...So Rogues are the most defensive class outside Monks

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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With Player Core 2 being shipped out we still do not have a clear answer on why the Rogue saving throws was overlooked nor was it errata'd. I 100% believe it is on purpose now. Who else believes this?

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ElementalofCuteness wrote:
With Player Core 2 being shipped out we still do not have a clear answer on why the Rogue saving throws was overlooked nor was it errata'd.

As far as I know, that is correct.

ElementalofCuteness wrote:
I 100% believe it is on purpose now. Who else believes this?

I do not. However, I also do not believe that it is accidental. I plan to run it as written until I hear otherwise on an official published errata. If that errata ever happens, I will not be fully surprised.

I am unsure how anyone could be 100% certain on this belief in either direction.

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Yeah. We know there is an errata schedule, and with all the Core books done, and the Remaster in full swing, I expect folks are looking forward to having more reasonable schedules they can cleave to again.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if we hear about a correction later on, when we're meant to get our second load of errata for the year. I'd be a bit more surprised if it was intentional, but that's mostly because it breaks an established pattern, not because I think it's breaking the game necessarily.

Even if it was on purpose I’ve removed it from my games. Rogue is already an awesome class and it doesn’t really need it.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I think at this point, we have to treat it as intentional, it's not like they don't know we've been wondering.

I think we got an errata on the release day of PC1, so I assume an errata is going to drop on the release day of PC2 too (likely to update the stuff that doesn't work anymore or that needs clarifications due to the changes in PC2, but I wouldn't be surprised they also errata'ed other things too).

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I also imagine that it’s not really a thing developers are able to Yay or Nay easily. Developers are a little concerned about their calls being used as a bludgeon. So if it’s a mistake, it makes sense that they’d rather not confirm or deny.

TheWayofPie wrote:
Even if it was on purpose I’ve removed it from my games. Rogue is already an awesome class and it doesn’t really need it.

I'm thinking of leaving it in the one I'm currently running, but that's mostly because our rogue has had real bad luck with fort saves so far. Poor guy spent a dungeon and a half sick as a dog, a dog with Swamp Guts.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
TheWayofPie wrote:
I also imagine that it’s not really a thing developers are able to Yay or Nay easily. Developers are a little concerned about their calls being used as a bludgeon. So if it’s a mistake, it makes sense that they’d rather not confirm or deny.

At a certain point, we have to know what the rules of the game we're playing are.

The-Magic-Sword wrote:
TheWayofPie wrote:
I also imagine that it’s not really a thing developers are able to Yay or Nay easily. Developers are a little concerned about their calls being used as a bludgeon. So if it’s a mistake, it makes sense that they’d rather not confirm or deny.
At a certain point, we have to know what the rules of the game we're playing are.

The last errata I remember being pre-announced quite a while before the errata actually arrived was the errata to fix Magus Arcane Cascade so that it doesn't end as soon as you use the action to start it.

I think that is the level of problem that something needs to be in order for errata pre-announcement to be a reasonable expectation.

So for now, I am going to run as-written. It is not a game-breaking level of problem - if it is even a problem at all.

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Rogues are probably the best class in PF2. Then got even better after Player Core. The rogue designer must be a rogue himself with a high diplomacy and deception to get this all pushed through. He rogued the PF2 design team to make rogues as good as they are.

Dark Archive

Finoan wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
TheWayofPie wrote:
I also imagine that it’s not really a thing developers are able to Yay or Nay easily. Developers are a little concerned about their calls being used as a bludgeon. So if it’s a mistake, it makes sense that they’d rather not confirm or deny.
At a certain point, we have to know what the rules of the game we're playing are.

The last errata I remember being pre-announced quite a while before the errata actually arrived was the errata to fix Magus Arcane Cascade so that it doesn't end as soon as you use the action to start it.

I think that is the level of problem that something needs to be in order for errata pre-announcement to be a reasonable expectation.

So for now, I am going to run as-written. It is not a game-breaking level of problem - if it is even a problem at all.

There were multiple kineticist abilities in RoE that were fully non-functional as written. We had to wait ages for those errata to come through.

Personally, I'd be a big fan if things like that got dev comments on the forums as corrections or clarifications before the actual errata documents get released.

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