1st time GM Skull and Shackles (Inactive)

Game Master Adventurer#33

Skull and Shackles #1 The Wormwood Mutiny!
The Man's Promise

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Welcome to the recruitment thread for Adventurer#33's Skull &Shackles Module 1-The Wormwood Mutiny. This is my first attempt at GMing and I don't know how it is going to go. There are at this time no plans to continue with the rest of the adventure path after the completion of this module. It will depend on how things go and what the players want to do when we finish.

players guide

Character creation rules are as follows:
Stats 20 point buy
Core races only: human, dwarf, elf, half-elf, halfling, half-orc, and gnome
Core classes only: I will allow some archtypes from the pirates of the inner sea players companion, and Ultimate Combat/Ultimate magic. The players guide suggest ones that are appropriate to this campaign.
Traits 0 to 2 traits. If you don't choose a campaign trait you need to provide a reason for your character to be at the Formidable Maid in Port Peril in your background.
sources I would like to limit sources used to the core rules, players guide, and pirates of the inner sea players companion.
Starting Cash average
Alignment neutral, Chaotic neutral, and Chaotic good are recommended.
HP Max on first level. 2nd and above 1/2HD+1
Background Fluff is important to me. I don't know the rules well so I won't be able to tell if your crunch is perfect. A good background is going to play a big part in getting picked.
In addition to your character crunch and background please include a short description of your RPG experience. It doesn't matter if it is pbp or in person, I am looking for experienced players and GMs that can help me learn to be a good GM. I will only be choosing four players, if you would like to be on a list of alternates please let me know on your character submission.

Players will be chosen by next Friday the 27th of September at the latest.

I will be putting up some information in the campaign info section but it would be a good idea to go and look at the players guide at the link provided above. I am new at this so if there are any question let me know.

One last thing I would really appreciate it if character submissions would be complete as possible when submitted.

Hi A33! Is this your first time as a GM or first time GM'ing a PbP?

I've been waiting for a Skull & Shackles recruitment, so I'll try to get my character up in a day or two.

I'm thinking a rouge who is a pirate's bastard.

I've GM'ed several games both tabletop and PbP.

That is a good question Sinvel. This is my first time GM'ing anything, so a crash and burn is possible. One more time to make it clear. I have never GM'd anything before!

Franchisee - Game Kastle College Park

Thanks for offering to GM! This looks like a whole lot of fun. Any particular method you'd like for having prospective players submit characters and backgrounds to you?

I have a half-orc vivisectionist alchemist I've been wanting to try out. I'll post her tonight.

@Gladior -if you don't want to create a new profile for the character until after you know you are playing submit the characher in a post with the crunch,background, and your RPG experience. please use spoilers.

@Prince that Howls -please go back and read the character creation rules.

I'd like to express my interest in joining your crew. Short background and traits are listed in my profile. I will double check my point buy, this character was made for a previous attempt at joining a Skull and Shackle PbP.

Franchisee - Game Kastle College Park


Thanks! I've got a stat block for my character as well as his history below. I grew up playing AD&D 2E, but haven't played as an adult. I only recently got back into RPGs about four months ago when I discovered Pathfinder.

I work during the day and go to law school at night, so my opportunities for in-person games are pretty limited. But, my work and school allows me time that I can probably post as frequently as necessary--I make it onto the Paizo boards a few times a day, for instance.

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see on the character. Until then...

Pick me! Pick me!

