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Kílien's page

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About Kílien

An unusual dwarf goes on a quest to find her father and ensure that the giants who destroyed her home are no longer a threat.

Name: Kílien (pronounced "KY-lee-un") Alfslag
Race: Dwarf (Adopted: Elf)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Classes: Fighter (Weapon Master) // Monk (Qinggong Monk / Zen Archer)

Kílien was born and raised in a small elven village in the Mindspin Mountains, the product of a union of two star-crossed lovers, her mother (an elf) and her father (a dwarf). She grew up knowing very little of her father, but though she tried to learn everything she could about being an elf, it did not come easily to her. While she was out hunting for a month for her coming of age, her village was attacked suddenly and destroyed, and the evidence she found suggested that it was giants. Thus, she decided to seek out her father in Janderhoff, the largest dwarven city in the region. Unfortunately, she has not yet found any evidence of him or his family.

She has been raised a traditional elven warrior, but she has a strange mystical connection to the earth and mountains from which she draws inner strength that is alien to most of her kin. The priest of Erastil in her village calls it her "better self," and encouraged her to practice her skills on her own in the wild. (This is to say, the elves were aware of her differences and they ostracized her.) Growing up there she never felt as though she truly belonged, and so she is hesitantly optimistic about her new life among the dwarves.

Kílien is very short for an elf, with a stocky build and less elongated features than are common among her people. Her ears have no point at all, and her hair is bright red-- strange, disturbing. Like other elven scouts and warriors she rarely goes anywhere without her longbow and a quiver of arrows. Her voice is unusually deep and full of gravel, when she deigns to speak at all. Besides her pack and a pouch at her belt she appears to be comfortably unencumbered.
Kílien is designed primarily to be a ranged striker, but she can hold her own in melee combat if she must. She has darkvision and fast movement, plus excellent outdoor skills like Acrobatics, Perception, Stealth, and Survival, and she would likely make a good scout or tracker.

Abilities: Str 14 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12+2 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16+2+1 (+4), Cha 8-2 (-2)

HP: 12/12 (1d10+2)

AC: 18* (+2 DEX, +5 WIS, +1 armor enhancement, +2 barkskin*)
Touch AC: 17 (+2 DEX, +5 WIS)
Flat-footed AC: 16* (+5 WIS, +1 armor enhancement, +2 barkskin*)

Initiative: +4 (+2 DEX, +2 Warrior of Old)

Speed: 30 (Slow and Steady, fast movement +10)

Fort +7** (base +4, +2 CON, +1 resistance, +2 vs poison*, +4 vs spells*)
Reflex +7* (base +4, +2 DEX, +1 resistance, +4 vs spells*)
Will +9* (base +4, +4 WIS, +1 resistance, +4 vs spells*)

BAB: +4 CMB: +6 CMD: 23

giantsbane composite longbow (Str 14, attuned) +11 or +9/+9***** (1d8+3*** piercing damage, 110' range, 20/x3)

attack: +4[BAB]+4[WIS]+1[enhancement]+1[Weapon Focus]+1[weapon training], +2[bane*], +1 or +2[Coordinated Shot*], -2[Deadly Aim*], +1[Point-Blank Shot*], +1 or +2[trait*]; damage: 1d8+2[STR]+1[weapon training], +2d6+2[bane*], +4[Deadly Aim*], +1[Point-Blank Shot*]

• unarmed strike +6 or +4/+4* (1d8+2 bludgeoning damage, 20/x2)

attack: +4[BAB]+2[STR], +1 or +2[trait*]; damage: 1d8+2[STR]

• attuned sleeves (+1 armor)

Dwarf: Darkvision (60'), Dimdweller (+2 Intimidate/Perception/Stealth in dark concealment), Hardy (+2 vs poison), Mountaineer (immune to altitude sickness, do not lose Dex bonus to AC using Climb or Acrobatics on slippery surfaces), Shadowhunter (half damage to incorporeal creatures with nonmagical weapons, +2 to remove negative levels, recover x2 ability damage from undead), Slag Child (+2 Stealth/Survival)

Favored Class Bonus (Fighter): +4 skill points

Fighter (Weapon Master): favored weapon (longbow); weapon guard +1; weapon training (bows +1)

Monk (Qinggong Monk / Zen Archer): ac bonus (WIS+1), flurry of blows, perfect strike 4/day, unarmed strike 1d8; way of the bow; fast movement +10, zen archery; ki pool (half level+WIS; magic), ki powers (barkskin, self only, 1 ki)

Feats: Coordinated Shot* (fighter 1), Improved Unarmed Strike* (monk 1), Point-Blank Shot* (monk 1), Perfect Strike* (monk 1), Steel Soul (level 1); Friendly Fire Maneuvers* (fighter 2), Precise Shot* (monk 2), Weapon Focus* [longbow] (monk 2); Deadly Aim (level 3), Point-Blank Master* (monk 3); Advanced Weapon Training* [Fighter's Tactics] (fighter 4)

Traits: Adopted (elf), Orphaned by Giants (+1 attack/+2 critical hits vs giants), Warrior of Old* (+2 initiative)

Skills: Acrobatics 4+5, Climb 1+5, Linguistics 1+0, Perception 4+7* (+2 in dark), Sense Motive 1+7, Stealth 4+7* (+2 in dark), Survival 4+9* (+2 kit), Swim 1+5

Armor Check Penalty: none

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven

Equipment: arrows (50/50, 2.5 gp), bedroll (.1 gp), belt pouch (1 gp), blanket (.5 gp), blunt durable arrows (20/20, 22 gp), cooking kit (3 gp), durable arrows (40/40, 40 gp), explorer's outfit (free), fishing kit (.5 gp), flint and steel (kit), "Giantsbane" (giantsbane composite longbow, Str 14: 2,600 gp), grappling arrow (1 gp), hammer (.5 gp), maps (kit), masterwork backpack (50 gp), masterwork survival kit (50 gp), mess kit (kit), pitons (x4, .4 gp), silk rope (50', 10 gp), sleeves of many garments (200 gp), medium tent (15 gp), trail rations (7/7, 3.5 gp), waterskins (x2, kit)