mdt |
Posting to all my games :
As you should know by now, I'm going to Kuwait for two weeks and leaving today. This week has been very hectic between work, preparing for the trip, and having my work laptop bricked by our IT folks yesterday afternoon (and spending 6 hours getting data off the drive and resetting the OS).
I will try to get a post up on all games today before I go, but it will likely be this weekend before I can post, assuming I can do so from the hotel in Kuwait. I'll also be on Kuwait time, so likely I will only get a post or two up a day due to time differences.
I'll be back to US time in two weeks.
Connor of McIntyre |
I just realized we passed the One Year Anniversary mark on 25 October. So congrats, everyone!
Connor of McIntyre |
We have to do fortitude saves for desert heat, and we have a GM willing to go overseas for realistic evaluation. Do we have the best GM or what?
P.S. Drink water!
Connor of McIntyre |
How's the desert, mdt? Meanwhile, back in the USA...
Stunning Photos Of Record Snow Covering Upstate New York: 100 Total Inches Of Snow Expected
Arctic air mass pushes temperatures to 111-year low
So while the rest of us are freezing, mdt's sitting at a Kuwaiti cafe in the 110F heat, sipping chia! :)
Reaghar of Donough |
call me crazy, but all those pictures of snow makes me super unhappy to live in Hawaii. I miss winter. people think i am strange for saying it. but, i'd rather have to layer clothes to feel comfortable than to wear less clothes. there are only so many clothes i can take off to be comfortable, especially when i need my doors and windows open to get a cross-breeze. i'd much rather pile on some sweatpants, a blanket, and sip some hot chocolate.
mdt |
Actually, it's been fairly cool here (70 to 95F), they're experiencing a cold front.
Sorry for the lack of posting, been buried at work. Funny, they pay $5000+ for you to come out, they want blood. :)
Connor of McIntyre |
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Connor of McIntyre |
How'd the trip back go, mdt?
mdt |
Sorry for not responding everyone, my last week :
Thursday, 2AM Kuwait time : Emergency in Calgary, we need you there Monday.
Thursday : 9 hours of work
Friday, 1AM Kuwait time : Plane delayed, wait 2 hours, take off
Friday, 2PM Central Time, US : Land
Friday, 3:30PM Central Time : Get home
Friday, 4PM : Collapse in bed
Saturday : Run around doing everything I thought I had 4 days off to do.
Sunday : Repeat running around, collapse, sick and coughing. Take nyquil
Monday : 2:30AM, get up and get ready for 5AM flight.
Monday : 4:15AM, realize I left laptop at house, no computer, call wife, arrange to have it overnighted.
Monday : 7AM, Get on connecting flight to Calgary, wait 90 minutes on tarmack
Monday : Noon Calgary time : Land Calgary
Tuesday : Noon, laptop arrives
Tuesday : 3:15PM : Post this message
I'll try to get something up tonight, but no promises. I'll be back in the states again Thursday Night, so if not tonight, Friday. Sorry again.
Connor of McIntyre |
Wow! Rest up, mdt.
Connor of McIntyre |
Everybody back on board yet?
Connor of McIntyre |
Looks like the power went out at Pazio last night (10 Dec) due to really big storms in California.
Pazio needs to hire a squadron of interns to keep the gremlins out of the server farm room. :)
Connor of McIntyre |
On the current dinner conversation: waiting for others to comment verbally or telepathically. (A little unnerved by Tefna still "on the line" with us. Somebody take Knowledge: Religion already! :) )
Connor of McIntyre |
I hope everybody's okay, mdt. The holiday season brings a lot of stress for some people. I hope things get better for you. Still checking daily. Trying not to dominate the conversations IC.
mdt |
Sorry everyone, we're on break until after christmas. I've been sick for a week, bronchitus. Doctor gave me a z-pak (alergic to penicilin) and it's wiping me out. I'll be dragging bottom for at least 3 more days, and that takes us to X-Mas, so we're on break until next week. Sorry, collapsed last night and slept all day Saturday.
Connor of McIntyre |
Get some rest, mdt. Watch out for those z-paks: my mother took one, and it made her skin cancer spots become malignant. I'll see if I can't talk to her about alternatives.
Connor of McIntyre |
Let's give Gashon a day off. I know playing this trip has become long, but it has been very exciting and fruitful as far as finding out what the cities of the Surface have in trade.
We've got 25 days left until the rendezvous with the Ashen skyships, according to Connor's Log. Even taking a week to fly home, instead of Gashon's one-day-express, that's still two weeks for another mission. With more options if 1.) Gashon goes with us again, and 2.) we go South of Kalliert, where the skyships were going. Otherwise, we'll have to invent some story, like a religious holiday or somesuch.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Connor of McIntyre |
As you leave the embassy, you are given small gifts by the Ambassador.
Each is a piece of jewelry, worth about 100gp, all small but very well wrought
Does this include the deep crystal fragments promised, mdt?
Connor of McIntyre |
Ok, packing that into the palanquin for Level 7 and Craft Psionic Weapons and Armor!
Connor of McIntyre |
Alys, are you done with your retraining now? Did you want to roleplay that aspect?
In keeping with Connor making power stones for everybody's powers, so we don't get caught without powers in a long-standing battle again, I've planned on having Connor make Alys a power stone of Alys' new powers. But I need to know if Alys can use the powers first. It's a power stone of Sustenance, Vigor (4th), Inertial Armor, Force Screen (2), and Dimension Swap.
Alys |
Selvan's been quiet for two weeks, Sam apparently since the end of october.
