Kamelguru wrote: Open Excel, create a spread-sheet containing vital info (casting time, range, targets/area, save/SR, mechanical effects), kinda like the old 2e AD&D spell record sheets. Great aide for newcomers. Kinda like the 4e reference cards, only less gimmicky. Great idea! My $0.02:
the above idea would be a great aid to use.
I've played with the same group for a while. We use: 2 action points.
The group knows sometimes it's better to run and live to fight another day. If they hear about the Dragon North of the swamp and want to go there instead of something more appropriate to their experience then it may go poorly for the group.
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
My opinion: Break it into sections but make it books. I'm much more interested in a paper version. They could be magazine size. My $0.02.
Rules set=3.5
you're right Urath DM, highly effective vs. low level group. The encounter worked well, everyone had a lot of fun, but I want to make sure that going forward, the encounter runs properly should they encounter another swarm in the future. Thanks for the reply.
Okay,looks like the above is resolved. I'll post my question here and hope for help from the group. I appreciate, in advance any and all help provided. (Threadjack in progress...) Group dynamic: 1st level party of experienced players from previous additions; group is inexperience with rules core mechanics of 3.5.
How we played it: I was able to find rules for throwing something at a target but not for holding a burning thing and burning someone. Although I’m just now thinking it should have been a touch attack (might have just answered my own question) unable to find a reference point we decide that fire damage from the torch = 1pt of damage and you are required to either throw the torch or be able to threaten the swarm from an adjacent square. Characters as a group opt to threaten the square and do 1 point against the target. Players begin to think of carrying multiple torches to do more damage. I quickly rule 1 torch per hand max. I let them know that this is how we are playing it this session because we don’t want the game to drag to a stop while everyone reads rules. I explain I’ll have a formal ruling for next session and explain it so that everyone is on the same page moving forward. Questions/reason for posting: Should the characters have had to roll ‘to hit’ with the fire from the torches? Also, does anyone think that a swarm of beetles would attack the source of the problem or shy away from until backed into a corner? This didn’t actually happen but I can see them trying something like this in the future. Again, thanks a lot. I appreciate your time and effort. I’ve found this site to be a priceless resource in my gaming arsenal.
Found the rubrick discussion interesting. Thanks for that. I like the idea of a system for explaining xp for the common man. I would have it generate slower. IMO adventuring hero's should reach for the sky in relation to levels, the average person probably doesn't exceed... 5th, 6th level. Certainly not everyone in town of an older age group. Some sort of 'gatekeeper' required for xp @ 'higher' lvl.
Spes Magna Mark wrote:
This really made me laugh. Thanks. J.
Personally, even if its tied to Golarion, it’s worth the $ to pick up. You can cut and paste to suit your needs in your own homebrew. The high level of quality that Paizo continuously puts into their products makes them must haves, IMO. I know that's probably pretty vague but honestly, I'd go through the various boards looking for something that catches your eye and works for your gaming table and pick it up. Cut and paste, change the name of the town, city, whatever, you're good to go. Quality is what you want and Paizo supplies it.
Channel Magneto as an example of the end justifying the means. your friends don't understand how far you need to go to get the job done. Consider handing the character off to become an NPC at the end of the campaign. He/she could become a reaccuring villain or thorn in future adventuring company's side.
Think of it like one of todays high society clubs. Initiation fee - Lots of money. 'Oh please can I be a member of the club.' Yearly membership dues - Now that I'm a member I need to pay this to stay in good standing and prove I make enough money to hang out here. monthly food and beverage 'tax' - You pay it up front monthly and it covers whatever you and your guests eat and drink.
Rambling Scribe wrote:
Just my $0.2, but I believe the above isn't unreasonable. To that, when posting with spoilers I'll be keeping them out of the title. J.