GM Nightmare Knight's Carrion Crown (Inactive)

Game Master TheChelaxian

O Death, where isn't your sting?

It is all too dark. The faint smell of burnt stone and flesh still lingers here. You look around. The scorched ruins still stand despite the obvious damage. There is no wind. There is no life. Only the haunting whispers that promise horror.

Your eyes are constantly assaulted by pale shades lingering at the edges of your sight. Some are distinct, wearing clinking chains, carrying bleeding axes, or letting their entrails drag from open wounds. The whispers grow louder as you go closer to the ruins. Thinking you hear words spoken in a dark tongue, you creep closer.

You approach the doors, seeing candle-lit shadows upon the walls inside. The whispers increase in number and strength, clouding your ears with their chanting. You see their faces now, skulls hiding in the shadow of their hoods, cloths gagging their grinning mouths.

A terrible light fills your eyes as a man screams, followed by a woman’s wail. Stone cracks overhead, and when you look, a gagged skeleton pushes a gargoyle off its pedestal. As it falls upon you, its horns becoming scimitars, its form boney and robed, and its eyes blaze with infernal fire.

The demonic creature smashes into you …

And you awake.

Welcome to Carrion Crown, the Adventure Path of gothic horror, ranging from hauntings, monsters, cultists, and nightmares beyond mortal understanding.

For first posts in Gameplay, I'd like my players to tell from where they came from, how you arrived (whether by foot, horseback, or carriage), your thoughts during the journey, and your steps to the Lorrimor house, where you were to meet Kendra and from there attain the late Professor's funeral. Effectively, you all received a letter at your latest residence, telling you that the Professor Lorrimor, old friend, mentor, and colleague of yours, has passed and had requested you attend his funeral and the reading of his will, as he has seen fit to include you within it.

Female Dhampir 1 swashbuckler | HP 11/11 | AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14| Fort: +0, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 17, | Init: +6 | Perception: +6 Panache 3/3 |

The weather had been the usual overcast that Anna had been used to. It had been a slight miracle that the letter had been able to find her as the caravan settled into a town to do a bit of trading with it's residents. One of the carriers had tracked her down to deliver the terrible news. She had cried the first night after she had heard of the professors passing. The morning after she had informed the caravan head Erin of her situation. He was understanding and wished her the best. He told her the next city that they would be heading towards and wished her the best in her travel to where the funeral would be taking place. After a tearful good bye with her friends from the caravan she headed out for the town with some rations, her weapons and armor, and a few other things she had picked up in town. She had decided to buy a dress to wear to the funeral, thinking it was only polite to do so.

The journey gave her time to be alone with her thoughts. Deasna's teachings were right. Traveling did broaden horizons even if only in the mind. She would think back to the time she spent with the professor after the battle with the ghouls. A twinge of guilt filled her heart though knowing that she could never truly repay him for saving her life. He had brushed it off simply as the right thing to do but still it had deeply affected Anna. She had viewed him as a mentor for the short time she had spent with him in his travel. Yet now he had passed. She hoped that it had been peacefully. Even with the dreary scenery of Ustalav she did her best to try and find the beauty in her travel. Lorrimor had simply gone off on a new kind of travel. The thoughts comforted her slightly the nights she gazed up at the stars. After a few days of travel she finally arrived at the location the letter had pointed out.

She would head right towards Lorrimor's old home when she got to town. She would try to make herself look appropriate as she walked up to the front door. It was a bit hard considering her long journey. Thankfully it seemed Kendra did not care as she opened the door. After introducing herself she would ask to wash up. After cleaning herself up a bit she would join Kendra in the living room to speak with her about what happened to the Professor. If at any point Kendra begins to cry Anna will not be able to resist joining in as well. She will spend the majority of her time sharing her story with the professor and listening to Kendra.

Male Gnome

How the summons had found him, Poshment might never know. The Prof was dead, and he had been summoned to attend the funeral, and the reading of the will. Poshment had just settled down at an inn in Thrushmoor, the name of which he could no longer remember. A boy came knocking at his door to announce that a letter had come for him. With no one, supposedly, knowing where he was staying, Poshment was very suspicious of this, so he had instructed the boy to push the letter under the door.

