Description and Backstory
Albino Complexion, White Hair/Skin and Red Eyes. Slightly offputting and not talkative since 'the incident'. He focuses on the work. Keeps him healthy....
6 feet tall and slender, Gor studied the years away under his masters at the Lodge Academy. He'd learned a great deal in that time; how to put a man to sleep, how to
fling arcane energy at his enemies, and most importantly, how to get high. It was not rare in the Arcanist profession to become addicted to magic and if you know the right guy...who knows the right guy, well you get where I'm going with this. Before graduation Gor had a 1000gp a day Scroll Dust habbit, a growing fad amongst the arcane youths. By crushing high quality magical scrolls and snorting the magical dust Gor was acing every test; passing exams with no prep at all. Life was AWESOME!
All good things end. One hazy afternoon while working for a high ranking Venture Captain doing work for the Pathfinder Society in Absalom he got busted by several high ranking Captain in the latrine inhailing his beloved magical dust as he prepared to undertake yet another mission to 'Observe, Report, Cooperate'. Summarily, he was fired from the Lodge on the spot; they tend to look down on such things. It didn't take long however before opprotunity came knocking.
Weeks after the incident, there was a knock at the door to Gor's small flat in the poorer part of the Shining City. When he opened it he was shocked to see a pair of high ranking Venture Captains he'd met in passing some time before, but what was odd was that they were both known to work for opposed factions within the Society itself.
What was discussed over the next few hours blew Gor's mind. Gor was being recruited by a newly formed sect within the society, a group of relic hunters dedicated to tracking down objects of dark power and containing them within their dark halls in their Citadel. He was now a Wayfinder carrying member of the Dark Archives!
Gor's been on a few adventures. and had a couple close calls in Magnimar but he's surviving. His life is the work. He' managed to wrangle his addiction, only imbibing in his beloved Scroll Dust when he needs some extra juice to get a job done. Who knew. Now, an ex-junkie had turned his once crippling addiction into a power source - costly but powerful if the situation calls for 'something extra'.