Baron Hannis Drelev

Wilhelm Orlovsky's page

935 posts. Alias of Rikash.

Full Name

Wilhelm Orlovsky




Paladin 7

Climb -1, Diplomacy +14, Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +3, Know(Noble) +4, Know(Religion) +5, Perception +9, Ride +4, Sense Motive + 12, Steath -4, Swim -1


(AC 21/11Tch/20FF, HP 60/60, Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +9, Init +1, CMD 22) Male




20 (19 at the start of the adventure)


Lawful Good


Iomedae, The Inheritor

Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Wilhelm Orlovsky

Wilhelm Orlovsky
Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 7
Favored Class Paladin (+7 skill)
Initiative +1; Senses Perception +9

Armor Class 21 (+1 Dex +10 armor) touch 11 flat-footed 20
Combat Maneuver Defense 23, flat-footed 22
Hit Points 60/60

Fort +11 [5 base + 2 CON + 1 resist + 3 CHA]
Ref +7 [2 base + 1 DEX + 1 resist + 3 CHA]
Will +9 [5 base + 0 WIS + 1 resist + 3 CHA]

Speed 20 feet (30 w/o armor)
Base Attack Bonus +7
Combat Maneuver Bonus +11
Melee Touch Attack +11
Ranged Touch Attack +8

Melee Masterwork cold iron falchion +13/+8(2d4 + 6) 18-20/x2 S; Mwk earth breaker +12/+7(2d6 + 6) x3 B
Melee (mounted) Masterwork lance +12/+7(1d8 + 4) x3 P; (charging) Masterwork lance +14(2d8 + 8) x3 P;
Ranged Masterwork composite longbow(+3 str) +9/+4(1d8 + 3) x3 P 100' (36 arrows)

Active Effects

Prepared Spells (combat) - CL 4 and Conc. +7 [In Use]
Spell Level: (Total per Day)
Level 1 (2 per day): 1/1 Hero's Defiance, 1/1 Divine Favor
Level 2 (1 per day): 0/1 Ironskin

Prepared Spells (downtime) -
Spell Level: (Total per Day)
Level 1 (2 per day): 1/1 Lesser Restoration, 1 open
Level 2 (1 per day): 1 open

Special Attacks -
Furious Focus (Feat) - If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the power attack penalty for your first attack each turn.
Power Attack (Feat) - -2 to hit/+4 to damage
Smite Evil (3/3 per day)(Su) - Swift action target in LOS: +3 to hit, +7 to damage, +3 deflection bonus to AC against smited target until death.

Special Abilities -
Animal Companion Link (Ex)(Paladin) - Handle companion as a free action and push as a move action. +4 on wild empathy and Handle Animal skills related to companion.
Aura of Courage +4 (10' radius)(Su)(Paladin) - Paladin is immune to Fear. Allies within aura gain morale bonus to saves vs Fear.
Aura of Good (Ex)(Paladin) - Paladin has an Aura of Good equal to his class level.
Detect Evil(At will)(Sp) - Use Detect Evil as the spell at will as a move action.
Divine Bond: Mount (Paladin) - Gain an animal companion with effective druid level equal to paladin level.
Divine Grace (Su)(Paladin) - Add +3 CHA bonus to all saves.
Greater Mercy (Feat) - Lay on Hands heals an extra d6 (4d6) if the target doesn't need a mercy.
Immunity to Disease (Paladin) - Paladin is immune to all diseases.
Immunity to Fear (Paladin) - Paladin is immune to all fear effects.
Lay On Hands (5/6 per day) (Su) - Swift action to heal self or standard to heal other touched for 3d6 damage.
Mercy(Fatigued)(Su)(Paladin) - When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the fatigued condition.
Mercy(Staggered)(Su)(Paladin) - When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the staggered condition.
Paladin Channel Positive Energy (Su) - Heals living or turns undead for 4d6 with DC 16 in a 30 ft radius. Each channel uses 2 uses of your Lay on Hands ability.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex)(Paladin) - Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Summon Mount (1/1 per day)(Sp)(Paladin) - Summon your mount to your side.

Combat Gear
Belt of giant's strength +2 (1 lb, 4000 gp) (crafted using downtime-created Magic)
Cloak of resistance +1 (1 lb, 1000 gp) (crafted from purchased components)
Headband of alluring charisma + 2 (1 lb, 4000 gp) (crafted from purchased components)
+1 full plate (50 lbs, 2650 gp) (masterwork full plate bought at 25% discount, crafted using downtime-created Magic)

Heavy steel shield (15 lbs, 20 gp) (left on Triumph when on foot)
Masterwork cold iron falchion (8 lbs, 450 gp) (Left behind at the Crazy Gnome's Stump)
Masterwork earthbreaker (14 lbs, 340 gp)
Masterwork lance (10 lbs, 0 gp) (quest reward for killing bandit)(left on Triumph when on foot)
Masterwork longbow(+3 str) (3 lbs, 700 gp)
36 arrows (5.40 lbs, 2 gp)

