Arcanist Optimization Guide


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Here. I've only gone over races and exploits at the moment. Feats are a whole different kettle of fish that I'll get to later.

Christ, it's 1:09 AM.

Looks like a good start. Did you forget to rate Humans? The FCB isn't as good but the extra feat is nice.

When you come to rate feats and archetypes it might make sense to rate things seperatly for control, blasting, summoning or any other distinct build types.

Except for occultists most of the archetypes don't look that strong but there might be some niche builds that are worth examining such as blade adept into eldritch knight, and a 1 level sorcer or wizard dip plus blood arcanist / spell savant for blasters.

Your recommendations for Charisma are pretty terrible. Very few of the Exploits actually use much charisma and it generally tends to be the terrible elemental blasts. Charisma can very easily be a dump stat for Arcanists and even one using stuff like the dispel probably dont need more than a 10 to start with.

Grand Lodge

20 pt buy:

Str 7, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 14

will be honest I agree a 14 cha is more then plenty. I actually recommend this point buy

Str 7, dex12, con 12, int 18, wis 10, cha 13

A trait I highly recommend on an arcanist is Transmuter. Its better then a lot of feats.

Core feat choices of: improved initiative, toughness, improved familiar (if taken), spell penetration

Then do as Quiz said and do feats based on what kind of caster your playing:

Summoner: spell focus conjuration, augmented summoning

Blaster: spell focus evocation, spell specialization, empower spell, dazing spell, spell perfection

Enchanter: persistent spell, spell focus enchantment, Greater SF,

Crafter: craft wonderous item, scribe scroll, craft rod

Necromancer: spell focus necro, hieghten spell, preferred spell, spell perfection,

Just some examples

andreww wrote:

Your recommendations for Charisma are pretty terrible. Very few of the Exploits actually use much charisma and it generally tends to be the terrible elemental blasts. Charisma can very easily be a dump stat for Arcanists and even one using stuff like the dispel probably dont need more than a 10 to start with.

For the first four levels at least, acid jet and ice missile are actually somewhat good. They don't scale as well as spells, but at the early levels they offer a bit of flexibility. The stagger effect of ice missile is pretty effective, for example.

I'd be interested in low-level arcanist advice, especially. At first level, you have few spells, fewer than almost any full caster, and you can't yet afford much for wands and scrolls.


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Per request, I included some alternate point buy recommendations:

One set for those who want to use Charisma-based class abilities.
One for those dumping everything into Intelligence.

Also, is it just me, or does the guide display with no margins whatsoever? If it's not just me, how do you fix that?

And is the font change distracting?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It looks like you messed up the font in the Exploits section. All of the text is the same font as the headers (unlike the previous half of the document), and I find some numbers difficult to read in that font.

Otherwise, looks neat. I look forward to you going over feats and archetypes!

“It moves 30 feet as a move action, then charges 30 feet as a standard action. What is your AC?”

Except that doesn't happen, because charge is a full-round action.

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It was a Fine zombie under the effect of augmented mythic haste. I assumed that would be clear from context.

What does "FCB" mean?

Favoured Class Bonus

Dotted and thanks Thelemic!

Their are a couple of additional options you might also want to mention for School Understanding.

As far as I can tell you can pick subschools. That opens up the teleport subschool which will give you Shift. You wont move very far but you don't care much about that, Shift is generally just used to get you out of grapples as they will shut you down. If your GM rules that Dimensional Slide cannot be used to escape a grapple this is a great option.

The second option is to take divination and grab the ability to act in the surprise round. This may well save your life many times, especially in PFS where many encounters have virtually enforced surprise rounds and where scouting can be very difficult due to the random nature of groups.

Shadow Lodge

Observe, the power of Scroll Dust addiction!

(Gor is a blast to play, built for Crowd Control and Spell Swapping, if you go this route Cha can be a dump stat and tbh unless you're building for one of the Cha based Exploits the Charisma is a trap)

With a side focus in linguistics and the feat from the new ACG that lets you use Linguistics for nearly every social application of Diplomacy, Intimidate and Bluff. Its a couple of feats but it really brings out the
"V for Vendetta" in a Pathfinder!


Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Linguistics).
Benefit: You can use a Linguistics check in place of a
Bluff check to tell a falsehood or conceal information,
in place of a Diplomacy check to change the attitude of
a creature, or in place of an Intimidate check to force a
creature to cooperate. You must deliver your attempt in a
language the target understands.

Its an OK feat but it does take up a feat slot. You may be better off with Student of Philosophy which turns the deception part of Bluff and convince part of Diplomacy into Int based checks but it is only a trait. Clever Wordplay does much the same thing but only for all aspects of one skill.

Shadow Lodge

which means you have to invest feats in Extra traits for the spellcasting traits you want. Either way it's an investment in feats. Not that I'd rate it blue but for versatility (no one ever takes linguistics where I play, buncha murderhobos) and sheer flavor I really like it :)

andreww wrote:
As far as I can tell you can pick subschools. That opens up the teleport subschool which will give you Shift. You wont move very far but you don't care much about that, Shift is generally just used to get you out of grapples as they will shut you down. If your GM rules that Dimensional Slide cannot be used to escape a grapple this is a great option.

The problem is, it works like dimension door, so you can't move any further away or do anything else that turn, such as cast an incapacitating spell. You would have to take the Dimensional Agility feat to make this escape plan viable.

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The feat is better than the trait since you get the class skill, one skill to get your points into, and one skill focus (plus intimidate for fun). Back to the post.
I think it should be noted that the arcanist is the best enchanter and/or illusionist in the game.

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The brown-fur transmuter is hilariously powerful.

The polymorph effects line up nice and neat: monstrous physique I, II, III, IV, giant form I, II, and shapechange).

Some of the other stuff is less obvious:

Long arm, see invisibility, resinous skin, expeditious retreat, transformation, paragon surge, resilient reservoir, echolocation, overland flight, fluid form, ice body, iron body, frightful aspect, angelic aspect, ethereal jaunt, fiery body, and time stop are all fair game.

If the party beatstick is a brawler rather than a fighter, they can tailor their feats after the spells take effect, allowing them to pick up things like Awesome Blow and other natural-weapon-enhancing abilities.

Thelemic_Noun wrote:
andreww wrote:

Your recommendations for Charisma are pretty terrible. Very few of the Exploits actually use much charisma and it generally tends to be the terrible elemental blasts. Charisma can very easily be a dump stat for Arcanists and even one using stuff like the dispel probably dont need more than a 10 to start with.

For the first four levels at least, acid jet and ice missile are actually somewhat good. They don't scale as well as spells, but at the early levels they offer a bit of flexibility. The stagger effect of ice missile is pretty effective, for example.

So is it an 'optimization guide', or a 'kinda okay build for the first four levels guide'?

Arcanist is pretty good for Prestige classes. Especially the blade adept one. It leads utterly great to arcane trickster and eldritch knight. In fact it's not even bad for a dragon disciple. Considering once you take the first level if you have the bloodline exploit then your full up on the abilities netting you some great natural armour and some natural attacks.

I myself am making a great looking (havent played it yet) Blade ADept arcanist who is going into Dragon Disciple to recreate the Ryu characters from breath of fire. Using blade adept's sword and a claw and a bite haha. Cept I made my guy mostly dex based (haven't decided yet if I'll nab agile on weapons yet or not)

Though I wonder. In the elemental exploits they list level and not arcanist level All the other exploits except the elemntal exploits specificaly list arcane level as well.. So I wanan say it means it levels up no matter what class levels you take?

So does that mean it's based off your level in general? Cause that would make those exploits more useful for everything. Especially for Prestige class choices. Arcane Trickster would utterly love them.