Lucanorr Merovin
Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 1
CN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception -1
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1
Speed 30 ft. (20 presently due to encumbrance from carrying perfume)
Melee Cutlass +4 (1d6+3/18-20/x2) and
Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) and
Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
Ranged Longbow +4 (1d8/x3)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (Longbow)
Traits Bully, Eye for Plunder
Skills Acrobatics -1 (-5 jump), Appraise +2, Climb +4, Craft (shoes) -1, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Intimidate +6, Ride -1, Stealth +0, Survival +3, Swim +4
Languages Abyssal, Common
Combat Gear Caltrops (5), Oil (10); Other Gear Studded leather armor, Cutlass, Dagger, Dagger, Flight arrows (100), Longbow, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Bell, Belt pouch (empty), Blanket, Block and tackle, Bottle (2), Bullseye lantern, Candle (5), Canvas (sq. yd.), Flask, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Perfume, common (50 - Eye for Plunder gear -- hoping to sell it in a brothel), Rope, Sack (empty), Waterskin, Whetstone, 10 GP, 1 SP
Special Abilities
Eye for Plunder +1 to Perception to find concealed/secret objects (including doors/traps).
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Lucanorr was born in northwestern Cheliax, far from the intrigues and glamor in Egorian to the south. Lucanorr's parents perished when he was thirteen, leaving him too old to be taken in by others. He was able to secure work as an apprentice for a cobbler. Lucanorr hated the work but it was his only way to survive.

About ten years ago, Lucanorr met his best friend, Aerodotus Hershenal. The two were inseparable and within a few years Aerodotus had convinced Lucanorr to abandon his apprenticeship in favor of a life of banditry.

What little military presence existed in northwestern Cheliax was futher thinned by the military's attempts to isolate Pezzack to the west. The roads leading in and out of Kintargo had little protection and the two worked to make it just a little less safe. Aerodotus would waylay travelers and demand their valuables while Lucanorr covered him from a distance. It was during this time that Lucanorr learned of his aptitude for archery. A warning shot was usually enough to cover Aerodotus, but Lucanorr never minded using his blade to further intimidate marks as necessary.

All went well for several years. The two friends proceded to waylay travelers and had amassed a fair amount of wealth. Then one day their luck took a very bright turn: they'd ambushed a jewel merchant. One person could easily retire in luxurty with the loot from that day's catch. Split between two, they could still live quite well.

Aerodotus slipped into town that night and returned with wine and a whole turkey. The two celebrated and each of them had their own jug. That evening their fire was merry as the two of them ate, drank and toasted their mutual success. Filled with roast fowl and wine, Lucanorr fell asleep.

When he woke, he was alone. Aerodotus was nowhere to be found and neither was Lucanorr's share of their loot. Lucanorr's heart was broken. He'd never trusted another person and the one that he'd truly believed he could trust above all others had sold him out. Lucanorr traveled into Kintargo, but never found his former partner.

Penniless, Lucanorr took wages as a crewman on the Percheon, a ship carrying foodstuffs for sale in Sargava. When pirates waylaid the vessel on its way south, Lucanorr's skill with the bow felled many of their enemies before they could even think of boarding. From Sargava, Lucanorr traveled north to Port Peril in the Shackles. He planned to enjoy himself in the warm southern climate and to drink himself into oblivion until his finances forced him to take wages on another ship.

He loves animals and spicy foods. His first love was the auburn-haired daughter of the man that supplied milk the cobbler he worked for. She rode with her father on the wagon while he made deliveries. Lucanorr loved her from a distance, but has since been fascinated by women with dark red hair. In other encounters, but most especially with Aerodotus,

Lucanor has shown that while smart, he has very poor judgment in people. Should Lucanorr ever discover where Aerodotus vanished to, Lucanorr has sworn to kill him on sight.

Today, Lucanorr is a plain looking man. This aided his career as a bandit and he goes out of his way to remain unremarkable. Since Aerodotus's betrayal, Lucanorr trusts no one and believes that all people take whatever advantage of others that they can. Despite that, deep down he'd like to believe that there are trustworthy folks--perhaps not helpful to all but at least to their friends, family, and companions. Until then, Lucanorr is keeping quiet and keeping his head down.

Here is my guy! I'll probably rework the background, it's not quite there yet. Crunch is all there though.

@Bellamy -please go back and read the character creation rules.

Ah, misread core as base. Guess I'll just have to wait for the next pirate adventure to crop up.

A33, Sinvel here with my rogue pirate Vaelor Barksdale.

Let me know what you think!

