Gestalt Giant Slayer beer and pretzels


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Thanks for the input guys!

RH - I always get muleback cords for my low Strength characters.

My character is done using the tool drbuzzard linked to but how can I get it onto my profile here?

Twin Thunders Flurry lets you trip up to huge giants. I don't know if enlarge person would you let do larger giants.

trawets71 wrote:
Twin Thunders Flurry lets you trip up to huge giants. I don't know if enlarge person would you let do larger giants.

Nice... But, so many requirements.

Djack Nymball wrote:
trawets71 wrote:
Twin Thunders Flurry lets you trip up to huge giants. I don't know if enlarge person would you let do larger giants.
Nice... But, so many requirements.

Not really…

(1) Dwarf or gnome; defensive training racial trait;
Get this from race.

(2) Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Fighting, or flurry of blows class feature;
* Get this from monk to save 2 feats

(3) Twin Thunders; Weapon Focus with both wielded weapons;
* 2 feats

(4) base attack bonus +6.

Can use a blunt monk weapon, or any blunt weapon with versatile design.

Also really cool feat. Didn’t know it existed.

Kurgan Kegstalker wrote:
Djack Nymball wrote:
trawets71 wrote:
Twin Thunders Flurry lets you trip up to huge giants. I don't know if enlarge person would you let do larger giants.
Nice... But, so many requirements.

Not really…

(1) Dwarf or gnome; defensive training racial trait;
Get this from race.

(2) Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Fighting, or flurry of blows class feature;
* Get this from monk to save 2 feats

(3) Twin Thunders; Weapon Focus with both wielded weapons;
* 2 feats

(4) base attack bonus +6.

Can use a blunt monk weapon, or any blunt weapon with versatile design.

Also really cool feat. Didn’t know it existed.

The feat chain does some nice things. I'm using it with the dwarven maulaxe which is bludgeoning or slashing. Not a big damage die but it's static bonus that get you damage which these feats offer some of. I stumbled onto these around when this AP came out. It was always my intention with this ranger build for this AP.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for interest.

I think a Fighter/Shaman(Crystal Tender) 4 might be interesting to run with :-)

An all dwarven party seems fun! I'd like to apply with Brighid here. An expert smith joining the expedition out of a sense of duty to protect her people, to see first hand how her creations do on the field, and for a chance to swing her oversized warhammer around to smack some giants. Plus, someone has to look after the team's equipment.

Still considering what equipment to take, although I would like to pick some choices dependant on the party (like, say, crafting a boro bead for Kurgan in exchange for a daily extract of Enlarge Person?).

My idea was to try and work with Torag's Divine Fighting Technique, by building into Combat Patrol and Vital Strike. Not sure how effective a reach build might be in this campaign, but it seemed like a fitting option for her.

Honestly I doubt I will permit crafting beyond potions and scrolls. You don't need to craft armor or weapons, and I'd rather keep a lid on the amount of wondrous items out there.

Makes sense, I'll rework her with that in mind.

Glad to hear that potion crafting will be allowed. Got to supply the party with alcoholic drinks somehow, and if said drinks also cause things like enlarge person, shield, expeditious retreat, etc? Well, he'd be glad to take gold (at cost) for drinks on demand. An adventuring brewer/bartender. Also more than happy to hand out extracts as people want them. The more the merrier when it comes to enjoying his creations. If Kurgan is in, just tell him what spells you want each day and he'll prepare them.

And I look forward to seeing what Brighid does. Forgepriest is a great archetype for getting that blacksmith feel down when adventuring, even when not using crafting skills.

Kurgan Kegstalker wrote:
Glad to hear that potion crafting will be allowed. Got to supply the party with alcoholic drinks somehow, and if said drinks also cause things like enlarge person, shield, expeditious retreat, etc?

Do you have a way to make potions of Range: Personal spells (shield, expeditious retreat)? Or do you maybe mean you'll make potions and provide infused extracts?

Ooo, Eldritch Guardian is super-fun!

Biruta is done in all the essentials now. I still need to finish up equipment and say a little bit about her in the BAP section of the character sheet.

Also a couple of notes on feats here.

