2-01 & 2-02 Before the Dawn (Inactive)

Game Master P33J


Silver Crusade

Hi, I'm looking to GM this two part series for PBP. You don't have to sign up for both to play, if you want to play one and not the other thats fine. But I will be giving priority to those who want to play both.

About the Scenarios
2-01 Before the Dawn: The Bloodcove Disguise
You are sent to Aspis Consortium-infested Bloodcove to gather supplies for a nearly doomed Pathfinder mission nearby. Disguised as ordinary merchants, you have little time to gather what you need and get out before the Consortium discovers and destroys you.

2-02 Before the Dawn: Rescue at Azlant Ridge
With supplies in hand, you rush from Bloodcove to the Pathfinder expedition site at Azlant Ridge only to find it under siege. You must brave the newly discovered halls beneath the ridge in order to find the key that might save everyone.

The two modules combined are a great mix of Stealth and Infiltration with Combat and Base Defense that tells a fun story and introduces some cool monsters and artifacts.

If you're interested leave a comment with the character and the level. Once I have 4 at the same tier, I'll notify you and we'll get going.



Liberty's Edge

I'm interested in playing both with my Ranged Fighter, although she's only level 1 so if you want to run it at a higher tier that's completely understandable.

Dotting for interest for both, I've got a roguw swashbuckler but it would be her first PFS mission, so lvl 1.

Vanya Kaleth

She's a Taldan pirate of sorts I had created for another game, I'll complete her background later if that's not a problem.

I'm interested in both, I have a level 2 dwarf cleric.

he still needs to be updated for level 2 but here he is at 1st level Bones FireHammer

Silver Crusade

Well if we get one more level 1 or 2 we're ready to go.

I updated my dwarf cleric to level 2.

I have already played the 2-01, so I could help make a "legal table", but I would be up for part 2, when it becomes available :) Let me know if you need another body :)

Silver Crusade

sure thing Gilthanis.

Silver Crusade

And if we get 4, I'll leave a 5th spot for you.

Shadow Lodge

This guy should be 2nd by now, but I have to check.

Apparently not.
Oh well.

Still good to go if the group needs a little muscle.

Silver Crusade

Interested with a Summoner, who wants to become a Knight, first level with two missions under his belt. I've played neither scenario.

Silver Crusade

alright everyone who's posted is in. We'll go 6 for the second half. Post in discussion to introduce characters and self. I'll post first ic post tomorrow morning.

recruitment closed.

I just looked over my PFS sheets and realized I have done both, so I am gonna bow out since it looks like you have enough :)

I was thinking of the Devul we Know path, sorry bout that.

Sovereign Court

If Gilthanis drops out, is there still room for more?

Liberty's Edge

If you're still interested in running both, I wouldn't mind :)

Silver Crusade

Sorry I have 5 already and I've found that's the sweet spot for running a PFS PBP. Thanks for your interest, I'll be doing more soon.

Silver Crusade

I'm looking for 1 more, one of our members have had to drop.

I can actually take up to two more if people want to play.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

What characters are currently in the adventure?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I have a level 3 Sorcerer I could bring in.

Scarab Sages

Hi, Jrcmarine a sorcerer would fit nicely. Also, we just completed Pt 1, and this would be for Part 2 of Before the Dawn series.

Current Party:
Dwarf Cleric 2
Human Rogue (swashbuckler 1)
Human (Varisian) Fighter 1

Silver Crusade

Welcome aboard Jrcmarine

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Glad to be aboard. Your companion for this adventure will be Ryjel Tanvapyr. I will update his profile and post accordingly after work today.

The Exchange

Here is my character who has some history with the apsis. I do need to update him. 3rd level gunslinger

The Exchange

Is that an "in" or "out"?

Silver Crusade

Hi Badr, go ahead and jump in.

Sorry I had some real life issue sot attend to.

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