Gunslinger Reloaded

Monday, March 7, 2011

Are you ready for some more fun with fantasy firearms? Well, ready or not, we are unleashing the second round of the Ultimate Combat playtest! In this round, we're bringing you the updated version of the gunslinger—a full 1–20 class in its own right, unhinged from the fighter class.

This new version of the gunslinger has more deeds, many of the older deeds have been reshuffled and repriced, and we are providing you with more guns to play with—including advanced firearms for those of you who want to go whole hog into the era where guns dominate the battlefield.

Not only will you get the updated crunchy bits you crave for playtesting, we also have a sidebar to help GMs determine what role (if any) firearms have in their campaign. This sidebar also talks about how firearm and gunslinger rules change with the level of firearms you have in your campaign.

So photocopy some character sheets, grab your dice, load up that pepperbox with alchemical cartridges, and playtest away. We will be listening to your observations and results on the messageboards. Oh, and just in case you are wondering, the new version of the class is Pathfinder Society legal, so if you haven't done so already, find you local group, and start playing!

Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Pathfinder RPG Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Gunslingers Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Playtest
Scarab Sages

Okay, I was just looking for the "Round 2" download for the Gunslinger class. Couldn't find it. Did you just update the initial download so there isn't one listed as "Round 2"?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

That link should be fixed now.

Scarab Sages

Ross Byers wrote:
That link should be fixed now.

Link works, but now I can't download the file.

me too it says its in my downloads, but there is nothing for me to download

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


Same here... Weird...

Moi Aussi.

I'll check back in an hour or so. :D

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Sigh. Okay. Try now.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

That did it for me, got the download. Thank you, Ross.

Scarab Sages

Ross Byers wrote:
Sigh. Okay. Try now.

It's working now. Thanks for the perseverance, Ross! Your hard work does not go unnoticed. ;-)

Yup, just now got it. Looks great. I can see my gunslinger player enjoying this AND it is just in time for me to seriously work on a low-magic gritty Wild West and magic setting. Major hurdle well... hurdled. Thanks!


Like the changes. this might just work.
Now gotta find time to play test it,

The gunslinger discussion-round 2 board is not showing up. I got to it from your link under the round 1 discussion, but it is not showing up on the messageboard itself.

It shows up as Gunslinger Discussion - Round 2 Archives from your link if that helps.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

*squeels in joy, sounding like a little girl.*


You're the best, Ross.


Dark Archive

Awesomesauce, Quick Question, does the Legal options for PFS play for the Gunslinger playtest change at all with the new update? I checked the resources page, and it still shows as of 1/24/11

Solarious wrote:
Awesomesauce, Quick Question, does the Legal options for PFS play for the Gunslinger playtest change at all with the new update? I checked the resources page, and it still shows as of 1/24/11

We'll get it updated but all PFS Gunslingers should now use the new version.


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Will we be getting an update of Ninja or Samurai as well? Samurai seems pretty stable to me, but I know a lot of people would like some changes to the Ninja tricks.

Hey guys,

Looks like you did a great job updating the gunslinger, and have added some of the great ideas posted on the boards for you work off of. Great job!!!

And thanks to all you I had the pleasure of stumping through the 1st round playtest with. All hail the "Pickle"!

Now, let's playtest the heck out of this one and see where we sit!!

The Exchange

Definitely an improvement, but lots of the abilities still kinda make me go, "interesting, but weak."

So it is still 11 GP per shot? (1 per bullet +10 per dose of blackpowder)

[[Edit]] Ahh, it looks like I missed gunsmithing feat that lets you make bullets for 1 SP each and cartridges for 50% cost. That is much better...

What about bullets based on different metals at 1 coin per bullet? Standard bullets = copper. 1 per bullet, then silver (for lycanthropes), then gold for some cool effect (+1/+1)

No, you are still loading gold into your gun and shooting it. Unless you are in a Commonplace or Guns Everywhere setting, where it becomes 25% and 10% respectively.

That's my favorite (aside from the advanced firearms) part of this playtest, the sidebar about the varying levels of availability. Really helps me in particular.

Talynonyx wrote:

No, you are still loading gold into your gun and shooting it. Unless you are in a Commonplace or Guns Everywhere setting, where it becomes 25% and 10% respectively.

That's my favorite (aside from the advanced firearms) part of this playtest, the sidebar about the varying levels of availability. Really helps me in particular.

I'm still not happy that the default is Golarian standard, rather than the standard being the mean (Guns Commonplace) and then boosting or reducing the price (Through the roof in Golarian, down in wild west setting).

It makes the world neutral rules no longer world neutral, as the price of guns and ammo is being set by Golarian, and not a neutral middle-of-the-road setup, like the rest of the book. We don't have other base or core classes being tied to Golarian so tightly. A core rules expansion should not tie itself to a world setting like this. The world setting should adjust the core rules for it's own setting needs. In this case, guns and ammo are set insanely high due to Alkenstar artificially jacking with the economy in Golarian, but that has made it into the core rules as the norm, rather than something sane. It then requires an adjustment to say the starting gun of the gunslinger is actually garbage scrap that only works for them, which is probably one of the most inane things I've ever heard. It's like taking the Pikeman alternate class for fighters and telling them their starting weapon is a quarterstaff with a nail driven partway into one end, and they have to wait until level 4 to buy a good one.

Oh the garbage scrap part makes sense. It's the same as knowing where on the door of your old beat-up car to hit to get it to pop open. But I think that it's less Golarian specific and more "more typical than not high fantasy Dungeons & Dragons type of setting" to set the prices where they are.

Talynonyx wrote:
Oh the garbage scrap part makes sense. It's the same as knowing where on the door of your old beat-up car to hit to get it to pop open. But I think that it's less Golarian specific and more "more typical than not high fantasy Dungeons & Dragons type of setting" to set the prices where they are.

Not really, it doesn't make sense. Because, first it's broken, so pay 20gp to a 4th level wizard to mend it (assuming pistol).

If it can't be mended, there is no way in the world you can spend 300gp and make it a MW weapon (although the class says they can). That's kind of a duh what? It's scrap, is only worth 4gp, but if I add 300gp of parts to it, it's worth 1300gp and is now a MW weapon?

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I like the look of the gunslinger changes so far and I'm going to discuss them with my player who was running the class. Really happy with the weapon crafting and that lighting reload is automatically gained at level 11. Glad that you cleared up how deadly aim works with guns.

I'm still a little concerned about the Gunslinger possibly being feat starved during early levels, but we'll see how that works out.

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