Interest Check -- Forgotten Realms Adventures (PF1)


Just checking to see if anyone wants to adventure in the Vilhon Reach (FR), Old Empires (FR), or Shadowdale (FR).

The Vilhon Reach, denoted in the Vilhon Reach and to some extent Serpent Kingdoms, is a region of the Realms that is controlled by the Yuan-ti. Adventures abound in the region. If you don't mind having a Yuan-ti as a patron.

The Old Empires (denoted in Old Empires and Lost Empires of Faerun) allows for some terrific gaming as well. Containing analogs of Mesopotamia and Egypt (during the New Kingdom), you will be adventuring in empires that have grown stale and are somewhat in decline. The region also contains a region that is also an analog of the Classical Greek City States. Adventure abounds here too.

The last place, Shadowdale, is somewhat explored in Shadowdale for the FRCS (2e). The place can be a campaign setting as well, but the place has it's up and downs as well. While the last two denoted are interesting, Shadowdale could have a campaign in its own right.

The Forgotten Realms is a place of adventure. Campaigns can be set anywhere within it and the Campaign Setting had it's glory days during the run for AD&D 2e. It was (and now is) the official setting of AD&D 2e. Although fun can be had in any place in the realms. I suggest these three places because I have adventure ideas for them. Also, I'd like to run heroic fantasy campaigns.

What You Need
* The Pathfinder Core Rulebook.
* Ed Greenwood Presents: Elminster's Forgotten Realms and/or The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting for 3e. The Grand History of the Realms is informative, but not necessary.
* The Advanced Player's Guide for Pathfinder.
* The Advanced Race Guide for Pathfinder.

What I'd like to Run
I'm inspired by the Conan the Barbarian short stories by Robert E. Howard. Although the Realms were inspired by Lord of the Rings (just ask Ed Greenwood), Conan fits there as well. R.A. Salvatore wrote his first novels based on Heroic Fantasy. I primarily run Heroic Fantasy campaigns. Some of my campaigns are Epic Fantasy (see my other Forgotten Realms campaign). I'm not looking to run a Power Game. If I did, I would be advertising a game where you fight the gods.

Ahem . . . anyhow. Here are what I'm looking for.

You may choose from the following races:
Conventional Races
* Human (there are different regions from which a human can come from. This is discussed in the 3e FRCS with regional feats)
* Dwarf (There are different sub-races of dwarves, see the FRCS)
* Elf (There are different sub-races of Elves, including drow, see the FRCS)
* Gnome (There are different sub-races of gnomes)
* Half-Elf
* Half-Orc
* Halfling (there are different sub-races of halflings, see the FRCS)

* Tiefling (Yes, there are different Tieflings. See Blood of Fiends to make yours).
* Aasimar (There are different Aasimars too, see Blood of Angels).
* Dragonborn (Dragonborn are rare in the realms, I'm allowing only one dragonborn).
* Genasi (These are descendants of Mortal + Genie pairings.)

The Realms have different aspects of technology. But the median technology is Crusades Era technology. Some places are lower, and some places are higher. Depends on where you start.

The following classes are allowed: CRB -- Bard, Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard. APG -- Alchemist, Cavalier, Oracle, and Summoner.

Religion in the Realms is polytheistic. This means that all of the gods are worshiped at different times by all people. The powers (gods) of the realms are varied in disposition and alignment. However, clerics tend to represent a religion, cult, or movement. The campaign will take place in the Era of Shade (That is why I suggested the 3e FRCS). Clerics or Oracles may choose to represent any god denoted in the FRCS or Faiths and Pantheons (3e). Check with me to convert the god's domains to PF1e's subdomains, I'll be willing to work with you.

Character Creation
* BACKGROUND SKILLS -- yes you can use them.
* Roll 4d6 six times, drop the lowest die, arrange to taste. This is Heroic Fantasy and not epic fantasy.
* Level 1.
* Hit points are full first level, then averages are taken each subsequent level.
* Three traits, one drawback.
* Starting money is at level 1.
* Come up with a good backstory. I don't want a novel, just something cool for me to work with.

This is just an interest check, mind you. If you like Heroic Fantasy, like the Realms, then this game is for you.

Grand Lodge

I have always loved the Dales. Back when I started 2e Shadowdale was the place to start.

I have never played in the Vilhon Reach.

As for characters. I do love a good Svirfneblin Gnome, A Halfling, Dwarf or Basic Human.

With the realms a Halfling Monk/Paladin of Yondalla would be fun, Svirfneblin something, Dwarven Cleric or Human Cleric/Wizard would be awesome.