Languages - (s) are starting languages
Taldane (Common) (s)


Power Attack (Human Bonus L1)
Weapon Focus (Falchion) (L1)
Furious Focus (L3)
Greater Mercy (L5)
Leadership (L7)


Climb -1 (0 ranks + 4 STR - 5 AC pen)
Diplomacy +14 (7 ranks + 3 CHA + 3 class + 1 trait)
Handle Animal +7 (1 rank + 3 CHA + 3 class) (+4 bonus when Handling companion)
Intimidate +3 (0 rank + 3 CHA)
Knowledge(Nobility) +4 (1 rank + 0 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(Religion) +5 (2 ranks + 0 INT + 3 class)
Perception +9 (5 ranks + 0 WIS + 3 class + 1 trait)
Ride +4 (5 ranks + 1 DEX + 3 class - 5 AC pen)
Sense Motive +12 (7 ranks + 0 WIS + 3 class +2 competence) (increased by cracked magenta ioun stone)
Stealth -4 (0 ranks + 1 DEX - 5 AC pen)
Swim -1 (0 ranks + 4 STR - 5 AC pen)

--- Triumph - Animal companion ---
LG Animal
Str 21, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 12, CHA 6
Initiative +2; Senses low-light vision, scent, Perception +6

Armor Class 23 (+2 Dex +8 natural -1 size + 4 armor) touch 11 flat-footed 21
Combat Maneuver Defense 22, flat-footed 20
Current Hit Points 51
Total Hit Points 51 (6HD * 4.5 HP/HD + 6*3 CON + 6 Toughness)
Save (Current)-
Fort +8 (+8), Ref +7 (+7), Will +5 (+5)*

Melee bite +7(1d4 + 5), 2 hooves +7(1d6+5)
Speed 80 feet (50 feet without Horseshoes of Speed)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Combat Maneuver Bonus +10
Melee Touch Attack +8
Ranged Touch Attack +5

Special Attacks
Attack any target (Trick) - The animal will attack any creature on command.
Combat Riding (Trick) - The animal has been trained to bear a rider into combat.
Flank (Trick) - Attempts to attack and flank indicated enemy

Special Abilities
Devotion +4 (Ex) - +4 morale bonus on Will Saves vs. Enchantments.
Evasion (Ex) - No damage on successful reflex save.
Low-light Vision (Ex) - See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) - Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.

Companion Details:


Armor Proficiency(Light)
Iron Will

Acrobatics +5 (1 rank + 2 DEX + 3 class - 1 ACP)
Climb +8 (1 rank + 5 STR + 3 class - 1 ACP)
Perception +7 (3 ranks + 1 WIS + 3 class)
Stealth -3 (0 ranks + 2 DEX - 4 size - 1 ACP)
Survival +1 (0 ranks + 1 WIS)
Swim +8 (1 rank + 5 STR + 3 class - 1 ACP)


Detailed Gear:

Cash: 57gp 1sp
Carried with Wilhelm
Sleeves of many garments (1 lb, 200 gp) (crafted from purchased components)
Cracked magenta prism ioun stone (Sense Motive) (n/a, 800 gp) (crafted using downtime-created Magic)

Bedroll (5 lbs, 1 sp)
Belt Pouch (0.5 lbs, 1 gp)
Blanket (1 lb, 5 sp)
Candle x 2 (n/a, 2cp)
Chalk x 5 (n/a, 5cp)
Charcoal Stick x 2 (n/a, 1gp)
Explorer's Outfit (n/a, Free)
Owlbear Furs (free?, 5 lbs)
Grooming Kit (2 lbs, 1 gp)
Wooden holy symbol of Iomedae x2 (n/a, 2 gp)
Decent quality traveler's copy of The Acts (2 lbs, 25 gp)
Mess Kit (1 lb, 2 sp)
Money (1.16 lbs)
Parchment x 5 (n/a, 1gp)
Rope (10 lbs, 1 gp)
Shaving Kit(0.5 lbs, 1.5gp)
Torch x 3 (3 lbs, 3 cp)
Trail Rations x 5 (5 lbs, 2.5gp)

Wilhelm Encumbrance (on foot): Medium (118.56/230 lbs)
Wilhelm Encumbrance (mounted): Medium (143.56/230 lbs)

Companion (Triumph):
Horseshoes of speed (12 lbs, 3000 gp)

backpack (2 lbs, 2 gp) (Sized for medium creatures)
masterwork chain shirt barding (50 lbs)
Military saddle (30 lbs, 10 gp)
bit and bridle (1 lb, 2gp)
saddlebags (8 lbs, 4 gp)
shovel (8 lbs, 2 gp)

Triumph encumbrance:
Light (111/1200 lbs) when not ridden
Light (424.56/1200 lbs) when ridden

light warhorse(combat) (n/a, 110gp)

Horse encumbrance:
Light (0/690 lbs) when not ridden
Medium (292.50/690 lbs) when ridden

Detailed Stats:

