The Gauntlet Will Be Ours!

Friday, May 16, 2014

This Sunday, four members of the Paizo staff will do glorious battle with teams from other game companies for the right to claim The Gauntlet! Over the past week, we've been collecting donations to help our team improve its chances. These donations go directly to Child's Play, a charity that helps sick kids in hospitals around the world by supplying them with toys and games! So far we've raised over $3,000 for the Paizo team, which has earned us 8 "Power Ups" to use during the event. Reaching these goals has also unlocked some rewards for you!

As part of this event, we promised to release a primitive human race for use in your Pathfinder game if we reached $3,000. This is in honor of Ugg-tect, one of the games we will be playing on Sunday during the tournament in which the players take on the role of a caveman building primitive structures.

Download the Primitive Human PDF!

Of course, there are still plenty of other goals we can reach before the event begins on Sunday, including the following:

  • $3,500—Spoiler Reward: Spoilers about the upcoming Advanced Class Guide.
  • $4,000—Card Reward: We will release a PDF featuring the Gauntlet team members as new Ally cards compatible with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.
  • $4,500—Spoiler Reward: Even more spoilers about the upcoming Advanced Class Guide.
  • $5,000—Audio Reward: We will put together a "dramatic reading" of a chapter from one of our Pathfinder Tales novels, featuring members of the Paizo staff as the characters.

Remember, every dollar donated goes to support Child's Play. If you want to help our team, go to this link, enter your donation and make sure to put "For Paizo" in the comment box so that your donation goes to help our team.

Finally, you will be able to watch the event this Sunday, starting at 3pm (PST). It is being broadcast on through the NPCcast. During the event, we will also be auctioning off a number of Paizo prize packs live during the event. Check out the great products we are putting up for auction!

1. A Core Rulebook signed by the Paizo staff

2. The Ultimate Wrath of the Righteous game pack including

3. Pathfinder Battles Ultimate Dragon Pack including

All proceeds from the auction will go to Child's Play, so make sure to tune in and bid for these great prizes! Thanks again from the team for helping us in the event. We hope to do you proud and bring home The Gauntlet!

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Tags: Charity Paizo
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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Onward into the breech, Brothers and Sisters! the Gauntlet of Power is near to our grasp yet!

*also the PDF link isn't working.*

Nooo!!! The pdf link won't work for me!

Lantern Lodge

thirding that the link is broken.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Checking into it.

AND MY AXE!!! (Pdf no working)

Webstore Gninja Minion

Try now.

Worked for me!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Bungie has taken the second position! Fall back and regroup for the second assault! We cannot lose this ground! Not now, not yet!

RFP: $4134
Bungie: $3634
Paizo: $3280

Push forward Brothers and Sisters!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Bungie has overwhelmed Paizo AND RFP! they have advanced to first position! Fall Back and Regroup! Send a messenger to RFP to discuss an alliance, we need support to our flanks! We Cannot Lose Now! We Won't! Vanguard to the Front! Hoist Banners and Sound the Horns!

Bungie: $4408
RFP: $4174
Paizo: $3290

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Primitive Human PDF wrote:
Male Names: Arn, Bak, Farg, Gon, Merd, OOG, Tral, Ugg.

Gentleman Jack Oog approves. Indeed.

Grand Lodge

Donation link is broken! 4ea908a18126c9/

Remove the ""

Liberty's Edge

Is this race valid for PFS?

Scarab Sages

Chris Donnangelo wrote:

Donation link is broken! 4ea908a18126c9/

Remove the ""

and remove the space.


I like that as a race, its not better to be a caveman than a "modern" human. It makes sense.

Scarab Sages

Wow, if you're going to lose at something, this is the way to do it. Set the bar high, and make the competition work for it! And the kids still win!! 8^)

...Now, everybody get out there and "kick some butt"; i.e., donate!.

(I posted a link to this blog post on Facebook. I'm about to tweet it too. Not sure how much it'll help, but it's about all I can do...)

Shadow Lodge

Sweet! Now I have a primitive human to go alongside my neanderthal race!

Seriously, that Primitive Human almost demands to be played as a superstitous barbarian!

Question, except for the racial abilities, should the primitive human be treated as human in all ways (pre-reqs, favored class, bane)?

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

Yup. Treated as human for all other pre-reqs or abilities.

I think I could use the Primitive Human to represent the Wendol from The 13th Warrior.

EDIT: Or as vicious tribes whose culture has been influenced by demonic meddling, and now serve as savage, disposable henchman to their abyssal overlords.

DOUBLE EDIT: Xoveron would be perfect for this. He wants to destroy all cities and civilization. And historically, anthropologist have argued that humans were healthier and stronger during their period as hunter-gatherers, and that permanent settlements left us weaker and more susceptible to disease and other city-related problems.

So not only would CE primitive humans make ideal pawns for Xoveron, they have a convenient villainous justification as well.