Once he saw the letter and read its contents, his doubts fled immediately. He stuck his head out the door and summoned the boy. "Please have Indigo prepared, I must leave on the hour. Pack me a meal too if you would," and Poshment had given the boy a Chellish shield. He tried dicing with the innkeep for the room, but he lost and paid double.

Indigo seemed excited to go, it was night time, after all, and when better for a creature of her ilk to fly. "Old age I hope, although the Prof might have preferred to go out on one of his adventures, you know Indi?" The lonely flights often found Poshment talking to Indigo, who of course never responded. The ride was a bit bumpy, as Indigo kept adjusting altitude and speed to better scoop up the massive amount of bugs, nightbirds, and other things that accounted for her diet.

It took just over three days for Poshment and Indigo to arrive. He instructed Indigo to "go climb a tree or something" and approached the door. It had been hard riding, with little time for food, no time for bathing, and barely enough time for a smoke at their last stop, but he had made it, hoping he looked better than he felt. Slapping his riding gloves against his thighs he walked towards the door. When he arrived, he tussled his hair a bit, checked his breast pocket for the letter and knocked. "Nice of them to provide a knocker for us shorties," he said out loud to no one in particular.

The demonic creature smashes into you …
Feeling the toe of Morgrym’s boot hit him square in the middle of his back, awakens Seljak with a strart. ”aaahhh” Realizing that Morgrym was waking him, ”Wake up ya ingnert beastie, yer makin’ a bunch o’ racket.” Seljak, rubbing his eyes and picking up his blanket from off of the floor in front of the fire, ponders. 'At least the monsters are gone, it’s just Morgrym’ ”Yeth mathter,” Seljak drones, as he puts his ragged blanket in his bag, which is sitting with all his worldly possessions near the fireplace.

Morgrym watches as Seljak stands up, severely bent over from trying to stand in a room built for dwarves. While the ceiling towers over Morgym, Seljak must stoop. ’Never should have taught the boy to read. Maybe I can talk him out of going to this professor’s funeral.’ ”You know Seljak, Them thar nightmares, they’s started when ya got that letter tellin’ bout the professors untimely demise. Looks like a bad omen ta me, you’s sure you wouldn’t rather stay here and keep workin’ fer old Morgrym. If’n ya leave, I don’t think I’s’l be able ta keep yer spot open, Plenty o’ half orcs wantin’ warm spots ta sleep an hot food every day; An’ ya know most o’ thems boys are a lot smarter than you’s” Seljak shakes his head, putting on his neatly folded coat, tucking his ‘knife’ the gladius in his belt, shouldering his pack and taking up his gentleman’s walking stick, he shakes his head. ”Profethor Lorrimor wath my friend, he gave me tipth. He wantth me to be there tho I will, I underthtand that you will give thomeone elth my job and I am thad but maybe I will find work thomewhere, if not I can alwayth rummage through garbage like we uth to, good by mathter Morgym, I will mith you.” Saying his emotional goodbye to his boss and mentor Seljak turns and leaves through the small dwarven door. Morgym shakes his head as his assistant leaves. ’Stupid boy, where am I gonna find one that dumb again.’ shutting the door behind him.

Walking out of the staff sleeping quarters that morning, Seljak leaves the University of Lepidstadt, having found out directions from there to the town of Ravengro in the Canterwall county, from one of the cooks. He understood that he would be traveling from the north western corner of Ustalav to the north-eastern corner of Ustalav, but Seljak didn’t mind, the professor was one of the few people that he considered a friend. Fortunately Seljak had learned there was a caravan traveling from Lepidstadt to Ravengro. He was able to follow the caravan from a safe distance, just close enough to watch the wagons go over the bridges, to make sure it was safe; and far enough away that he could run from the rock throwers when they would call him names and chase him. It was good that he could see at night so they couldn’t sneak up on him.

