My fiance is going a little crazy

Off-Topic Discussions

Hey everybody. Getting married tomorrow :)

My fiance, Michelle, is all over the place. She's having fun and its a joy to watch her go. Alot of, '...and I gotta go this, and pack that, where's the camera, where's the keys... What was I just doing?'. She's having fun with it but its super funny!
My Dragon magazine arrived today, so thanks for that. Reading it will take my mind off everything for a couple minutes. I'm off to have some breakfast and read my magazine. You guys are the best.
Oddly, I'm not that nervous. I attribute my nerves of steel to the number of times I've stared a Dragon down.

Cheers everybody!



jody mcadoo wrote:

Hey everybody. Getting married tomorrow :)

My fiance, Michelle, is all over the place. She's having fun and its a joy to watch her go. Alot of, '...and I gotta go this, and pack that, where's the camera, where's the keys... What was I just doing?'. She's having fun with it but its super funny!
My Dragon magazine arrived today, so thanks for that. Reading it will take my mind off everything for a couple minutes. I'm off to have some breakfast and read my magazine. You guys are the best.
Oddly, I'm not that nervous. I attribute my nerves of steel to the number of times I've stared a Dragon down.

Cheers everybody!


Fantastic! Congratulations!!! I know exactly where you and she are at! Soak up that Dragon. Tomorrow is magic time!

jody mcadoo wrote:

Hey everybody. Getting married tomorrow :)


Congratulations . . . the best suggestion I can give you for tomorrow is eat a big breakfast.

on the morning of my wedding, I, my father-in-law, best man, and other groomsmen were sleeping in my father-in-law's house, with my wife and her maid of honor and bridesmaids at her aunt's . . .

when we woke up on the morning of the wedding . . my best man, who's a fantastic chef, looked around the kitchen and we both decided there was nothing to eat or cook with in the house.

So . . . once everyone was up, I told them We were going out to eat for breakfast, I think we went to Denny's. I forced myself to eat a large breakfast.

It was the best spur of the moment decisions I made that day.

William Pall wrote:
jody mcadoo wrote:

Hey everybody. Getting married tomorrow :)


Congratulations . . . the best suggestion I can give you for tomorrow is eat a big breakfast.

on the morning of my wedding, I, my father-in-law, best man, and other groomsmen were sleeping in my father-in-law's house, with my wife and her maid of honor and bridesmaids at her aunt's . . .

when we woke up on the morning of the wedding . . my best man, who's a fantastic chef, looked around the kitchen and we both decided there was nothing to eat or cook with in the house.

So . . . once everyone was up, I told them We were going out to eat for breakfast, I think we went to Denny's. I forced myself to eat a large breakfast.

It was the best spur of the moment decisions I made that day.

And my advice is make sure you eat at the reception. My wife and I spent so much time greeting and talking with our guests we ate almost none of the food that we spent so much time thinking about.

Don't make the same mistake I did!

El Skootro

el_skootro wrote:

And my advice is make sure you eat at the reception. My wife and I spent so much time greeting and talking with our guests we ate almost none of the food that we spent so much time thinking about.

Don't make the same mistake I did!
El Skootro

Bah, eating at the reception is good . . . but once you leave the reception any expectations you would have for the day have been resolved. You are no longer on any time constraints. It's good, but I'd say it's not nearly as important as the breakfast.

And, you can always do what my wife and I did right after we left the reception. Hit the drive through at Wendy's.

Agreed. For a formal wedding: plan the wedding menu all you like, it's not like you'll actually get a chance to eat. Too much to do. Too many marks that need to be hit at specific times. It can all be so very performance oriented, and the process somehow subverts one's hunger. You'll have a few bites, but whether or not they actually taste good might elude your senses.


Don't be surprised if after spending a couple grand on food that day you find the pair of you sitting in a diner that night, shoveling home fries.

My wife and I both agree, if we had it to do again, we'd elope. Hands down.

Getting married (a decade ago, this year) was the best thing that ever happened to me (although we just had our first child a month ago and that's right up there too); I can still remember just how gorgeous she looked walking down the aisle (she's getting prettier every year too, and no, she doesn't read these boards, lol). She still pokes fun at me for showing up two hours early and freaking out because the entire place was empty! Screw eating before or after, stuff a granola bar in your pocket for emergencies (and maybe a small mirror to check your teeth, ha).

Congratulations and I hope you have a terrific life together!

