Premaster Refugee Rules?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

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Starting with the assumption that you’re using the Remastered rule set, are there any Premaster rules elements that you’ve made a conscious decision to hang onto, be they feats, monsters, spells, magic items, or whatever? I’m mostly thinking of “Core” content here, since there are dozens of Premaster books, but if something else that “feels Premaster” comes to mind, chime in with that, too.

A couple from me.

While I wouldn’t take the trouble of changing a published adventure, in my non-AP campaign, if I use Ghouls, I’ll probably use the old style.

I’m a mark for Owlbears, and buy nearly every Owlbear mini I come across, so I’ll continue to work them in where they fit.

I like the flavor of Continual Flame a little more than that of Everlight, though not to the degree that I’d push it, more just allow either version.

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Heck, I still hang onto classic D&D monsters, and have converted early modules for newer generations (though they often pressure the players white room PC-builds, I see that as a good thing, one might say character building). For example, I present trolls as rubbery good climbers that can operate in medium spaces and sleep in 5x5 holes (and occasionally form into Troops that swarm high-level parties). Now that standard trolls have been shifted into forests, maybe there's more room for a troll that acts much like a Morlock.
And yeah, I have minis that frighten so those will stay :-) (and not enough minis to phase out old ones). And keeping dragons of all types.
I still accept the existence of spells which have obvious counterparts, but different names, i.e. Ray of Frost. I think Magus & Eldritch Archer need those that changed from a Spell Attack; so few since Remaster.

Not sure what I'll do with ghouls, being among the champions of the TPK, especially underwater where a few too many writers like to place them. The paralysis feels too iconic, yet it's the cause. (See also: Harpies)

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When I began my Strength of Thousands campaign in March 2024, I told the players that they could pick classes and feats from both pre-Remastered PF2 and Remastered PF2. I would be running the game under Remastered rules but would grandfather older material in. One player had specific plans to play a divination wizard, so she ignored the Remastered wizard. Another player wanted the pre-Remastered Gelid Shard archetype for her rogue. A third player made a Redemption-Cause champion. Pre-Remaster was necessary for the champion because the Remastered champion in Player Core 2 had not yet been published.

The biggest difference we noticed is that some spellcasters had learned pre-Remaster Ray of Frost and others had learned Remastered Frostbite. Frostbite is supposed to be the new Ray of Frost, but the spells differ a lot. Ray of Frost has 120-foot range and targets AC. Frostbite has 60-foot range and requires a Fortitude save. They think Ray of Frost is better.

Another difference is that the players like Reposition.

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