Fortunately Seljak arrived the night before the funeral, skulking around the town that night he found the address of the beautiful little house that the professor had lived in, ’now his daughter lives here, I wonder if she will be my friend.’. Sejak waited for the sun to rise, dosing a little in his hiding place under the bushes down the road. Being uncomfortable with confrontation he waited some more. Later that day he watched a pale skinned beautiful young woman walk up to the door, knock and be received into the home. Then a dapper vibrant gnome appeared and knocking on the door was received. Seljak, finally gathering enough nerve walks to the door, ’at least his daughter has enough company that she will not be so frightened by my appearance to call the constable...I hope.’ Walking to the door, imitating the earlier visitors, he gently raps is knuckles on professor Lorrimor’s front door. boom, boom, boom,

Female Human oracle

The old women dutifully walks thru the town, making the nicety’s and greeting expected of her after a long absence from her home

dumb ass,your a dumb ass, your son's a dumb ass, you’re a open legged mattress back, dumb ass, another dumb ass, dumb ass with a good heart, family of dumb asses, really, you had another child and have a bun in the oven? Dumb ass...

Her bones ached and her joints cracked as she shuffled along at a measured pace.

Blasted old codger, dieing on me while I’m visiting my first great grand child you old coot, why didn't you wait to kick off a few more days, the little one is only a month old poor child, she's got no one now, mother's long dead, no other family.. don't worry sweetie, Grannies coming, I can't make it right but I can can be there, I WILL BE THER FOR YOU LITTLE ONE, just a bit more, stupid carrige leaving me at the edge of town... rotten little troll, making a little old lady walk this far would it have been THAT much trouble to go a few more miles, ooooooooooohh NO,CAN'T DO THAT, GOT A SCHEDELE TO KEEP!!! let the next quickwife give you crotchrot....dumb ass..

There it was. His home, now her home. It would be empty and cold with out him. I'm going to miss glorious bastard.

The last few steps saw her pulling up to her full height, almost as tall as most men, setting her jaw and squinting her eyes.

sigh chin up, big smile, Grannies here to make it better.

With out knocking she roughly shoves the door open, she had spent enough time here to dismiss formalities.


F Half-Elf Inquisitor 1

Stepping down from the carriage, Viktoria exhales a puff of white smoke into the cool grey morning, dropping the remainder of the rolled tobacco into the slick mud and stamps out any lingering embers. With a sigh of resignation, she grabs her walking stick and begins a somber trudge towards the late Professor's residence.

Having recently received the summons to Professor Lorrimor’s funeral, Viktoria recalled how she was befriended by the old man. It was during her days back in seminary. The late professor came to give a lecture during a symposium on “Post Mortem uses of Alchemical Reagents”. His presentation had fascinated Viktoria. When she introduced herself afterwards, he was intrigued that she had grown up so close to Ravengro in County Canterwall. He became a mentor to her, and she wrote to him often asking questions about things like the dietary needs of an untended ghoul, nefarious cults, and other grim topics. She had become too zealous for her family, but he encouraged her in her studies and on her investigations. He understood her, and she loved him for it. She couldn’t believe he was gone…

Viktoria is tall and narrow waisted, with pale skin and long black hair that is covered by a weathered tri-corn cap. Bright green eyes, and a sharp nose lend a small measure of beauty to her otherwise plain features. She wears simple grey breeches with high boots, a long white over-tunic which shows the wrinkles of being packed for travel, along with a well-worn leather coat. A symbol of Pharasma hangs delicately from her slender neck.

Walking up, careful to avoid any large spots of mud, Viktoria approaches The Lorrimor home.

I suppose she's expecting me, so I shan't put it off any longer. Let's not wallow now girl, surely you're not the only one who loved the old man. Forcing the grief from her face, Viktoria knocks twice gently on the solid door.

When the door finally opens, a pretty face that shares too many of its father's features greets Viktoria.

"Hello, I am Viktoria Savitskya, your Father spoke of you many times in his letters to me. It is a sad thing that we should first meet under these circumstances Ms. Lorrimor. You have my sincerest sympathies, your father was a dear man."

Male Gnome

Poshment observed and considered those in the room, "an orc, a gnome, an old woman, and two creepy attractive chicks, yes, the Professor kept interesting friends."

Kendra, face pale and eyes reddened from weeping, manages to keep her composure whilst greeting her father's guests. Her black dress is modest and somber, her auburn hair pulled back into a severe bun and her face is unadorned by makeup. She would have been a beauty had grief not taken its toll on the poor girl.

Leading you the PCs into a large drawing room filled with bookcases and large chairs, Kendra introduces you to seven other guests gathered within.