I mooned the entire wedding party at my wedding reception (half-moon anyway)....and no, I wasn't drunk, but I got manhandled by the groomsmen and some old friends of mine, tossed up in the air (nearly hitting the ceiling AND the floor) and had my pants forcibly removed. They handed the pants to my wife and left me in the bathroom.

I walked out in my underwear, got my pants and half-mooned everyone. So there!

I got wrecked with my father-in-law at my reception--not a suggestion there, just great memories... and yes, I remember everything.

Congratulations in advance.

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations! :)

I see most of the best advice has been covered, so I'll offer up two pearls of wisdom (see Periapt of Wisdom +2) to go along with it:

First, accept that something will go "wrong" with the reception or ceremony or even the honeymoon and don't let it get you down when it does. It's things like having the waistband of your pants malfunction right before you walk down the aisle, or your parents showing up late for the ceremony (when they have the bride's bouquet and other flowers!), or the DJ playing the wrong music at the wrong time, or your wife getting a horrendous flu on the first day of your honeymoon that make the event memorable. (And yes, all of those things happened to me...) The details will be blurry in your memory after a while, so cherish the stand-out moments--even the frustrating ones that you'll be able to laugh about later. :)

Second, don't get yourself too intoxicated at the reception (or especially before the wedding!) to enjoy the rest of your special time! (And no, none of these things happened to me. But I've heard the stories.) ;-)

Blessings on your special day!!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer


(Moved thread from Pathfinder to Off-topic.)

jody mcadoo wrote:

Hey everybody. Getting married tomorrow :)

My fiance, Michelle, is all over the place. She's having fun and its a joy to watch her go. Alot of, '...and I gotta go this, and pack that, where's the camera, where's the keys... What was I just doing?'. She's having fun with it but its super funny!
My Dragon magazine arrived today, so thanks for that. Reading it will take my mind off everything for a couple minutes. I'm off to have some breakfast and read my magazine. You guys are the best.
Oddly, I'm not that nervous. I attribute my nerves of steel to the number of times I've stared a Dragon down.

Cheers everybody!


Don't worry, your bride to be will settle down, she will become calm and serene about the exact moment you start going a little crazy.

Brides have it easy, all we have to do is make a grand entrance at the right time, glide down the aisle basking in the glow of appreciative stares. The groom, however, is the one who has to stand in the spotlight, everyone staring at him for a good ten full minutes, talking about him the whole time, is your bowtie straight? Is your hair okay? Is your zipper down? Got the rings right? All that whispering through out the church, and it's all about you.
Well, hope I helped ;) Have a beautiful life with your lovely bride and best wishes to you.

Dark Archive Contributor

jody mcadoo wrote:
Hey everybody. Getting married tomorrow :)

Grats! :D

Hooray! Congrats! May you have many happy years!

My only piece of advice: It's about you and her. When it comes down to it, everybody else is a non-issue. :)

Sovereign Court Contributor

My congratulations as well!

I agree with Lilith's advice, and offer one quick bit of my own experience:

For three days before my wedding, my brother kept asking 'Are you nervous yet?' and I happily could say 'Nope.'

Then at lunch the day of the wedding, he asked me for the last time, and it all hit me at once. I was tremendously nervous for the next few hours. Fortunately, it all went away the moment I stepped into the aisle.

Much Happiness to you and your bride!

Scarab Sages

Lilith wrote:

Hooray! Congrats! May you have many happy years!

My only piece of advice: It's about you and her. When it comes down to it, everybody else is a non-issue. :)

Congrats again.

My advice is similar ... but different...

It's her wedding. It's all about her. If you can understand that, everything else will probably work out well. Cause we all know that "if momma ain't happy..."

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

jody mcadoo wrote:
Hey everybody. Getting married tomorrow :)


Hey thanks everybody. Great advice all! I'm not nervous yet but that bit about standing at the front for 10 minutes got me a little :)

Gonna practice my speech a couple times.
Tonight, I'm playing Twilight Imperium with the groomsmen and she has all the girls going to her mothers for the night. Should be alot of fun. Tomorrow I'll be sure to have the tie right, and my zipper up and all that.
I'll be thinking of everyone while I'm on the beach next week :)


... and thanks again for the well wishes!!!

Scarab Sages

Congratualtions! I, myself got married just about a month ago. Just remember to have fun, and that this is a day for both of you! F#$% everyone else!

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Tip your minister. ;)

Congratulations Daigle!!

You traded getting married for permission to go to GenCon. You are the supreme gamer!! lol


jody mcadoo wrote:

Hey everybody. Getting married tomorrow :)

Congrats. May all your days be full of joy, happiness, and love.

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