Greetings, one more EltonJ. I would be interested in your Forgotten Realms Campaign. I shall research the three main locations to develop a character to potentially submit.

TheWaskally wrote:
Greetings, one more EltonJ. I would be interested in your Forgotten Realms Campaign. I shall research the three main locations to develop a character to potentially submit.
Critzible wrote:

I have always loved the Dales. Back when I started 2e Shadowdale was the place to start.

I have never played in the Vilhon Reach.

As for characters. I do love a good Svirfneblin Gnome, A Halfling, Dwarf or Basic Human.

With the realms a Halfling Monk/Paladin of Yondalla would be fun, Svirfneblin something, Dwarven Cleric or Human Cleric/Wizard would be awesome.

Greetings you two!

I still have to choose among the three for a location. The Old Empires has a Scorpion King vibe to them. If you remember the old movie, of course. If I wanted you to have prehistoric adventures, then I would have chosen the Chult Peninsula.

I wanted to run Heroic Fantasy for a while now, although some power gamers have been submitting for my games. I prefer the adventures of R.E. Howard over battle of the gods epics. If I wanted to do power gaming, I would have run a game during the Time of Troubles.

The goal is to run a straight heroic fantasy game. So I have to choose between the three! :)

Grand Lodge

Is your Old Empires including Shaar, Chessenta, Chondath, ect. or Just Unther and Mulhorand?

And if Chult are we able to be like from Haluraa, Luiren, the Border Kingdoms ect.

just curious

Critzible wrote:

Is your Old Empires including Shaar, Chessenta, Chondath, ect. or Just Unther and Mulhorand?

And if Chult are we able to be like from Haluraa, Luiren, the Border Kingdoms ect.

just curious

The Shaar and Chondath are included in the Vilhon Reach. If I decide on Chult, if you make characters from Haluraa, then I can do a Tarzan like campaign.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I started in FR and have a soft place for there. I would be interested in a Shadowdale campaign. It is where I got my start. I would be submitting a human wizard. I'll pull him from my FR game that isn't going anywhere as the DM disappeared.

Grand Lodge

I will say if you do want Heroic Fantasy Vilhon Reach seems the best for that and I've never played there before

Dark Archive

I loved the Conan books. It's been forever since I read them, but I remember the wizard/magic-users were very mysterious. I think the one mention in the book was Thoth Amon or something like that.

I've played the Neverwinter nights crpg, but that's it. I'll check out the campaign setting material.

Silver Crusade

I'd be interested. All 3 locations seem fine, different character concepts based on location and theme

trawets71 wrote:
I started in FR and have a soft place for there. I would be interested in a Shadowdale campaign. It is where I got my start. I would be submitting a human wizard. I'll pull him from my FR game that isn't going anywhere as the DM disappeared.

I got my start with D&D Basic (BECMI). But I have the Shadowdale book, but it's in storage. :) It has a fine adventure to start with. Shadowdale is also touched upon in the FRCS. So it's my third idea to start a campaign in.

Critzible wrote:
I will say if you do want Heroic Fantasy Vilhon Reach seems the best for that and I've never played there before

The Vilhon Reach is the most unusual place to start a campaign, and it includes Chondath. I have the Vilhon Reach pdf. And I'm glad I bought it.

MoFiddy wrote:

I loved the Conan books. It's been forever since I read them, but I remember the wizard/magic-users were very mysterious. I think the one mention in the book was Thoth Amon or something like that.

I've played the Neverwinter nights crpg, but that's it. I'll check out the campaign setting material.

In your case, I suggest getting just the FRCS on Drivethru to start. I can point you there, of course. But I can't share my .pdf here, rules and all that. Conan can be well at home in Faerûn, although he might be looking to be king of Cormyr!

pauljathome wrote:
I'd be interested. All 3 locations seem fine, different character concepts based on location and theme

I still have to decide where, of course. :) I reached out on Candlekeep for their thoughts on the three places I have in mind.

I’m interested too. What year would it be in Dale Reckoning?

Battlechaser wrote:
I’m interested too. What year would it be in Dale Reckoning?

1369 DR.

Grand Lodge

Well ideas I have are a Turmish Witch

A Chultan Explorer thinking Ranger

Or a possible Bard/Rogue or Magus/Rogue into Arcane trickster.

With the last opetion would be a Good Ol' Dwarven Fighter

If Vilhon Reach, I'd likely submit a turmish tiefling (rakshasa-born) bard/sorcerer

If Old Kingdom, I'd likely submit a mulhorandi human cleric of Osiris.

Or if Shadowdale, just to be quirky, I'd likely submit a surface drow wizard, since I'm enjoying playing a nightborne mage in World of Warcraft right now.