She ushers the guests one by one till all are present, offering tea to any who'd take it, but says little else besides her initial greetings till all are present.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I do not know all of you, but I understand you all to be friends or companions of my la ... my late father, Petros." She takes a moment to recompose herself before continuing. "Before going to the funeral, I think it fair we should introduce ourselves to each other, so we will not be strangers when we lay Papa to rest."

She gestures to you the PCs once again to go first.

Female Dhampir 1 swashbuckler | HP 11/11 | AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14| Fort: +0, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 17, | Init: +6 | Perception: +6 Panache 3/3 |

Thankfully Anna would have been able to wash slightly before any of the other guests arrived. She always did her best to make a good first impression. She would be in the drawing room as every one else began to file inside. Her outfit consisted of black leather boots. They matched a black pair of soft leather slacks she wore that fit her slender legs well. The stitching of them were done in red. She had already taken off her chain shirt and had placed it with her weapon next to a coat rack. Her shirt left a bit of her midriff exposed to the eye, but only slightly. She had gone with out make up for the journey. Even after the long walks in the sun her skin never seemed to grow any less pale. For now she had her long black hair in a pony tail.
Anna stood up and gave a slight wave to the room. "I wish I could have met you all on a happier note. My name is Anna Lee Starburn. The professor once saved my life when the caravan I am a part of was attacked by ghouls. If it was not for him I would most likely be dead, or worse. I owe the good doctor my life. I hope that we can do well to honor him now that his travels are over. She smiled at everyone before she took her seat again. The room had quickly filled up with a interesting bunch. She would have been more talkative with them all if not for the occasion.

Seljak enters the small house nodding to the young lady, This must me his daughter, he spoke fondly of her. She is pretty, I’m glad she let me in instead of throwing rocks at me.’ keeping his eyes focused on the floor, the way Morgym had taught him, Seljak follows her into the drawing room. Sejak ignores the large comfortable chairs and grabs the small stool by the fireplace. Precariously balancing his large mass on the small stool he sits down. When offered tea he nods his head and answers ”Yeth Mithtreth” in his droning baritone. As he accepts the small saucer and tea cup he attempts to hold the dainty china with his thumb and forefinger, eventually giving up and palming the tiny beverage cup.

After the lovely Miss Starburn introduces herself Seljak looks up from the floor, making eye contact ever so quickly with the group and then stares back into the now empty tea cup. ”I am Theljak, Profethor Lorrimor wath my friend. He gave me tipth for helping him in the lab at the univerthity, I used the tipth to buy thith nithe coat.” Seljak quickly releases the tea cup saucer and lifts up his arm to let everyone see his nice coat’s sleeve. Looking up again and then back into his tea cup, he continued. ”I retheived a letter thaying Mathter Lorrimor wath dead, and I needed to come to thay goodby. Morgym told me it wath ‘a bad omen’ but I came anywayth.” Seljak took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, glad that his speech was over.

Male Gnome

The rugged, but distinguished looking, gnome stands. His riding leathers are still a bit dusty and damp from the road. His tricorn hat dangles behind his back held by twin lanyards. He had been reading a letter, which he folds with his right hand, while removing his monocle with the left. With a much deeper than expected voice he begins, "my turn is it? Well, Poshment Stemtimple is my name. I am a Knight of the Green. I first met the good Professor some years ago, when he approached me regarding a particularly dangerous experience that I had narrowly survived. Ever since, we have maintained more of a relationship by correspondence, but he was both mentor and colleague to me. I have not seen him in more than a year."

F Half-Elf Inquisitor 1

After neatly hanging up her hat and coat on a rack near the drawing room, Viktoria wanders over to one of the chairs and quietly takes a seat. She graciously accepts the tea when offered, but quickly sets it aside. Gazing around the room at the gathered guests, she takes her measure of each.

"Quite the menagerie of mourners. Theljak, or maybe Seljak, a pity that one...."She thinks to herself.

Mulling over her thoughts, she barely notices when Mr. Stemtimple is finished with his introduction.

Viktoria stands abruptly and takes up a position near the other recent arrivals"Oh yes, pardon me, you asked for my name. I am Viktoria Savitskya, a Parson of the Pharasmin faith. I met your Professor Lorrimor after he gave a lecture while I was in University. He was a dear man, and not unlike a second Father to me. May Pharasma judge him fairly."