Starting stats - Racial Mod - Other Mods:
Strength 14 - +2 - + 2 enhancement
Dexterity 12 - 0 - N/A
Constitution 13 - 0 - + 1 L4
Intelligence 10 - 0 - N/A
Wisdom 10 - 0 - N/A
Charisma 14 - 0 - + 2 enhancement

Ability Score Increases
Human +2 Strength
Level 4 +1 Constitution

Hit Points Calculation
Total Hit Points 44 = 10 + 4*(6) + 5*2 CON

Seeker - Perception is a class skill and +1 trait bonus to Perception
Noble Born - Orlovsky - +1 trait bonus to CMD and Diplomacy



Born the 4th and youngest child of a minor noble in house Orlovsky, it could easily be said that Wilhelm Orlovsky barely qualifies for the honor of being called nobility. Indeed, Wilhelm was only passingly familiar with the fabulous wealth that his cousins and second cousins took for granted. His immediate family lived in conditions substantially worse then some merchants. Adding to the injustice (in his eyes) is that he is the youngest child and third son, and thus his own chances for glory as a master of his own domain were slim at best.

Despite this, Wilhelm believes that he is destined for some greater purpose. He grew up hearing tales of heroism and glorious deeds which, in time, he would internalize and see as the story of his own life. It simply waited to be told. This penchant for heroics was largely responsible for his desire to become a paladin of Iomedae. From his father's perspective, it was a convenient means of finding something for his youngest son to do. It was his hope that he would eventually return to serve his family, but Wilhelm had other plans for himself. Many in the family scoffed, in typical Taldan fashion, at the stubborn Wilhelm's desire to serve a 'Chelish' god. His family had always worshiped the Inheritor in a fairly casual manner, largely to avoid needlessly antagonizing the rest of the Orlovsky clan.

It was thus only after beginning his training that Wilhelm truly began to internalize the teachings laid out in The Acts in a meaningful way. The goddess' sense of honor, justice and valor appealed to the young Orlovsky and he soon found his faith to have grown from a flickering wisp of a candle flame into a steadily burning blaze. He prefers not to evangelize loudly, however. He prefers to demonstrate the tenets of his faith through example alone, in keeping with his ideal champion of light. It his been some time since he has completed his training and he burns with a incessant desire to seek out evil in the world and to carve out his place in a bard's song.

It is for this reason that he made the brash pronouncement one evening that he would seek his fortunes in the untamed Stolen Lands to the south. He'd heard of the call for valorous adventurers by the Swordlords of Restov and wished to, in his own way, become the hero he envisioned himself to be. His father, a traditional man who held to the family's teachings against conflict, urged his son not to become a pawn in the political games of the Swordlords. "Use your head, boy! You would betray our family in order to empower those besotted fools?!? I won't have it!" Needless to say, the young paladin was unmoved by his father's pragmatism and boldly declared, with all the bravado of youth, that he was no one's pawn. It was on this sour note that he left his family's home in the foothills of the Icerime Peaks, eager to begin his adventure and take the glory that was sure to be his.


Wilhelm is a young man of Taldan stock whose features would generally be described as handsome. He's still young, so there is a certain lingering boyishness to his appearance that time has not yet worn away. Standing around 6 foot 1 inch tall and weighing around 200 pounds., he possesses an athletic build that hasn't yet had time to enter its prime. Wilhelm's eyes are marked by a dark emerald hue shot through with stray threads of hazel. He prefers to keep his hair and beard in a typical Taldan fashion and tends to be fastidious in making sure both are neat and tidy. He wouldn't readily admit it, but his primary motivation for keeping a beard is to make himself appear older.


Wilhelm Orlovsky, in the manner of a young man certain that he will succeed, has a penchant for being brash and headstrong. He's thoroughly convinced that his future holds nothing but honor and glory as a champion of Iomedae. His upbringing as a distant cousin in one of Brevoy's great noble houses has left him prickly about his family's honor and right to the title of "noble". Despite this loyalty, Wilhelm is often frustrated by his family's unwillingness to make a particular stand. He sees this as a form of cowardice and will occasionally drive him to act without thinking. Behind his youthful machismo, vanity and thirst for recognition, however, is a real desire to do good in the world.

His stubbornness and willingness to rush into battle also translates into a tenacious loyalty that is often foreign to his fellow nobles. His ambitious dreams for himself lend him the fortitude to do the right and honorable thing even when it might otherwise be difficult. After all, what tales are sung of noble knight who would lie and cheat in order to gain glory? What's more, his faith in Iomedae continues to grow and he increasingly finds himself trying to emulate her example in all things.

Amongst friends, Wilhelm has a certain boisterous charm that speaks plainly to his youth and relative inexperience with the world at large. He often treats all around him as friends, even when prudence would suggest he keep up his guard. This can occasionally manifest as a dangerous naivety that can be problematic in the particularly deadly political games that his peers are fond of playing. In short, Wilhelm is a still a young man who hasn't tasted enough hardship to know that caution is sometimes warranted.