Merellin |
So, I'm here again. I know i'v posted a lot lately asking about various character ideas and stuff but... I'm struggling to decide what to play for the next campaign my party is gonna play (Still a little bit aways, We are part way through book 6 of Council of Thieves so we are close to finishing it, Then we will play the next campaign which is Carrion Crown, No spoilers please)
So far we have a Paladin, A Necromancer Wizard, A Druid, A Sorcerer, And either a Crypt Breaker Alchemist or a Spiritualist.
I'm considering a Warpriest, Invulnerable Rager Barbarian, Or some kind of unarmed combatant, Possibly a halfling cavalier...? Or maybe an Archer Ranger... Or one of my many other ideas...
Basically, I have too many ideas and am struggling a lot with deciding on what class to play... So I wanted to ask what you would all add to this party?
Sorry for posting so much lately...

TxSam88 |
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I would personally add a dex based rogue type. maybe a Swashbuckler, or ninja. Your Archer Ranger is a good idea. Someone that's good at either being sneaky, or good at ranged combat.
It looks to me like you have someone who can heal, someone who can cast divine spells, someone who can cast arcane spell, someone who can be a frontline fighter, what's missing to me is the sneak/lockpick, and/or the ranged fighter.

Melkiador |

That's a big and varied party. You could probably play anything and the party would do fine.
1) Are any of the other players less likely to make a session? What gaps are most likely to result from this?
2) Do you have enough front liners? It's really hard to judge by class alone, especially with pets in play.
3) I assume you don't have a dedicated traps person, unless the other undecided player goes crypt breaker. So, that could be an important niche to fill. The AP is even named Council of Thieves and you don't seem to have a dedicated thief.

Merellin |
I would personally add a dex based rogue type. maybe a Swashbuckler, or ninja. Your Archer Ranger is a good idea. Someone that's good at either being sneaky, or good at ranged combat.
It looks to me like you have someone who can heal, someone who can cast divine spells, someone who can cast arcane spell, someone who can be a frontline fighter, what's missing to me is the sneak/lockpick, and/or the ranged fighter.
We might have someone that can deal with locks and traps if the one guy goes for the Crypt Breaker Alchemist, IUf he goes for the Spiritualists though we do not...
Archer Ranger could be fun... I'v been wanting to do a archer type (Our party almost never has ranged combatants and if we do it is either me playing an alchemist or my one kineticist, Or someone else playing a gunslinger...) And Ranger has enough skills to potentially be a sneaky scout and can pick up Disable DEvice to dealw ith locks and non magical traps...

Merellin |
That's a big and varied party. You could probably play anything and the party would do fine.
1) Are any of the other players less likely to make a session? What gaps are most likely to result from this?
2) Do you have enough front liners? It's really hard to judge by class alone, especially with pets in play.
3) I assume you don't have a dedicated traps person, unless the other undecided player goes crypt breaker. So, that could be an important niche to fill. The AP is even named Council of Thieves and you don't seem to have a dedicated thief.
The group is pretty good at making it ever week, There might be the occasional rare time when somoene cant make it, And if so it is likelt to be the Druid...
The Paladin is the main frontliner, The druid might have a animal companion and might not, The wizard will have disguised undead minions and summons...
And if the one guy goes for the Crypt Breaker Alchemist he will be able to deal with traps and locks and such... But Council of Thieves is the current campaign we are about to finish, The one I need the character for and this party is for is Carrion Crown.

Merellin |
I haven't played that one before, but with a name like Carrion Crown, we expect a lot of undead stuff. Your necromancer may be meant to handle part of that, but I think you would still benefit from a positive energy channeler, and selective channel will be maybe more useful than usual.
Would need a lot of charisma to not hit my necromancer friend's undead with channel energy... And dont paladins already get channel energy too...?

Claxon |

What would I add to such a big party?
(As a GM) More enemies ;)
More seriously, you already have a wizard and sorcerer, so 9th level arcane magic is covered. You have a druid, so 9th level druid magic is covered, I wont quite call it divine because the list isn't quite like the cleric's.
You have a paladin and one that is certain yet.
I think a Warpriest would be nice. Get more access to the divine spell list and some martial prowess. Depending on whether the druid leans more into spell casting or shape shifting you might have a lot of softer targets that need protecting. But in general, I think martial prowess of any variety is needed, and divine casting doesn't hurt in this case.

TxSam88 |

I haven't played that one before, but with a name like Carrion Crown, we expect a lot of undead stuff. Your necromancer may be meant to handle part of that, but I think you would still benefit from a positive energy channeler, and selective channel will be maybe more useful than usual.
it does have undead - but not as much as you would think. It actually covers a bunch of horror tropes. That's all I'm going to say on it, as you asked for no spoilers.

Mysterious Stranger |

What is most useful will depend on the last player, if he goes with Crypt Breaker a rouge type character is going to be redundant. If he goes with the spiritualist a rouge type character is probably needed. Your party has a lot of casters.
Assuming the last player goes for the Crypt Breaker, I would recommend something versatile. The Archer Rangers would fit that will. The Ranger could also work if he goes with the Spiritualist. The Urban Ranger seems like it would be perfect for this campaign. From what I understand a lot of the AP focuses on investigation. Rangers have enough skill points to do well at this, but you probably want to get sense motive as a class skill.
Another option would be an inquisitor. Inquisitors get proficiency with lots of good, ranged weapons so can make decent archers. Using Bane with Rapid Fire and Many Shot is a good way to take down a lot of minions. The paladin with smite evil is great for taking out the boss undead but is not as good vs larger numbers. When it comes to investigation it is hard to beat an inquisitor. They are even better at investigation that the Investigator class.
If it were me, I would probably go with the Inquisitor if the last player is going to be a crypt breaker. If he goes spiritualist I would go for the urban ranger.