Biruta will be taking Selective Channel, but I need to raise her CHA before I can do that. Until 8th level, she won't be able to channel in combat unless she has good positioning.

Getting Biruta's CHA to 12 was expensive, so she's a bit lacking in STR presently. With that in mind I've taken Bodyguard as a combat feat so she has a way to compensate if her attack bonus isn't quite up to snuff in some situations. I expect to replace Bodyguard around 8th level as her STR is raised and I've had more time to decide on Fighter feats. Besides, a +2 to AC from Bodyguard will matter less and less as time goes on.

That said, does anyone have any opinions on Cleave instead of Bodyguard? Or maybe Furious Focus? I was on the fence for a while looking at these 3 feats. I figured I'd replace it the feat at 8th level or so regardless of which one I chose since none of them would probably age well going into levels 10+. I did settle on Bodyguard as probably the most generally beneficial one in the short term, but I'm not positive I chose right. If anyone has an opinion, I'd appreciate hearing it.

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Making potions (costs gold). For an extra 10gc per potion, they have +1 CL and count as strong alcohol.

Have infusion discovery, so extracts can be used for allies. One extract per spell slot counts as strong alcohol at +1 CL. Due to infusion can share these.

So yeah. More than happy to share said strong alcohol to the party.

Alright, I have finished putting together a PC.

Presenting Sergei von Janderhoff, Fighter (Eldritch Guardian / Mutation Warrior) / Mammoth Shaman (Crystal Tender) 4, and his crystalline companion, Archibald Rubble!

The main idea will be to be a bulwark of stone and crystal, and abuse the heck out of teamwork feats, whilst occasionally drinking mutagenic alcoholic beverages ;-)

DRBUZZARD?! YOU'RE BACK!!! I'm submitting a character, gods-dammit!!

Since you said this was a Beer and Pretzels game, I wonder if gestalting into a cleric of Cayden Cailean would be too jarring? I'm not finding any info on any Dwarven God of Ale.

TheWaskally wrote:
Since you said this was a Beer and Pretzels game, I wonder if gestalting into a cleric of Cayden Cailean would be too jarring? I'm not finding any info on any Dwarven God of Ale.

Maybe you could do a Separatist cleric of Torag? That would let you take the Alchemy subdomain of the Artifice domain, which Torag already has. I feel like you can justify pretty much any weird focus of a god's areas of concern by deciding that you worship an unusual aspect with Separatist. :)

TheWaskally wrote:

DRBUZZARD?! YOU'RE BACK!!! I'm submitting a character, gods-dammit!!

Since you said this was a Beer and Pretzels game, I wonder if gestalting into a cleric of Cayden Cailean would be too jarring? I'm not finding any info on any Dwarven God of Ale.

As far as I know, you don't need to be exclusive to racial gods. Cayden will be fine.

Roughly how many beers & pretzels... I mean levels are we anticipating?

Would it be alright on the non-fighter side to go 4 uRogue, them switch to Warpriest of Calistria? CG alignment.

uRogue 3 - Warpriest 1 would be optimal (RP wise), but I understand that's not possible.

Possibly an escaped captive or slave that was held along with other races. Calistria's teachings kept him mentally strong and alive, eventually escaping or being freed.


Rough idea is Metal Oracle with Wasting curse, flavoured as body becoming metal.

Might do archetype on Fighter side, maybe Tower Shield Spec

Djack Nymball wrote:

Roughly how many beers & pretzels... I mean levels are we anticipating?

Would it be alright on the non-fighter side to go 4 uRogue, them switch to Warpriest of Calistria? CG alignment.

uRogue 3 - Warpriest 1 would be optimal (RP wise), but I understand that's not possible.

Possibly an escaped captive or slave that was held along with other races. Calistria's teachings kept him mentally strong and alive, eventually escaping or being freed.

The module caps out at 17.

I already stated that you have one class per side (one of course is fighter). You can certainly mix and match as much on the free side as you like if you don't want to be selected.

I had understood 1 class per side to start, fighter and something.

Are you saying the second/free side cannot ever switch to another class?

Dark Archive

Djack Nymball wrote:

I had understood 1 class per side to start, fighter and something.