In concert with her last words, Viktoria makes a small gesture over her chest drawing a crude spiral with two fingers. She then retreats back to the nearest large chair and re-seats herself.

Female Human oracle

Just call me Granny, Granny Anshia. Honored Grandmother if you want a more formal title. Lorrie has been my friend for...well, as long as I can remember. I've been here for my friend and you since before you were born, Little Kendra, now I'm here for you again. I helped bring you in to the world, now I will escort your father out. Well, clearly before you were born...

She reaches into a pocket off her jacket and adds a little something in a flask to her tea.

Little something for the joints, got a touch left if you all want some. Came from a bottle me and Lorrie split a while back, been saving it, but now looks as good a time as any to share.

Kendra nods at each introduction, and then she turns to the others in the room.

Each rises at their turn, few give more than a name and how they knew the late professor, but their varying grief was clear.

There was a Sir Dun, a courthouse guard, who owed his job to Petros, who had placed a letter of recommendation for his hiring. Adivion Adrissant, a fellow academic, regarded the professor as an intellectual rival, both vying for prestige in the early years of their friendship. Zvraskav Hora, a merchant of rare items, had dealt with Petros over the professor's long adventuring career, trading both artifacts and information and both becoming richer from their business transactions. A venerable giant of a man, Kvalca Sain claimed the professor as more of a fellow peacekeeper, both trying to maintain peace in the Shudderwoods. Finally, Professor Abraun Chalest of Caliphas shared a few brief stories of his shared adventures into Osirion and local occult areas surrounding Ustalav.

Kendra then looked at the clock, and gave a small gasp as she saw the hour. "Please, everyone. It is time. The local pastor will be waiting for us at the graveyard's entrance. Papa's coffin will be there with him." She then gestures to the door.

Female Dhampir 1 swashbuckler | HP 11/11 | AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14| Fort: +0, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 17, | Init: +6 | Perception: +6 Panache 3/3 |

Anna grinned for the first time that day, showing off a pair of well developed fangs. "I think I just might take you up on your kind offer Granny. A little strength to help get through the day." She would reach over and take the offered flash, taking a quick sip before handing it back over to her. Their was a bit more color to her cheeks after that, showing that she was not very good at holding even a small amount of alcohol. She would quickly quiet down as the rest of the guests introduced themselves. Sadly before she could ask any of them about more of their stories it seemed it was time to head out. Anna rose to her feet to grab her armor and weapon from it's spot near the coat rack. After getting ready she would wait outside for the rest of the group to follow. The warmth of the drink helped her spirits as she tried to ready herself for the funeral.

Since Seljak's stool was beside the overstuffed chair that 'granny' was sitting in, and wanting to be polite, he extends his miniscule tea cup to the older woman, holding the saucer as still as he can in his scared oversized hands. "Yeth pleath Mithtreth Honored Grandmother, mam, I will try thome Juithe for Joint'th."

After Granny pours a small amount in the tea cup Seljak brings the cup to his nose. 'It smells like Morgrym's corn whiskey, he never let me have any, said it was wasted on half orc's. Of course I don't have joint pain, I didn't know that Morgym did, maybe that is why he is so grumpy.' Sipping the medicine Seljak makes a sour face, as the liquid burns down his throat. 'I don't like medicine. I hope I don't get bad joints.' Looking about the room, hoping no one notices, he pours the small amount left down the inside of his boot.

Hearing Kendra announce that they were to leave for the graveyard, Selak nods his head and drones in his baritone voice. "Yeth Mithtreth." then standing he waits for everyone else to leave, so he can bring up the rear.

Male Gnome

Poshment stood as directed and moved to place himself in the middle of the crowd as the group exited the building. "Sometimes being small, and unnoticed, is a good thing," he thought, as he tried to appear unobtrusive, but he also listened to the conversations of those around him.

Posh wants to listen to any gossip from the various funeral goers.

Female Human oracle

Grinning at the slight women's suddenly rosy cheeks, Granny leaves her pack by the door and grabs her cane club as she heads out the door.

@Seljak:Granny, dear, just call me Granny. Something wrong with your mouth, boy?

Hobbling along, she grumbles about her joints, struggling to keep pace with the group, but doesn't ask them to slow their pace for her.

it was such I nice spot next to his wife, I think he will be happy to be next to her again...