Melkiador |

An archery slayer can also fill a thief role, if you want to be ranger-like. I'd also mention that the spiritualist spell list has more than a few redundancies with the warpriest spell list, though that doesn't matter much if you only plan to self-cast with fervor.
So, if you could get that last player to commit, it would help with decisions

thorin001 |

You do not have a dedicated healer or trapsmith. Is the druid going for blaster caster, summoner, or combat monster? If the druid is going for either of the latter 2 choices you do not really need another frontline character.
Slayer will let you be a melee character and at 2nd level you can acquire trap finding via a slayer talent.
If you have the front line well stocked you could be a multiclass bard (dwarven scholar)/brawler. You can use brawler to gain combat feats and use bard song to share them with the rest of the party. And you can have a bunch of spells be healing/status removal.

Northern Spotted Owl |
I think a melee character with reach would be great. The role in combat would be two-fold: 1. make it painful for any opponent to move or cast a spell within your reach, 2. make it much harder for opponents to get to your casters.
Slayer fills that role well, and can add stealth and trap finding.
- high strength
- two-handed weapon for reach
- power attack
- combat reflexes
- lunge
Aberrant Bloodrager does too.
- high strength
- two-handed weapon for reach
- long arm for more reach
- enlarge person for more reach
- power attack
- combat reflexes

Mysterious Stranger |

If the last player goes with a crypt breaker, they do have a dedicated trapsmith the archetype gets trapfinding. If the alchemist takes the infusion discovery he can function as a healer. That might not give them a dedicated healer but that would be 3 characters (Paladin, Druid and Alchemist) that have the ability to heal. A dedicated healer is not needed as long as you have ways to cover the role. The sorcerer is a CHA based class with UMD as a class skill. That could allow the sorcerer to use scrolls for healing as well. Healing is best done out of combat anyways.
If the necromancer is creating minions, the front line is fine and if needed the druid can also summon additional allies. This suggests the character should focus on ranged attacks. What the party really lacks is investigation/espionage. While a slayer can do this an inquisitor is a lot better at it.
The AP is kind of focused no horror so a good will save is going to be very useful.
To me that makes either a ranger or inquisitor the best choice. Of the two the inquisitor has the best out of combat utility. Being able to detect good, law and chaos in addition to evil is useful. Having a character with a probably unbeatable sense motive is also good. Add on the ability to discern lies and not much gets past them. The inquisitors spell list also has a lot of useful utility and informational spells. Everyone talks about invisibility allowing the wizard to make the rogue irrelevant. But having a character that can match the rogue’s stealth and turn invisible is even better. Since the inquisitor has some healing spells on his spell list it also adds another character that can use wands and scrolls for healing. A ranger can do some of this but is more focused on combat. With a party that large there are lots of characters to take out the opponents.

Tom Sampson |
Every class can be a trapfinder if you take the Monitor Obedience feat and worship Imot. I'd recommend playing an archer ranger because it fulfills the rogue slot and your favored enemy class feature will be consistently useful just by picking undead.

Mudfoot |

I'd take a bard because a) it can cover the skill monkey slot, b) there's no obvious Face character above (paladin and sorcerer are skill-starved) and c) it's a big party with pets so the bard makes a good force multiplier. A bard can also make a competent archer or reach fighter without having to worry about modest hp and AC.

Mysterious Stranger |

An inquisitor built right can easily handle the face role. Take the urban infiltrator and Reformation inquisition and you use WIS instead of CHA for diplomacy (excluding gathering information), intimidate and perform oratory, and use WIS + CHA for bluff, disguise and to gather information with diplomacy. At 4th level you can roll twice on diplomacy, intimidate and perform oratory and take the better result a number of times per day equal to your WIS modifier. Your still get stern gaze so get half your level to intimidate and sense motive. Being a face requires a good sense motive. Being able to figure out when someone is lying is just as important as being able to lie.
At 8th level you can use charm person with a save equal to 10 +1/2 your inquisitor level + WIS modifier a number of times per day equal to your WIS modifier.

Merellin |
Thanks everyone! Plenty of good ideas here, Been scribbling and test building a few characters.
For Trapsmith if the undecided player goes Crypt Breaker Alchemist that is covered, And for healing, While we dont have any dedicated healer (And rarely do) Druid, Alchemist and Spiritualist all get cure spells so they is partly covered (And we can eventually get a wand of cure light wounds to help once we have money)
As for what the Druid plans for a playstyle, I have no idea and I dont know if he does either, He's a new player comming over from 5e, And this will be his second Pathfinder campaign ever. Apparently he and the GM are discussing something fungus related? But thats all they have said.
I have built 3 characters that all three look and feel good, A Half Orc Warpriest of Desna, A Monkey Goblin Barbarian with a twohanded sword (Not optimal, But my group aren't power gamers and it will work fine in our group.) And, A Monkey Goblin Archer Ranger (I just really like goblins okay? xD)
With these three options I think I'm pretty set, I'l pick one based on what it looks like the party needs when the campaign starts just in case anyone changes anything.
Thanks everyone! :D