Are you saying the second/free side cannot ever switch to another class?

Yes, no multiclassing.

Gestalt: One side is a fighter. Other side is pretty open, though we'll skip occult classes, summoners, and gunslingers other than bolt ace. No firearms. Also, you are limited to only the 2 classes you start with, no prestige classes, or stacking a pile of classes on the not fighter side.

This is Dorian Grey's work in progress....

Any questions, comments, joint ointment would be welcomed.

Sir Longears wrote:
Djack Nymball wrote:

I had understood 1 class per side to start, fighter and something.

Are you saying the second/free side cannot ever switch to another class?

Yes, no multiclassing.

Also, you are limited to only the 2 classes you start with, no prestige classes, or stacking a pile of classes on the not fighter side.

Ohhh... my bad, I misread. I read it quickly as...

...Also, you are limited to only the 2 classes to start with...

Thanks, Sir Longears!

Apologies, drbuzzard!

Reading is fundamental!

Dotting, Working on my character, Background not up yet.
Took a few Dwarf Alternate Racial Traits.

Here is my proposed character, Barwyn Giantbane. I took the savage warrior archetype for the fighter side, and the other side is goliath druid. Outside of combat, he is a competent scout. During combat, at this level anyway, he provides some battlefield control with his spells and some skirmishing melee damage. At higher levels, once he has more and longer-lasting wildshapes, the plan is for him to be a pouncing dinosaur most of the day.

Question, Buzzard... is the spell Vomit Swarm from the APG acceptable? What about Steal Size from the Giant Hunters Handbook?


my dwarf will probably be a straight-up fighter combined with bolt ace (gunslinger archetype)...

Revised Brighid, dropping the item creation feats, but keeping the mundane crafting skills at a level that still lets me craft masterwork armor and weapons by taking 10, which I intend to do for my initial equipment, if allowed. If not, I'll still waste those four ranks because they make sense to me :).

Dropping the item creation also led me to drop the Forgepriest archetype, and after some thoughts, dropped Eldritch Guardian as well, as my initial idea was to have an Ioun Wyrd familiar created by her helping her at the forge, and hanging back in combat. I considered other options for the familiar, but didn't find one I felt comfortable with (wading into combat with giants with a comparatively fragile creature on my shoulder seemed like a recipe for disaster.)

The upside of dropping the archetypes is that I am now getting a ridiculous amount of bonus feats - I opted to get the whole Weapon of the Chosen chain, as it seems fitting and should help with Vital Strikes. And using base Warpriest means I get a minor blessing to play with as well: Godclaw lets me slap you guys back to your senses if you're hit with enchantment spells, which seemed too funny not to take. The major blessing also fits in nicely with the Torag flavour.

Completed Entries
* Grumbaki: Kurgan Kegstalker
- Mutation Warrior Fighter / Mixologist Vivisectionist Alchemist
- Brewer looking for the ingredient needed to make his name

* Eriktd: Klien
- Weapon Master Fighter / Zen Archer Monk
- A dwarf raised by elves who came to Janderhoff after her village was destroyed by giants

* Veniir: Norter Skyshield
- 2 Handed Fighter/Empyreal Sorcerer
- Comes from a family of adventurers, left Janderhoff so that he may return home in glory

* Robert Henry: Brunner Hammerfell
- Fighter/Unchained rogue (dual dwarven warshields)

* Trawet71: Dolgrym Giantfoe
- Fighter/Ranger (twin thunders build)
- Clansdwarf of Clan Giantfoe. The short dwarf hates giants and has the goal of unaliving them so they cannot hurt others.

* Rdknight: Biruta Rovesdam
- Fighter / Warpriest
- Cleric of Adabar from a Clan that conducts long distance trade.

* Luke_Parry: Sergei von Janderhoff
- Eldritch Guardian Mutation Warrior Fighter / Crystal Tender Mammoth Shaman

* Dorian Gray: Mad Marvin Dundlerock
- Fighter/ Goliath Druid
- Formerly worked for the technic league, is now a hermit. Returned to Janderhoff with a warning.