It doesn't seem terribly wrong seeing as it's funded off of arcane points which won't go up if you multiclass so it's still terribly limited

Fearspect wrote:
Thelemic_Noun wrote:
andreww wrote:

Your recommendations for Charisma are pretty terrible. Very few of the Exploits actually use much charisma and it generally tends to be the terrible elemental blasts. Charisma can very easily be a dump stat for Arcanists and even one using stuff like the dispel probably dont need more than a 10 to start with.

For the first four levels at least, acid jet and ice missile are actually somewhat good. They don't scale as well as spells, but at the early levels they offer a bit of flexibility. The stagger effect of ice missile is pretty effective, for example.
So is it an 'optimization guide', or a 'kinda okay build for the first four levels guide'?

Hard to be optimal when you're dead.

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Well, points in Dex/Con and a few gold for a light crossbow accomplishes much more than points in Cha and a lost arcanist exploit (especially considering that Cha doesn't even add that much to the elemental attack spells, e.g. dumping Cha still works).

Grand Lodge

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A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions

Staggered is a powerful condition. The Ice Missle -> Icy Tomb is probably the best of the elemental exploits. I would rank it green. Acid jet and flame would be orange. And lightning would be red.

What make the Ice Missle good is it is a fortitude save. Early game you can shut down rogue types (goblins) and later game with Icy tomb becomes a mage hurting ability. Staggered, entangled, strength check to break out, and dex damage. All those things hurt a caster. No full round action means no summon spells...really puts a hurt on conjuration wizards. also choosing between positioning or a single spell is a difficult choice when a fighter is getting close.

Now if your DM optimizes his encounters I would avoid it completely because emergency force shield laughs off the fighter and allows him to just choose standard casting. But for APs i believe it would be a green ability.

Show me an Arcanist build involving an elemental attack exploit, and I guarantee you that a better Arcanist could have been made using a different exploit.

You're a full caster, you have lots of better ways to target fortitude than by using your arcane pool and a charisma based DC.

Grand Lodge

Im not saying its the strongest. Im saying its useful. Its not blue worthy which is the more optimal pick. Im just saying if you want to pick th ed elemental expliots then Ice Missle is the best of the 5. Its more optimal to use your arcane pool to up the DC of a spell then Ice Missle. But not everyone optimizes. They just go and see guides on what optimizers say are bad picks and avoid those. Hut if a player wants a elemental exploit then they should grab Ice Missle over the others.

Fruian: I would have no disagreement with you if this was just for an Arcanist Build Guide.

Thelemic_Noun: Possibly worth noting, the Bloodline Development exploit might be ranked a touch higher just because it can grant you an Arcane Bonded object, if you happen to not be a fan of familiars.

Grand Lodge

Oh I agree. Giving it the word optimized seems lofty for a class that just came out. I doubt many of the guides authors played every feat/exploit/ability/archetype. They just pull from feedback from the community. The title should be Guide to the arcanist. But I guess that OP in this guide is learning that most the community here is very much into details such as choice of words.

Choice of words is very important with the english language where the same word can mean three different things.

It seems like a good start to a guide so far. I would suggest adding sub-headings to the race section to make it easier to find things in, and Aasimar seems to be missing.

I like the way the discussion is going; Cha is pretty much a trap if you're "optimizing" yes?

Yup CHA is near usless from optimization standpoint. After all your just a lv 9 caster so anything outside of that is kinda not the point if your existane from optimization standpoint.

Which is not to say elemental archetype doesn't make those powers highly amusing. I do wish that bloodline was just a bunch of exploits or that it could stack wit hother archetype sthough. It by itself has a hard time making itself worth while. but I would totally burn a feat to make my elemental ice longer ranged on several of my characters.

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Depends on the game you're playing in. Some GMs will certainly encourage or even require diplomacy, which in turn requires CHA.

Keep in mind, Gandalf was a only a level 5 character and didn't use many spells, instead relying on wits and diplomacy to win the day when he could, and many see Gandalf as the ultimate wizard. Even against the goblins in the Hobbit, he used intimidation to slow them up and buy time for the dwarves to gain distance from their pursuers. He most certainly didn't go slinging magic left and right.

