DM Brainiac's Tyrant's Grasp (COMPLETE!) (Inactive)

Game Master Brainiac

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Current Date: 19 Gozran, 4719 AR

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Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:

Alessandra - if you have enough feats, going the dirty trick route can eventually get you to Dirty Grapple, which is a fantastic synergy: greater dirty trick takes a standard action to undo, so your opponent can either choose to be blind, or to try and escape the grapple; and next turn, they can choose to be blind and sickened or to try and escape the grapple... and so it goes.

It's quite feat-intensive, but devastatingly effective when it works (want to solo the BBEG? Pin in the grapple and then CdG them!). The only possible issues are (1) whether DM Brainiac allows dirty tricks v undead; and (2) incorporeals, which can't be grappled.

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:

Also (and apologies for double-posting): does anyone want to interlink backstories?

RETIRED - ascended to godhood.

Dirty Grapple looks good. I can qualify in about 2 levels as well! Dirty Fighting is my friend!

Game Concluded
Alessandra Filosovici wrote:
Dirty Grapple looks good. I can qualify in about 2 levels as well! Dirty Fighting is my friend!

No fair using that on Gabbi. *shakes finger at her sister*

Male Dwarf Archanist 4 / Paladin 3

One thing that Ulrich would love is the chance to speak with a fellow wizard. This Anfiel could have brought you along. From your skills, you can definitely hold your own in talks of planar phenomenon and religious history. Ulrich could think quite highly of you, and be delighted to hear tales of what this place was like 12 years ago.

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:

@TF - sounds good! Although Ellie was eight when she fled, so her memories aren't exactly high-resolution - the main thing she's noticed is that the town is a lot smaller than she remembers :-)

Still tinkering with the character build: planning on swapping out the Furious Focus feat (for Weapon Focus, probably) and the Affable trait for Trustworthy.

@Solicitor - don't know what progress you've made, but we could do with someone tanky. Ellie has hitting power but her AC will always suck!

RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Gabriella Filosovici wrote:
Alessandra Filosovici wrote:
Dirty Grapple looks good. I can qualify in about 2 levels as well! Dirty Fighting is my friend!
No fair using that on Gabbi. *shakes finger at her sister*

Hey, you started it! :P

Turns out I'll have to wait until level 8 for Dirty Grapple, but at least I can have all the pre-reqs in place at level 2! :D

Working on it. I don't want to roll a copy of any of the other characters I'm currently playing which means I need to get a little inventive for something tanky, but I *think* I got it now.

Will post once ready ;)

Cool cool. I have the first post written up, just waiting to copy/paste it into the gameplay thread. :)

Game Concluded

Question: Another one? Really?

Someone in the group is supposed to be from Roslar’s Coffer, right? Will Eldarel's background be enough for that, or do we need someone living there now?

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:

I missed that requirement! I'm happy to rework Ellie's background to make her more obviously from RC (as the locals call it, maybe) if needed.

Also, I'm replacing her Furious Focus feat with Medium Armour Proficiency - I can't in good conscience send her out into the world with AC 13.

Game Concluded
Eldarel Japhol wrote:
I can't in good conscience send her out into the world with AC 13.

*looks around in guilt and hopes no one notices the 6th level oracle that just increased her AC to ... 10.

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:

Is said oracle a frontline melee specialist? If not, you're probably GTG ;-)

(Anyway, I won't tell anyone if you don't - I'm very discreet)

Game Concluded
Eldarel Japhol wrote:

Is said oracle a frontline melee specialist? If not, you're probably GTG ;-)

(Anyway, I won't tell anyone if you don't - I'm very discreet)

Nope. In fact, she's a borderline pacifist, so it doesn't come up that often. But I think Brainiac's going to punish me for that sometime in the near future.

RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Gabriella Filosovici wrote:
Eldarel Japhol wrote:
I can't in good conscience send her out into the world with AC 13.
*looks around in guilt and hopes no one notices the 6th level oracle that just increased her AC to ... 10.

Makes it easier to get into her pants ;) At least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 characters have done that already and a 6th certainly could have done.

