FairyGM's Mythic Way of the Wicked


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Crunch is complete. Kid Vicious is an Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) with access to Crane Style. He will be the party tank and also the face.
Ready to ROCK and RULE!

Average height but muscular, Merrick was a late bloomer but works exhaustively on his physical conditioning. His blonde hair is usually tied in the back, revealing a determined face with an angular jaw and beset with blue-gray eyes. He wears the stain of a tormented youth and looks older than his seventeen years, and more cunning.

Outwardly calm, an inferno rages beneath the surface. Merrick knows well his intellectual limitations and often takes his time to decide on the proper course of action, guided by his training and personal experience. He is a smooth talker and easy liar, talents he learned as a child eavesdropping on his father's negotiations with other community leaders. It helps that he is physically imposing and strikingly handsome. He can be generous when it benefits him, but just as easily seem arbitrary and swift to judgment. He is not above inflicting cruelty, having been subjected to it himself most of his young life. "What goes around, comes around," is one of his favorite sayings.

Ability Scores: Focus (STR), Foible (INT)
Rolls: 11, 16, 12, 17
STR 18 DEX 16 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 13 CHA 17

===Combat Stats===
AC:17 T:17 FF:13
CMB:5 CMD:22
Hit Points: 12 (+1 FCB)
Initiative: +5
Perception: +5
BAB: 1 Spd: 30
Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:1
Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d6+4
Flurry of Blows: +5/+5, 1d6+4
Stunning Fist: 1x/day, Fort DC14
Fighting Defensively: +3 AC, -2 to hit (Crane Style active)

Sedition (Campaign)

Improved Unarmed Strike (Class)
Stunning Fist (Class)
Dodge (Class Bonus Feat)
Crane Style (Lvl 1 Feat)
Weapon Focus, Unarmed (Human Bonus Feat)
Power Attack (EitR)
Weapon Finesse (EitR)
Agile Maneuvers (EitR)
Combat Expertise (EitR)

Ranks/lvl: 3+1+2 (Skilled+Campaign)
7 (1+3+3+0) Acrobatics
0 (0-1+0+0) Appraise
8 (1+3+3+1) Bluff *Trait
4 (0+4+3+0) Climb
-1 (0-1+3+0) Craft
3 (0+3+0+0) Diplomacy
0 (0+3+0+0) Disable Device
3 (0+3+0+0) Disguise
3 (0+3+3+0) Escape Artist
3 (0+3+0+0) Fly
0 (0+3+0+0) Handle Animal
1 (0+1+0+0) Heal
7 (1+3+3+0) Intimidate
-1 (0-1+3+0) Knowledge (religion)
5 (1+1+3+0) Perception
3 (0+3+3+0) Perform
0 (0+1+3+0) Profession
3 (0+3+3+0) Ride
5 (1+1+3+0) Sense Motive
0 (0+3+0+0) Sleight of Hand
0 (0-1+0+0) Spellcraft
7 (1+3+3+0) Stealth
1 (0+1+0+0) Survival
4 (0+4+3+0) Swim
0 (0+3+0+0) Use Magic Device

Ok, I'm all set. Background, crunch, etc.

I travel for the next week, so hopefully everything that is needed is inside my profile.


Male human (Chelaxian) fighter (armor master) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 44)
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (falcata), Power Attack, Shield Focus, Soulless Gaze
Traits desertion, steel skin
Skills Climb +8, Craft (armor) +1, Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +10, Profession (soldier) +6, Swim +8
Languages Common
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute
Special Abilities
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use on attack rolls.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Soulless Gaze Otherworldy dread infuses your gaze.

Followed by his


Born into a devout family, he was raised to become a Paladin. He had a strict father, who trained him daily from when he could hold a sword. Drills. Tenets. Every aspect of his life was to one day become part of the Holy order that protected the land. It was during his teenage years that he came face to face with death. Losing a very close a dear friend due to horrific accident. But instead of horror and pain, instead he felt wonder. Awe. But it wasn’t until much later that this sudden revelation truly took hold

When he was finally ready, he joined the part of a military unit while training and preparing to take his oath as a Paladin.

But after each battle, he became increasingly intrigued by the morbidities of death, decay, and rot. Death became a daily thing, and his mind often wandered to what could be if the body wasn't as frail as he has noticed. Even with the training to be a bulwark in combat, his thoughts always strayed back to the finality of being mortal. To the point where perhaps he was seeing visions. Unlike the paladins, he had no connection to any of the three, no divine magic to call on or any form of aptitude to suggest talent in the area. No priest or paladin could tell him why he could not call on the same powers they wielded. Though deep down, he knew, that it was because he wasn’t a true servent. Something else had his devotion, but what or who, he yet did not know or understand

One fateful day, he and his squad was sent to subdue and put a stop to a small Urgathoan death cult that was starting to become known in a small town not too far from the Capitol. There he finally realised that his thoughts, feelings and perhaps even his visions, were preparing him for this. He decided to try and abandon all that he was expected to do, leave this facade of a life, perhaps become a more useful instrument to his new beliefs.

But then he was caught and brought back. In his cell, days before finally being sentenced, he made a silent oath to Urgathoa, that he would become her champion on this plane, if she would only help him escape mortal death

Now everything is on the same post.

For now this will be it. Will try to write up the Legendary version this weekend

Interested, but let me see what I would have to work with here...

1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

And the reroll 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

18, 14, 11, 11, 9, 8. Real bad. Perhaps not so bad for a Flames Oracle arsonist, which is the concept I think I'm going for here...

Will have something more solid over the weekend.

Noticed the optional reroll.
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17


Can anyone reroll one of theirs?

I think the rule is everyone can reroll the lowest.

Ah hell, the servants of the Devil himself. Who doesn't love a little Wickedness...

If I use old school Focus and Foible, let's see what I would get:

Focus: Dex
Foible: Wis

Str: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Con: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Int: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Cha: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

reroll(str): 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

so str 16, dex 18, con 14, int 13, wis 8, cha 17


arrange to taste: 18, 17, 16, 14, 13, 8

Let's see what I can come up with!

History and spells added. CS complete.

Back story – How Devils are made:

The youngest daughter– that is who she was. Yes,, there was a younger brother, the spoil-one as everyone called him. But she was 4th in line to the family name. When she came of age, her father asked her what she would like. A political marriage, a post in the family trading empire or any other thing. He was a little taken aback when she said she wanted to go to noble school and military academy. But asher elder two sisters were already wed, and her two brothers were leaving the company business. She was a spare, and he considered having a military mind in the family could help. his youngest daughter had always been driven. Focus his way, he, he said. Always striving to win, to be the best, and and to achieve. Good traits in a male heir, not so for a lady looking for a husband. But he kept that to himself. He knew how hiss wife would react if he said it out loud. So Zallena was sent off to the academy with the blessing of the Trinity.

The Academy was one of many set up by King Markadian V the Brave to foster young nobles in the knightly ways and rules of conflict as set out by House of Darius. And as recruiting grounds for the Knights of the Alerion. To join them is a prized honour within the noble houses. To have the king and high cardinal of the church, Vitallian of Estyllis.

Bestow on you the honour? Well,l, that is something to strive for.