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GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:
Depends on the game you're playing in. Some GMs will certainly encourage or even require diplomacy, which in turn requires CHA.

Int primary characters don't need charisma to become amazing face characters. Clever Wordplay, Student of Philosophy or Orator all allow various social skills to effectively be run from Int. They are extremely potent.

That's crazy! Not sure sure I'd allow those myself. Influencing people is more then just the words you use. You say you will kill a man to his face, but it isn't the words that will make him believe it. Kinda like how a song can be sad without a single spoken word, so to words are not the important part of talking.

Yeah pure Int folks generally have enough points to put points into skills that tend to be cha centric. But in general most groups end up with someone who wants to be a talker. In which case someone like an arcanist isn't really the class they'd go for.

Especiallly since this is a "optimization" guide.

Though I do have a pretty CHA-INT equal build. but he's pretty focused on the not so wgreat but still amusing to me, Elemental archetype stuff. That would be pretty decent Cha build of a character I guess. It's a pretty weird character since it goes with dragon disciple, possibly dipping into eldritch knight for more BAB joy. Ends up being being a weird but fun kinda thing.

Thoough dependong on how GM's read the CHA based exploits they might be good for short term dips.
The weapon enchanting and the elemental blasts exploits in particular say level and not arcanist level. Where as every other exploit specifies Arcanist level. Their DC's are still based on Arcanist level however so the status effects will be b#$!~~+s.

In general most peopel assume level means character level but in this case it feels pretty purposeful. but again kinda depends on the gm's reading. But it would be a great asset to any sneak attack kinda class for a nifty few times a day ranged attack.

but not remotely optimal in either case

Zwordsman wrote:
Yeah pure Int folks generally have enough points to put points into skills that tend to be cha centric. But in general most groups end up with someone who wants to be a talker. In which case someone like an arcanist isn't really the class they'd go for.

My most effective diplomancer is my sage sorcerer with Int30 and Charisma 7 combined with high DC charm spells. It would quite possibly work even better as an Arcanist if it wasn't for the Razmiran Priest archetype.

The only thing you need to do to be an incredibly effective face as a wizard, witch, arcanist or sage sorcerer is invest in a single trait with Student of Philosophy and then put a skill point each level into bluff and diplomacy. You can round things off by making them class skills, adding a competence booster, grabbing something like sense motive or employing spells if you wish.

Int primary characters can now make some of the most potent social characters in the game if you choose to and it is probably worth pointing out in any guide about them.

andreww wrote:
Zwordsman wrote:
Yeah pure Int folks generally have enough points to put points into skills that tend to be cha centric. But in general most groups end up with someone who wants to be a talker. In which case someone like an arcanist isn't really the class they'd go for.

My most effective diplomancer is my sage sorcerer with Int30 and Charisma 7 combined with high DC charm spells. It would quite possibly work even better as an Arcanist if it wasn't for the Razmiran Priest archetype.

The only thing you need to do to be an incredibly effective face as a wizard, witch, arcanist or sage sorcerer is invest in a single trait with Student of Philosophy and then put a skill point each level into bluff and diplomacy. You can round things off by making them class skills, adding a competence booster, grabbing something like sense motive or employing spells if you wish.

Int primary characters can now make some of the most potent social characters in the game if you choose to and it is probably worth pointing out in any guide about them.

Yeah it's worth mentioning. but in general that's a note for the guide about using different stats for different skills kinda thing. This was more about using Cha in the arcanist or not with regards to "optimised" subject matter. So from a optimised point of view because of the various traits and other things you can get it's even less useful for an optimised guy.

usually the party face defaults to different classes, especially with the new classes avaible in the ACG

Interestingly, my original post was to point out that "optimization" could have different requirements for different campaigns/GMs.

