2015 AP is Hell's Rebels!

Hell's Rebels

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Silver Crusade

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Cheliax rebellion!

A masked ball is involved!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Of all the traditionalist no robotz with lazors plots possible ...



... this is one of the most awesome ones. Finally, a proper Cheliax rebels storyline - Council of Angsty Tiefling Teens, I am looking at you.

Silver Crusade

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And will we get info on the Archdevils?


I'm interested.

1} I've run one of my groups through Council of Thieves.
2} I'm just wrapping up the same group's Slumbering Tsar game this weekend and one of our followup discussions was "free Cheliax".
3} We like fiends.

Silver Crusade

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It's going to be focused in Kintargo. Gonna be between Crimson Throne and Council of Thieves in terms of urban focus.

#100 is gonna be extra big. :)

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Silver Crusade


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Silver Crusade

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Strix allies!

Silver Crusade

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Silly Debul, Strix are for kids.

Silver Crusade

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You're going to be building up Kintargo and shaping the rebellion it seems.

This is really cool news. And Shockingly Timely. For my next campaign I was debating between running Iron Gods and doing a Kingdom Building Cheliax rebellion starting off with where my group left WestCrown at the end of our Council of Thieves game.

Hmmm...its a good thing I know that the adventure paths are planned long in advance, because otherwise, I'd wonder if Owen Stephens brought his 'Things Kolo Wants in rpg products' mind reading device that he used all these years to pick genius guides and put it to work at his new job...though, its still a suspicious coincidence.

Iron Gods made me restart my AP subscription. Hells Rebels will probably make me keep it up for at least the 12 months.

Cannot wait for this one! Looked forward to this sort of AP since Council of Thieves.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Nice! :)

now we can get an updated guide to Cheliax and maybe a "people of" book that talks about them.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Mikaze wrote:
You're going to be building up Kintargo and shaping the rebellion it seems.

Building Up you say? Do you mean building in the way I want you to mean building (IE with a copy of ultimate campaign in your hands?)

Also... issue 100 will be in an adventure set in chelliax... you know that question paizo staff always refuse to answer up front in 'Secrets of Golarion' panels? Let the rampant speculation begin! I call he's alive and imprisoned by asmodeus in order to gain a foothold on the mortal world.

This is hilarious, since we have a local player who was epically disappointed that Council of Thieves was "so anti-Cheliax!"

Silver Crusade

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Kolokotroni wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
You're going to be building up Kintargo and shaping the rebellion it seems.
Building Up you say? Do you mean building in the way I want you to mean building (IE with a copy of ultimate campaign in your hands?)

Soooo basically we have Jade Regent IN HELL!

Silver Crusade

Kolokotroni wrote:
Also... issue 100 will be in an adventure set in chelliax... you know that question paizo staff always refuse to answer up front in 'Secrets of Golarion' panels? Let the rampant speculation begin! I call he's alive and imprisoned by asmodeus in order to gain a foothold on the mortal world.


Silver Crusade

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My body is ready.

Rysky wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
Also... issue 100 will be in an adventure set in chelliax... you know that question paizo staff always refuse to answer up front in 'Secrets of Golarion' panels? Let the rampant speculation begin! I call he's alive and imprisoned by asmodeus in order to gain a foothold on the mortal world.

I'm guessing they're referring to Aroden.

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I certainly hope the masked ball part is written either by Sir Pett or Crystal.

Joseph Wilson wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
Also... issue 100 will be in an adventure set in chelliax... you know that question paizo staff always refuse to answer up front in 'Secrets of Golarion' panels? Let the rampant speculation begin! I call he's alive and imprisoned by asmodeus in order to gain a foothold on the mortal world.
I'm guessing they're referring to Aroden.

Yes, I am talking about Aroden... sorry, I thought I was being obvious. I actually checked the ones i have on my ipod (3 years worth) of the recordings Know Direction has done of Paizocon and Gencon recordings of the "Secrets of Golarion" panel. And I kid you not, they start each panel, with High, My name is (a couple staffers including james jacobs introduce themselves) and then almost immediately someone chimes in with 'Yes we know how Aroden died, no we arent going to tell you'.

Pathfinder Issue 100 will be the 4th installment of an adventure path based around a chellaxian rebellion. It couldnt be a more perfect time to reveal something about what happened to Aroden.

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Gorbacz wrote:
I certainly hope the masked ball part is written either by Sir Pett or Crystal.

Mmmmm. Yeah, y'know, it's time for some of the Pett/Logue/Vaughan trifecta creepy stuff.

Silver Crusade

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Silver Crusade

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Crystal has the first volume I think!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mikaze, I love you more than ever. Marry me?