'she shared her juice with me, even though it tasted terrible, now she is talking to me, she might be as nice as the professor was, I wonder if she gives tips.'

Seljak stops staring at the floor just briefly enough to make eye contact with the wonderful woman who is speaking to him, then staring back at the floor.

"Yeth mithtreth Granny mam, No mithtreth Granny mam, there ith nothing wrong with my mouth. Morgym thaid what ith wrong with me ith my brain, he thayth I don't have one. Mithtreth Granny mam."

Seljak bringing up the rear, watches as the older woman walks stiffly and a little slower than the others on their way to the graveyard, he slows his pace so as not to pass her.

Female Dhampir 1 swashbuckler | HP 11/11 | AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14| Fort: +0, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 17, | Init: +6 | Perception: +6 Panache 3/3 |

"Awww that's not a very nice thing to say. You must have something up there in the old skull if you are walking and talking. Maybe your fangs are just a tad bit to large for your mouth. Thankfully mine never grew to long to be a bother. Something I end up biting my lip with them though. That always hurts a bit." Anna will fall back with them, staying slightly quiet as to not to be rude to Kendra.

F Half-Elf Inquisitor 1

As the group of mourners leave the Lorrimor house, Viktoria follows listening to the idle chatter. Reaching in to a pocket within her leather coat she pulls out a canvas pouch and retrieves a small hand rolled tobacco cigarette. A subtle flick of her fingers and the paper ignites. Viktoria takes a long pull and then exhales a small cloud of thin smoke into the air.

No one has yet mentioned how the Professor died. I'll have to ask Kendra after the burial, no need to burden her yet...

Female Human oracle

first people to call others stupid are normally the ones with the greatest amount of the flaw. You may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but that don't make you stupid...same [redacted][censored][vile word] horse turd teach you to speak?

*huff puff huff puff wheeeeeeeeeeeze*

blasted cemetery so far away...

Just Granny, child, I'm no noble, so Granny will do. Need me to look at that after this? Mouth infections are a pain...

lol, never thought to ask myself why 'Igor' had a lisp. I assume that Seljak's tusks are over developed (a result of the 'beastial' trait) causing such an overbite that his tongue touches his upper teeth instead of the roof of his mouth; causing the lisp. Not that he realizes that he has a speech impediment.

'These people are nice like the professor was, they are talking and asking questions without hitting me, maybe they will be my friends, if I do work for them maybe they will give me tips.' Seljak nods as he listens to Anna and Granny speak about teeth, brains, lips and horse turds.

Raising his voice slightly so Anne could hear him, not feeling comfortable speaking about her perfect beautiful teeth, "Yeth mithtreth Anna, thomthing in my old thkull. Motht old thkullth I have theen have dutht and cobwebth in them. The new oneth have thkin, teeth, eye-ballth, grey goo and blood; but the old oneth have cobwebth and dutht."

Turning to the wonderful old woman taking her time in front of him, not wanting to taste anymore of her medicine "Yeth mithtress Granny mam, children call you granny, I'm not thick Mithtreth granny mam, Morgrym thaid I am ath healthy ath an oxth. he didn't teach me to thpeak, I could thpeak when I met him I remember, he kept telling me to thut up."

Female Dhampir 1 swashbuckler | HP 11/11 | AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14| Fort: +0, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 17, | Init: +6 | Perception: +6 Panache 3/3 |

She would scratch the back of her head as they walked. "Well I don't think any of us have seen the insides of any of our skulls so I guess it might be dust. Still, I'm gonna put my money on brains." She says simply as they walk. She leans forward a bit to get a better look at Granny as the old women begins to wheeze. "Are you feeling ok? You can balance on me if you need a little help."

Female Human oracle

Not as fast as you young kids..*huff, puff* but I'll be alright. These legs of mine aren't as long as they used ta be *puff, wheeeeeze*. Sides, don't want to be late for Lorries send off.

*Looking at Anna and Seljak*

bah...who am I kidding, you each grab an arm and help an old lady along!

'She would like my help, it's nice when people aren't afraid for you to touch them.' Seljak moves up beside the older woman bending over, hooking one of his beefy paws under her right arm and reaching clear under the other almost lifting her clear off the ground, then answers in his droning baritone. Yeth Mithtreth granny mam. If you would like I can carry you Mithtreth granny mam."