Honestly, having traits and feats that completely undermine the entire purpose of one of the primary attributes of a character seems ungodly broken to me. Not only does it make investment in the attribute pointless even for RP characters, but it throws off the expected balance of everything else because everything that might've been invested in it are now invested elsewhere plus some that were taken from the now useless attribute.

I didn't realize such ridiculous things existed, and wouldn't really allow them in my games.

Dotting. :)

DarkLightHitomi: Its honestly not that big of a deal if you do ignore them. Loading up on Cha as an arcanist would put you at what? 14? dumping to 9 or even 7 still doesn't make that big of a difference across the spread (-3 or -4 from where you 'could' have been).

Having your spells work awesome or being more survivable (dex/con) in exchange for an additional 15% failure rate on diplomacy seems like a no brainer.

When you only have a +50% to begin with, 15% can be a big deal. Sure at higher levels the difference shrinks, but by then you are demigod in all but name anyway.

And if you are playing in a diplomacy heavy game, that extra 15% can be very important at any level. Besides, it is more then just the numbers, but what also what the numbers represent. I could easily have a cha 7 character forbidden from a town because the local nobility finds the character detestabley ugly, regardless of their diplomacy score, after all they have to listen to your words before your words can achieve anything.

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I don't really get how that's any different from dumping strength and picking up a handy haversack, or dumping dexterity and wearing really good armor. Its just not that big of a deal unless you make it one.

I would do just fine with dumped Charisma in a heavy diplomacy game because I generally invest in Diplomacy at every level (made possible by having extra skills due to a high int). The penalties just aren't there to make one regret it, unlike having your main combat mechanic fail.

Yes, I will admit that there are different ways to play the game, but if you balance your character around all the types of encounters that exist in the game (combat, diplomacy, traps, exploration, etc), then dumping charisma will give you the most bang for your buck.

Meanwhile, I have no idea how one would decide that a 'charisma' is tied only to how a person looks, but if you have the kind of GM that makes up their own definitions of words, then uses those made up definitions to punish the players, then I don't really know what I can do to help you out. There is no good looks stat.

For everything else, there's Charm/Dominate Person ;)

*If you would like to discuss this further, feel free to send me a PM. That way, this thread can keep focused on a discussion about the guide being written.

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The difference really is that, for most classes, Cha is pretty much /only/ used for skills. It's the only stat that doesn't have some general application to every character.

That said, there's another thread making note of going Sorcerer 1/Arcanist X and dropping an Exploit on Bloodline Development to get... almost all of the Sorcerer's class features. The Arcanist can also do this with a Wizard, by dropping an Exploit on School Understanding (and possibly Familiar). How do people feel about the viability of one or the other of these? Or even both, really, doing Sorcerer 1/Wizard 1/Arcanist X with Magical Knack to shore up your CL and banking on the broadened abilities to make up for being a spell level behind. Seems interesting, but I'm not sure how good it'd be.

That's a really good idea, Kestral287. Which Arcanist archetype would be best in that situation?

Blade Adept requires too many Arcanas, all of them early, so you'd come online way too late.

Blood Arcanist would be redundant, unless you just did Wizard 1/Arcanist 19, but then you're throwing out 5-6 Exploits instead of 2-3 (depending on how much you want the familiar and which bloodline you pick). It's an option, but I'd kind of rather go all-in on this for the use of Magical Knack. You'd probably want to start with three or four levels of Arcanist before your Wizard level though, since it take some time before they have a free Exploit.

I'm a huge fan of Eldritch Font-- honestly I'd take it over a standard Arcanist on general principle. You're still losing arcanas, but you get to slam home what you do have even harder. And all of the little cheats to let a Barbarian rage-cycle let you spam tougher spells whenever you're not using your swift action. If you don't mind coming online a little slower it's a solid option.

For a Blaster-Caster, I think Elementalist could be really cool. Imagine taking Sorcerer Crossblooded (pick two of Dragon, Orc, and Primal), Admixture Wizard, and then Elementalist Arcanist. You have elemental flexibility, a bunch of static bonus damage, and some extra spells to shore up being a level behind on the class with the fewest spells in general. Again though, you have early-Exploit issues, though this is somewhat mitigated by Sorcerer being mostly useful for its Arcanas (and thus not needing Bloodline Exploit as badly). You still might want to consider four levels of Arcanist before your Wizard level though.