OF COURSE, all this could be moot, if the Dice Gods (Long May They Reign) decide to give me lots of 1s and 2s for ability rolls. :(

The Exchange

As I want to go back to PBP for quite some time now, and as this is around my favorite Realms era, I'd be interested as well. All three locations would be fine by me, though I have to admit that when you said Conan, my mind immediately went Old Empires. I also admit that I'm not too interested in dinosaurs in my fantasy (unless we're talking Talenta riders).

As far as characters go, I generally try to play characters that fit the setting, so I haven't chosen something specific yet. When I asked the dice, they told me something Half-Elf/Gnome Ranger/Rogue, but that was just me looking for initial inspiration.

WormysQueue wrote:

As I want to go back to PBP for quite some time now, and as this is around my favorite Realms era, I'd be interested as well. All three locations would be fine by me, though I have to admit that when you said Conan, my mind immediately went Old Empires. I also admit that I'm not too interested in dinosaurs in my fantasy (unless we're talking Talenta riders).

As far as characters go, I generally try to play characters that fit the setting, so I haven't chosen something specific yet. When I asked the dice, they told me something Half-Elf/Gnome Ranger/Rogue, but that was just me looking for initial inspiration.

Thanks for your interest, WormysQueue. The Old Empires part of the Realms definitely has a Conan vibe to it. I've still yet to decide on where to set the game. When I do, I'll start a recruitment thread.

Oh, today's my birthday. So I won't be posting, much.

Grand Lodge

EltonJ wrote:
WormysQueue wrote:

As I want to go back to PBP for quite some time now, and as this is around my favorite Realms era, I'd be interested as well. All three locations would be fine by me, though I have to admit that when you said Conan, my mind immediately went Old Empires. I also admit that I'm not too interested in dinosaurs in my fantasy (unless we're talking Talenta riders).

As far as characters go, I generally try to play characters that fit the setting, so I haven't chosen something specific yet. When I asked the dice, they told me something Half-Elf/Gnome Ranger/Rogue, but that was just me looking for initial inspiration.

Thanks for your interest, WormysQueue. The Old Empires part of the Realms definitely has a Conan vibe to it. I've still yet to decide on where to set the game. When I do, I'll start a recruitment thread.

Oh, today's my birthday. So I won't be posting, much.

Happy Birthday Elton, Mine is Friday

As for the Old Empires infact most of southern Faerun seems very Conanesque. As you can do Sword and Sandal which will be awesome. Add in the Politics of a crumbling Unther and Thay


Are the unchained versions also in play?

Battlechaser wrote:


Are the unchained versions also in play?

I'll consider them.

The Exchange

EltonJ wrote:
Oh, today's my birthday. So I won't be posting, much.

So, happy birthday, then :)

I would certainly be interested in the Old Empires if it meant playing with Ancient Egypt and Greek analogues. Sounds super fun.

@Elton - a question from the edge, as I’m not considering joining your Faerûnian foray - why no Inquisitors? Or more on point…Witches?

Given you start your Classes section with a “median technology” preamble I’m unsure what that has to do with either of these classes. I can imagine you might mention technology with reference to Gunslingers, but the APG has the Alchemist (alongside Cavalier, Oracle, Summoner and the two not-allowed classes) as the only “technologically slightly advanced” class, and given “Greek Fire” predated the Crusades by centuries I’m not sure what mentioning technology has to do with classes.

Or are the Inquisitor and Witch not allowed because of their mechanics? It couldn’t be…flavor?

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, <EltonJ>!!!

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Or are the Inquisitor and Witch not allowed because of their mechanics? It couldn’t be…flavor?

Good question. I'm not allowing them because of geography. Rashemen is pretty far away from the Old Empires region. And inquisitors don't really fit in Mulhorand. They could work, given that Ancient Egypt's pantheon of Gods included a god of Justice. And that Judges that handled criminal cases were priests of Ma'at.

Also, I want to run a Sword and Sorcery campaign, and both classes don't fit what I want to run. Do you think it's unfair that I've excluded them?

TheWaskally wrote:
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, <EltonJ>!!!

Thank you, very much! I appreciate it!

EltonJ wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Or are the Inquisitor and Witch not allowed because of their mechanics? It couldn’t be…flavor?

Good question. I'm not allowing them because of geography. Rashemen is pretty far away from the Old Empires region. And inquisitors don't really fit in Mulhorand. They could work, given that Ancient Egypt's pantheon of Gods included a god of Justice. And that Judges that handled criminal cases were priests of Ma'at.

Also, I want to run a Sword and Sorcery campaign, and both classes don't fit what I want to run. Do you think it's unfair that I've excluded them?