@Vaelor -looks good but you might want to spend the rest of your starting gold. You won't get any of it back even if you do manage to reclaim your equipment

Allende has always loved ships. He ran away as a child and signed on as an assistant carpenter for a merchant ship. Part of the lure he felt for ships is the legend of piracy, ships and men facing off and always the legend of Besmara the Pirate Queen. He began to worship Besmara in private, worshiping her aspect as a ship's captain, not so much her aspect as a greedy pirate. But good attentions aside his naivete has amused her and now he finds himself on an actual pirate ship marked by Besmara as one of her clerics.

I know you have limited archetypes but I used the Seperatist Cleric archetype for Allende. Because of his affinity for ships his secondary domain is Construct (Mending at will for now, at 10th he can animate objects). If you have a problem with this archetype I'll change it to a normal cleric, switch his second domain to weather, Switch Scribe Scroll to Selective Channeling, Switch Spark of Creation with the trait that gives +2 Concentration.
Looking forward to playing

As for my playing experience I am currently running Way of the Wicked in real life in Pathfinder and have played roleplaying games for years, unfortunately usually running. Right now I am only running games in real life not playing any so am turning to the internet to satisfy my roleplaying urges.

Adventurer#33 wrote:
@Vaelor -looks good but you might want to spend the rest of your starting gold. You won't get any of it back even if you do manage to reclaim your equipment

OK, bought a few more things. Plus I'll say he spent several gold on a very beautiful tattoo of a clipper at sea that covers his chest!

I've got this guy. I've definitely got his personality set. I just have to ask if Urban Barbarian/Invulnerable Rager archetype combo would be allowable? If so, I might change him from Sea Reaver to that archetype combo.

As far as my RP experience? I've done RP of all sorts for the past decade and a half, starting with live action, moving to tabletop, and then in the past four years I've been mostly pbp or chat-based games.

As far as Skull & Shackles, it's my favorite, hands down. :)

Questions, comments, changes, whatever is necessary I'll do to get in.

Satinder would like to sig up here. The last wormwood crashed, and now she is without a job :)

@diabolito - the answer is no on the combo archtype sorry

@-Satinder - It looks good but I would like to see the character without the things gained in the last game.

@Allende - I am not sure about that seperatist archtype I need to look at Besmara's faith some more before I can decide whether I will allow it. My first instinct is to say no but Let me think on it some more.

:) Well then, Diabolito is mostly finished then. As far as crunch, I'd say he's solid. Any questions or concerns with anything else?

Lantern Lodge

Dotting for interest. Will work up a concept later.

Hello! If this is your first time with S&S, be sure to ask other GMs for tips on how they modify things. Especially the rum rations.


Hey there! I've had this guy written up, been excited to submit him. All original savage pirates with blood and rough seas. I'm in even if it's your first, I'm still relatively new to PFS myself, but not with RPGs or PBP by any means. Let me know what you think on Malak!

Allende Fluff:

Somewhere a list of crimes was being read, but Allende couldn’t make out the felonies over his splitting headache. He could tell he was on his knees but his sight was a constellation of lights and pain. The last thing he remembered was being at a tavern called the Formidably Maid, although based on the wenches he had seen he would rename it the Formidably Endowed. He had been on leave in Port Peril and had stopped in the famous tavern, it was part of pirate lore after all and he read everything he could about pirates. He remembered buying a trinket from a comely lass, a coin with a relief of the Jolly Roger stamped on one side and blank on the other. The Jolly Roger was the holy symbol of Besmara and of all the Golaran gods Allende thought she was the best. She was everything he read about, a legendary ship captain that survived on her wits and daring. Celebrating the purchase he drank a toast to Besmara and then darkness and pain.
His headache was clearing and he could tell the litany of charges was coming to an end. To be honest they didn’t seem that bad. The crime ‘Using litany in a sentence’ brought Allende to attention and he opened his eyes. He immediately wished he hadn’t as he was kneeling on a wooden plank suspended over a giant maelstrom. The plank was attached to a marvelous ship crewed by the most wretched lot Allende had ever laid eyes on. And there was Besmara herself standing at the foot of the plank flanked by scowling hook handed dwarf holding a long scroll he had been reading from.
Her eyes flashed with anger as she loudly exclaimed to her crew. “All serious charges, Mr. Baxley. But you left out the one I cannot abide.” She met Allende’s stare. “You have a lack of ambition.. Where’s the fun in reading when the world lies ripe for pillage. I find your prayers and lack of action sickening. “ She turned to her crew. “What’s the verdict, me hearties!” GUILTY came the reply. At which point she turned to the dwarf “Mr. Baxley, do your duty and rid this scallywag from my ship.”
With a grin Baxley advanced on Allende. His mind finally clear and sensing his danger, Allende ducked under the hook and grabbed the dwarf’s arm. This proved to be a mistake for the dwarf proved to be much stronger then he expected. Slowly the hook advanced towards Allende’s eye. With a desperate heave Allende pitched them both over the side, managing at the last instant to grab hold the plank. Baxley was not so lucky, his attempt to stop himself with the hook merely gouging out some wood before he fell.
“So, you do have some life in you.” Besmara laughed. “Well you still need to be punished.” With lightning speed her rapier was in her hand she laid Allende’s cheek open with it. Gasping with pain Allende tried to scramble up onto the plank, but Besmara planted her foot on his chest. “Time to Sink or Swim.” And with a push she effortlessly sent him flying into the abyss.
Suddenly Allende woke up. Was it a dream he thought as he tried to stand and immediately gasped with pain. The wound on his cheek was real enough. Suddenly Besmara’s laughter filled his ears and he felt power flowing into him. The cheek immediately healed, although it left a nasty scar. There was a gasp. “I knew he was a cleric, he had Besmara’s holy symbol on him when they brought him in.” Allende smiled. He didn’t know how ruthless he could be but Besmara was right, it was time to build his own legend. And Besmara’s laughter and power still echoed in his ears.

Here is my submission. I have a question about the Ship's Surgeon trait: Does the trait come with a healer's kit or do I need to pay for it and get to keep it?

My RP experience is currently one other PBP (on hiatus at the moment), I also DM a second edition Dragonlance campaign and also play in a Pathfinder Eberron campaign. I started playing D&D a little over ten years ago and have had a few good adventures since.

Ashrem Callister:

Ashrem Callister
Male Human (Varisian) Druid (World Walker) 1
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3 ; Sense: Perception +6

AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 ( +2 leather armor )
HP 8 (1d8+0)
Fort +2 , Ref +3 , Will +4
Speed 30 ft
Melee- Dagger +2 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) or
Club +2 (1d4+2/x2)

Ranged- Sling +3 (1d4+2/x2) range 50ft or
Dagger (x3) +3 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) range 10ft

Spell- Club +3, 2d6+3/x2 for 1 minute with Shillelagh
Sling +4 (1d6+3/x2) with Magic Stone (2d6 vs undead)

Str: 14 Dex: 16 Con: 11 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Cha: 12
Base Attack +0; CMB 12; CMD 13
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits: Ship's Surgeon (+1 Craft (Carpentry) and Heal checks), River Rat (+1 dagger damage and +1 Swim)
Skills: Climb +6, Craft (Carpentry) +6, Fly - , Handle Animal +1 (untrained), Heal +7 (+9 w/ Healer's Kit), Knowledge (Geography) +1 (untrained), Knowledge (Nature) +3 (untrained), Perception +6, Ride +3 (untrained), Spellcraft - (untrained), Survival +8, Swim +6
Languages: Common, Polyglot, Druidic
Combat Gear: 3 Daggers, 1 Oak Club, Sling w/ 20 bullets, Leather armor
Other Gear: Healer's Kit, Waterskin, Bedroll, Fishhook, Holly & Mistletoe, and 1 day's rations

Special Abilities
Nature Bond: Hawk; Size: small; Speed 10ft, fly 80ft (average); AC 14 (+1 natural armor, +1 size, +2 Dex); Attack; bite +3 (1d4), 2 talons +3 (1d4); Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6; Special Qualities: low-light vision; Feats: Weapon Finesse, Acrobatic; Skills: Acrobatics +4, Fly +10, Perception +10