When she arrived at Ghastenhall Military Academy,, the second largest of the three. She was given a room befitting her noble rank. And registered her 1st year, classes. Soon fitting into the routine and settling down to study. 5 long years awaited her. But in that 1st week,, she met"HIM",, the obnoxious brat son of the Van-Brookrook family. Distant relatives of Vitallian of Estyllis, the High Cardinal,, and boy did he not let you forget it. Throwing his weight around, bullying younger students and being a perverted lech. He called her Borderlands trash, half monster from the wilds, when she beat him. In tests in combat in everything.

She did not put up with it. Putting him on his ass when she found out. His rage and anger plain to see. She should not have done it; she should have let it slide. e. But he was a pig,g, a cheat and everything that was not noble. But he bided his time. So when the unit competition came up for final-year students. She was ready, she had earned the right to lead one of the small units of younger students in a mass simulated battle. Just defenders and attackers in taking flags. She was blue team; HE was red. Everyone knew that the winning units commander in the competition would get a recommendation to the Trinity Knights. She had worked hard, she and the stovetove for this, to earn the right to an interview. He pulled strings and got the best unit of younger students in the whole competition; she was was the weakest. But part of the test was training,, and she trained her unit, trained them almost to death. Hard and and unforgiving,, she drilled and drilled them. So that when the big day came,, she and her unit were ready. It was all going tooo well; she was given her orders: hold the line on the right flank. She had guessed right about the location and placed her troops in positions that would be hard to take out. So it was with great shock that when walking the line,, she found a group of her troops sleeping. Checking them,, it was clear magic had been used. Strictly forbidden in the rules of the competition. She was outraged and called over one of the referees. She was checking them with the ref, ,when a cheer went top, and there HE stood, at Reds base with Blues flag. She ran to their flag site only to find the other blue commanders talking. They all looked at her when she came up. She tried to explain that Redt Red had cheated and and a referee was looking into it now. But when she went back to get him. The referee was nowhere to be found,, and her troops,, now awake, looked around bewildered. How? How had he done this? There were warding spells and alarms. How? She had to go back to her comrades and state what had happened even with no evidence. On the way back to the barracks,, he did not waste the opportunity to brag and have a dig at her.

What you expect from a Borderlander? Keeping wild animals out of of the farm is about all they are good for. And she is particularly bad; I hear her family is descended from the House of Barca. Her family was sent to the wall as punishment,, don't you know?"[i]

She did not react, for what he said was true about the family lineage and the fact it was sent to the wall. It was then that cold,, hard,, hardtied formed in her. He would pay. She spent the next week researching how he could have done it, if it was even possible. And then she found it; this had happened before. That was how he knew what to do, and what she found out shocked her. The other student,, now long expelled,, had formed a pact with a demon. I %*(^( DEMON!.

She read this, and her mind focused. This country was formed on law, rules and order. And that piece of %() )&^)(& had placed all of them, no,, the whole world,, in danger. She went to see the tutors; she pleaded and said what had happened and the danger he had links to. They just said without hard evidence they could not even start to investigate someone linked to the Cardinal. She had to understand there were people one did not wish to antagonise. She should understand that it was unkind to think of a fellow student in this way. Think of his feelings and how he felt. She walked out of of the room; later that day he took it too far. Coming up behind her,, he grabbed her. Saying [i]your mine now *&^%!.

She yanked him off and slapped him across the face. She said her full name and challenged him to a noble duel. If he was such a great hero of the competition, if he valued his honour, he could have stepped or walked away as the coward he was, then she leaned in closer, Run away demon lover". And that did it, training room now,!!, he screamed. And they headed off, once there stripping as they faced each other. he ordered his lickies to stay back when he saw word of the fight had spread and now the place was filled with fellow students. All wanting to see the hero fight the borderland girl. She called out her and the challenge again; Pointing at time. I know you have dealing with demons Fight me and prove me wrong. He accepted, and they both declared that no word of this would they say say to any outside of this room. All the students there were were knew as well, non would talk of this on their Honor. Then they fight, and she killed him.

There was not much more to say; she waited for the teachers to come, stating it was a fight that had gotten out of hand. That should have been it after a school board enquiry,, and she would be expelled. But somehow word what she had said he was in league with demons got out. It was then his family got involved fully. And now she was set to be beheaded. She said on the floor,, focusing, any hopes of honour in the service of the knights were were gone. Even if her family could get her out, what then? His family would not stop. If they did not get a pound of flesh,, they would go after her family. So she waited for the inevitable. That was until the letter came; her whole family was killed. Her young brother, sisters, brother, mother and father. Killed. Her uncle's letter also held family code words. A word that had within the family one meaning.


This one word, intently focused her like never before, and in her soul, a cold hard point came into being. She would have revenge, they would suffer and very demon she would get her hands on would perish, in this life or the next, they would pay no matter what it took.

Here's the last part of Kid Vicious' story, which brings him to present day.

The Trial:
The trial was mercifully short. The little bastard Cockran had taken to writing things down, and the whole operation was in his bloody books. Learned how to bleach the pages and where to steal ink and quills. Smart little bastard - too smart for his own good and now he would get the whole gang killed. Merrick sneered at the punk kid. Who writes so damned much, anyway? What kid has that much time? Must not have been hungry enough. That was Merrick's fault; he let the gang eat too often. If he got out of this mess he'd make them all starve good till their stomachs shrank to peas and they got back to stealin' like they needed it to survive.

The Magistrate was a fat son of a whore wearing a gods-damned rabbit on his head. That's what it looked like, anyway, a fluffy white fur with a tail dangling over his forehead. He read the little Cock's pages one after another, spilling all the gang's secret plans to push these god-suffering a@$**%$s to the bottom of Hell. Sedition was the charge. What a load of s*!~. If Merrick wasn't shackled and bound he'd tear that fat pig's head off and spit down his windpipe. Regicide was a more worthy accusation. Too bad he hadn't gotten anywhere close to the King.

Another page: The next day we met Falcon again and he had more to tell us 'bout the plan. Charlie said it wasn't a good plan and Falcon broke his arm. The bleedin bones were sticking out and Charlie was screamin so Falcon hit him until he didn't say nothin no more. Still breathin, anyways, but I don't spect Charlie will be coming round again. We're all to meet at the Knot and come up where Falcon used to live, then take care of the Watch and get to the gate as fast as we can. Falcon says it shouldn't be a lot of trouble and we'll have proper swords and he's shown us some fighting moves. The gang is seventy-strong now. Doubled since Falcon took charge. Others call him Kid Vishus. I think he likes that name. Seems there is more kids wanna join the gang now that a kid runs it. Only a few of us know about the Master. He keeps away and lets Falcon run the gang, but thats where Falcon gets his plans...

"Iomadae's fattits! Shut the hell up, Cockran!" Merrick screamed. He couldn't take it anymore. Fighting his shackles, the powerful young man managed to flip the heavy table in front of him and stand menacingly. "Enough!" Ripping off the table leg to which his bindings were bolted, he leapt at the Magistrate, toppling the obese man and landing over him. Merrick bit the man's ear off, tearing the flesh from his skull. He somersaulted to get his feet under him and spun 'round, spitting the bloody ear in the direction of the judge. Then he turned to stare down Cockran, the little s~+!, but in the melee he had lost track of the guards, and the last thing he felt was something hard cracking into the back of his head.

The next thing Merrick knew he was back in a prison cell, half covered in rats. His head throbbed so bad he wished they'd finished the job. Why make him wait to be executed? A society this stupid deserved its fate. It didn't look like Merrick was gonna be around long enough to see them get what's coming, but they'd get it all the same. "What goes around, comes around," he muttered with a thin smile.