I wouldn’t say “unfair”. It’s your campaign - run it however you like.

Given that you have clerics and wizards, sorcerors and oracles, I can’t see witches being far beyond the pale, and given the infinite flavor that can be attached to a Patron, I feel a witch is likely more….Conan, than a wizard.

As for Inquisitors, I’m not sure what Gods or Justice have to do with them. They don’t even need to serve a god and can serve an ideal. With their chassis running the gamut of monster hunter, teamwork expert, divine agent, skilled spellcaster, melee and ranged combatant, stalker/assassin there just seem to be so many ways to flavor an Inquisitor.

Anyway, no-one has expressed interest in either class, so it’s all moot. Was just wondering about the choice is all.

Scarab Sages

Hm, this sounds interesting. I don't know the setting very well, never played using it before, but a quick google scan later and I have some starter ideas.

For Vilhon Reach maybe a Druid, but I'm not sure what to make of the "yuan-ti patron" part. That sounds a bit disturbing from what I know of them.

Old Empires, I think it has to be an Oracle.

Shadowdale, maybe a martial character. It's pity Slayer isn't on the class list, but maybe Fighter or Ranger.

I want witches and inquisitors to be antagonists.

Grand Lodge

kind of looking into a Humble Halfling Sling Fighter. It works for all of the areas and I think is always a fun playing a Halfling Fighter as few expect a halfling to become a renown warrior

Hopefully this is ok to go ahead with:

4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 5) = 17 15
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 3) = 14 12
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 1) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 5) = 21 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 2) = 19 17
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 4) = 14 12

Oooh, that is very very nice. I just had an FR game fade away and right after I had liberated my books from storage! XD I will peruse some, but first thought is this might be a good time to draw up that Halfling Cav I've always wanted...

Grand Lodge

Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 3) = 12
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 3) = 20
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 5) = 18
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 5) = 18
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 5) = 20
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 5) = 14

Let the dice gods grant me good fortune

Grand Lodge

11,17,15,16,16,12 good stuff. Definitely a halfling slinger should be fun

Dark Archive

EltonJ wrote:
I want witches and inquisitors to be antagonists.

That sounds very Conan.

MoFiddy wrote:
EltonJ wrote:
I want witches and inquisitors to be antagonists.
That sounds very Conan.

Thanks. I really like to say that it's more inline with Conan to have a witch be an antagonist rather than a protagonist.

EltonJ wrote:
MoFiddy wrote:
EltonJ wrote:
I want witches and inquisitors to be antagonists.
That sounds very Conan.
Thanks. I really like to say that it's more inline with Conan to have a witch be an antagonist rather than a protagonist.

I kinda have to agree,

I mean look at the 2 Conan movies, and the 90's cartoon,
powerful casters were villains or obstacle in them.

Though there were also friendly wizards as well as bad wizards and witches.

Grand Lodge

Will Halfling Skiprocks and Warslings be available

Well, a FR adventure! sounds awesome! And Conan inspired! count me in!

of course, if its Conan inspired, i shall play a human fighter mercenary.

4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 3) = 16 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 1, 5) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6, 4) = 17 14
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 2) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 5) = 14 13

those are some seriously... slightly above average rolls.

Critzible wrote:
Will Halfling Skiprocks and Warslings be available


Rizzenmagus wrote:

Well, a FR adventure! sounds awesome! And Conan inspired! count me in!

of course, if its Conan inspired, i shall play a human fighter mercenary.

4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 3) = 16 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 1, 5) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6, 4) = 17 14
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 2) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 5) = 14 13

those are some seriously... slightly above average rolls.

Human fighter mercenaries are always fun. Are you going to be like Kelemvor in the Avatar series?

Bluedove wrote:

Hopefully this is ok to go ahead with:

4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 5) = 17 15
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 3) = 14 12
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 1) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 5) = 21 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 2) = 19 17
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 4) = 14 12

Oooh, that is very very nice. I just had an FR game fade away and right after I had liberated my books from storage! XD I will peruse some, but first thought is this might be a good time to draw up that Halfling Cav I've always wanted...

I'd like you to create the character you want to play for this game.

4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 6) = 15 13
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 6) = 16 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 2) = 16 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 3) = 14 12
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 5) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 4) = 16 15

Okay, looks like enough people are interested. I'll post a Recruitment thread right now. If you rolled in this thread, you may reroll again in the second thread.

Good luck!

Grand Lodge

Man my rolls were good

Critzible wrote:
Man my rolls were good

You can bring those rolls with you, if you desire.

Grand Lodge

I do and will

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