Nature Sense: +2 Knowledge (Nature) and Survival
Orisons 3/ Create Water, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
Spells 2/ Magic Stone, Shillelagh (may replace with Summon Nature's Ally I spontaneously)
Wild Empathy- 1d20+2 to improve the attitude of an animal

World Walker:
While all druids traverse the wilderness with ease, the world walkers take it upon themselves to travel the entire world. Some act as messengers and scouts for druidic circles, while others have a seemingly unquenchable wanderlust; each new land provides new mysteries to discover and new wisdom to be gained from mastering those mysteries.
Favored Terrain (Ex): At 3rd level, the world walker gains the ranger’s favored terrain ability (Core Rulebook 65). She treats her druid level as her ranger level for this ability. If she has levels in both classes, both class’s levels stack for determining the effect of this ability. This ability replaces trackless step and reduce nature’s lore.
Path of Trees (Su): At 9th level, once a day, a wanderer can step within a tree and then teleport from that tree to another one in a manner similar to the tree stride spell (Core Rulebook 362). She gains an extra use of this ability each day at 12th level, and a third use of this ability at 15th level. Furthermore, a world walker of 13th level or higher can use this ability to teleport to any other tree of its type up to 100 miles away. This ability replaces both venom immunity and timeless body.


"Like a thunderstorm in my heart, beautiful, powerful, unpredictable, and a little frightening at times but I don't want it to end. I feel this every time I watch the sea… and I wonder, heart aching to know, what is out there over the horizon?"

Ashrem Callister was the son of a well known Varisian wood carver. Even though Ashrem loved working with wood, he had no intention to stay and take over his father's business. He yearned too much for the freedom of the sea and the lands that laid beyond. As a young lad, he would run away from home at nights looking for adventure and excitement. He fell in with a young gang of orphans called the Red Rags. Confident, level-headed, and already skilled with a knife from his work, Ashrem may never have been the leader but he was always respected. Sometimes merchants and smugglers would hire the gang out to cut anchor and/or docking lines of their rivals. Ashrem would always be the first one in the water, knife clenched between his teeth as he set to doing the dirty work. He was also well liked because he gave his share to the others, having a home he didn't have any need of the coins.

A few years older and wiser, Ashrem would spend a lot of time learning from visiting sailors and merchants and even went on a few voyages with his father. During this time, he was surprised to learn that quite a few of the sailors with wooden prosthetics had been carved and placed by none other than his father. He admired his father for that and set to learning all he could about various medicines and treatments. He would even come close to setting aside his dream of setting out on his own and instead carry on the family business. That would change as he entered adulthood, on one dark stormy night in particular…

News came late the next day, the ship his father had last sailed with had sank during the storm. There were rumors that the ship had actually came under attack from pirates but no one could be certain. Ashrem did his best to track down any more information that he could find over the next few years, eventually catching word that there was a survivor somewhere in Port Peril who may know more. With that, he has just arrived at the Formidable Maid awaiting a message to be returned by his beloved sea hawk. And after dining on a good meal and drinking one or two drinks, he finds himself feeling a bit woozy…

Are you allowing alternate race traits such as the gnome's

Master Tinker Gnomes experiment with all manner of mechanical devices. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. They are treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted. This racial trait replaces defensive training and hatred.

Pyromaniac Gnomes with this racial trait are treated as one level higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using the bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline or the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage (this ability does not give gnomes early access to level-based powers; it only affects the powers they could use without this ability). Gnomes with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level; the DCs are Charisma-based. This racial trait replaces gnome magic and illusion resistance.

@Malak -Your character submission looks good. Be aware you will lose any unspent gold along with your gear at the beginning of the campaign. You might be able to get your gear back but the gold will be gone.

@Doc Watson - I am gonna say you don't need to pay for the healers kit, and you get to keep it.

@Gnomezrule - The alternate race traits are not in the core rules book so are not allowed sorry.

Having noticed the alternate racials aren't allowed, I'm going to have to either make the necessary changes or pull him from consideration. Hmmm....