Here's three cut scenes to exemplify Dargons character.

being schooled by his Da:
Dargon was a bright young man; quick to react and Agile of mind and body. He reused his stringy Black hair from his his forehead as he wore it longer than most and it had a tendency to block his vision. He regarded his father across the room where fencing wad learned. His father was 4 inches taller, stockier, and had dark brown eyes set on a face that looked to be chiseled from stone.

The man twisted his wrist back and forth making the basket hilted rapier dance in his hand. look boy. If you want to get good at this, you have got to focus. You're not like those ruffians who run the streets. You don't have the strength of body to win with an axe of a mace. You need a weapon that has some Finesse. So focus and come at me again.

Then his father smiled confidently. Dargon hated that smarmy kind grin of his father
He just knew he was being looked down on and judged. He sneered inwardly and rushed foward on deft feet lunging, thrust thrust, sweep to right, Parry then upward cut and there is was...the blade knocked from his grip by a simple Twisting Disarm. It clattered to the floor to his right and then his father touched him lightly on the chest with his blade.

Dargon grimaced...another lecture coming.

you were too aggressive. Be calmer. Advance with purpose. Guage your opponents defense before trying to go for the kill.

Dargons lithe frame was tense and he gave his father a sideways glance as he retrieved his sword. He hated that kind look on his father's face. He could never measure up to his father's perfection. He moved back to the mat and went to the ready for another round....

Who were the Lake's:
dargon was the only son born to Cristoph and Celia a'Laek. He had three older daughters. Lara, Dolores, and Gracie. The entire family was blessed with grace, Wit, looks. They were perfect. All exemplifing the goodness of the Trinity. Father was a landed noble...which is to say he owned land and had a large ranch. Not rich by any means. But well enough to do that they lacked for nothing. It really was the perfect life. Until Dargon came to be.

He was unruly. Bored with perfection. His mind eager to learn all there was in life. He didn't have the perfect looks of the rest. His slight frame and thin face stringy hair. His musculuture was wiry instead of sound. He fumbled with words where the rest were well spoken. No his sisters always made fun of him. They said it was out of love. Laugh. He didn't believe it a bit. Their jokes cut him . He caught his mother's sympathetic glance all the time. He didn't want her sympathy. He wanted to be better.

He took sneaking out to run the streets after dark, but that usually found him beat up by the tough in town. Many times his mother would clean his wounds and apply ointment to bruises he got cause he was a failure. His father looking at him like he lacked in the manly arts.

The Lake's as they were called by the church attended every service. And we're attentive...except Dargon, who had a penchant towards sleeping through sermons, if he was caught and awoke by an elbow in the ribs.

They were the perfect family...except for the failure Dargon

who is Petra:
Ahh Petra, Beautiful. Smart. Dancing green eyes. Bright red hair. Perfect curves. Her womanly attributes caught the eyes of every man in the town and she had many suitors. Her father was a deputy in town. He didn't approve of the Scoundrel Dargon coming to talk to his daughter. Dargon could tell. Petra worked at the bakery, and she had smiled at Dargon. Laughed at a few of his jokes. She didn't flinch away from his hand. Obviously she was interested. Lara his older sister told him she was just being nice and he shouldn't get himself all attached after all Lara saw the way she looked at Nolan, the bankers son...with the dashing good looks and the ready smile. Nolan who was able to be courtly and was good with his words.

Still for weeks he went to see Petra and she smiled and talked and she was friendly to the simpering Dargon. She called him a good friend. That meant something.

Then he saw Nolan and Petra walking in the park, holding hands. She never held his hand. Nolan was making a move on his girl.

Dargon stormed up, pushed the bigger Nolan. A scuffle ensued. With Dargon slapping Nolan in the face with his glove at the end, challenging him to a duel...which the bankers son was honor bound to accept, though it was old school and frowned upon in current schools of thought.

Dargon would show Petra he was a better choice. He failed to notice the way she looked at Nolan and her mouthing to him 'don't hurt him.' Nor the look of love she gave him.

All he saw was the smug confidence of someone who thought he was better than Dargon. He'd prove who was better

eriktd wrote:

Thanks for Elephant in the Room rules, GM! That will make my roguelike summoner so much easier to pull off well.

I'm almost done spec-ing him out, so I'll start on the writeup tomorrow. He's a Murderous ratfolk summoner, and the plan is for him to mess around a bit with Teamwork feats.

GM, do you have a preference for Unchained vs chained summoners? I can build him either way.

Also, are you using Spheres of Might? If you are, I have some additional ideas for evil that the system could enable further down the road... >;)

Unchained or not your choice.

But we will not be using Spheres. I understand it adds versatility but I don't really like it.

I'm going to start reviewing characters

@Dargon Lake your touch AC should be 15. I think you forgot the +1 dodge bonus from the Dodge Feat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Its fun making chars even if I don't get selected. Here's my submission Rayse.

It pains me to admit it, but they got the right person for entirely the wrong reason! Yes technically I was involved in a little sedition, but that’s small fry in comparison to what my family was actually up to... A sect of Asmodeus under their noses and the authorities had no idea, and still don’t, fools the lot of them.

The worst of it is we were sold out by that ugly runt Django Creed, our accountant's son, all because my Sister Ella laughed in his face when he asked for a date. Piqued, the spiteful cur ran to the Iomedaens and ratted on us saying we were the ones behind all those pamphlets calling for King Markadian V’s downfall. A scandal ensued! A sensation! A well known lawyer and a teacher spreading sedition! A family of good repute ruined, if only they knew... Whatever, it’s done, long years of careful planning and training gone to waste in the blink of an eye.

The Iomedaens are such boors, crowing over their ‘accomplishment’ at shutting us down. Funny how the so-called righteous happily take credit for Creed’s work, when they haven’t the wit nor the imagination to have taken us down themselves. They don’t understand me, they made me watch my parents take the drop, thinking it would break me. I have never felt stronger, or more infused with purpose. My parents made me proud, tight lipped and fearless to the last, they held up their end of the infernal bargain and now they have a position of honour in the hells.

The Iomedaens say I’m due to share my parent’s fate the day after tomorrow. Perhaps, perhaps not, Lord Asmodeus put me in this backwater world for a purpose. Bourne and raised to be his instrument, I yearn to spread tyranny in his name. In the end all shall kneel!

Description and personality:
A little over 6 foot, Rayse has a chiseled physique that draws attention both male and female when he walks into the room. Always immaculately groomed and shaved, his dark hair is kept short military style without being too severe. If angered, his piercing dark blue eyes flash with an inner fire. When clad in armour he looks every bit the dashing knight. He could pass for a paladin, but Rayse is a wolf in sheep’s clothing with a honeyed tongue.

He was training among the Iomedaens, however he wasn’t learning the lessons they thought they were teaching! He knows how to lie without trace, how to wheedle and manipulate and make almost anyone his friend. He learned patience and discipline, and a certain kind of honour but not that stuffy Iomedaens would recognize it!


