Changes to Item Creation rules


The change I'm considering is simple: divine spell casters can only create items using spells from one of their patron's domains. Opions and feedback sought.

I dislike. I like having options when crafting magic items. Its why my house rule reduces the number of feats to just craft magic consumables and craft permanent magic items. You don't need to spend a lot of feats to craft magic items under my rules.

Probably need more explanation of your goals here, to give you more specific feedback. Is this to promote a low magic setting?

Divine casters include clerics, druids, hunters, rangers, inquisitors, oracles, shamans, (anti)paladins, and several archetypes of other classes otherwise arcane, psychic, or non-casters. For example, do druids not get to do any crafting if they don't take a domain (and worship a specific patron) for their nature bond? No herbalism option?
What about archetypes built around item crafting like forgepriest or oracles that don't require a "patron?"

Your "rule as written" could even be interpreted as prohibiting crafted magic items that lack a spell requirement, further limiting them to only items that have such a domain spell in its prerequisites. Is that intended?

A GM has a lot of control over what can be crafted; it may be easier to just "say no" rather than create a new mechanical reason for chosing deities/patrons to get access to the best crafting. Again, depending on your goal for this rule.

The idea is that deities don't, or possibly can't, empower items outside their primary areas of influence. It just seems weird that a deity of fire, for example, would empower a helm of aquatic action. That, and I like the idea of making clerics of different deities more distinct.

Shadow Lodge

Whitewinds wrote:
The idea is that deities don't, or possibly can't, empower items outside their primary areas of influence. It just seems weird that a deity of fire, for example, would empower a helm of aquatic action. That, and I like the idea of making clerics of different deities more distinct.

What you are likely to end up with is 'Divine casters never create items at all because they never take an Item Creation feat.' Item Creation feats that are restricted to a relative handful of potential items are generally a poor investment...

Whitewinds wrote:
The change I'm considering is simple: divine spell casters can only create items using spells from one of their patron's domains. Opions and feedback sought.

thumbs down, unless it is without Craft Wondrous Item or item creation feat {Personally I'd lower the crafting rate to $250/day (takes more time)} AND they can craft normally with the item creation feats. The list would be really small; scrolls, wands, an item or two. The "you devalue the feat" crowd will be up in arms and I can see their point.

For parity Wizards could craft a one school spell per spell level...

Be aware you open the doors for Healing Domain to crank out wands of cure light wounds, then there's oracles and witches.

Whitewinds wrote:
The idea is that deities don't, or possibly can't, empower items outside their primary areas of influence. It just seems weird that a deity of fire, for example, would empower a helm of aquatic action. That, and I like the idea of making clerics of different deities more distinct.

I would instead nudge things. Perhaps a cleric of a fire god would have decreased time and/or cost to craft a wand of fireball, and increased time/cost for an ice or water based item.

If you shut down the ability to craft key items you just encourage clerics to avoid crafting entirely.

in our games crafting is a rarity as it is, there's no need to make it harder to craft.

Whitewinds wrote:
The idea is that deities don't, or possibly can't, empower items outside their primary areas of influence. It just seems weird that a deity of fire, for example, would empower a helm of aquatic action. That, and I like the idea of making clerics of different deities more distinct.

It would be far easier, and less impactful on the game mechanics, for the deities (or patrons) in question to limit the creation of magic items that go against their nature or tenants. It is not that the cleric (or divine caster) in question cannot make the item, it is that their patron will not supply the magic necessary to do so and they must seek alternate means to supply that magic. Such as hiring another caster to supply the spells or source the magic elsewhere. Mechanically, it just makes the item cost a bit more or make it slightly more difficult (+5 to the spellcraft DC) to make it.

A deity is more than just their domains. Why would a deity be incapable of granting the power to create an item when they can grant the power to cast the spell that creates the item? Also, many divine spells are basic functions that all religions will perform. What you are purposing is too restrictive and is not a good idea.

If you want to different between deities a better way would be to create deity specific modifications to the appropriate spell lists. Any spell on the list would be removed from the spell list for a worshiper of the deity. That would not only prevent the cleric of fire god from creating a helm of aquatic action it would also prevent them from casting water breathing.

The other thing you are not factoring in is that not all divine casters have to have a deity or even draw power from their deity. Clerics (excluding cleric of an idea) draw power from a specific deity, Oracles do not. In fact, an Oracle can actually worship a deity that is opposed to one of the deities granting them power.

Liberty's Edge

The options are almost endless with Crafting Feats. On the side of the scope of Gods powering the magic, your characters could charge their Magic items. Adding charges on every Magic item would prevent alot of permanent boosts but requires some bookkeeping.

And as I always say with Crafting Feats, try adjusting the 50% Crafting cost to 75% or 90%.
Being able to make a 10% cheaper item without having to journey to a bigger settlement are rewards in themselves.

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