Does this mean that the next time Nime sleeps with someone she levels up again? If so... :D

(Also I think Rudrik has more AC than Shen and Nime combined now...)

Game Concluded

If she wore pants, maybe. You make it sound like she'll sleep with anyone. Not even remotely true. She just doesn't have any hang-ups with sleeping with someone she likes.

And she likes a lot of people. It's all about spreading love. :) And soon she'll get cure disease and then she'll have nothing to worry about.

Hmmm ... thinking about it ... wouldn't it only be four characters? Calendula doesn't count.

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Gabriella Filosovici wrote:
Eldarel Japhol wrote:

Is said oracle a frontline melee specialist? If not, you're probably GTG ;-)

(Anyway, I won't tell anyone if you don't - I'm very discreet)

Nope. In fact, she's a borderline pacifist, so it doesn't come up that often. But I think Brainiac's going to punish me for that sometime in the near future.

*nervous laugh* Brainiac doesn't strike me as the vindictive type (right, Brainiac? We're all friends here, let bygones be bygones, and don't mention that manticore, or the sarcophagus, I mean what's the occasional TPK between friends)

Female NG Changeling (Annis-born / Molthunian) Slayer 10 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 22 (13 Tch,19 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28| F: +11, R: +11, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19, SM: +12, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.


Have yet to finalize gear and fluff, but I'm right on it.

I don't kill PCs. My monsters do. ;)

And speaking of... Shall we begin?

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
DM Brainiac wrote:
I don't kill PCs. My monsters do. ;)

Heh. Somewhere on Golarion, an advocacy group is looking for its slogan...

RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Gabriella Filosovici wrote:

If she wore pants, maybe. You make it sound like she'll sleep with anyone. Not even remotely true. She just doesn't have any hang-ups with sleeping with someone she likes.

And she likes a lot of people. It's all about spreading love. :) And soon she'll get cure disease and then she'll have nothing to worry about.

Hmmm ... thinking about it ... wouldn't it only be four characters? Calendula doesn't count.

It's been established that she slept with Rudrik :P

Callie (hah!) is the possible 6th.

Game Concluded

I was thinking Rudrik was a no. He's not a fan of her version of 'free love'.

I'm not sure if Calendula and Nime will ever hook up. If they do, it'll be a slow burn.

RETIRED - ascended to godhood.

You're a couple of stat points under aren't you sis?

16 dex = 10
16 wis = 10
12 con = 2
8 cha = -2
8 str = -2

Allowing for the racial mods you've still got 2 points to play with. 12 str maybe?

Game Concluded

Oops - had her Int as 10 when it's 12. Her skill values and total skill points reflect it.

There is also the crate in this room if you wish to look inside of it.

Female NG Changeling (Annis-born / Molthunian) Slayer 10 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 22 (13 Tch,19 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28| F: +11, R: +11, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19, SM: +12, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.

I want to make Elká a 'native' of Roslar's Coffer. Since she's a changeling, her accursed mother gave her away at a young age and I figure that the monastery of Sarenrae would be a perfect candidate for places you'd leave your baby at.

As she's 28 years old she witnessed Roslar's Coffer being raided and burned to the ground, had her adopted home be overrun by a Red Reaver (maybe the Reaver is a distant family member of hers? xD) and she fell in with the wrong crowd in her late teens. Having seen religion, violence, and crime fail to make a significant difference in helping you get a better life, she eventually decided to move to the fringes of society and become a trapper of sorts. At least that way you only have yourself to blame when life sucks.

I like to imagine Elká's mom used her dad as an *ahem* aphrodisiac and, as a result thereof, he's no longer around. I'll leave the fate of her mother up in the air as a possible plot hook =P

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:

Right, because any adventuring party going up against the Whispering Tyrant really needs another NPC villain lurking in the woodwork ;-)

(Great background concept, though!)

Ask Alessandra about changelings and their hag mothers. ;)

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Female NG Changeling (Annis-born / Molthunian) Slayer 10 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 22 (13 Tch,19 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28| F: +11, R: +11, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19, SM: +12, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.