Human antipaladin (tyrant) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 118, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 64)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +0
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks smite good 1/day (+4 attack and AC, +1 damage)
Antipaladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . At will—detect good
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Mask Of Virtue, Power Attack, Soulless Gaze
Traits bloody-minded, sedition
Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (nobility) +2, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +0, Profession (barrister) +3
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute
Special Abilities
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Detect Good (At will) (Sp) You can use detect good at will (as the spell).
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use on attack rolls.
Mask of Virtue Your alignment is concealed.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Smite Good (1/day) (Su) +4 to hit, +1 to damage, +4 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Soulless Gaze Otherworldy dread infuses your gaze.

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@Kid Vicious aka "The Falcon"

unless I'm missing a +3 to AC somewhere your AC should be 14 Touch 14 FF10
CMD should be 19

FairyGM wrote:

Unchained or not your choice.

But we will not be using Spheres. I understand it adds versatility but I don't really like it.

Cool, cool. I am thinking I will go with a Legendary Summoner, which means he will be Unchained. I have built most of the character's chassis, now I just need to develop his background and story hooks for you. :)

@Treesa Lore

Common is Taldane you can pick a different language
Your HP should be 9 (1d6+3 con)
You only have one hex at 1st level
your missing one skill rank
Are you Human or Half elf it looks like your trying to be both.

Are there goblins on the island?
Yep. Got the HP wrong. Will fix.
The other hexes are from the Extra Hex feat. Is that not allowed?
1 skills rank? I'll check. I have a spreadsheet that automatically counts for me, but I might have messed up the code.
Human. Half-elf related to ?? The fey stuff? I worked that in because of the future template. Can remove if that is bad.

Question. You mentioned everyone getting the Leadership Feat at 7th level. Regular Leadership? or Vile Leadership?

Edit: I count 11 skill ranks. That should be right. ??

Treesa Lore wrote:

Any suggestions for a 5th language? I've got Common, Yutak, Infernal, Dwarven, Draconic. Does Cheliax have their own language? Or just Taldane?

@GM FairyGM. Please confirm. Can we add the racial +2 to the 18?

Sorry I didn't see this

Chelaxian is the ethnic language of Cheliax and their colonies like Talingarde

And yes you can add the +2 to the 18

Tarquin completed


Crime: Slave Trading
Male Wizard 1 (Necromancer)
Archetype Thassilonian Specialist (Inner Sea Magic)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Deity Mephistopheles
Init +1
Perception +3
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
hp 6 (1 HD)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +4;
Speed 10 ft.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks

Str 8(-1), Dex 13(+1), Con 10(0), Int 20(+5)[Int is the 18, and then I applied the Human +2 bonus here, I can rework if necessary], Wis 15(+2), Cha 11(0)
Base Atk +0;
Feats Wretched Curator (Agents of Evil if allowed), Spell Focus (Necromancy), Scholar Arcane, Religion (If WC is not allowed)
Acrobatics +1, Appraise +9 (1 rank), Bluff +0, Climb -1, Craft Jewelry +9 (1 rank), Diplomacy +0, Disable Device +1, Disguise +0, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Handle Animal +0, Heal +2, Intimidate +0, Knowledge Arcana +9 (1 rank), Knowledge History +9 (1 rank), Knowledge Local +9 (1 rank), Knowledge Religion +9 (1 rank), Linguistics +5, Perception +3 (1 rank), Profession Barrister +5 (1 rank), Ride +1, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand +1, Spellcraft +9 (1 rank), Stealth +2, Survival +2, Swim -1, Use Magic Device +0

Languages Common, Ancient Osiriani, Draconic, Infernal, Osiriani, Necril,
CF Arcane Bond (wand/staff depending on the size of the first long bone found), Arcane School Necromancy (Opposed abjuration, enchantment), Scribe Scroll, Spellbook, Command Undead

Backstory: Tarquin was a very bright student. He knew how to turn every deal to his advantage. When he started his study of magic, he spent his off time working in a the Temple of Abadar in Daveryn. While working on a very technical contract, Tarquin spoke with the librarian in the temple who directed him to a book dealer in Ghastenhall. While looking through the dealers books and scrolls, Tarquin acquired a copy of Three Lies (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Mephistopheles), Black Book or the Kardosian Codex (if allowed not knowing what they are https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Zutha), The Emancipation Edict (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Emancipation_Edict), a book on writing contracts (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Asmodean_Monograph), and a copy of loan laws from Absalom. Noticing the books and knowing what they actually were, the dealer smiled at Tarquin and said if he ever needs more books like those to return. Tarquin was not sure what he meant yet, but said he would. After a weeks study with these books, his thoughts were filled with the ideas that those who are not smart enough the read and understand the contracts they sign deserve what they get. He set the interest rate of that loan a few points higher than usual, but the client did not seem to matter. And so, Tarquin's studies continued, time learning magic, time learning contract law. At his desk one day, a grieving family came in and told one of the other barristers that their father had died and his loan was not yet paid off. The barrister was touched by their grief and told the family not to be concerned, he would forgive the loan. Later that afternoon, Tarquin looked up the loan and noticed that he did indeed have a clause that forgave the debt in case of death. And then he had an idea, what if he made loan contracts with such low interest rates that it encouraged people to not pay and wait for death, expecting for the debt to be forgiven, but he instead includes a clause that their remaining debt would be paid by animating their corpse and renting it out as menial labor. He looked through the various books he had bought and found how to word the contract as subtly as possible. He slipped the clause into a few contracts and when he went to collect on the first one after a death, the family objected. He presented them with the contract, and then took the body away. However, they took the matter to court, and the court decided to charge him with slave trading.
Special Abilities

Necromancy School
Power over Undead (Su): You receive Command Undead as a bonus feat. You can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier, but only to use the selected feat. You can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Extra Channel and Improved Channel, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Elemental Channel and Alignment Channel. The DC to save against these feats is equal to 10 + 1/2 your wizard level + your Charisma modifier. At 20th level, undead cannot add their channel resistance to the save against this ability.

Life Sight (Su): At 8th level, you gain blindsight to a range of 10 feet for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. This ability only allows you to detect living creatures and undead creatures. This sight also tells you whether a creature is living or undead. Constructs and other creatures that are neither living nor undead cannot be seen with this ability. The range of this ability increases by 10 feet at 12th level, and by an additional 10 feet for every four levels beyond 12th. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Undead Subschool
Bolster (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch an undead creature and infuse it with negative energy. It gains a +1 profane bonus on all attack rolls and saving throws, as well as 1 temporary hit point per Hit Die and a +2 bonus to its turn resistance. The bonus on attack rolls and saving throws increases by +1 for every 5 wizard levels you possess. These bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1 round). The bonuses and temporary hit points are immediately dispelled if the creature is within the area of a consecrate spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Thassilonian Necromancy
Benefits: A Thassilonian specialist wizard receives two additional spell slots of each spell level he can cast. These bonus spell slots must both be used to prepare the same spell from the wizard’s school of specialization, allowing the wizard to cast that spell twice (as he has prepared the spell twice). The wizard cannot use these slots to prepare two different spells, even if they are of the school he is specialized in.