* Sphinxtreecat: Barwyn Giantbane
- Savage Warrior Fighter / Goliath Druid

Character Concepts
* Malinor: Fighter/Wizard in heavy armor
* Phillip Gastone: Fighter/Bard
* Djack Nymball: Fighter/Bard
* Andostre: Fighter/Inquisitor
* Mightypion: Fighter/Alchemist (alcohol) Fighter/Skald (drummer) Fighter/Cleric (worships fire elemental, potentially of swamp castle) Fighter/White Haired Witch (mighty mustache)
* stormraven: Fighter/White Haired Witch (beard strangler)
* Ouachitonian: Phalanx Warrior/Stonelord
* Gladewolf: Fighter/Arcanist
* Rabscuttle: Fighter/Oracle

Are you ok with crossblooded Sorcer and Wildblooded sage used together?

@Kurgan: Thanks for keeping the applicants list. I'd like to report an error for Biruta. She's a Cardinal archetype Cleric, not a Warpriest.

That's my fault, I think, due to picking the same avatar image (I'm missing from the list as well). I'll pick a different one to avoid further confusion.

Drbuzzard, it looks like the rules for Knowledge checks about Giants are that they're covered under Knowledge (local), because that's the category that covers "humanoids." I'm just checking to see if that's how you're planning on doing it, because the PC I'm creating leans heavily into skills, and giants feature so heavily in this campaign.

I saw that some GMs cover Giants under Knowledge (nature), which covers "monstrous humanoids."

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Thanks, Eriktd Grumbaki ! Well presented!

@ Grumbaki, I think you missed me. No worries as it is still a concept.

Still working on a mounted build. Fighter (rough rider)/ Hunter.

PathCompanion output of Grumpy's character sheet can be viewed <here>

(first draft...)

Glade use to be a slave and pick Rice, but he didn't like that. Him and a couple of Elves. So he escaped and moved away with the help of Elves to a better land or so he thought. His best bet is to keep his distance from the enemy. The Elves taught him their ways. He is the oddball adopted by Elves, yes a Dwarf adopted by Elves.

Concept: Arcane Archer/Evocation Caster. Combine Magic with Archery skills, being invisible or at an advantage while shooting, altering the terrain around him with spells. Or Blast them with Fireball and the like.

Class: Armor Master Fighter/Arcanist.

On another Note, trivial, updated the Avatar. The Avatar just looks a little human to make sure nobody pick the same as me. Picked a human avatar with facial hair to say Dwarf.

I'll be doing a fighter sorcerer regardless of the answer about crossblooded and sage but that would be the preferred option.

Max HP for 1st Level then how are we doing it?

Nebuzaradan wrote:
Are you ok with crossblooded Sorcer and Wildblooded sage used together?

I have no objections.

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Andostre wrote:

Drbuzzard, it looks like the rules for Knowledge checks about Giants are that they're covered under Knowledge (local), because that's the category that covers "humanoids." I'm just checking to see if that's how you're planning on doing it, because the PC I'm creating leans heavily into skills, and giants feature so heavily in this campaign.

I saw that some GMs cover Giants under Knowledge (nature), which covers "monstrous humanoids."

Skills are as listed, so locals covers giants.

Djack Nymball wrote:
Max HP for 1st Level then how are we doing it?

Max HP at 1st and 1/2+1 for the rest (like in PFS).

Someone had mentioned Alternate Racial Traits. Are those OK?

A little Dwarf diversity?

I'd like to apply with Urmir here.

He is a Fighter/Brawler (ulfen beast-wrestler) and my plan is to punch giants and trip them. While focusing on trip the big bastards, martial flexibility should keep me useful even when fighting against other foes.

Storywise, he is a seasoned fighter from the land of the linnorm kings, used to fight plenty of trolls coming from Irrisen. Will elaborate more if chosen, adding extra personality.

Djack Nymball wrote:

Someone had mentioned Alternate Racial Traits. Are those OK?

A little Dwarf diversity?

That's fine.

Grand Lodge

Might do a trapper Ranger/Fighter. Might look at the fighters to see what I am gonna archtype in.

Pretty much finished here. Fighter (High Guardian)/ Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc)

GM, any answer on these questions?

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