Female Dhampir 1 swashbuckler | HP 11/11 | AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14| Fort: +0, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 17, | Init: +6 | Perception: +6 Panache 3/3 |

Anna shot her a smile hearing Seljak. "Awww, sounds like Granny might have found herself a white knight. Still got it I see." Anna said with a little giggle "I'm gonna go up a bit with the group. We can't be that much father off from the grave yard by now."

Female Human oracle


Aww...hells...sure, why not? Pick me up, my boy...I left my pride and dignity behind me some time ago.

Once I could turn heads like no other, my little sharp toothed vixen, got me into a world of trouble more n' once. No worries now, but you will learn in time girl...

@ a passing villager

What are you looking at? Get on your way!

Scary Granny is SCARY!: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

Seljak drones in his flat baritone, "Yeth Mithrteth Granny Mam." Having placed his left hand behind her back already, Seljak bends over and with his right arm literally sweeps her off her feet, carrying the woman at the back of the pack, smiling like the village idiot, not flinching a lick as she puts an on looker in his place.

Male Gnome

Poshment continues along, marveling at the antics of the other mourners. "A strange lot," he thinks, "but praise be to the winds of fate that our association will only be long enough to complete the burial rites."

The party approaches the graveyard, a dismal sight in the increasingly dreary weather. A light rain begins to fall as you all pass through the gates. There, a relic of a man wearing clerical vestments of Pharasma's order, welcomes you all as you approach.

"Dear Kendra, welcome. Welcome, friends and family of the late Petros Lorrimor. I only wish the Lady of Graves did not share our tears this day. We will have to hurry before the rain ruins the grave. Will any of our visitors volunteer to carry the casket?" He gestures to the object in question, resting upon a four-wheeled wagon pulled by a pair of donkeys.

The casket is made finely of blackened wood with iron bars running along its sides to service as handles. It appears to need six human-sized folk to carry the casket, three to a side.

I figure only two or three of my PCs can carry this, so the other spots will be filled by the other guests that accompanied you here.

I wonder if the granny lady tips like the professor used too' Carrying the senior member of the party into the graveyard, Seljak stands there holding her as the priest explains the next part of the task.

Shuffling his feet, first looking at the box and then granny and then the box again. He begins to set granny down but then stops, then starts again quickly stopping again, suffering from sheer confusion he asks in his flat baritone. "Mithtreth granny mam, do you want me to thet you down tho I can help carry the boxth with mathter profethor in it? Or do you want me to carry you with one hand while I help carry the boxth with mathter profethor in it with the other hand?"

Male Gnome

It was probably an inappropriate response to the question, but Poshment laughed at the question, "I believe I would be more of a hindrance in performing the pall bearer responsibility, so I shall respectfully decline."

Female Dhampir 1 swashbuckler | HP 11/11 | AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14| Fort: +0, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 17, | Init: +6 | Perception: +6 Panache 3/3 |

"It would be a honor to help carry the Professor to his final resting place." Anna replies. She walks over to the coffin and takes a position near the front of it where she could get the best grip on the handle. She would make sure to leave room where she stood for the rest of the volunteers. Her lean body hid a surprising amount of strength. She had not brought her umbrella with her and the rain was staring to flatten her hair down to her face. Before everyone was ready she would put her hair up in a pony tail to keep it from falling into her eyes.

Female Human oracle

Set me down boy, carry our friend to his rest. I will not be capable of helping him to the end.

F Half-Elf Inquisitor 1

"I would be proud to carry my dear friend on his final journey." Says Viktoria.

Moving toward Ms. Starburn, Viktoria takes a position opposite her at the front of the professor's casket. She removes her hat and prepares to bear him to his grave.

"May Pharasma judge you fairly".She mutters almost inaudibly as she runs a hand across the slick, wet wood of his casket.

Happily setting down Granny Seljak smiles and asnwers "Yeth Mithtress granny mam!" Having never been to a funeral before, not realize it is a somber event and not a competition, he nearly runs over to the far side of the casket beside Viktoria, grabbing hold of the bar with both hands he grunts slightly and lifting it says "I can help carry thith thide, if no one elthe wantth to."

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