Spells Prepared:
Acid Splash (if min/max)/ Mage Hand (if rp. If these are the spells that would have been memorized on the day of capture, then Mage Hand would be memorized.)
Detect Magic
Ray of Frost

TN Bonus Spell
Sotto Voce
Sotto Voce

1st Level
Mage Armor
Secluded Grimoire: Safeguard your spellbook on the Ethereal Plane. (Cast after preparing spells every day so spell book is on Ethereal Plane when captured. It has not been recalled.)
Magic Missile

TN Bonus Spell
Ray of Enfeeblement
Ray of Enfeeblement

Spells Known:
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Acid Splash: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Drench: Soak the target creature or object.
Detect Fiendish Presence: As detect evil, except this specifically detects outsiders with the evil subtype and their servants.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Grasp: Retry a Climb check as an immediate action
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Daze: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
Breeze: Create a light wind.
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls).
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Penumbra: Keep something in the shadows.
Ray of Frost: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
Scoop: Use a small vessel of force to scoop up liquid or small objects.
Spark: Ignites flammable objects.
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds.
Haunted Fey Aspect: You surround yourself with disturbing illusions.
Oath of Anonymity: Cloak yourself in an illusion that hides your true identity
Vacuous Vessel: Make a single container appear empty.
Bleed: Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.
Disrupt Undead: Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
Sotto Voce: Use your dry, rasping whisper to fill a creature with dread.
Touch of Fatigue: Touch attack fatigues target.
Chameleon Scales: Change the color of your skin to something else.
Jolt: Deal 1d3 electricity with a ranged touch attack.
Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message: Whisper conversation at distance.
Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.
Root: Bolster the subject’s CMD vs. trips and Acrobatics checks to remain standing.
Scrivener's Chant: Imbue a quill to rapidly transcribe words from one page to another.
Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible).
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.

1st Level
Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Secluded Grimoire: Safeguard your spellbook on the Ethereal Plane
Heightened Awareness: Your recall and ability to process information improve.
Identify: Gives +10 bonus to identify magic items.
Magic MissileY: 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).
Chill Touch: One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.
Ray of Enfeeblement: Ray causes 1d6 Str penalty + 1 per 2 levels.
Snapdragon Fireworks: Create 1 dragon firework/level.

Ultimate Plan is to become a Lich.

FairyGM wrote:

@Kid Vicious aka "The Falcon"

unless I'm missing a +3 to AC somewhere your AC should be 14 Touch 14 FF10
CMD should be 19

In addition to Dex to AC, Scaled Fist monk gets CHA bonus, instead of WIS bonus like vanilla monk, and it applies to FF. Same for CMD.

But looking again, I forgot to add the Weapon Focus bonus to hit. Should be +6 total.

Kid Vicious aka "The Falcon" wrote:
FairyGM wrote:

@Kid Vicious aka "The Falcon"

unless I'm missing a +3 to AC somewhere your AC should be 14 Touch 14 FF10
CMD should be 19

In addition to Dex to AC, Scaled Fist monk gets CHA bonus, instead of WIS bonus like vanilla monk. Same for CMD.

Sorry, I skipped right over the Scaled Fist part.

FairyGM wrote:
Sorry, I skipped right over the Scaled Fist part.


Treesa Lore wrote:


Are there goblins on the island?
Yep. Got the HP wrong. Will fix.
The other hexes are from the Extra Hex feat. Is that not allowed?
1 skills rank? I'll check. I have a spreadsheet that automatically counts for me, but I might have messed up the code.
Human. Half-elf related to ?? The fey stuff? I worked that in because of the future template. Can remove if that is bad.

Question. You mentioned everyone getting the Leadership Feat at 7th level. Regular Leadership? or Vile Leadership?

Edit: I count 11 skill ranks. That should be right. ??

Yes there are goblins. Mostly in the Savage North.

I missed the fact you took Extra Hex twice.
I didn't count Handle Animal for some reason.
Fey Thoughts is a Half elven Racial Trait . If you are just using it as a place holder for now that's fine, you just won't be able to apply it to your character.
Everyone will be getting Vile Leadership. Thanks for pointing that out.

@Lady Zallena Rol-Jackaroon

If you chose the +2 Dex as your Alternate Spell-Like Ability you don't get continual flame as well.
I'll let the Scion of Half-Elf thing slide cause it's not a big deal. I assume its so you can cast Paragon Surge.
You get two skills per level extra as part of the campaign.
You get a +1 to HP or skills as a Favored Class Bonus if you choose Legendary Cleric as your favored class.
Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, And Stealth aren't a class skill for the Legendary Cleric.
Handle Animal, Sleight of hand, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device require you to be trained in its use.
you forgot the +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy

Fey Thoughts is in the Human Alternate Racial Traits

In the Replaces Skilled section, slightly over halfway down the page:
Fey Thoughts
Source Heroes of the Wild pg. 5
The character sees the world more like a native of the First World. Select two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character.

A dwarf can take this trait in place of hatred. An elf, gnome, or half-orc can take this trait in place of racial weapon familiarity. A half-elf can take this trait in place of multitalented. A halfling can take it in place of fearless. In the case of humans, this trait replaces the skilled trait (and the human also gains fey magic and low-light vision, as detailed in Fey Magic, above).

@Treesa Lore Sorry it wasn't listed on PFSRD. My bad.

Interesting. They just combine all three under Fey Magic. Same thing.

"They're calling her 'the Viper.' Y'know, because of how they found her victim."

A shackled and imprisoned Scarlet listens to the guards with some satisfaction. She carries not a hint of remorse for her deed-- in fact, replaying the scene in her head brings a smile to her lips. It had been easy to catch her; she hadn't made the least effort to cover it up. Perhaps part of her wanted the kingdom to know it was her.

"Well, pretty soon they'll be calling her nothing at all."

* * * * *

I'd like to submit Scarlet Lirend, my human druid.

Crime: Murder.

I apologize that this backstory kinda got away from me, so here's...

The Short Version:
Scarlet is a shepherdess who lost her twin sons in what was called a "tragic accident" involving a high-ranking Knight of the Alerion named Jarkus. After receiving a mysterious holy symbol from a kind stranger, Scarlet prayed to who turned out to be the dark goddess Ardad Lili. The goddess promised to help her get her revenge if she could manage to seduce Jarkus. It takes Scarlet a full year, but she gets Jarkus into her bed-- whereupon she discovers venomous fangs growing in her mouth. She seizes the opportunity and takes her revenge.

(Ardad Lili is a servant of Asmodeus, so I figure that will be an easy transition later in the campaign.)

And for the full story:

The Cause:
Scarlet's world upended in a day.

The daughter of a shepherd, owner of nothing but a shepherd's modest holdings, lived with her twin boys in the rural Borderlands of Talingarde. They raised a small flock of sheep, and with Scarlet's few meager spells-- what the learned mages derisively called "commoner's magic"-- they managed to keep food on the table but little else. The boys, Brenley and Brayley, dreamed of a grander life, as boys do, but for her part Scarlet wanted nothing to do with it.

Her husband had been conscripted into the army just a few months after her sons' births, to fight some war in the name of the king against other men fighting in the name of their king. She never saw him again. The clergy of the Trinity had insisted he be buried in a "proper" mausoleum, but House Darius had sent her a bit of gold to compensate her for her loss. It didn't last a year.

At least her boys were safe, she knew, from the nobles and their schemes. From men who played political squabbling games among themselves, using the lives of commonfolk as the pieces. She knew the boys were safe until they came of age.

On that ill-fated day, Scarlet sent the boys into the market for vegetables. They didn't return for hours. Expecting to find them dozing in the late-afternoon sun or getting themselves into trouble, she went to the market herself to look for them.

A charging aurochs could not have hit her harder than what she found.