@Diabolito - sorry I didn't catch that earlier.

No worries. It happens. Anything else that you see I need to change, while I'm working on it?

@diabolito-not that I can see, but if you want to keep the alternate racial traits there is another Skull and Shackles recruitment thread that opened up yesterday. I am trying to limit the number of different rule that are being used because this is my first time.

Oh I definitely understand that. I'm definitely going to take my time in making the decision.


Ooh, snap. Well I'll look around but I can't think of much else my character would want. Haha, he is uses to traveling on and living off the open seas. I'll get a crossbow or something.


I am trying to limit the number of different rule that are being used because this is my first time.

I'm changing Allende to just a regular cleric of Besmara to make things simpler. He and his god just don't always see eye to eye about the more ruthless aspects of her worship.

If you are still looking for vanilla classes I'll make up a Druid with a Dolphin (bestiary 1 animal companion choice)

Sorry, sorry, here he is whole and complete.

I started RP gaming at Astronomy camp in 1978 (D&D of course). There was a lot of down time out in the desert. I started GM'ing in 1980 and have done so every other week all the way to the present.
I started PbP in 2005 and am running four games currently.

Updated Equipment list


Club -
Sling -
Bullets (20) 2sp
Daggers (10) 20gp
Leather Armor 10gp
Waterskin (2) 2gp
Bedroll 1sp
Fishing Kit 5sp
Fishing line (50ft) 1cp
Backpack 2gp
Artisan's tools (carpentry) 5gp
Leeching Kit 5gp
Fortune-teller Deck (common) 1gp
Scrollcase (2) 2gp
Woven Sacks (2) 2sp
Flint & Steel 1gp
Flask, Acid (1) 10gp
Signal Horn 1gp
Tattoo, compass (L hand) 1gp
Tattoo, nautical stars (shoulders) 2gp
Tattoo, corsair and thunderstorm 5gp
Bandolier 5sp
Mess Kit 2sp
Soap (1lb) 2cp
Artisan's clothing 1gp
Healer's Kit Priceless
Craft(Carpentry): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 *.5 gp worth of hand carved animals

Starting Gold: 70gp - 68gp - 17sp - 3cp = 0gp, 2sp, 7cp remaining

A33, I changed Vaelor's avatar to one that is more pirate-themed.

Also, how many players do you hope to have in this campaign?

"Hey thar, Vaelor be anxious t' get this thin' started!"

@vaelor - I am only planning to have four PCs as recommended in the published module.


Don't worry A33, whoever you pick is sure to help you have a good first experience. By the way, forgot to inform you that yes, I'm relatively new to PFS PBP. On a side note I've done quite an extensive amount of PBP for alternate RPGs, such as Star Wars and DC. So, I'm no stranger to the format and, in fact, I love writing and playing in a narrative frame. Which is why I thoroughly enjoy PBP, it brings together many different minds and styles, creating a very unique synergy. I'm excited to play.

Satinder is eager and awaiting...
And hoping nobody notices the wooden leg on her beautiful body!

If Ashrem happens to meet her, he'd be interested in knowing who had carved the leg and maybe ask to look at the craftsmanship put into it. That's if she isn't glaring/stabbing him for asking about something too personal!

Terz sulks in the corner, catfolk not welcome who, will he share the obligatory "wood" joke with regarding Satinder ;)

since no new character submissions have been made in the last couple days I am going to close the recruitment and announce the chosen players. First I want to say all the complete submissions I recieved were great and who to pick was a tough decision. I would have liked to include everyone because I know how hard it can be to get into a game on the forums but I am not ready to take on that many players.

The chosen PCs are
Gladiors-Lucanorr Merovin
Sinvel Mentors-Vaelor Barksdale
Doc Watsons-Ashrem Callister

I will have a discussion thread up shortly. If the chosen players would check in there I have a few things that for you all.

If any of those that were pick can't participate or don't check in on the discussion thread in the next 24 hours I will announce a new player to replace them. Thank you everyone for applying.

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