Interest Check: Dwellers of the Forbidden City (PF1)



I've started an interest check to see who is interested in playing the classic AD&D module Dwellers of the Forbidden City by David Cook. The adventure is set in the World of Greyhawk. In Hepmonaland. The adventure was used as a tournament for 20 players at Origins, I think. You get to face off with the Yuan-ti in the adventure.

I'm looking for seven characters using PF1 rules. Level 5. Your character can hail from anywhere in the World of Greyhawk, you just need to describe how you got to Hepmonaland. I'm looking for seven (7) PCs willing to brave the Forbidden City!

We won't be playing tournament rules, though.

Resources I am Allowing:
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rule Book.
Advanced Player's Guide.
Ultimate Combat (Just no Anti-paladins, gunslingers, Samurai or Ninja)
Ultimate Magic
Advanced Class Guide
The Martial Arts Handbook
The Familiar Folio
Champions of Balance and Champions of Purity
Blood of the Moon
Faiths of Purity
Inner Sea Magic
Blood of the Beast

Greyhawk Resources
Greyhawk: the Adventure Begins
Greyhawk Player's Guide
World of Greyhawk

Forgotten Realms Resources
Serpent Kingdoms That's for my use only.

[b]Races Allowed[/i]
Dwarves as Hill Dwarves or Mountain Dwarves.
Elves as High Elves, Wood Elves, Grey Elves, Grugach, Drow, or Valley Elves. Drow being the least common.
Gnomes as Rock Gnomes.
Halflings, as hairfoots.
Half-Elves, also known as Peredhil.
Half-Orcs, also known as Uruk-Hai.
Kitsune very rare, you must describe how these folk come from the island of Nippon in the West. I can allow one in the party.
Skinwalkers from Blood of the Moon, Pathfinder's answer to shifters from Eberron. Very rare, I can allow for one in the party. See Blood of the Moon for insights.

Definitely no Yuan-ti in the party, they are the villains. Also, please note that I want to play all the bad guys. So, who's interested?

Liberty's Edge

Well you can count me in for this....I am a sucker for Greyhawk and PF1 is much preferable to me than PF2...although if you switch up to 5e or A5e that would be super cool

I'd give this a shot.

Liberty's Edge

Are we rolling stats or is their a point amount? What about a catperson? Was thinking of a hunter who knows a little about the area and could act as a guide for the party??

Sorry, I thought I might dig up some interest first. 2 people so far -- that's good.

I'll post beautiful character creation details after I get interest from at least two more. :)

Dark Archive

Sounds interesting. I love these old modules.

Would be interested if you were running it with AD&D ;)

Albion, The Eye wrote:
Would be interested if you were running it with AD&D ;)

Ah. Would AD&D 2nd edition do? I don't have first edition except for both Monster Manuals.

The Exchange

I'm always down to game in grayhawk! I am not familiar with 2nd edition rules at all, but I'd be cool with 5e or PF1 personally!

EltonJ wrote:
Albion, The Eye wrote:
Would be interested if you were running it with AD&D ;)
Ah. Would AD&D 2nd edition do? I don't have first edition except for both Monster Manuals.

If it switched to 2nd ed, I would bow out.

Liberty's Edge

I would be up to some AD&D. I still have my original book!!

Interested, especially if PF1e, or D&D 3.5.
I know some of 1st and 2nd ed, but THAC0 is a headache to understand and in someway counter intuitive in areas for those that have only played D&D 3.X and PF.

Also I find it a bit funny, after I didn't get picked for Against the Cult of the Reptile God
I decided to take my character and started to write a story with them and one of their foes a Serpent Folk Cult (cause PF can't use Yuan-ti) with the cult's dreams of domination over the other races.

EltonJ wrote:
Albion, The Eye wrote:
Would be interested if you were running it with AD&D ;)
Ah. Would AD&D 2nd edition do? I don't have first edition except for both Monster Manuals.

2nd Edition already has too many fiddly bits for people to go crazy with - queue in Complete Handbooks, Player Options, Specialty Priests, and things go south very quickly (in my opinion).

I am just in an AD&D mood. Plus I like the idea of playing a module using the system it was designed for in the first place.

But don't mind me, I was just creating a little chaos :D

I should have been more clear. I'm really only interested in a PF game, but there seems to be plenty of interest from others if you do shift. You won't need me.

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