The story was that the boys were tossing an onion between them through the streets. Paying too little attention around him, Brenley bumped hard into a horse. The animal reared and kicked, landing a hoof squarely in the child's forehead. The boy dropped dead on the spot. His brother's shock and horror quickly turned to anger, and he grabbed the closest weapon he could find-- a sword on display by a nearby blacksmith-- and charged. What Brayley intended to do was anyone's guess, for surely a horse deserved no such deadly punishment. But to Brayley's incredibly bad luck, astride that horse was a high-ranking Knight of the Alerion named Jarkus, on his way to the Heartlands. Jarkus had taken the boy's sudden charge as an attack on himself, and before Brayley could so much as swing his blade, a spear had skewered him through the chest.

Scarlet dropped to the street beside their bodies, now surrounded by onlookers, too shocked and devastated to weep. A terrible accident, it was being called. A priest of the Trinity had arrived and was saying some prayers or other. To Scarlet it didn't make sense. Why would an Alerion horse be so poorly trained? Don't they get sent into battle? And how could a Knight mistake a grief-stricken boy for a credible threat?

More clergy of the Trinity arrived to take the bodies away. She tried to hold them back, begging them to let her bury them on the family farm. No, no, they insisted, as Talingarde citizens these boys were under the protection of the Trinity; they simply must go to a mausoleum. It was only "proper."

Left with nothing, Scarlet wept.

The Crime:
After the deaths of her sons, Scarlet lost all hope. She hated that fool of a Knight, but what could she do? For some time, her grief consumed her utterly. She spent her days begging on the street, and her evenings drinking away the day's coins so she could stagger home and spend her nights blissfully unconscious. Was it weeks? Months? She didn't know and didn't care.

One morning she was approached by a girl wearing soft but poorly matched silks. Scarlet recognized her as one of Madame Tulip's brothel workers. The girl held out in front of her a coin of shining copper, but seemed to ponder it in her hand. Finally she spoke, something few people bothered to do these days. "I heard what happened," she said in a heavy Ustalavan accent. "To your boys. It saddened me deeply." The girl lowered her voice. "If I were you... I'd want revenge."

Scarlet looked up at the girl in surprise. Why are you telling me this?

The girl saw Scarlet's interest. She weighed the coin in her hand. "Do you want that? Your revenge?"

Scarlet held her breath. The man responsible for her misery was a Knight of the Alerion, and an important one at that. What they were discussing was so illegal it bordered on high treason.

She closed her eyes and made up her mind. "Yes. More than anything."

The girl smiled in satisfaction and tossed Scarlet the coin. Up close, it was much too large to be a normal copper coin, and it clinked heavily against the others. "Pray to this tonight," the girl told her, "and you may get it."

That night, Scarlet turned the coin over as she examined it. One side was blank, like the back of a medallion. The other was stamped with a symbol she'd never seen before: a pair of lips, parted sensually, with a forked tongue poking out between them. She prayed to the coin, not knowing who it represented or who might answer, asking for the means to enact her revenge against Jarkus.

That night in her dreams, she was visited by a beautiful dark-skinned woman with wings made of slithering serpents: the fallen goddess Ardad Lili. "Men are fools, who think with the wrong head. This man Jarkus is no different. I will help you get your revenge. Bring him into your bed; I will do the rest."

It took her a year.

She took a job at Tulip's brothel, learned from the girl who had given her Lili's coin. She hated every day, every customer, but she learned to hide her disgust. For my revenge.

Soon she found herself entertaining a Knight. She made sure he left with her name on his lips. Soon enough, others of his order wanted to meet the new brothel girl. The one who seemed so enamored by Knights.

Finally the day came when Jarkus climbed into her bed. Scarlet, not knowing what to expect but doing her best not to vomit from utter revulsion, pulled him into a kiss.

She felt his whole body stop moving. She broke the kiss and looked at him. He was so enamored with her that he seemed in a daze, unable to move. At the same time, two long fangs appeared suddenly in her mouth, growing unbidden as if by magic. A pouch formed just behind each and filled with a liquid that she inexplicably but instinctively recognized. Poison. Without wasting another second, she plunged her deadly new weapons into Jarkus's neck.

Future Tie-In:
Scarlet's one unfinished goal is to recover (steal) the bodies of her sons from whatever mausoleum the Trinity's priests stashed them in. If someone were to help her do this, she'd be very grateful.

The Crunch:
Scarlet "The Viper" Lirend
NE Human Druid 1

Alternate racial traits: none
Class archetype: Serpent Shaman

Initiative +3

AC: 13/13/10
HP: 9
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6
Defensive abilities: none

Speed: 30 ft

Melee: Dazing Touch +3 touch (dazed 1 round)
- or unarmed strike +3 (1d3-1 nonlethal)

Spell-like Abilities (concentration +7):
4/day - Dazing Touch (1 HD, 1 round)

Spells (concentration +7):
0th (DC 14) - guidance, light, purify food and drink
1st (DC 15) - charm person^*, cure light wounds^, speak with animals
^+1 DC
*Domain spell

Domain: Charm (Lust)

Str 8, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 12

BAB: +0

Bonus Feats: Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise
Feats: Spell Focus (enchantment)(bonus), Spell Focus (conjuration)

Traits: Focused Mind, Murder

Skills (total armor check penalty -0):
Diplomacy +2 <1 rank>
Heal +8 <1 rank>
Knowledge (geography) +3 <1 rank>
Perception +8 <1 rank>
Sense Motive +5 <1 rank>
Swim +3 <1 rank>

Equipment: none

Scarab Sages

I just saw this; still room to at least petition for entry?
What would I need to know?

How would you feel about 3rd-party/homebrewed material?


FairyGM wrote:

@Lady Zallena Rol-Jackaroon

If you chose the +2 Dex as your Alternate Spell-Like Ability you don't get continual flame as well.
Missed that, yep, one replaces the other
I'll let the Scion of Half-Elf thing slide cause it's not a big deal. I assume its so you can cast Paragon Surge.
Was going full Legendary cleric, But switched it back to Human and switched out Skilled 'Comprehensive Education trait, Human {Scorn of humanity}. She is a Human* nobel after all, so would be well educated, she was at college after all when she killed a fellow student noble
You get two skills per level extra as part of the campaign.
Is that is place of background skills?
You get a +1 to HP or skills as a Favored Class Bonus if you choose Legendary Cleric as your favored class.

legendary cleric - Favored Class Bonuses {pick one}
The following favored class bonuses are available to all characters, regardless of race:
Any: +½ faith point
Any: +½ damage and healing whenever you use channel energy
Any: +1 on Knowledge (religion or planes) checks
Any: +1/4 caster level on domain spells
Any: +1/5 saving throw DC of domain abilities and domain spells
Any: +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders
Any: +1 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a legendary cleric spell
Are you over ruling this V house rules to +1 Skill point or HP per level?
I was going to go for, +1 faith point at level 2.

Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, And Stealth aren't a class skill for the Legendary Cleric.
Skills TBC Upps, they were left over from Tiefling build, checked and now fixed
Handle Animal, Sleight of hand, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device require
you to be trained in its use.
you forgot the +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy
Now gone with Human Comprehensive Education trait V Scorn of humanity - so you lose Skilled race trait as humans do.

In a nutshell i tried to build a lawful noble, with pathfinder rules that often don't get used. I noble who on death row for killing another noble. She should be all up to speed now :)

Background-The last goodbye:

Her father was waiting in a small room with in the law courts. He had pulled stings after court appearance and sentencing. Pleading guilty it was just a matter of the Judge to pass sentence. Which was the maximum.
As she came into the room she stood at once to station.