Maybe her mother is but simply misunderstood. So what that she loves to cook using only fresh ingredients? And, yes, sure, one of her vices is to have a big bowl of eye-scream after a long and cruel day of work. What's the problem with that? In hag culture, finger food recipes mean one person has to hand over the goods so that the culinary-inclined hag can have a good time. Wouldn't want to disappoint any table guests, now would we?

Stop judging.

RETIRED - ascended to godhood.

Very similar to what happened to Melodie d'Valois, my character in Brainiac's War for the Crown. He handles changeling parent angst very well! ;) (Prepare to nearly die to her at least twice!)

Female NG Changeling (Annis-born / Molthunian) Slayer 10 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 22 (13 Tch,19 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28| F: +11, R: +11, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19, SM: +12, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.

Note to self: play happy halflings in future Brainiac campaigns.

I'd like to give the good doctor a chance to post before I do so again.

Game Concluded

Yeah, when people talk about the Mother-In-Law from Hell, they're talking about her.

Male Dwarf Archanist 4 / Paladin 3

Sorry about that, I had a terrible day yesterday and slept through all my free time. Didn't even bother to eat.

RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Gabriella Filosovici wrote:
Yeah, when people talk about the Mother-In-Law from Hell, they're talking about her.

You get a really nice (and rich) mother-in-law too. And a lovely wife. That makes it worth it right... right?

Game Concluded
TreasureFox wrote:
Sorry about that, I had a terrible day yesterday and slept through all my free time. Didn't even bother to eat.

Dude! Eat sumptin!


Alessandra Filosovici wrote:
You get a really nice (and rich) mother-in-law too. And a lovely wife. That makes it worth it right... right?

Rich is good. ;)

Female NG Changeling (Annis-born / Molthunian) Slayer 10 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 22 (13 Tch,19 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28| F: +11, R: +11, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19, SM: +12, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.

Aw jeez, sorry to hear that :(

... and you know, maybe Elká will stay single. As long as she doesn't make a FB account there's no way her mom will be able to find her. Right?

The battlemap link is up at the top of the page.

RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Gabriella Filosovici wrote:
Alessandra Filosovici wrote:
You get a really nice (and rich) mother-in-law too. And a lovely wife. That makes it worth it right... right?
Rich is good. ;)

After I got you a house and everything! Such ingratitude! You, d'Valois Mai Zhi, are now in trouble!

Just cross-posted with Ulrich and Gabriella, so they may edit their actions based on the new information.

Female NG Changeling (Annis-born / Molthunian) Slayer 10 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 22 (13 Tch,19 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28| F: +11, R: +11, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19, SM: +12, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.

So *this* is where all of Raquel's dice luck goes to ... hrm.

Male Human Necromancer 18 | HP 112/112 (0 temp)| AC10T10FF10 | Ft +14 Rf +12 Wi +22 | Init +4 | Perc +17 l CMD 18 l Share Essence 11/11 l Lifesense 18/18 l Current Effects:

Thanks DM. I'm not going to be of much use against non-undead, non-humanoid for awhile.

Game Concluded
Alessandra Filosovici wrote:
After I got you a house and everything! Such ingratitude! You, d'Valois Mai Zhi, are now in trouble!

Sorry, got a monster to fight; Didn't hear what you said.

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Dr. Ulrich Kurbanov wrote:
Thanks DM. I'm not going to be of much use against non-undead, non-humanoid for awhile.

's OK. My magic works on almost everything.

Indeed! One flattened ostovite.

Some of you seem to have overlooked the melted metal skeleton in the room...

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:

I think some people were too busy flirting through the fourth wall :P

RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Eldarel Japhol wrote:
I think some people were too busy flirting through the fourth wall :P

Itzi and I dealt with that pesky fourth wall ages ago! :)

But yes, Al did miss the melted skeleton!

Male Nosoi Psychopomp HP 19/19 | AC 17 T 15 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +6 Wi +4 | Init +3 | Perc +9 l CMD 15 l Speak w/Dead 3/3 l Hide 1/1 l Sound 1/1 l Current Effects:

Songbirds should have a racial bonus on Perform (sing) checks. I'm chirping with a beautiful -2 here!

Game Concluded

You're a songbird. There's a much higher expectation level.

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