm not sure I can leave you as a steward in my absence." Wilhelm finally relents to the sense of Lanya's argument, "Maybe the best thing is to simply give the Sootscales time. I don't think we can spare you, Lanya, as you've aptly pointed out. Felix, your group will be traveling near the cavern, would it make sense for you to stop over and let them meet a few of our own again?"
Rough order for Roan: 1.) Trolls, 2.) Hag/Undead 3.) Centaurs 4.) Kingdom 5.) Kobolds 6.) Fey 7.)Humans. That make sense to everyone? Thinking Lanya needs to stay (partially the whole steward thing and partially the NPC rolls thing). Felix and Co. will be our substitute. Thoughts welcome on that too. :) Want you guys involved in this decision process as it's our kingdom, not mine. :P

Rowan Gideon |

"You're itching to go after an army of trolls and you ask us if you are addled? My lord, with all due respect, you truly have gone mad! But everything you've mentioned so far makes sense." Rowan jests with a straight face momentarily before breaking out in his classic boyish grin. "When shall we depart?"
How much time has passed as far as item creation goes? We've had items on the Crafter's Corner for a while now, are they all completed?

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Wilhelm frowns a little, looking disappointed, as he misses Rowan's deadpan humor. His frown fades into confusion for a moment, then a flash of realization as he catches on when Rowan grins. Smiling slyly, Wilhelm quips, "I suppose we'll have to leave as soon as our subjects have finished picking a less addled council to replace us. I was thinking about the day after tomorrow. Is that sufficient time for all of you to set your stewards in order and scrub the rust from your stowed armor?"

Rowan Gideon |

"That's the greatness of hide, my friend. It never rusts. I'll be ready to depart tomorrow. Afterall, it shouldn't take the city a full day to find less addled replacements."

mdt |

Well, for item creation, you had at least a month, as you did kingdom stuff for a month before setting out, so 3 weeks of work for crafters. Beyond that, Leinathan would need to specify how much down time you had before I took over.
Roan nods. "Right, got it." He heads off, looking very harried and overworked. There are indications that he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Perhaps Sanita had a better disposition to be a sneaky underhanded type.
Two days later, the parties meet up outside the burgeoning town, astride mounts, and ready to depart on their separate paths.
Do you want me to create a new thread for group 2, or do you want to use the thread you were using before, with Leinathan doing the campaign updates for me?

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Feel free to bring Sanita back to fill the Spymaster role as an NPC if you want. :P We kept Roan cause he was a PC, but that's a null reason now.
Gozran 26th, Year 2
Wilhelm, shining armor gleaming brightly in the brisk morning air, suppresses a shiver in the still-chill spring air. I've been spending too much time indoors if this bright morning is enough to give me the chills. Looking over his companions, he smiles and speaks, "Well friends, it looks that we're ready to ride away to the south. Dante, your group will split off south of the gold mines I assume? That should be well, we can at least enjoy half a days ride together. Let's try to avoid making any more unnecessary enemies lest Roan collapses into a babbling heap." Wilhelm grins and looks fondly at the man a short ways away. He then turns in his saddle, looking down at Lanya, "M'lady, I would be greatly obliged if you would serve as steward in my absence. We should be gone for roughly two and a half to three weeks, depending on the time we spend in the forest." He smiles again, bowing, and then leads his group out and away.
Ok, let's get this show on the road. :)

Anastacia Stormwing |

Anastacia sits astride Avalanche, her black hood, cape, and gleaming black armor a sharp contrast to the pale dapple gray of her horse.
"Actually, I would request that we swing East to deal with those restless dead. My duties to Pharasma demand it. I'd rather not test the Goddess' patience more than has already been done."
Avalanche prances a bit with eagerness, as the cleric continues to speak.
"From there, we could follow the river down, then back across to the mines."

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

"By all means, if you wish to give that a try. I seem to recall Dante saying there wasn't a ford across at that point, but I don't know that for sure. Whichever way is preferable at first. You'd be returning on the correct side of the river on the way back as planned, I believe."

Dante Skyborn |

Atop Mandarb, his warhorse, Dante greeted the morning with his usual gruff disposition. His armor was polished but not shining. A great fur cloak adorned his shoulders.
assuming this is what Anastacia is talking about.
"There is some sort of undead creature that guards the bridge there. Once dealt with, if the bridge is in disrepair we should be able to fix it with a few hours of labor."
Mandarb paws the earth with his hooves. "I go where needed. Is it your command then Lord Baron, to assist the Lady Stormwing in her clerical duties?"

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

"The creature ought be dealt with before it becomes a threat to our citizens, but I'll leave it to your discretion the precise method. You should all stick together, however, with those monsters running loose near our land."

Dareon Lebeda |

So am I going with Ana and Dante?
Dareon's horse is a light riding horse name Unity, a light brown mare who's a little unruly for him, especially given his lack of talent at riding. "I'm not really one for battle," murmurs Dareon, "But I'll stand by you if you still believe you want me around."

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

Anastacia, Dante, Daeron, and Felix on the southeast route. Wilhelm, Rowan, and Fhârn on the western route.
Wilhelm gently guides Triumph alongside Dareon's hourse and lays a hand on the man's shoulder. "Of course we do, Dareon. You were there alongside us in the assault on the castle and I'm sure you'll acquit yourself here as well. I wouldn't dream of letting our Archmagus simply sit around when there's trolls to be burnt." Wilhelm grins warmly at the man and then gestures towards the road. "Let's be off then."
Ready to get this show on the road unless we have any further questions. :)

Wilhelm Orlovsky |

No worries MDT. I just got over a cold too, so focus on getting better. Being sick just sorta sucks.

Fhârn |

Back :)
Fhârn leads his horse up to the meeting spot. It was refreshing to once again be off, to start picking off the long list of problems facing their small country.
"All ready and raring to go."

mdt |

Ok, I'm going to just assume the things in Part 1 that weren't done by the group were done by NPCs. Also, note that there's a small chance NPCs can die by misadventure, as they will be here seeking their fortunes as well. This will only be for NPCs who have a reason to go out adventuring, obviously. Also, plot important people are immune due to divine (read plot) protection. :) So, Oleg & Svetlana are unlikely to go adventuring or slip and fall in the tub. Roan, or Varn, on the other hand, may have to go out. If someone can put a list of NPCs and current status's up for me in discussion, I'd appreciate it. This thread is for Wilhelm's group. Anastacia's group is in the thread B forum (see link at top).