Her father stoop is back to a window. The light ment she could not see his face fully.

"We will get you off this ridiculous charge Zall have no fear, but what in the world where you doing fighting that boy."

She assed up and took on the room.

"He was a cheat, he was a bully and he physically tried to asulty me. Which made him a pig. So I felt I had the right. Would you disagree father?"

He looked down shaking his head a little,

"Zall, back home yes fine, but the borderlands are not like here Zall. We don't care about the ruling fools here. But they do here, and you killed one of them, no matter how distant."

She the looked down.

"I expected to be raked over coals, we would pay come blood money and I would get kicked out. I just don't understand why this has gone this way."

Now her father throw up his arms.

"It's not like you to make this kind of mistake, Zall, your brother is the hot head not you. Thank Zall think, what could they used you to lead you here?"

She thought a moment

"If politics is in play, I would use my death to send a clear message to the other families of the old rule. Don't ^%$* with us or this will be your kid"

Her father nodded.

"There ya go, so why did you not consider that when you broke his neck?"

Still looking down.

"I lost my focus"

he came and hugged her.

"He touched you Zall. All you needed to do was tell us and he would have been dead in the week, unseen and undetected."

She started to cry.

"But he touched me! I wanted revenge!"

He held her for a while then a guard came in. He pushed her to arms length and wiped a tear away.

"We will get you out Zall."

Zall wake with a start. A dream just a bad dream.
She lay back into the failith prison mat.
Where there had been pain there was hate, cold a steel hate..

Here's a real quick list of those applying.

Treesa Lore Human Lawful Evil Legendary Witch
Lady Zallena Rol-Jackaroon Archon Blooded Aasimar Lawful Neutral Legendary Cleric
Kid Vicious aka "The Falcon"'s Human Lawful Evil Unchained Monk
Dargon Lake Human Lawful Evil Rogue
Rayse Human Lawful Evil Antipaladin
Scarlet "The Viper" Lirend Human Neutral Evil Druid
Brannin Dowtry Garuda-Blooded Aasimar Alignment ? Legendary (Elemental Nexus) Shifter
Posh Stemtimple Gnome Lawful Evil Bard
Malleck of Alerion moroi-born dhampir (svetocher) Lawful Evil (graveknight?) antipaladin
Tarquin Wizard (Thassilonian Specialist) Lawful Evil Human
Jerome Caulflower Human Lawful Evil Bard
Vormog Lough Human Lawful Evil Inquisitor
Amalrus Almuric Human Neutral Evil Exploiter Wizard 1 (VMC Sorcerer)

If I missed anyone please inform me.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

I just saw this; still room to at least petition for entry?

What would I need to know?

How would you feel about 3rd-party/homebrewed material?

Yes, there is still room I'm ending recruitment March 30th unless someone needs more time.


Malleck is going to be a human fighter (Armor master) I may do the legends version

I'm just recycling the profile

And yes. I will be aiming for graveknight

FairyGM wrote:
If I missed anyone please inform me.

Still working on mine, but here’s the details:

Nibs the Wicked, Ratfolk Lawful Evil Legendary Summoner (Twinned Summoner)

The Exchange

I'll jump in here, Way of the Wicked is definitely one of those adventures I think everyone wants a piece of.

stats: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
stats: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
stats: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
stats: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

So I'd be, 18, 17, 13, 13, 8, 8

Sounds like a great dumb barbarian lol I'll take a look and see what I can start crafting up.

@Codanous: You can reroll that 8 if you want.

@FairyGM: You forgot Morthos

Here's the profile for Nibs the Wicked, as well as his background and description.

Nibs was caught performing a vile ceremony in his underground chamber; he had captured five others of his race and knotted their tails together before ritually killing them as part of a spell to bind a strange otherworldly being to him known as the Rat King. This evil outsider burst forth from the fresh corpses compelled to serve the novice summoner, and unfortunately for Nibs the authorities arrived immediately afterward. Yet this was not the crime that Nibs was charged with-- The authorities were looking for Nibs because he had also murdered the head librarian at one of the pre-eminent magical colleges in Matharyn, in order to gain access to an evil tome with a particularly understated title called The Conjuration of Legends. This book, inked with the blood of dark ones from ages past, would allow Nibs to realize his dream of becoming king of all the ratfolk, by ritualistically stealing the Rat King's crown and taking it for his own.

Life was not easy for Nibs, it should be said; ratfolk are among the lowest of the lower classes in Matharyn, and perhaps he would have received mercy if he had been born a human or an elf or even a halfling. Instead, his involvement with the theft at the High College allowed the patriarch of his brood, a low-stakes crime boss called Feyling, to cast him out of the tribe. So much for clan loyalty! Not that it matters much, as Nibs was captured soon after-- probably "ratted out" (so to speak) by his former boss. Nibs will certainly be executed for his crimes, but he believes that Feyling will also suffer for his betrayal, whether or not Nibs can mete out justice himself.

Always outside human society looking in, Nibs grew obsessed with arcane magic and would often sit in the tunnels beneath the grand library listening to the wizards and sorcerers practicing their spells. He spent all of the pittance he received for serving the gangs on improving himself, learning to read and write and understand the basics of magic theory. But magic seemed to him the answer to all of his problems: he wouldn't have to work or serve, and he could punish those who had wronged him. Once he could understand them he began sneaking into the library and stealing books, which he read voraciously. He learned about devils and other outsiders and how they can be bound by occult rituals, and he knew he had found his calling.

The Rat King lives inside all ratfolk, or so the legends told. Nibs plotted his ceremonial summoning very carefully, to ensure that the spirit would be forced to serve him and not the other way around. And yes, the creature that emerged looked exactly like him in every detail, except for brief afterimages when it moved, almost as if many identical copies of itself were overlapping the same space. But while the essence of the Rat King was summoned into this eidolon, a great deal of himself was also subsumed into the body. This permanently altered Nibs's brain chemistry, awakening a feral rat aspect that immediately became visible on his face, causing him to snarl and snap whenever he tries to speak complex arcane formulae. This makes him furious, but he tries to pretend it is perfectly normal.

If he were to somehow escape imprisonment and execution, Nibs dreams of running his own empire, probably underground but eventually even on the surface. Perhaps summoning the spirit of the Rat King has inflamed these desires, but it gives him joy to picture driving Feyling and his henchmen from their burrows and alleys near the Matharyn docks, and setting up a gang of ratfolk all loyal to him instead. He would steal Feyling's own bodyguard, Berger, and make him protect Nibs instead. Perhaps he is even thinking too small-- he could imagine one day setting up and leading a criminal organization that spans all of Talingarde. With his eidolon's help, he might someday become the literal Rat King, and bring his subjects to the better life that they have been denied for too long.

Nibs and his eidolon appear more or less like ordinary ratfolk. His fur is dark and his eyes are black, and he wears clothing like other humanoids-- often dressed all in black like a ninja, or a deep gray cloak like a rogue. He has often pretended to be a halfling on dark nights, adopting a slightly boisterous and broguish dialect to keep surface folk from looking at him too closely. His voice is rough and whispery, with a slightly lower-class accent and an occasional growl or snarl as his sharp teeth get in the way of his words. He is generally not very clean, and looks especially dirty after being imprisoned for the journey to Branderscar. When summoned, Nibs and his eidolon both have a glowing red rune inscribed on their tongues.