"Death to the cities! Death to the weak! For the Horned Prince! Raaaaagh!"

Axial wrote:

I think I could use the Primitive Human to represent the Wendol from The 13th Warrior.

EDIT: Or as vicious tribes whose culture has been influenced by demonic meddling, and now serve as savage, disposable henchman to their abyssal overlords.

DOUBLE EDIT: Xoveron would be perfect for this. He wants to destroy all cities and civilization. And historically, anthropologist have argued that humans were healthier and stronger during their period as hunter-gatherers, and that permanent settlements left us weaker and more susceptible to disease and other city-related problems.

So not only would CE primitive humans make ideal pawns for Xoveron, they have a convenient villainous justification as well.

"Death to the cities! Death to the weak! For the Horned Prince! Raaaaagh!"

or allied with certain gods and goddesses of Nature, and enemies of gods and goddesses of civilization (like Abadar).

Would someone please post a link that shows the current amount collected for each group?



Paizo Employee Lead Designer

Here are the funding totals for each team

When is the deadline for donations in order to affect the competition?

Personally, I'm getting a demented sort of glee about how badly Paizo beat Wizrds. But that's just me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
Personally, I'm getting a demented sort of glee about how badly Paizo beat Wizrds. But that's just me.

I've been thinking about that, and at the risk of starting a conversation that eventually gets purged, I think it's because Wizards has customers, while Paizo has fans.

Not that we're not customers too, but it occurred to me recently that while I was somewhat active on the Wizards' Boards a few years ago when 4e was in its prime, I couldn't have named more than a couple of WotC's employees. I'm confident that I could name more than half of Paizo's employees off the tops of my head.

Basically, I don't think it's necessarily because of the products that the two companies sell; I think it's because of the attitude that the companies take in engaging with their customers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Day of the Gauntlet has arrived!

Fight well! For Honor and Glory!

The Exchange

I think it will be hilarious if one of the teams that failed to earn any power-ups ends up winning the gauntlet.

I'm curious as to how many Race Points each new ability on the Primitive Human are worth for the purposes of adding them to the Race Builder.

BTW, someone needs to fix the link to the Gauntlet. It's faulty.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

In all fairness, pen and paper rpg related entity is holding it's ground against the makers of Halo. That's encouraging.

Dark Archive

Kind of suprised Penny arcade has made so little.

Bungie is taunting us , but hey, we are climbing slowly. We just got another $100.

Paizo has f*ck up with the link to the payment as well. Bad move!

Scarab Sages

Primitive Humans? Excellent! Now I can finally make my Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer negotiator bardbarian.

Edit: I'm surprised the suggested names don't include Mr. Key Rock ("Just Key Rock, Your Honor.")

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey there Everybody!

This is it. The final push. You have until 2:45pm PST to get your donation in and have it count toward our team.

If we can get to 4k by that time, ill post up 5 extra ACG spoilers tomorrow when I get to work (in addition to the other rewards).

If we can somehow make it into 2nd place, Ill add 5 more. If, by some miracle, we can make it into 1st place, I'll add a complete list of the archetypes in the book and ill take that gauntlet punch even if we dont win the tourament...

Its for the kids after all...

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

Here is a link to the pledge page

Make sure to put "For Paizo" in the comments box.

Here is a link to the team funding progress page

Note it does not update automatically.


Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Here is a link to the pledge page

Make sure to put "For Paizo" in the comments box.

Here is a link to the team funding progress page

Note it does not update automatically.


Good work!

Liberty's Edge

Well, there's my $25 at least.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Abadar bless us with $500 more in fortunes.

Desna guide our heroes in their fight, and grant us at least the second place if not the first.


Liberty's Edge Digital Products Assistant

The links to the donations site and gauntlet site have been fixed.

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

Less that 2 hours to go!!!

zergtitan wrote:

Abadar bless us with $500 more in fortunes.

Desna guide our heroes in their fight, and grant us at least the second place if not the first.



Paizo Employee Lead Designer

We qre in the final hour! If you're waiting for the last minute, this is it! 

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

5 min left to donate!!!! Go go go

Paizo Employee Developer

Watch the event live now!

Anyone else having trouble with the chat not working?

[Edit] Fixed it, had to add Twitch to my whitelist for my Flash blocker.

Proley casts Status!

How are we doing?

No clue, the live stream is focusing on the Ticket to Ride game (I think that's the name) in which Stephen is playing. He's got a 'long road' in the north and the commenters have mentioned he may be the winner because he's hoarding cards or something.

They haven't really mentioned any of the other events.

Paizo Employee Developer

I just heard that Jason won his Magic round.

I'm pretty sure that Stephen is going to win his Ticket To Ride round.

Edit: I was wrong.

I have no idea how that game is played or scored, but it seems odd that he got third. But I recall the commentators saying that no one really knows how many points you have until the game is actually over.

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