Liberty's Edge

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Council of Thieves was always a stronger AP than it was made out to be. The title of the AP was the worst thing about it, as it engendered an expectation in players that the AP itself did not deliver on. Shadows over Westcrown might have been a better title.

This seems more in keeping with a true sequel to the real plot of Council of Thieves. And in the sense that #100 is a sequel to the beginning of the Pathfinderized portion of Pathfinder AP, I'm good with that.

I do wish that it was more to do with Molthune, but I see this as more of a northern independence movement that if successful, will have no real impact upon Cheliax itself. La plus ca change... I get the necessity, but, doesn't mean I have to like that aspect of it.

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Kolokotroni wrote:
It couldnt be a more perfect time to reveal something about what happened to Aroden.

Slipped in the tub. Seriously, it's too embarrassing to talk about.

Mikaze, where ever you are right now start feeding James Jacobs or whoever is talking drinks so they tell us more.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I wonder what the victory condition for this could be? I realize that the endings of APs are not generally canon, but there is still a reason they have tended toward 'prevent villain from upsetting the status quo'. Does anyone actually think that issue 6 will involve unseating the House of Thrune?

Silver Crusade

Ross Byers wrote:
I wonder what the victory condition for this could be? I realize that the endings of APs are not generally canon, but there is still a reason they have tended toward 'prevent villain from upsetting the status quo. Does anyone actually think that issue 6 will involve unseating the House of Thrune?

*crosses fingers for Abrogail having the Celestial/Martyred bloodline*

Ross Byers wrote:
I wonder what the victory condition for this could be? I realize that the endings of APs are not generally canon, but there is still a reason they have tended toward 'prevent villain from upsetting the status quo. Does anyone actually think that issue 6 will involve unseating the House of Thrune?

I am hoping as much, and if it isnt, nothing is stopping me from doing that in my home game. I kind of wanted to do it after council of theives but it seemed like more then I was preprared to do having basically just started in pathfinder, with relatively few 'pathfinder' resources to help me. With a much more mature game, and alot more experience in pathfinder and in golarion, I'd be much more comfortable in taking that on.

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Hell's Bells? That can only mean one thing:

Explosive Thrunes!!!

Okay, this sounds interesting. I was hoping for Varisia focused AP and maybe Runelords but now I get to play political intrigue as my brother probably wants to run this as he likes Cheliax so much.

Name is really awesome and hopefully this AP will live up to that!

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Hell's Belles, indeed :)


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

well the queen is labeled in Magic of the Inner Sea as a "LE female Chelaxin aristocrat 2/Sorcerer 16", probably of the infernal bloodline, so she could end up being the BBEG.

Mikaze wrote:

Because we really needed another hot, female patron? :P

Silver Crusade

zergtitan wrote:
well the queen is labeled in Magic of the Inner Sea as a "LE female Chelaxin aristocrat 2/Sorcerer 16", probably of the infernal bloodline, so she could end up being the BBEG.

Infernal's too obvious...

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On another note, maybe Brandon Hodge will write one of these issues, and we can get some cool Troop-style skirmishing going on!

So, this is supposed to be a non-traditional AP, right?

Aliasalias wrote:
So, this is supposed to be a non-traditional AP, right?

No, they've noted that this and Giantslayer are both more traditional. They don't always do something experimental.

That said, this doesn't sound to me like something that would lend itself well to the "dungeon-delve" sort of adventure style, so it will likely be different from Giantslayer in that respect.

Silver Crusade

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I hope this is going to be an excellent stepping stone ....

... before the inevitable DISTANT WORLDS AP in Feb 2016 :P

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

will this in any way act like a sequel to Council of Thieves?

maybe, but sometimes they do two traditional ones in a row, or two experimental. Kind of depends on who wants to develop it or or where it best fits into the development cycle

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Richard Pett and SKR are also writan AP volumes!

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Ross Byers wrote:
I wonder what the victory condition for this could be? I realize that the endings of APs are not generally canon, but there is still a reason they have tended toward 'prevent villain from upsetting the status quo'. Does anyone actually think that issue 6 will involve unseating the House of Thrune?

WotR Spoilers:
Possibly- we do have the Worldwound closing in one AP, for instance.

It does occur to me, though, that with some of the endings of these APs, there would be a very different Golarion. While I know that there is no plan to do any kind of "revised" campaign setting with advanced timeline (which I like, and am not in any way advocating), it might be kind of cool to see some kind of optional "what if...?" product that showcased a post-AP Golarion.

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Hopefully it's not like CoT where you save the nazis from the mafia.

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