Left to his own devices, Nibs is calculating and quiet. Around other creatures-- particularly those who are bigger and stronger than he is-- he is obsequious and servile, though he hates this instinct in himself. He loves magical things: scrolls, wands, wondrous trinkets of all sorts. He thinks of himself as a great and powerful wizard and enjoys things that encourage this charade. He also likes rats in general, and he devotes hours to caring for them and training them. He is afraid of cats and other creatures that typically prey on rodents, partly for himself and partly on behalf of his many pets.

The Exchange

Codanous wrote:

I'll jump in here, Way of the Wicked is definitely one of those adventures I think everyone wants a piece of.

1d10 + 7 = 13
1d10 + 7 = 17
1d10 + 7 = 13
1d10 + 7 = 8

So I'd be, 18, 17, 13, 13, 8, 8

Sounds like a great dumb barbarian lol I'll take a look and see what I can start crafting up.

Reroll my 1

stats: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Leaves me with:

18, 17, 15, 13, 13, 8

Opens up a lot more, dang

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Lady Zallena Rol-Jackaroon Build: Slender, beautifully proportioned, graceful and attractive. With Long golden hair, golden eyes, dark tanned gold tattooed skin {Really a Animated Aasimar birthmark}, Long Legs, slightly ears pointed as if 1/4 elf and tall at 6'8". An Aasimar who can easily pass for human. But when you look into her eyes, what looks back to you is the assessing and calculating stair of a stone cold killer.

Nobel,Polite, political, Controlled, Disciplined, well educated and dead pan, She has a very dry and smart sense of wit, a cool and culatining mind. She has a presence of order and nobility {Cleric area}. Zall does nothing on impulse, always waiting just a moment before acting. In her violence she is methodical, pragmatic and deadly. She will work with anyone who she sees as being of use to her, or aiding in her fight with the forces of Demonic Chaos.

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet" Is her moto now.

The signing:

"So what is your assessment of her. Guilty?"

"O yes, she killed that boy in cold blood, witnessed dual, clear case. We have noble witness."

"So what is the problem?"

"The boy, you know he has been resurrected. Her family paid, so he lives again, and it should have been, she gets expelled, her family penalised, public apology and so on. So why are we now putting her to death?"

"Arr, well that my dear inquisitor, its now a political matter."

"That is what I suspected, let me guess. The cardinal wants to send a message to the border land nobility, remember your place!"

"Something like that"

"And she was in the wrong place doing the wrong thing at the wrong time"

"Let's say Lady Zallena Rol-Jackaroon presented herself on a plate."

"You know the boy wants to cut her head off himself and the whole Rol-Jackaroon family to be punished, removed as nobles"

"Yes, we know, and we are keeping an eye on this so it doesn't become a family v family thing. You know she has now pleaded guilty, I think to spear her family any more harm. So its now just a matter of you signing her death warrant and we will be done with this. We have other cases to cover today you know"

"Realy, pleaded guilty, well as least she has honnor and a spine, unlike the boy, arr well then it's agreed...., here take it, so whats next today"

akododani wrote:

Tarquin completed

** spoiler omitted **...


Taps the DM with Mage Hand, sir, you missed me.

He walked into the courtroom , his only adornment, a single piece red heavy wool jumpsuits with 10 buttons running from his groin to his neck. His wrists had sturdy manacled around them with a steel chain that would resist even the strongest man connecting them together and down to the a similar arrangement at his ankles.

It made all but shuffling nigh unto impossible. He looked around sneering at those guards that roughed him up last night as he shuffled forward looking around

The Exchange

I have Damon Baldini a Human Pyrokineticist, crime: Arson.


Damon Baldini always had a talent for fire. Born into a family of masons in the city of Ghastenhall, he was expected to follow in his father’s footsteps, crafting monuments and cathedrals to Mitra, the god of light. But Damon found more joy in destruction than creation. The flickering flames in the forge fascinated him—how fire consumed all, reducing stone, wood, and flesh to nothing but ash.

As a teenager, he discovered his latent kinetic powers, an ability that allowed him to shape and command fire at will. At first, he used this talent in secret, setting small blazes in alleyways and watching with satisfaction as the city’s guards struggled to douse the flames. But it was not enough.

His downfall came when he torched the grand chapel of Saranrae’s Dawn in a moment of calculated wrath. The fire spread faster than expected, engulfing entire blocks and leaving dozens dead. He watched from a rooftop as the inferno raged, the screams blending with the crackling of burning timbers—a symphony of destruction.

Damon was not reckless; he knew fire’s nature. He had covered his tracks, or so he thought. But the priests of Saranrae, aided by divination magic, uncovered his involvement. He was seized, tried, and swiftly sentenced to death at Branderscar Prison.

Yet as he sits in his cell, awaiting execution, Damon does not despair. The fire in his soul has not been extinguished. If anything, his hatred for Talingarde and its false virtues burns hotter than ever. If given the chance, he will rise from the ashes, not as a reckless arsonist, but as a disciplined force of fire and ruin—one who will see the kingdom that condemned him reduced to cinders.

And this time, he will make sure there is nothing left to rebuild.


HP: 12/12 |AC:14 T:14 FF:10,| CMD: 15 | Fort: +6, Refl: +6, Will: +1 | Burn: 0 / 7 Init: +4, 30 ft Perception +5

Positive Conditions: | Negative Conditions:

Damon Baldini
Male Human Legendary Pyrokineticist 1
Medium Humanoid (human)
Init: +4 Senses:
AC 14, T14: FF:10 (+3 Dexterity)
HP: 12 (1d8+4)
Saves: Fort: +6, Reflex +6, Will: +1
Speed 30 ft
Melee 1.)
Ranged 1.) Fire Blast vs Touch +4 1d6 + 2
Str 13, Dex 18 Con 19, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB +1 CMD 15
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Infusions Burning Infusion
Wild Talents Basic Pyrokinesis

Skills 4 - 1 + 2(5/Level)
Acrobatics (Dex), +7 (1r)
Diplomacy (Cha) +7 (1r)
Intimidate (Cha), +6 (1r)
Perception (Wis), +5 (1r)
Swim (Str) +1
Stealth (Dex), +7(1r)

Languages: Common

Arson: You have willfully started a fire that destroyed property. To be sent to Branderscar, you didn’t start just a minor little trash fire. Your act of arson threatened a major town, city, church or castle and likely cost someone their life. You’ll be punished for your crime by facing the fire yourself. Punishment: Death by burning

Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a fire attack, you receive a +2 fire damage bonus to your damage roll. This bonus is a trait bonus.

Friend in Every Town: You have no problem making friends and learning information from them wherever you go. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Knowledge (local) checks and Diplomacy checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

I have a few ideas. I will see where the rolls take me.

Stat 1: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Stat 2: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Stat 3: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Stat 4: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Reroll lowest, if needed: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

One week to go! Kid Vicious may be starting a prison riot any day now. Who's with me?

Kid Vicious aka "The Falcon" wrote:
One week to go! Kid Vicious may be starting a prison riot any day now. Who's with me?

We'll get our chance soon enough

I got you Kid Viscious. Just let me get something I can pick the lock with and we are out

I'm gonna pick it with a guard's skull as soon as I get my hands on one.

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