Something similar could be done for a summoning build, using the Occultist and a crossblooding of Abyssal and Deep Earth (giving your summons DR/Adamantine and eventually a free extra summoned monster). No Wizard ability dramatically helps your summons (the best is extra durations, which isn't huge), but there are some useful school powers you could grab.

School Savant could be used in the same way as the Blood Arcanist but is distinctly worst since you lose out on available spells.

Spell Specialist just seems... really bad to me. Especially since you're losing out on some spells known anyway, neutering flexibility harder seems like a bad idea.

Unlettered doesn't really affect anything here; if you like the Witch spell list better then take it, if not don't.

White Mage has the problem of taking away the first-level arcana but is otherwise a decent choice. I like the White Mage in general, but since this idea is a bit more Arcana-heavy I don't know that I'd use it here.

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GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:

When you only have a +50% to begin with, 15% can be a big deal. Sure at higher levels the difference shrinks, but by then you are demigod in all but name anyway.

And if you are playing in a diplomacy heavy game, that extra 15% can be very important at any level. Besides, it is more then just the numbers, but what also what the numbers represent. I could easily have a cha 7 character forbidden from a town because the local nobility finds the character detestabley ugly, regardless of their diplomacy score, after all they have to listen to your words before your words can achieve anything.

Eh. Cha 7 means you're 10% less likely to succeed at Charisma related tasks than an average individual with the same level of training. It's not very significant, even at low levels, and is totally overcome by a masterwork tool. A first level character with a rank in Diplomacy, Diplomacy as a class skill, and Cha 7 has a Diplomacy modifier of +2. They're 10% better than most people are at interacting with others (and can trivially get simple advice from indifferent people, and detailed advice/simple aid from friendly people).

And your charisma doesn't affect people's initial opinion of you in any way. If you want to house rule it to do that, go for it, but you should be up front with your players.

In regards to Arcanists- these are the abilities they have that actually care about Charisma:
Energy Blast Exploits - Save DC: All fairly weak. If you're burning actions to use them, you've pretty much run out of relevant stuff to do in a fight, and are sacrificing points that could be used on better effects (like amplifying your spells).
Arcane Barrier - Temp HP: Cool, but the increasing cost renders it pretty useless outside of activating it once before a significant fight. Probably not worth an exploit slot.
Arcane Weapon - Duration: 1/2 BAB.
Bloodline Development - Duration: Decent. At the level where you might want to access bloodline powers for more than a round though, you'll be able to artificially boost your Cha to decent levels (7 starting + 5 inherent + 6 item puts you at 18).
School Understanding - Uses/day and Duration: Probably the biggest draw to invest in Cha. Lets you build a decent blaster arcanist using the Admixture school, plus some other cool options (like Teleportation).
Spell Disruption - Duration: Requires a touch attack, dispel check, and allows a will save. Could be used to remove debuffs from allies, but would require you to move to them when you could just prepare dispel magic.
Spell Resistance - Duration: Spend standard actions to be resistant to your allies trying to help you and less resistant to enemy casters trying to kill you.
Alter Enhancements - Duration: See above; 1/2 BAB.
Greater Spell Disruption - Dispel Check: More attractive, due to the higher odds of successfully dispelling stuff. Has the same crippling drawbacks, unfortunately.
Suffering Knowledge - Duration: The odds are extremely low that any spell you could steal with this ability is better than one you already had. Even if it is, one round is probably plenty to throw it back, if you even want to burn an exploit on this.

There's about as much attraction for an arcanist to invest in Cha as there is for a wizard, aside from the potential coolness you could acquire from Bloodline Development and School Understanding. If you really want to get uses out of those exploits, it could be worth Cha. Otherwise, ignore it.

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