Though TarkXT is still active on the forum. Hard to tell with sam, he seems to onlyhave RP aliases.
They don't respond to PMs?
Connor of McIntyre |
I'd like to go back to once-a-day posting with all of our characters, if we could.
mdt |
Or at least, 2-3 times a week. :)
I was part of the issue (the whole out of coutnry thing, and then the holidays). I should be more steady going forward.
I did hear back from Selvan, he'll post later today.
Do we want to recruit again?
I think we're about done with this area, and it's almost time to go back to Atalantia.
Reaghar of Donough |
If you go for recruiting, it might be best to recruit a replacement for me.
I've lost interest in Reaghar as a character, and do not have time to make another.
I won't quit the game and leave everyone short an ally unless there's a replacement for me though.
Connor of McIntyre |
Wow, Reaghar. I always thought you had a viable character, but then I'm almost always a crafter myself, and not a front-line fighter.
If all we do is bum around Kalliert waiting for the two weeks to be up so we can fly South and meet up with the skyships, then yes, we'll be back on Atalantia shortly. I would hate to wrap that up in just 1-3 postings by mdt. But if we do a "short" mission, followed by a jungle flight to the skyships, and then some interaction on the skyships (dragon attack), we could be looking at 3-4 months in Real Life of postings before we get back to Atalantia. I don't think Reaghar has that kind of time.
We have done a "guard the warehouse" mission before, which would keep us in the city, give us a battle, and then let us depart Kalliert for the skyships. I'm not sure how long it would last in RL, with Sammark not posting and everybody else posting once a week.
I would want recruitment once we get back to the skyships, since new players could come from either crew. I also wouldn't want to level up to Level 5 before any new players come in.
We know Sammark has reasons to stay on the Surface, as well as "Tefna's curse" (obligation or bargain, really). With Reaghar going that's 2 new people, minimum. Even Selvan said previously he would like a different character. Not sure if he's still set on that or not.
Alys |
I think we shold recruit replacements. The group is getting a little small now, if Rea also wants to quit, there would be only 3 PCs left. A bit of fresh meat would mix up the party a little too.
mdt |
If we re-recruit, I'd almost certainly bump everyone (new and old) to level five, and want to start them out on Atalantia. I can pace the current group out in Kelliart so that by the time the new players are ready, the current group is in Atalantia.
I had a nice sub plot all ready to go, but Sammark vanishing kabashed that. :)
TarkXT |
If we re-recruit, I'd almost certainly bump everyone (new and old) to level five, and want to start them out on Atalantia. I can pace the current group out in Kelliart so that by the time the new players are ready, the current group is in Atalantia.
I had a nice sub plot all ready to go, but Sammark vanishing kabashed that. :)
If that's the case than it would be wise to go ahead and retire selvan.
And I'll probably just go into some sort of frontline class. I'm fidning myself stretched with selvan so Ima specialize towards soemthign I knwo I'm good at.
mdt |
Reaghar of Donough |
I would never suggest that you shorten any timelines (or anything else that would hamper the enjoyment of other players) just to make it easier for me to drop out of the game. I won't back out until there is a good time to do so, either. It sucks when a player leaves and someone else has to play that PC, and it sucks when the GM had all these plans for X number of characters and them the party becomes X-1 or X-2, etc.
And as for Reaghar's viability, it wasn't that he wasn't viable, or powerful enough. It's just that A.) I lost interest in the character itself, and B.) I don't have time to make a new one. As it is, he is a level behind everyone else because I haven't made sufficient effort to level him up (due to both A and B above).
TL;DR: I would like to drop out at some point in the future, when it is convenient for everyone else and without inconveniencing others.
TarkXT |
Sooooooo I decided on a psychic warrior claw guy. An old standby I've had since the old days.
Backstory wise I decided to take something with a bit more complex and less easy to resolve character arc.
Was considering an old and very very powerful psion from the islands past who nearly took over through sheer psionic might. He was destroyed, but his essence was reborn in the form of several persons containing a portion of his mental power. The PC would be one of these individuals.
Will have more details later.
mdt |
Well, I was about out of stuff for Kelliart, and what I had left was closing up Sammark's side arc. Without him, it doesn't make sense.
Reaghar's side arc and Selvan's was coming up, but I can rework those for new characters, and keeping you around for another year for the side arc wouldnt' be fair. :)
Connor's is kind of an on going one.
Alys's stuff I've been trying to work in as well, but this Kelliart thing took a lot longer than I expected.
I'll probably work in Alys's stuff next, since I can rework what I had next and plan for that now.
Connor of McIntyre |
Alys, are you done with your retraining now? Did you want to roleplay that aspect?
In keeping with Connor making power stones for everybody's powers, so we don't get caught without powers in a long-standing battle again, I've planned on having Connor make Alys a power stone of Alys' new powers. But I need to know if Alys can use the powers first. It's a power stone of Sustenance, Vigor (4th), Inertial Armor, Force Screen (2), and Dimension Swap.
Alys, the good news is that if the power is on your gifted blade list, then you can cast it, just like with a wand. The bad news is, you'll need to keep adding to your Psicraft skill so you can "address" a power stone (DC 15 + power's level), and use the power without brainburn. There's a manifester level check too for powers higher than your level. This is why Connor's original plan was to cover Alys in tattoos that she might need (max of 20). With our party makeup shifting, and Alys getting Gifted Blade, Connor's going to switch from tattoos for Alys to power stones for Alys. I don't see any reason why Connor can't get Alys a bevy of power stones, all 1st-level, to help her in battle.